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Literature Review Outline

I. Introduction
a. The topic of interest is the comparison of differents aspects between
traditional education and STEAM methodology. This is important in
education field because in Peru exists a lot of deficiencies, specially in
public education. In this way, looking for new alternatives and
analyzing them is going to allow the range of possibilities to be greater. Commented [L1]:

b. The sources that are being used present information about the It is interesting that a problem has been mentioned
because the reader will understand the context of the
characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and examples of both main message.
II. Body
a. Educational Objectives

In one hand, traditional education is a term to define the ‘lifelong’ way to give
classes. Martinez (2017) says that the main objective of traditional education is to
prepare the students to be the labor force that implies to be qualified to solve the
problems around them into the different jobs that exists to cover the necessities of
the society. For that, it is necessary to form competent people. But the competencies
change as the society does. That is why even when the majority of the people in
some countries, as Peru, still being educated in the traditional way, there still existing
problems of innovation and technical-prepared workers and emotional-intelligent
people. That observation can be explained by Martinez (2017), because he found
that there is no evidence that improving student achievement in school will lead to
improved national competitiveness. Commented [L2]:

Place a personal opinion about what is written. Make

deeper argument about the positions of the authors.
In the other hand, STEAM is a methodology that is an option to solve the current
educational problems. The objective of it according to Spector (2015) is not only
about what people is learning related to hard knowledge, but also how are they
learning. The educational necessities that STEAM aims to cover in accordance with
Martinez, are the interdisciplinary work, personal abilities and work theory based on
real and practical experiences. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical data and
research in STEAM tools, application and evaluation and because of that is difficult
to measure the real impact of this methodology.

Related to it, Palou et. al (2015) developed a new STEAM curricula for some
courses of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad de las Américas Puebla and
implemented it to have a framework to know where and how much the learning
results changed. The redesigned the course into de HPL environment which is Commented [L3]:

divided in knowledge centered (knowledge and attitudes), learner centered The example is well explained. I think you can write down
what are the advantages of each method of education and
(perceptions and interests of students), community centered (environment for ask their differences.
questions and feel safe. Also include the collaborative work) and assessment
centered (opportunities to receive feedback). At this point, one disagreement was
identified, because Martinez (2017) do not support the idea to ‘center’ the education
in some component, because for him, this is a simplistic way to reduce the
education. I agree with Palou (2015) because is very difficult to try to prove
experimentally a very theoretical topic. Because of that, based on scientific method,
the tasks and results that are expected to be found are always separate and treat
them individually in order to find any relation between them.

b. Tools Commented [L4]:

I. Study 4: The STEAM education and PBL. You can write better how: Innovative methodologies
implemented in education
As it was already mentioned, the STEAM education aims to solve the problems that
traditional one is not solving. One of the tools that STEAM proposes is Project Based Commented [L5]:
Learning or PBL. According to Martinez (2017) PBL project-based learning training Instead of explaining the STEAM EDUCATION, another
has emerged as a popular method to prepare teachers to use student projects as a methodology such as the MAKE MOVEMENT could have
been explained
way to make interdisciplinary STEM and STEAM learning fit into the existing
curriculum. It consists in make the classes, both the theoretical and practical parts
based on a real situation. It is interdisciplinary because, as in real jobs, the teams
must analyze the problems from different perspectives of the knowledge. By applying
all of the specialities, a solution is going to be sustainable in time. As we can see,
theoretically, PBL can solve the interdisciplinary and group work.

II. Study 6: The role of Arts as a tool in education. -


But there is missing the solution to the problem of personal abilities. That kind of
competencies, according to Spector (2015), can be covered by the Art component in
STEAM. The A in STEAM not always was there because the STEM formation was
oriented and closed only for that ones that were orienting their vocations through
science and technology careers. But some educational lawgivers identified the
deficiency in intra and interpersonal abilities in workers formed in STEM. The author
said that integration of Arts promotes not only students’ cognitive growth, but
also emotional and psychomotor growth, strengthens their critical thinking and
problem solving, cultivates their creativity and encourages self-expression. As we
can see, the Art component can solve the third problem of traditional education in a
deeper way, because allow the formation of capable and emotionally intelligent
people. But, as well as the PBL tool, there is a lack of empirical evidence for support
this idea. Commented [L6]:

It is well explained why art is a fundamental part of

STEAM education. Give more examples of how it
c. Use of technologies develops in this modern teaching methodology.

I. Study 4: Use of technologies in classes. The ‘digital gaps’

between teachers and students.
In addition, the STEAM education aims to achieve the 21st goals, according to
Milner Bolotin (2015). Those can be grouped in three: appreciate the beauty and
infinity of knowledge, being prepared and critical readers of the information and work
in interdisciplinary groups. According to the same author, those can be easily
achieved through technology. For him, the technological tools can be used for three
main objectives: prepare the teachers to easily improve their pedagogical methods,
increase the engagement of the students in class and to promote good changes for
the assessment standards. At this point we can see an agreement with Martinez
(2017) because he presented some real examples which connect technology with
PBL and Arts. The first case was about a teacher who founded a group of research
only for women. They developed art events that mixed the technology for create
music, images and videos, and also worked in a PBL that pointed to make aware the
people about the importance of recycling through ecologic fashion show in which all
the clothes and props were made of reused objects. The second example is related
about ‘breaking’ the gaps between teachers and students in digital issues. It related
the story of a tech-teacher that formed a group with his students to make
technological devices maintenance around the school. These examples showed how
technology can be use as a way to solve problems in traditional education. Commented [L7]:

This topic is well explained with examples and it is also

mentioned why the use of technology is important.
d. Assessment
I. Study 1: International standards and exam scores
II. Study 2: HPL assessment and feedback. The learning
component assessment and PBL method. Commented [L8]:

It can be added: Complexities- Currently as teachers

evaluate or measure the level of creativity and art in
But there is another problem. Which is also a little controversial: the assessment. students.
The study of Palou et. al (2015) offers some empirical data of STEAM and also
about the assessment style of STEM methodology.

First, they assess the implementation of the STEAM curricula by recording three type
of evidence: the student-teacher interactions (CIO) in class, the student academic
engagement (SEO), some narrative notes of classroom events (NN) and rating
specific indicators of effective teaching (GR). What they found was very interesting.
Related to CIO, they observe that the interactions were a little cold in the first days of
class, but they were getting better related to the grade of confidence of the teacher
using technological devices for the class: related to SEO, the engagement increased
in a huge way and also the participation in class; third, the narrative notes were
essential to evaluate how the teachers were feeling in class during the experiments
and also served as a reference to the class; finally, the GR were better than the
same classes but in the past.
Commented [L9]:

Second, they used PC’s and tablets to analyze the students thinking while their were You could have added his own opinion about what was
written and how he should evaluate the students
in class. The use surveys, electronic quizzes and media to execute the class. The according to his abilities.
students said that their motivation increased and also their scores, the class was
more active, the feedback was real-time and very fast and precise and the only
disadvantage the mentioned was that they could distract themselves in other apps of
the tablets.

The results that were presented by Palou et. al (2015) are very interesting, but some Commented [L10]:

of the tables and numbers were not so clear because he did not explain the math Argue better the positions of the authors
that supported his formulas.

e. Results (I DIDN’T FIND YET THE SOURCE FOR TE) Commented [L11]:

I. Study 1: Results of TE in labor force. It is likely that this type of results have not yet been
published, but instead of placing results, one could put
II. Study 2: Comparison of results in HPL in traditional and STEAM cases of how these methodologies are currently applied.
adapted courses.
III. Study 3: The role of STEAM in the achievement of 21st goals.

Commented [L12]:

It is important that references be placed since the text

General comment: presents text citations.

There are basic but very important things that should be present, such as arguing
the positions of the authors deeply and placing the references. The text has the
ideas are connected, that is, there are correct connectors to start the next paragraph.
If there is good research but it would be more reflected if it is explained with
examples and cases that involve the subject. In general, the body of the paper is
adequately developed

 STRUCTURE : good order of subtopics-> POINTS:3
 CONTENT : better integration on sources-> POINTS:4
 CRITICAL AND LOGICAL REASONING: There is own opinion but it
needs to develop better -> POINTS: 3

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