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Biomechanics of the hip disarticulation prosthesis

S. E. S O L O M O N I D I S , A. J. L O U G H R A N , J. T A Y L O R a n d J. P. P A U L

Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Introduction Other i m p o r t a n t aspects of the prosthesis a r e :

M o r e t h a n twenty years a g o , M c L a u r i n (1954) (a) the knee joint is set posterior t o the hip
published his first r e p o r t o n the C a n a d i a n hip joint in such a m a n n e r that if a line is d r a w n
disarticulation prosthesis. His w o r k was aimed through the hip a n d knee centres it will strike
at improving the conventional design of the the g r o u n d a b o u t 20 m m behind the heel,
saucer-type a n d tilting table prostheses. this is t o ensure knee stability especially at
A measure of his success can be seen in that heel strike,
the Canadian-type h a s m a d e t h e other t w o
almost obsolete. Since its introduction, the
prosthesis has changed very little. Modifications
have been m a d e t o the socket a n d hip joint, b u t
the principles have remained the same.
T w o papers have been published t o date which
deal with the biomechanics of the prosthesis,
Radcliffe (1957) a n d M c L a u r i n (1969). A l t h o u g h
b o t h a u t h o r s gave a n indication of force
directions, it was n o t possible for either t o
indicate magnitudes since n o experimental
results were available at that time.
T h e test reported here provides quantitative
information o n the variation with time of hip,
a n d knee m o m e n t s in b o t h antero/posterior a n d
medio/lateral planes, axial t o r q u e a n d axial force
in the s h a n k during the stance phase.
T h e r e are two m a i n features in M c L a u r i n ' s
prosthesis c o m p a r e d t o the other types:
(a) t h e design a n d position of the hip joint,
(b) the socket design.
T h e hip joint is a b r o a d hinge placed well
forward a n d below the anatomical hip joint. T h e
joint allows free r o t a t i o n in the antero/posterior
plane, i.e. flexion/extension. It is rigidly fixed in
the medio/lateral plane thus giving lateral
T h e socket is a bucket-type seat which fits
snugly a r o u n d the pelvis a n d t h u s minimizes
stump/socket movement. T h e suspension is
provided b y m o u l d i n g over t h e iliac crests.

Fig. 1. The Winnipeg Modular Hip Disarticulation

Previously published in Orthopadie Technik, 4/76,
(b) excessive hip flexion is prevented by a Results and Discussion
limiting device, Using the information obtained from the
dynamometer, force analysis allowed the cal­
(c) hip joint hyper-extension is prevented by
culation of:
m e a n s of a " h i p b u m p e r " or extension stop
secured to the b o t t o m of the socket. (a) antero/posterior (A/P) m o m e n t s at hip, knee
a n d ankle,
(b) medio/lateral ( M / L ) m o m e n t s at hip, knee
Subject and Prosthesis a n d ankle,
T h e subject used in the test was a 21 years old (c) t o r q u e a b o u t the long axis of the leg,
active female a m p u t e e of mass 51 kg approxi­ (d) axial load along the axis of the pylon
mately a n d with a height of 1.65 m . A m p u t a t i o n dynamometer,
h a d been performed o n t h e right side for
(e) A / P a n d M / L shears at right angles to the
pathological reasons a n d she h a d been wearing a
pylon axis,
hip disarticulation prosthesis for two years. T h e
prosthesis used was the Winnipeg M o d u l a r H i p (f) resultant force.
Disarticulation Prosthesis (Fig. 1) incorporating T h e results for A / P knee m o m e n t (level, up-
a N o r t h w e s t e r n hip joint a n d uniaxial knee joint r a m p a n d d o w n - r a m p walking), A / P a n d M / L
fitted with pneumatic swing p h a s e control. T h e hip m o m e n t , axial force and t o r q u e (level
flexion limiter consisted of a leather strap a n d walking only) during the stance phase are shown
buckle attached between the hip fork a n d the graphically. Six cycles for level walking a n d
seat of the socket. A n O t t o Bock S A C H foot three cycles for u p - r a m p a n d d o w n - r a m p
was used a n d n o cosmesis was fitted. Socket walking were analysed.
manufacture a n d alignment were as recom­ T h e results display considerable scatter which
m e n d e d by M c L a u r i n a n d H a m p t o n (1962). cannot be wholly attributed t o the d y n a m o ­
meter or associated instrumentation a n d must
therefore be due t o uncontrollable parameters
Equipment and Procedure related t o the patient, such as effects of change
A strain gauged pylon dynamometer a n d a knee of speed. T h e first a n d last 5 per cent of the
goniometer, as described by L o w e (1969), were stance phase cannot be considered as accurate
incorporated in the s h a n k of the prosthesis. because the sampling frequency used was t o o
Following dynamic alignment the patient was low for these areas.
asked t o walk a b o u t for a b o u t half a n h o u r in Axial force. This displays a double p e a k
order t o accustom herself to the limb. T h e types pattern (Fig. 2). There is, however, a m u c h
of activity investigated were level walking at slower increase in value of the axial force when
various speeds and walking u p a n d d o w n a r a m p c o m p a r e d with the results obtained with B K a n d
(1:7 gradient). Analysis of the results was partly A K amputees (U.C.B. 1947). T h e peaks occur
m a n u a l a n d partly with the aid of a P D P 12 later in the stance phase, are closer together a n d
computer. T h e transducer r a w d a t a were less p r o n o u n c e d . T h e m a x i m u m value is
sampled at a frequency of 10 H z . approximately 650 N .

Fig. 2. Axial force on shank along axis of pylon. Level walking.

Fig. 4. A/P hip moment. Level walking.
A/P knee moment (level walking). Knee A/P knee moment (walking up-ramp and down-
extension m o m e n t is low u p t o a b o u t 30 p e r cent ramp). A s expected when walking u p - r a m p the
of the cycle (Fig. 3). This is d u e partly t o the knee is stable whereas d o w n - r a m p it is unstable
slow increase in axial load a n d partly t o t h e (Figs. 6 a n d 7). This is due t o the geometry of the
b a c k w a r d A / P shear which exists in the first limb configuration in relation t o t h e force
half of the stance phase. T h e m a x i m u m knee actions. T h e m a x i m u m values are 80 N m for
extension m o m e n t is a b o u t 35 N m . T h e flexion u p - r a m p and 10 N m for d o w n - r a m p walking.
m o m e n t s recorded at the beginning and end of It was also clear during the tests t h a t the
the stance phase can be absorbed by t h e a m p u t e e h a d little difficulty in walking u p - r a m p
restraining action of the swing phase control b u t great difficulty walking d o w n - r a m p .
Torque (level walking). T h e t o r q u e curves
A/P hip moment (level walking). T h e graph (Fig. 8) show a p a t t e r n remarkably similar t o
(Fig. 4) indicates that following heel strike there that obtained for n o r m a l locomotion with
is a flexion m o m e n t which is due t o the resistance m a x i m u m value of the order of 8 N m .
of t h e hip flexion limiter. Between 10 a n d 20 per
cent of the cycle the direction of the m o m e n t
reverses, indicating that the h i p extension r u b b e r
s t o p comes into action in this region of the cycle T h e wide scatter of the results, however,
a n d remains in contact t o the end of the stance m a k e s it difficult t o form precise judgements
phase. T h e p e a k extension m o m e n t is a b o u t concerning assessment of a m p u t e e performance.
50 N m . Prior to toe off the patient initiates knee Before this can be studied in greater depth, the
flexion p r e p a r a t o r y t o the swing phase as the line reasons for the scatter m u s t be determined, a n d
of action of t h e resultant force between s t u m p attempts m a d e t o eliminate the scatter as far as
a n d socket passes progressively posteriorly. possible. Thereafter, by acquiring a sufficient
volume of data, a realistic statistical assessment
M/L hip moment (level walking). T h e shape could be m a d e . However, the information
of this curve is as expected (Fig. 5) a n d is similar presented in this p a p e r is of value t o the designer
t o that of a n o r m a l subject. T h e m o m e n t is of prosthetic devices as it provides information
predominantly adducting the hip joint with a o n the n a t u r e a n d a p p r o x i m a t e value of the
m a x i m u m value of approximately 55 N m . load actions.

Fig. 5. M/L hip moment. Level walking.

Fig. 6. A/P knee moment. Walking up ramp.

Fig. 7.A/P knee moment. Walking down ramp.

Fig. 8. Torque. Level walking.

LOWE, P. J. (1969). Knee mechanism performance in MCLAURIN, C. A. and HAMPTON, F. (1962).
amputee activity. Ph.D. thesis—University of Diagonal type socket for hip disarticulation
Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. amputees. Northwestern University Prosthetic
Research Centre, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
MCLAURIN C. A. (1954). Hip disarticulation RADCLIFFE, C. W. (1957). The biomechanics of th
prosthesis. Report N o . 15, Prosthetic Services
Centre, Department of Veterans Affairs, Toronto, Canadian-type hip disarticulation prosthesis.
Canada. Art. Limbs 4: 29-38.
U.C.B. (1947). Report on fundamental studies of
MCLAURIN, C. A. (1969). The Canadian hip dis­ limb locomotion and other information relating
articulation prosthesis. Prosthetic and Orthotic to design of artificial limbs. September 1945 to
Practice. Ed. Murdoch G., 285-304, E. Arnold, June 1947, University of California, Berkeley,
London. U.S.A.

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