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India is a country of large cultural and language differences but one thing that connect us is our
education system. Education can be used to connect different states with each other which can help
the people of a state to know the people of another state .We all know that student from one state
goes to other state for higher studies , people go to other state for work and success also . it can be
seen that a large number of people travel different state every year.

Youth are the future of our country . It is very important that our youth know the culture of country.
To connect youth school , colleges can be used as a medium . Two or more states can jointly make
a trip for their students in different states and on the basis of these a national level exam should
be conducted. For example Orissa, Bengal and Jharkhand state government can jointly make a
programme to show the culture of their states . an equal fees should be fixed up by the central
government so that student from every section could bear this . Open advertisement should also be
given in newspaper so that the student who are college pass out can avail this. After the tour a
national level exam can be taken and top ten from every state should be rewarded. The main motto
of the exam and reward is to grow the intrest of the students . It can be done as in many school and
colleges student go for educational tour and practical exam are conducted on the basis of this tours
.this need a joint effort of the state and central government . with fun and joy youth the future of our
country will know the culture of India. Social media will help in this . as every youth it and


Working class is the most busy class of our country. The people in this group are under lot of
pressure of their work , family expenditures. States can jointly provide them holiday packages so that
they can enjoy their holidays and also know the culture of states . If a person goes for holiday in
other state he just go to few famous site and come back. Due to lack of information and knowledge
it is not easy to know the culture or history of the place. Government by providing transportation
facility and guide or experts of the area help them to know the history and importance of the place.
It is very important to connect the working class of the country as with them their small children and
parents can also know about their country.This will also relax the working people , housewives, small
children and old parents. This tour will also refresh the working class and make them more

Nowadays every parent want their children to study and for this they would motivate their children .
By this subjects like geography and history become easy and interesting. General knowledege of the
people will increase and citizen will know their cultural India.These tour will not only enhance their
knowledge made study more easy.
Use of social media
Social media can help in advertising about the programme , tours and importance of this tour.
Discussion can be done online .it also create awareness among the people. It mainly help the young
generation .student active on social media can give their opinion as well as interact with student of
different parts of india . Videos can be uploaded showing the festival and cultural events which are
famous of an area.

This programme can become successful by the joint effort of the state and central government. It
doesnot require a large amount of money but it requires a strong will power and determination of
the government to increase the interest of the public . since the government is spending a lot on
the education this will made the education more easy and interesting . This type of programme will
act as multipurpose

 Making education more interesting

 People will know the Culture of India
 Interaction between people
 Spread of ideas
 Provide joy and relaxation to people

With a strong determination and united public that understands the culture and feeling of each other
we can make the dream of respected Vallabh bhai patel of “EK BHARAT SHRESHTHA BHARAT”

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