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1. Abhor, hate 36.

Labyrinthine, complicated; highly

2. Bigot, narrow-minded, prejudiced convoluted
person 37. Nuzzle, cuddle; snuggle
3. Counterfeit, fake; false 38. Plaudit, statement giving strong praise
4. Enfranchise, give voting rights 39. Reprehensible, shameful; very bad
5. Hamper, hinder; obstruct 40. Tardy, slow; late; overdue; delayed
6. Kindle, to start a fire 41. Absolution, forgiveness; pardon;
7. Noxious, harmful; poisonous; lethal release
8. Placid, calm; peaceful 42. Blatant, obvious
9. Remuneration, payment for work done 43. Creditable, praiseworthy
10. Talisman, lucky charm 44. Ensconce, establish firmly in a position
11. Abrasive, rough; coarse; harsh 45. Hasten, hurry; accelerate; rush
12. Bilk, cheat; defraud 46. Laceration, a cut
13. Covert, hidden; undercover 47. Obdurate, stubborn
14. Engender, cause 48. Plausible, can be believed; reasonable
15. Hangar, storage area (like garage) for a 49. Reprieve, a respite; postponement of a
plane sentence
16. Knotty, complex; difficult to solve 50. Tawdry, of little value; gaudy
17. Nuance, something subtle; a fine shade 51. Abstain, desist; go without; withdraw
of meaning 52. Blighted, damaged; destroyed; ruined
18. Plagiarism, taking credit for someone 53. Credulous, gullible; ready to believe
else's writing or ideas anything
19. Renown, fame 54. Enshroud, cover
20. Tangent, going off the main subject 55. Haughtiness, arrogance; pride
21. Abasement, humiliation; degradation 56. Lachrymose, tearful; sad
22. Billowing, swelling; fluttering; waving 57. Obfuscate, deliberately make
23. Cower, recoil in fear or servility; shrink something difficult to understand
away from 58. Plethora, an excess
24. Enhance, improve; make better or 59. Repudiate, shun; eschew
clearer 60. Tedium, boredom
25. Harangue, noisy, attacking speech 61. Abstemious, self denying; refraining
26. Labyrinth, a maze from indulging
27. Nullify, to counter; make unimportant 62. Blithe, free-spirited; carefree
28. Plaintiff, petitioner (in court of law) 63. Crepuscular, active at dawn and dusk
29. Replete, full 64. Enunciation, clear pronunciation;
30. Tangible, can be touched accent; articulation
31. Abrogate, cancel; deny; repeal 65. Headstrong, stubborn; willful
32. Blasphemy, speech which offends 66. Lackluster, dull; monotonous; bland
religious sentiments 67. Objective, unbiased; not subjective
33. Credible, believable 68. Pliable, flexible; not stubborn
34. Enigma, puzzle; mystery 69. Rescind, retract; repeal
35. Harbingers, indicators; bringers of 70. Temper, to moderate; soften
warnings 71. Abstruse, difficult to understand;
72. Blunderbuss, 1. ancient weapon (type 106. Lance, spear; spike; javelin
of gun); 2. a clumsy person 107. Obscure, difficult to understand;
73. Cringe, recoil; flinch; shy away partially hidden
74. Envenom, to cause bitterness and bad 108. Poignant, deeply moving;
feeling strongly affecting the emotions
75. Hedonism, self indulgence; pleasure- 109. Respite, a break; intermission
seeking 110. Terse, concise; to the point
76. Laconic, using few words; brief; to the 111. Acrophobia, fear of heights
point 112. Bourgeois, middle class
77. Oblique, indirect; slanting 113. Debility, weakness; incapacity
78. Plumage, feathers of a bird 114. Epistolary, concerned with
79. Resignation, acceptance of fate letters; through correspondence
80. Tenacious, stubborn; resolute; holding 115. Hiatus, interruption; pause
firm to a purpose 116. Languid, tired; slow
81. Accolade, tribute; honor; praise 117. Obscured, hidden; covered;
82. Bolster, support; prop up buried
83. Cryptic, puzzling; enigmatic 118. Poised, calm; collected; self-
84. Ephemeral, short-lived possessed
85. Hedonist, a pleasure seeker 119. Resplendent, shining; glowing
86. Lamentation, expression of regret or 120. Therapeutic, medicinal; curative
sorrow 121. Acuity, sharpness (mental or
87. Obliterate, destroy; demolish; eradicate visual)
88. Plummet, fall suddenly and steeply 122. Braggart, someone who boasts
89. Resolution, determination 123. Debunking, exposing false
90. Tentative, not certain claims or myths
91. Acquiesce, to agree to; give in to 124. Epitomized, typified;
92. Bombast, arrogant, pompous language characterized; personified
93. Curtail, cut short 125. Hidebound, rigid in opinions
94. Epicure, someone who appreciates 126. Languish, decay; fade away; get
good food and drink weaker
95. Heed, listen to 127. Obsequious, servile; submissive
96. Lampoon, ridicule; spoof 128. Polemical, causing debate or
97. Oblivious, totally unaware argument
98. Podium, raised platform 129. Restorative, a tonic
99. Resonant, echoing 130. Thwart, prevent; frustrate
100. Tenuous, flimsy; not solid 131. Adamant, forceful; inflexible
101. Acrid, sharp; pungent (used of 132. Brawny, muscular
smells and tastes) 133. Decathlon, an athletic
102. Boorish, ill-mannered competition with ten events
103. Cynical, believing that people act 134. Equivocate, speak ambiguously;
only out of selfish motives avoid telling the truth
104. Epistle, a letter (form of 135. Hieroglyphics, 1. picture writing;
communication) 2. writing which is difficult to read or
105. Heresy, against orthodox opinion enigmatic
136. Larceny, theft; robbery; stealing 167. Obtuse, mentally dull
137. Obsession, a dominating 168. Portent, a warning sign; omen
concern 169. Revere, worship
138. Ponderous, weighty; slow and 170. Tome, large book
heavy 171. Advocate, support
139. Retention, preservation; 172. Brusque, blunt; abrupt
withholding 173. Defoliate, cause leaves to fall off
140. Timorous, cowardly; fearful 174. Espouse, promote; take up;
141. Adroit, skilful / skillful support
142. Brevity, being brief 175. Hone, sharpen; increase; whet
143. Decorum, dignified, correct 176. Lax, careless; not strict
behavior [decorous (a)] 177. Obviate, avoid; make
144. Err, make a mistake unnecessary
145. Hinder, obstruct 178. Poseur, someone who puts on
146. Largess, generosity an act
147. Obsolete, no longer valid 179. Riddled, full of (usually full of
148. Pontificate, speak pompously or holes)
dogmatically 180. Torpid, inactive; lazy; stagnant
149. Reticent, restrained; holding 181. Aesthetic, concerning art or
something back; uncommunicative beauty
150. Tirade, stream of verbal abuse 182. Bulwark, fortification; barricade;
151. Adulation, strong admiration; wall
worship 183. Defunct, no longer in existence
152. Bristle, to show irritation 184. Etymology, the study of word
153. Decoy, lure; trap; trick origins
154. Erratic, wandering; irregular 185. Hyperbole, grossly exaggerated
155. Histrionic, theatrical; speech
exaggerated 186. Legend, 1. key to map; 2. myth
156. Laud, praise or story
157. Obstreperous, noisy and 187. Odious, hateful
boisterous 188. Posterity, future generations
158. Portend, foretell 189. Rife, common
159. Retraction, withdrawal; 190. Torpor, dormancy; sluggishness;
cancellation of a statement inactivity
160. Titter, giggle quietly 191. Affable, friendly; social;
161. Adversity, hardship easygoing
162. Broach, start to discuss; 192. Bureaucracy, officialdom
approach 193. Degradation, deprivation;
163. Deference, respect poverty; debasement
164. Esoteric, obscure and difficult to 194. Eulogy, praise
understand 195. Hypochondriac, a person
165. Hoary, old obsessed with health; having imaginary
166. Lavish, on a grand scale; illnesses
wasteful 196. Legion, in large numbers
197. Officious, domineering; intrusive; 226. Libertarian, someone who
meddlesome opposes tyranny
198. Posthumous, after death 227. Ominous, threatening
199. Rigor, thoroughness 228. Potent, powerful; compelling;
200. Totter, walk unsteadily strong
201. Alacrity, eagerness; enthusiasm; 229. Ruminate, think over something;
quickness ponder
202. Burgeon, grow; flourish; put forth 230. Transcribe, copy
new shoots 231. Allay, to lessen
203. Deleterious, harmful 232. Byline, the line that tells you who
204. Euphemism, a polite phrase to wrote an article
cover something unpleasant 233. Demur, hesitate; refuse
205. Hypocritical, insincere 234. Exacerbate, make worse
206. Lethargic, tired; without energy 235. Ignominious, shameful
207. Ogle, stare at; observe in an 236. Liniment, soothing lotion
obvious manner 237. Omnipotent, all-powerful
208. Postulate, hypothesize; propose 238. Pragmatic, practical
209. Robust, strong; healthy; tough 239. Ruse, trick; stratagem
210. Tractable, obedient; dutiful; 240. Transgress, go astray; disobey;
polite commit a sin
211. Alchemy, medieval chemistry; 241. Alleviate, make less severe
attempt to change base metal into gold 242. Cacophony, discordant loud
212. Burnish, polish noises
213. Deliberate, to think over deeply 243. Denounce, condemn; speak out
214. Euphony, pleasant sounds against
215. Iconoclast, person who opposes 244. Exasperated, frustrated;
orthodoxy annoyed
216. Levity, flippancy; joking about 245. Ignominy, shame [ignominious
serious matters (a) = shameful]
217. Olfactory, concerned with the 246. Lithe, flexible; supple
sense of smell 247. Omniscient, all-knowing
218. Potable, suitable for drinking 248. Pragmatist, practical person;
219. Rotund, round one who is concerned with usefulness
220. Tranquil, peaceful 249. Saccharin, falsely sweet
221. Alibi, an excuse that shows 250. Transient, short-lived; ephemeral
someone was not at a crime scene 251. Aloof, distant; detached; cold
222. Buttress, strengthen; support 252. Cajole, coax
223. Delineation, demarcation; 253. Deplete, use up; lessen
explanation; definition; outlining 254. Exceptionable, very bad
224. Evacuate, vacate; empty; (something which we should object to)
abandon 255. Illuminate, to light up or make
225. Idiosyncrasy, a personal clear
peculiarity; something unique to an 256. Livid, very angry
257. Onerous, burdensome; hard to 288. Precept, guiding principle
undertake 289. Salacious, lecherous; erotic
258. Preamble, introductory material 290. Trite, unoriginal; dull
259. Sacrosanct, very holy; inviolable 291. Ambiguous, unclear in meaning;
260. Traverse, to move across can be interpreted in different ways
261. Altruism, putting others first; 292. Candor, frankness; openness
being self-sacrificing 293. Deride, ridicule; make fun of;
262. Caldron, huge cooking pot mock
263. Deplore, regret 294. Exemplary, outstandingly good;
264. Exculpate, free someone from setting a fine example
blame; pardon; acquit 295. Impartial, unbiased; neutral
265. Illusory, deceptive; false; 296. Loquacious, talkative
misleading 297. Ordain, 1. destine; 2. confer holy
266. Lobbyist, person who tries to orders on a priest
persuade someone to support a 298. Precinct, district of a city
particular cause 299. Sallow, yellowish
267. Onus, burden 300. Trivial, unimportant
268. Precarious, unstable; risky 301. Ambivalence, lack of clarity;
269. Sagacious, wise wavering; being undecided
270. Trepidation, fear 302. Cantankerous, bad-tempered;
271. Amass, accumulate quarrelsome
272. Callow, immature 303. Derogatory, uncomplimentary
273. Depravity, moral corruption 304. Exemplify, to serve as a good
274. Execrable, very, very bad example
275. Immoderate, excessive; extreme 305. Impecunious, having no money
276. Lofty, snooty; arrogant; haughty 306. Lucid, clear
277. Opaque, does not let light 307. Ornate, highly decorated
through 308. Precipice, steep slope
278. Precedent, a previous 309. Salubrious, health-giving
occurrence used as a guide 310. Truant, shirker; someone absent
279. Sage, a wise person without permission
280. Trinket, something of little value; 311. Ambulatory, able to walk around
knick-knack (used of hospital patients)
281. Ambiguity, uncertainty; 312. Capacious, spacious
vagueness 313. Desecrate, to damage or pollute
282. Candid, frank; honest a holy place
283. Deprecate, criticize; denounce 314. Exhaustive, complete and
284. Exegesis, scholarly explanation thorough
or interpretation 315. Impious, wicked; profane
285. Immutable, unchanging; 316. Ludicrous, ridiculous; silly
permanent 317. Orthodox, conventional
286. Longevity, long life 318. Precipitous, done in a hurry
287. Opulent, wealthy; rich; 319. Salutary, something which
magnificent teaches you a lesson; beneficial
320. Truncate, cut short 351. Amity, friendship
321. Ameliorate, make better 352. Castigate, scold strongly
322. Capitulate, surrender; give in to 353. Destitution, hardship; poverty;
323. Desecration, spoiling something misery
holy 354. Expedient, convenient; practical
324. Exonerates, acquits; absolves; 355. Incantation, chant; invocation;
removes blame prayer
325. Impoverished, destitute; poor 356. Lynch, assassinate; kill; illegal
326. Lukewarm, 1. unenthusiastic; 2. hanging
neither hot nor cold 357. Overt, obvious; not hidden
327. Ossify, 1. turn to bone; 2. 358. Predicament, dilemma; difficult
become fixed and rigid situation
328. Preclude, prevent or make 359. Sanguine, optimistic; cheerful
impossible 360. Ubiquitous, found everywhere;
329. Sanctimonious, hypocritically omnipresent
holy 361. Amorphous, lacking in shape
330. Tumult, uproar; noise 362. Catharsis, purging of pent-up
331. Amelioration, improvement emotions
332. Carping, constant criticism 363. Deter, put off; prevent
333. Desist, stop; discontinue; cease 364. Expedite, make faster
334. Exorcism, getting free/rid of; 365. Incarceration, putting in prison
eliminating (especially demons) 366. Machinations, plots and plans
335. Impromptu, unrehearsed; 367. Overwrought, worked up; in an
spontaneous emotional state
336. Lummox, clumsy person 368. Preeminent, famous;
337. Ostentatious, showy outstanding
338. Precocious, developing early 369. Sardonic, mocking
339. Sanction, give approval to 370. Unalloyed, undiluted; total
340. Turpitude, depravity 371. Analgesic, medicine to combat
341. Amiable, friendly pain
342. Cartographer, person who 372. Caucus, type of private political
makes maps meeting
343. Despondent, having no hope; 373. Deteriorate, worsen; decline
miserable 374. Exposition, clear explanation
344. Expatriate, refugee; emigrant; 375. Incessant, without stopping
someone living away from his own 376. Maelstrom, whirlpool; storm in
country the ocean
345. Inadvertent, not intentional 377. Palatable, good to eat; agreeable
346. Luscious, juicy; moist; succulent 378. Prerogative, right or privilege
347. Oust, push out of a position 379. Savant, person with knowledge
348. Predecessor, one who came 380. Unctuous, oily; using excessive
before flattery
349. Sanguinary, bloodthirsty; bloody 381. Analogous, comparable
350. Tyro, novice; beginner 382. Caustic, burning
383. Detrimental, harmful 413. Dichotomy, a division into two
384. Extol, praise parts
385. Incipient, just beginning 414. Extrapolate, extend; predict on
386. Magnanimous, generous; big- the basis of known data
hearted 415. Incongruous, not fitting in; out of
387. Palisade, fence made of posts place
388. Prescient, having fore- 416. Malady, illness
knowledge 417. Palpable, easily felt; easily
389. Scale, to climb perceived
390. Undermined, damaged; attacked 418. Pretentious, pompous; self-
391. Anarchy, chaos; lack of important
government 419. Scrutinize, examine carefully
392. Cavalcade, procession of 420. Unfetter, set free
vehicles 421. Annex (n), a building which is an
393. Devoured, greedily addition to an existing building
eaten/consumed 422. Censure, blame
394. Extradite, deport from one 423. Didactic, intended to teach;
country back to the home country instructive
395. Inclination, tendency; a leaning 424. Extrinsic, irrelevant; on the
toward outside
396. Magnate, powerful businessman 425. Inconsequential, unimportant;
397. Palliative, a remedy that insignificant; negligible
improves but doesn't cure 426. Malediction, a curse
398. Presentiment, a feeling that 427. Panacea, remedy for all ills
something might happen 428. Prevaricate, speak misleadingly
399. Scapegoat, person on whom and evasively
blame is placed for faults of others 429. Scuttle, sink
400. Underscore, emphasize 430. Unfrock, to remove a priest from
401. Anecdote, a brief amusing story his position
402. Celerity, speed 431. Annex (v), take possession of;
403. Dexterous, skilful with hands seize; capture
404. Extraneous, irrelevant 432. Cerebral, intellectual
405. Incoherent, not clear 433. Diffident, lacking confidence
406. Maladroit, clumsy; unskillful 434. Fallacious, false
407. Pallid, pale 435. Inconspicuous, not easily seen;
408. Presumptuous, assuming too subtle; not noticeable
much; arrogant 436. Malefactor, a wrong-doer
409. Scrupulous, careful; diligent; 437. Paradigm, 1. example; 2. model;
painstaking 3. way of looking at things
410. Unequivocal, clear; obvious 438. Pristine, unspoiled
411. Animosity, hatred; antagonism 439. Seminary, an institution in which
412. Censorious, disapproving; priests are trained
critical 440. Unprecedented, never having
happened before
441. Anomaly, something which does 468. Prodigal, wasteful; extravagant
not fit in a pattern; irregularity 469. Sequester, isolate
442. Certitude, certainty 470. Upbraid, scold; tell off; reprimand
443. Digress, wander off the subject 471. Antediluvian, outdated;
444. Falter, hesitate; waver prehistoric; very old-fashioned
445. Indelible, cannot be wiped out 472. Chastises, punishes
446. Malinger, deliberately avoid 473. Dilemma, puzzling situation
work; shirk 474. Fastidious, overly particular;
447. Paradox, apparently finicky
contradictory statement 475. Indolence, laziness
448. Proclivity, tendency towards 476. Mallet, 1. wooden hammer; 2.
449. Sensuous, appealing to the stick used for polo
senses 477. Parasite, 1. scrounger; 2. animal
450. Unscathed, unharmed; intact; which takes digested food from another
without a scratch 478. Prodigious, very large
451. Antagonism, hostility; strong 479. Serendipity, fortunate
opposition coincidence; unsought discovery
452. Charlatan, trickster who claims 480. Uproarious, hilarious; hysterical;
knowledge he doesn't have very funny
453. Dike, dam; embankment 481. Anthology, a book which is a
454. Fanatical, obsessive; fixated collection of poems or stories
455. Indifferent, 1. neutral; 2. not 482. Chicanery, trickery
outstanding 483. Dilettante, person who dabbles
456. Malingerer, person who in a subject without serious study
deliberately tries to avoid work 484. Fatuous, silly; foolish
457. Paragon, a perfect example 485. Inductee, novice; beginner
458. Procrastinate, delay; put off 486. Manipulatable, influencable;
459. Sentinel, guard; sentry controllable
460. Unwitting, not deliberate; 487. Parched, dried up
unconscious 488. Profane, unholy
461. Antagonistic, opposed; hostile; 489. Serene, calm; peaceful
aggressive 490. Upshot, outcome
462. Chary, wary of; cautious about; 491. Anthropocentrism, putting man
reluctant to give at the center of one's philosophy
463. Dilatory, slow; falling behind with 492. Chimerical, changeable;
one's work unstable
464. Fanaticism, passion; excessive 493. Diligent, hard-working
devotion 494. Feasible, possible and
465. Indigenous, native to a particular practicable
area 495. Indulgent, pampering; satisfying
466. Malleable, flexible; can be desires
shaped 496. Marred, damaged; spoiled
467. Paramount, of supreme 497. Pariah, an outcast from society
importance 498. Profanity, swearing; cursing
499. Serrated, jagged; saw-like 529. Skirmish, minor battle
500. Urbane, sophisticated; suave 530. Utopian, a believer in an ideal
501. Antiquated, outdated; old world
fashioned 531. Apocryphal, of doubtful origin
502. Choleric, easily angered 532. Circumlocution, using too many
503. Diorama, model of a scene words; long-windedness
504. Fecund, fertile 533. Discern, to distinguish one thing
505. Inebriation, drunkenness; from another
intoxication 534. Fickle, unpredictable; whimsical;
506. Marshal, to gather together easily swayed
507. Parity, equality 535. Inertia, inactivity; lethargy
508. Profound, having deep meaning 536. Masochist, person who
509. Servile, overly submissive; intentionally inflicts pain on himself
groveling 537. Parry, ward off; avoid
510. Usurp, take someone's position 538. Prolific, producing a lot
(usually by force) 539. Sluggard, slow-moving; lethargic
511. Apathetic, indifferent; person
uninterested; lethargic 540. Vacillate, waver; hesitate
512. Chronicler, person who records 541. Appease, pacify; soothe; calm
historical information down; make peace with
513. Dirge, mournful song 542. Circumscribe, limit
514. Felicitous, apt 543. Discord, disagreement
515. Ineffable, cannot be expressed 544. Finesse, skill
in words 545. Inevitable, cannot be avoided
516. Marsupial, pouched mammal 546. Matriarchy, society governed by
(like a kangaroo) women
517. Parochial, narrow-minded; 547. Parsimonious, economical;
concerned only with local matters frugal; thrifty
518. Profundity, depth 548. Proponents, promoters;
519. Skeptical, doubting; not gullible supporters
520. Utilitarian, useful 549. Smelt, refine an ore
521. Apathy, lack of interest or 550. Vacuous, empty; silly;
emotion meaningless
522. Circuitous, indirect 551. Apprehensive, worried; fearful
523. Disapprobation, disapproval 552. Circumspect, cautious;
524. Fervor, passion; enthusiasm considering all sides
525. Inept, incompetent; unskilled; 553. Discordancy, cacophony;
useless harshness; jarring
526. Martinet, person who believes in 554. Fitful, not continuous; stopping
strict discipline and starting
527. Parody, a mockery; imitation for 555. Inexorable, relentless
ridicule; spoof 556. Maverick, a loner
528. Proletarian, member of the 557. Parsimony, stinginess; frugality;
working class cost-cutting
558. Prosaic, dull; boring; ordinary 588. Prostration, 1. lying face down;
559. Smorgasbord, a Swedish buffet 2. be overcome with extreme weakness
of cold dishes 589. Somnambulist, sleepwalker
560. Vagrant, person wandering 590. Vehemence, violence; fervor;
without a home forcefulness
561. Arable, can be cultivated 591. Archaic, ancient; outdated; old
562. Circumvent, avoid fashioned
563. Discrepancy, something which 592. Clandestine, secret; covert;
does not match up; inconsistency stealthy
564. Flagrant, clearly wrong 593. Disdain, contempt; strong dislike
565. Inexpedient, not advisable 594. Flippant, making jokes about
566. Meager, in short supply serious matters
567. Partisan, biased; one-sided; 595. Infer, deduce; conclude
committed to one group 596. Menagerie, collection of animals
568. Proscribe, forbid 597. Patronize, condescend to;
569. Solace, comfort for grief behave in an arrogant manner towards
570. Vapid, dull; uninspiring 598. Protagonist, main character in
571. Arbitrary, random; for no definite film, book, play etc.
reason 599. Soothsayer, fortuneteller
572. Clairvoyant, psychic; mystic 600. Vehement, forceful
573. Discriminate, to make a clear 601. Archetype, classic example of
distinction; see the difference 602. Clemency, mercy
574. Flamboyant, showy; ornate 603. Disinterested, unbiased
575. Infallible, perfect; flawless; 604. Flout, defy; reject
cannot make mistakes 605. Ingénue, naïve, unsophisticated
576. Meander, wander from side to person
side 606. Mendacious, given to lying
577. Pathos, evoking sadness or pity 607. Paucity, shortage
578. Prosody, study of versification 608. Protean, changeable
579. Solicit, to ask for; seek 609. Sophomoric, juvenile; immature
580. Variegated, multicolored; 610. Venal, corrupt; can be bribed
speckled 611. Archives, collections of old
581. Arcane, obscure; known only to records; place of storage of old
a few people documents
582. Clamor, shout; scream 612. Cliché, overused expression;
583. Discursiveness, long something unoriginal
windedness; indirectness 613. Disparage, criticize; belittle
584. Flaunt, show off; display in a 614. Flustered, worked-up; not calm
showy manner 615. Ingrate, ungrateful person
585. Infamous, famous for something 616. Mercenary, concerned only with
bad money
586. Mellow, soft; melodious; ripe 617. Peccadillo, minor weakness;
587. Patron, one who give support trivial offence
(usually financial)
618. Protégé, person under protection 649. Speckled, spotted; freckled;
of, or guided by another dotted
619. Soporific, inducing sleep 650. Veracity, truthfulness
620. Veneer, surface coating 651. Ascetic, without luxuries;
621. Articulate, clear; lucid; eloquent severely simple
622. Clientele, customers 652. Coercion, force
623. Disparity, an inequality 653. Diurnal, active in daytime
624. Fly-by-night, unreliable; 654. Fortuitous, happening by
disreputable chance
625. Inimical, hostile 655. Innovate, create; introduce
626. Mercurial, volatile; changeable something new
627. Pedant, person who insists on 656. Meticulous, very careful;
strict adherence to rules or narrow painstaking
learning 657. Pejorative, derogatory
628. Protocol, procedure; code of 658. Puerile, childish
behavior 659. Sporadic, not continuous;
629. Sparse, spare; bare; meager intermittent
630. Venerate, revere; worship 660. Verbose, talkative; long-winded;
631. Artifice, deception; trickery rambling
632. Coalesce, come together; merge 661. Assiduous, thorough; diligent
633. Dispassionate, neutral; objective 662. Cogent, lucid; well argued
634. Forensic, concerned with 663. Divert, 1. entertain; 2. distract; 3.
argument or debate (esp. for legal cause a detour
evidence) 664. Fractious, irritable; difficult to
635. Innate, inherited; inborn control
636. Merge, come together 665. Inscrutable, mysterious;
637. Pedestrian, common; mundane; impenetrable
banal 666. Mettle, courage; bravery; valor
638. Provincial, unsophisticated; 667. Pellucid, transparently clear
narrow-minded 668. Punctilious, paying attention to
639. Specious, false small details
640. Venial, minor; unimportant 669. Spurious, false
641. Artisan, craftsman 670. Verbosity, using too many words
642. Coddle, pamper; fuss over; 671. Assuage, to calm
indulge 672. Cogitate, think over something;
643. Disseminating, circulating; ponder
broadcasting; spreading (information) 673. Docile, gentle and easily lead
644. Fortitude, bravery 674. Fraudulent, fake; false
645. Innocuous, harmless; 675. Insentient, unfeeling
inoffensive 676. Milieu, environment
646. Metaphorically, symbolically; 677. Pensive, in a thoughtful mood;
figuratively thinking deeply
647. Peerless, without equal 678. Purloin, steal
648. Prudent, cautious; wise 679. Stagnant, still; not moving
680. Vertigo, dizziness 713. Drawl, speak slowly with words
681. Astute, perceptive; sharp-witted running together
682. Collage, picture made from 714. Furtive, hidden and secret
fragments of other pictures 715. Insurgent, a rebel
683. Dogmatic, having stubbornly 716. Misogynist, hater of women
held opinions 717. Perdition, damnation
684. Frivolous, not serious 718. Quagmire, marsh; bog
685. Insipid, dull; bland; boring 719. Stereotype, fixed image
686. Mire, swamp; muddy ground 720. Vindicate, prove right; remove
687. Penury, poverty blame
688. Pusillanimous, cowardly 721. Attenuate, weaken
689. Staid, dull; sober; serious 722. Commandeer, take possession
690. Vestigial, not developed of
691. Asylum, place of refuge or safety 723. Drivel, nonsense
692. Collate, arrange in order 724. Futile, useless; hopeless
693. Dolt, stupid person 725. Interminable, never-ending
694. Frugal, economical; not wasting 726. Misrepresentation, deliberately
anything deceiving
695. Instigate, to start; provoke 727. Peremptory, in a commanding
696. Misanthrope, hater of the rest of manner
mankind 728. Quaint, picturesque
697. Perceptive, observant 729. Stevedore, dockworker
698. Pyromania, compulsion to start 730. Virtuoso, an accomplished
fires musician
699. Stanza, section of a poem 731. Augment, increase; make bigger
700. Vignette, small sketch 732. Complacent, self-satisfied; smug
701. Atheist, person who does not 733. Droll, dryly amusing
believe in God 734. Galleon, ancient type of sailing
702. Colloquial, local and informal ship
(used of language) 735. Intermittent, sporadic; irregular
703. Dotard, foolish old man 736. Mitigate, lessen; make less
704. Furrow, groove severe
705. Instigator, troublemaker; person 737. Perfidy, treachery
who entices others to do something 738. Quandary, dilemma; puzzle
706. Misnomer, wrong name 739. Stifle, suppress
707. Percipient, perceptive; insightful 740. Virulent, dangerous; harmful
708. Quaff, drink down quickly 741. Auspicious, favorable; promising
709. Staunch, loyal; faithful; to turn out well
dependable 742. Compliant, easy to control;
710. Vilification, blackening submissive
someone's name 743. Drone, 1. monotonous noise (n);
711. Atrophy, waste away from lack 2. to speak with no emotion (v); 3.male
of use bee
712. Collusion, plotting and planning 744. Gambol, frolic; leap; bound
745. Intransigence, stubbornness 777. Perjury, telling lies under oath
746. Modicum, small amount 778. Quirk, oddity
747. Perfunctory, superficial; cursory 779. Stratagem, plot; plan; trick
748. Quarantine, isolation to prevent 780. Vivify, enliven
the spread of disease 781. Banal, common; dull
749. Stoic, known for fortitude; 782. Concise, stated in few words
indifferent to pleasure or pain 783. Ebullient, very lively; cheerful;
750. Vital, essential; alive; important jovial; happy
751. Austere, severely plain 784. Garrulous, talkative
752. Concatenate, link together 785. Invidious, arousing envy
753. Dubious, doubtful 786. Moribund, on the point of death
754. Garble, distort; confuse; muddle 787. Pernicious, destructive; harmful
755. Intransigent, stubborn; 788. Ramble, wander aimlessly
unyielding 789. Strident, loud and harsh
756. Momentous, very important 790. Vociferous, noisy; loud in
757. Peripatetic, nomadic; moving speech
from place to place 791. Banality, ordinariness; dullness
758. Quarry, 1. something that is 792. Condescend, talk down to
hunted; 2. mine for stone 793. Eccentric, unusual; quirky; odd
759. Stoke, add fuel to; strengthen 794. Gaunt, emaciated; bony and
760. Vitriolic, corrosive; strongly angular
attacking 795. Inviolable, cannot be invaded
761. Aversion, a dislike of 796. Morose, gloomy; bad tempered
762. Concatenation, linking into 797. Persnickety, fastidious; fussy
chains 798. Ramifications, branches;
763. Dupe, to fool someone subdivisions of a complex system;
764. Garish, gaudy outcomes
765. Intrepid, brave 799. Stringent, strict or severe
766. Monotonous, dull; unvarying 800. Volatile, dangerously unstable;
767. Peripheral, on the edge; not evaporates easily
important 801. Bane, troublesome influence
768. Querulous, always complaining 802. Condone, tacitly support;
769. Stolid, impassive; dull; indifferent overlook
770. Vivacity, liveliness; animation 803. Eclectic, taking things from
771. Balk, hinder and prevent; different sources
hesitate over 804. Genre, a category; type
772. Conciliate, to bring together; end 805. Irascible, easily angered
a dispute 806. Mundane, ordinary; worldly
773. Dynamic, lively; vibrant; 807. Perpetuated, caused to continue
energetic 808. Rancor, resentment; animosity;
774. Garner, gather; collect bad feeling
775. Inveterate, habitual 809. Strut, swagger; show off
776. Moratorium, temporary 810. Voluble, talkative
prohibition or halt to activity 811. Bard, poet
812. Condoning, overlooking; 845. Irrational, unreasonable; absurd
disregarding; ignoring 846. Navigable, suitable for sailing
813. Edifice, building; structure; 847. Perspicacity, insight
construction 848. Raze, destroy; demolish; tear
814. Germane, relevant down
815. Ire, anger [irate (a) = very angry] 849. Subterfuge, a trick
816. Munificent, generous; charitable 850. Wane, grow less
817. Perpetuity, eternity 851. Beguile, mislead; lure
818. Rant, use bombastic language 852. Congenital, present from birth
819. Stupefying, astonishing; 853. Egalitarianism, belief in equality
shocking; stunning into silence 854. Goad, prod; urge
820. Voluminous, very large; 855. Irreproachable, cannot be
spacious criticized; perfect
821. Bastion, fortress; stronghold 856. Nebulous, vague
822. Conflagration, big fire 857. Pertinent, relevant
823. Efface, wipe out; remove all trace 858. Rebuttal, denial
of 859. Subtle, not obvious
824. Germinal, just growing; not 860. Wary, hesitant; cautious
developed; immature 861. Belabor, explain in unnecessary
825. Irksome, annoying; infuriating detail
826. Mutinous, very rebellious 862. Connoisseur, person with
827. Personable, attractive refined taste and good judgment
828. Ratify, approve; consent 863. Egregious, outstandingly,
829. Subpoena, summons to court obviously bad
830. Voracious, ravenous 864. Grate (v), 1. to annoy; aggravate;
831. Befuddle, confuse vex; 2. shred
832. Confound, confuse 865. Irrevocable, cannot be
833. Effigy, a model of a person cancelled; unchangeable
834. Gibbering, making meaningless 866. Nefarious, wicked; immoral;
noises disreputable
835. Ironic, satiric; unexpected 867. Peruse, read carefully
836. Myriad, in large numbers 868. Recant, disclaim; retract
837. Perspicacious, insightful; sharp; statement
wise 869. Subversive, rebellious;
838. Raucous, rough and unpleasant revolutionary
(of sounds) 870. Wax, to increase; to grow
839. Substantiate, give supporting 871. Beleaguer, besiege; attack
evidence 872. Consecrate, dedicate
840. Waive, surrender; give up 873. Egress, exit
841. Begrudge, resent 874. Gratis, free of charge; without
842. Congeal, to solidify payment
843. Effusive, gushing; demonstrative 875. Itinerant, nomadic; wandering
844. Glacial, hostile; unfriendly; cold; from place to place
icy 876. Negate, cancel; deny
877. Pervasive, spreading 909. Superlative, extremely good; the
everywhere best
878. Recapitulate, summarize 910. Whet, sharpen
879. Succinct, concise 911. Belligerent, aggressive; ready to
880. Waylay, accost; stop; approach; fight
hinder 912. Contemporary, living or
881. Belie, contradict happening at the same time
882. Consensus, general agreement 913. Emaciated, very thin; withered
883. Eloquent, fluent and persuasive 914. Gritty, coarse; granular
in speech 915. Jaunt, short pleasure trip
884. Gratuitous, unwarranted 916. Niggardly, miserly; stingy
885. Jaded, tired; bored; worn out 917. Philanthropy, charity; love of
886. Negligence, carelessness mankind
887. Petrify, 1. terrify; 2. turn to stone 918. Red tape, formalities; paperwork;
888. Receptacle, container; vessel; official procedure
holder 919. Surly, grumpy; rude
889. Suffragist, someone who 920. Whimsical, capricious;
campaigns for voting rights changeable
890. Weighty, serious 921. Bemoan, complain about
891. Belittle, to demean 922. Contrite, sorry
892. Conspicuous, easily seen; 923. Emancipate, set free
prominent 924. Guffaw, sudden loud laughter
893. Elucidate, make clear 925. Jeopardize, put at risk; endanger
894. Gravity, seriousness 926. Nomadic, wandering from place
895. Jargon, specialized language to place
used by experts 927. Philistine, uncultured person
896. Neologism, newly coined word 928. Redolent, smelling of; giving off
897. Petulant, sulky; peevish odors
898. Recluse, someone who cuts 929. Surreptitious, secret; sneaky;
himself off from life stealthy
899. Supercilious, proud and haughty 930. Willful, stubborn
900. Whelp, young dog 931. Benevolent, kindly
901. Bellicose, war-like; aggressive 932. Contrition, sorrow and
902. Consummate, complete; total; repentance
supremely good 933. Embezzle, defraud; steal
903. Elusive, hard to pin down 934. Guile, cunning; craftiness
904. Gregarious, extroverted; 935. Jingoistic, extremely patriotic;
sociable; outgoing nationalistic
905. Jaundiced, cynical; pessimistic 936. Nonchalance, an appearance of
906. Nettle, annoy indifference; calm and composed
907. Phenomenon, an event or 937. Phlegmatic, calm; imperturbable
happening (plural: phenomena) 938. Redress, put right something that
908. Recuperate, get better after was wrong
939. Surreptitiously, secretly; 971. Berate, scold; criticize
furtively; stealthily 972. Conventional, usual; customary;
940. Wily, cunning common
941. Benign, kindly; harmless 973. Endorse, give support or
942. Contumacious, stubborn approval to
943. Embroil, involve in hostility or 974. Gustatory, concerned with the
argument sense of taste
944. Guileless, frank; straightforward; 975. Judicious, correct in judgment;
honest wise
945. Jocular, in a joking manner 976. Notoriety, infamy; known for
946. Nondescript, having no special wrong doing
features; dull and ordinary 977. Pivotal, of central importance
947. Pillage, plunder 978. Regale, entertain
948. Redundant, unnecessary; 979. Sycophant, bootlicker; flatterer
superfluous 980. Zeal, enthusiasm
949. Susceptible, vulnerable 981. Beret, type of cap
950. Wispy, flimsy; frail; delicate 982. Corpulent, fat
951. Benignity, compassion; 983. Endurance, staying power;
gentleness; fondness patience; stamina
952. Contusion, a bruise 984. Hackneyed, common and over-
953. Emerge, come out; appear used
954. Gullibility, unwariness; 985. Jurisprudence, science or study
trustfulness; being easily fooled of law
955. Jollity, gaiety; happiness 986. Novel, new; unusual
956. Nonentity, a person of no 987. Placate, pacify; soothe; calm
importance; not famous 988. Relegate, dismiss to a lower
957. Pinnacle, topmost point position
958. Referendum, public vote 989. Taciturn, quiet; saying little
959. Suspect, doubtful 990. Zealot, fanatic
960. Wistful, melancholy; pensive; 991. Bestial, behaving like a beast;
expressing a longing for brutal
961. Bequeath, leave something in 992. Corrugated, highly folded
one's will to be given after one's death 993. Enduring, lasting
962. Conundrum, a puzzle 994. Hallowed, worshipped;
963. Emulate, to imitate something consecrated
admired 995. Juxtapose, place next to
964. Gullible, easily fooled 996. Novice, a beginner; tyro
965. Jubilant, ecstatic; delighted; 997. Placebo, harmless medicine with
rejoicing no effect; dummy medicine
966. Nostalgia, longing for the past 998. Remorse, regret; sorrow;
967. Pious, very religious contrition
968. Refute, disprove 999. Tactile, concerned with the
969. Sybarite, lover of luxury sense of touch
970. Zany, crazy; wacky 1000. Zenith, summit
1001. Abate, reduce in intensity 1024. Mettlesome, spirited [mettle (n)]
1002. Abjure, renounce; swear to 1025. Puissance, power
refrain from something 1026. Recondite, obscure
1003. Blandishment, words used to 1027. Stygian, very dark
coax or flatter [blandish (v)] 1028. Touting, advertising; supporting
1004. Boor, ill-mannered person [tout (v)]
[boorish (a)] 1029. Virtuosity, skill, expertise
1005. Cardinal, 1. high ranking church [virtuoso (n); virtuosi (]
official; 2. major, important 1030. Volubility, excessive
1006. Deliberate, 1. slow (a); 2. to think talkativeness [voluble (a)]
over (v); 3. on purpose (a) 1031. Caret, punctuation mark
1007. Equivocation, speaking signifying omission
ambiguously [equivocate (v), equivocal 1032. Contiguous, adjacent; touching;
(a)] abutting [contiguity (n)]
1008. Feckless, feeble; helpless; 1033. Damp, (used of vibration) reduce
lacking in initiative in extent
1009. Imperturbability, quality of being 1034. Ellipsis, omission of essential
calm and not easily disturbed words
[imperturbable (a)] 1035. Extirpation, wiping out; complete
1010. Meretricious, falsely attractive; destruction [extirpate (v)]
tawdry 1036. Foppish, behaving or dressing
1011. Augury, prediction, looking for like a dandy; excessively concerned
omens [augur (v)] with fashion
1012. Boycott, refuse to have dealings 1037. Gaffe, blunder; social mistake
with 1038. Hortatory, encouraging;
1013. Glib, slick; superficial esp. in exhorting
speech 1039. Opprobrious, expressing great
1014. Incise, cut into [incision (n); scorn [opprobrium (n)]
incisive (a)] 1040. Recumbent, reclining; lying
1015. Moralistic, concerned with down
morals [moralize (v)] 1041. Ambidextrous, able to use both
1016. Ostracism, shunning; social left and right hands equally well
isolation [ostracize (v)] 1042. Culpability, guilt [culpable =
1017. Penchant, inclination; leaning; blameworthy]
tendency; predilection 1043. Discernment, judgment;
1018. Rarefy, make less dense perceptiveness
[rarefaction (n)] 1044. Encomium, praise
1019. Repine, fret; be discontented 1045. Inveigle, coax; cajole; wheedle;
1020. Stipulate, specify [stipulation (n)] entice
1021. Diaphanous, transparent; thin 1046. Minatory, threatening
and delicate 1047. Ossified, turned to bone;
1022. Feint, pretended attack; a move become rigid [ossification (n)]
intended to deceive 1048. Plumb, measure depth of (v);
1023. Inured, hardened; habituated exact (a. slang)
1049. Quintessential, most typical; the 1070. Solicitous, kindly; expressing
perfect example of [quintessence (n)] care and concern
1050. Runic, mysterious; magical 1071. Amalgamate, join; consolidate
1051. Accretion, accumulation of [amalgamation (n)]
matter; growth produced by adding from 1072. Baleful, evil
the outside 1073. Coerce, force [coercion (n);
1052. Anachronistic, occurring in the coercing (a)]
wrong time period [anachronism (n)] 1074. Inchoate, undeveloped; nascent
1053. Chronic, long lasting (often used 1075. Iniquitous, evil; unjust [iniquity
for diseases in which case the opposite (n)]
is acute) 1076. Libertine, dissolute person;
1054. Churlishness, rudeness; ill- prodigal
mannered behavior 1077. Millinery, hats and hat-making
1055. Demagogue, mob leader (who 1078. Natty, neat; dapper; smart
appeals to base instincts) 1079. Occluded, obscured; blocked
[demagogy/demagoguery (n)] 1080. Sidereal, of or related to stars
1056. Effrontery, daring; audacity (has 1081. Avaricious, greedy for money
a negative connotation) 1082. Extirpate, wipe out totally
1057. Idyll, story or incident in peaceful 1083. Halcyon, peaceful and happy;
or ideal setting [idyllic (a)] calm (esp. of summer weather)
1058. Interregnum, interval between 1084. List (v), 1. to lean to one side; 2.
reigns or governments to write in order
1059. Nugatory, of minor significance; 1085. Maudlin, sad; sentimental;
futile inclined to weep
1060. Sinecure, job which pays salary 1086. Refulgent, glowing; radiant
but requiring little effort 1087. Subliminal, below the threshold
1061. Anodized, electroplated; coated of consciousness
with thin layer of metal 1088. Testiness, irritability; irascibility
1062. Aphoristic, expressed tersely [testy (a)]
[aphorism (n) = short statement; maxim] 1089. Vituperate, attack bitterly
1063. Canonical, orthodox [canon (n) = 1090. Whittle, 1. carve with knife; 2.
set of accepted works] reduce step by step
1064. Commensurate, equal in 1091. Colander, bowl with holes used
significance to drain vegetables etc.
1065. Dexterity, skill, esp. with hands 1092. Cumbersome, bulky; difficult to
[dexterous (a)] carry [encumber = to burden]
1066. Extant, still in existence 1093. Diaphanous, transparent; thin
(opposite of extinct) and delicate
1067. Impugned, challenged; called 1094. Dispatch, 1. send (v); 2. speed;
into question celerity (n)
1068. Probity, uprightness; honesty 1095. Epistemology, theory of
1069. Raconteur, person who relates a knowledge
story 1096. Froward, stubborn; wayward;
1097. Supine, lying flat on one’s back 1123. Comeliness, beauty; prettiness
1098. Throwback, exhibiting primitive, [comely (a)]
or ancestral, traits 1124. Doff, take off (esp. of a hat)
1099. Untoward, unexpected 1125. Don, put on (esp. of clothes)
1100. Verisimilar, true to life; giving the 1126. Erudition, learning; scholarly
appearance of reality knowledge [erudite (a)]
1101. Abysmal, very deep; very bad 1127. Plaintive, sad; mournful
1102. Approbation, approval [opp. 1128. Suborn, bribe
disapprobation] 1129. Tendentious, dogmatic; biased
1103. Bent (n), inclination; aptitude 1130. Tortuous, indirect; winding
1104. Cadge, get by begging 1131. Verbiage, excessive or
1105. Debacle, disaster meaningless wordiness
1106. Extemporize, speak without 1132. Atonement, making amends for
preparation or rehearsal sin or crime [atone (v)]
[extemporaneous (a)] 1133. Complaisance, flexibility;
1107. Incumbents, occupiers of a job willingness to please [complaisant (a)]
or position 1134. Daguerreotype, forerunner of
1108. Lambaste, attack verbally the photograph
1109. Noisome, disgusting 1135. Fawn, behave in a sycophantic
1110. Pastiche, work (usually artistic) way; grovel [fawning (a)]
which imitates, or is composed of parts 1136. Gregariousness, sociability;
taken from varied sources liking for crowds [gregarious (a)]
1111. Arboreal, living in trees; 1137. Nascent, emerging; newly
concerned with trees formed
1112. Centrifuge, device to separate 1138. Paean, praise; tribute (esp. in
substances by spinning them at high song)
speed 1139. Reproof, scolding; criticism
1113. Cloistered, isolated [reprove (v)]
1114. Disabuse, make someone aware 1140. Scurvy, 1. disease due to lack of
of an error in thinking vitamin C; 2. contemptible; rascally
1115. Engendering, causing; bringing 1141. Tutelary, serving as a guardian
into being [engender (v)] [tutelage (n)]
1116. Intemperate, excessive; 1142. Abscission, cutting; process
immoderate [intemperance (n)] causing leaves to fall off
1117. Lugubrious, sad; gloomy 1143. Contentious, causing argument
1118. Nonplussed, confused [contention (n); contend (v)]
1119. Pedagogy, science of education; 1144. Debilitating, weakening
teaching [debilitate (v)]
1120. Satiate, satisfy; fill completely 1145. Foible, quirk; minor weakness
[satiable (a); satiation (n)] 1146. Importune, beg; solicit
1121. Slake, quench; satisfy [importunate (a)]
1122. Artless, without effort; without 1147. Pertain, be relevant to [pertinent
trickery; simple (a)]
1148. Slew, glut; excess
1149. Toady, sycophant; flatterer 1176. Deferential, showing respect
1150. Torrid, hot and steamy [deference (n); defer (v)]
1151. Veracious, true [veracity (n)] 1177. Intractability, stubbornness;
1152. Asperity, using harsh or critical resistance [intractable (a)]
tone 1178. Luminary, eminent person
1153. Blowhard, boastful person 1179. Minion, underling; servant
1154. Disingenuous, crafty 1180. Undergird, support; strengthen
1155. Evanescent, short-lived 1181. Vitiate, weaken; sap energy
[evanescence (n)] 1182. Coterie, clique; small group with
1156. Intangible, cannot be touched; common interests
abstract [intangibility (n)] 1183. Denigrate, decry; criticize; belittle
1157. Labile, changing rapidly; 1184. Empirical, found by experiment
unstable or practice
1158. Malapropism, use of similar 1185. Gainsay, contradict
sounding but incorrect word 1186. Hyperbole, exaggeration
1159. Posture (v), to put on an act [hyperbolic (a)]
1160. Proximate, immediate; nearest 1187. Modest, 1. bashful;
1161. Pugnacious, aggressive, ready unpretentious; 2. not excessive
to fight [pugnacity (n)] 1188. Prolixity, wordiness [prolix (a)]
1162. Foreshadowed, indicated a 1189. Rebus, puzzle in which pictures
future event [foreshadow (v)] give clues
1163. Gaucherie, awkwardness 1190. Sere, withered; old
[gauche (a)] 1191. Vulpine, like a fox [compare
1164. Heterodox, unorthodox with bovine (cow-like); porcine (pig-like),
1165. Inscrutability, quality of being etc.]
difficult to comprehend [inscrutable (a)] 1192. Corroborate, give supporting
1166. Limerick, short amusing poem evidence [corroboration (n)]
1167. Mannered, stylized; pretentious 1193. Exacerbated, made worse
1168. Pluck (n), courage [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)]
1169. Sedulous, persevering; eager 1194. Exact (v), to demand; extort
and thorough 1195. Faddish, whimsical; following a
1170. Syllogism, type of logical fashion
reasoning 1196. Hapless, unlucky
1171. Vicissitude, unexpected change 1197. Misconstrue, put a wrong
in fortune or circumstances interpretation on something
1172. Acolyte, disciple; follower or 1198. Perennial, long-lasting
attendant 1199. Rent, torn (past participle of the
1173. Admonitory, scolding verb to rend)
[admonition (n)] 1200. Shard, fragment of pottery
1174. Caprices, whimsies; fancies 1201. Xenophobe, person afraid of
1175. Cornucopia, symbol (horn filled foreigners
with fruit etc.) denoting natural 1202. Alleviated, made less severe
abundance [alleviation (n); alleviate (v)]
1203. Apostrophe, 1. punctuation 1222. Dawdler, slow person who falls
mark; 2. appeal to someone not present behind others [dawdle (v)]
(a figure of speech) 1223. Dross, something worthless;
1204. Centurion, roman soldier impurities left after refining
(commander of a company of 100 1224. Expiate, atone; make amends for
soldiers) 1225. Hack, 1. chop roughly; 2. person
1205. Emollient, softening (a); who writes to earn money, 3. hired
something which softens (n) horse
1206. Fusillade, long burst of gunfire 1226. Prone, 1. vulnerable to; 2.
1207. Inerrancy, infallibility; inability to horizontal
make mistakes [inerrant (a)] 1227. Propensity, tendency; inclination
1208. Mince, 1. chop into small pieces; 1228. Scabbard, cover for a sword
2. walk with tiny steps, 3. speak in an 1229. Skiff, small boat
affected manner 1230. Umbrage, 1. shadow; 2. offence;
1209. Palpate, medical term meaning sense of injury
to examine with the hands 1231. Dilettantism, dabbling esp. in the
1210. Platitude, unoriginal, obvious arts [dilettante (n) = person who
saying dabbles]
1211. Quibble, 1. (v) to argue about 1232. Enervate, weaken
minor matters; to play on words when 1233. Malevolent, having evil
finding fault; 2. (n) a minor verbal point intentions [malevolence(n)]
in an argument 1234. Neophyte, new convert; tyro
1212. Apprehension, slight fear; sense 1235. Panegyric, speech praising
of something unfavorable someone; laudatory words
1213. Conniving, cunning; scheming 1236. Presage, forewarn of; indicate
[connive (v)] 1237. Serration, jagged edge
1214. Derision, mockery [deride (v)] 1238. Slight, 1. minor (a); 2. perceived
1215. Epigram, short, witty saying insult (v) and (n)
1216. Lassitude, lack of energy; 1239. Tare, 1. weed; 2. allowance
weariness made for container when weighing
1217. Pedantic, over-insistent on 1240. Unprepossessing, unattractive
matters of book-learning [pedant (n)] 1241. Aberration, deviation from the
1218. Phenomenology, branch of normal
science concerned with things as they 1242. Cant, insincere talk
are perceived; not directly derived from 1243. Disinter, dig up [opposite inter =
theory bury]
1219. Precipitate, 1. hurried (a); 2. 1244. Façade, 1. front elevation of
insoluble product of a reaction in building, 2. false appearance or
chemistry(n), 3. to instigate or speed up demeanor
an action (v) 1245. Impeding, hindering [impede (v);
1220. Renege, go back on promise or impediment (n)]
retract statement 1246. Lacuna, gap; missing part [plural
1221. Armada, fleet of ships = lacunae]
1247. Monolithic, united in purpose; 1270. Wag (n), a witty person
forming a single unit 1271. Atavism, reappearance of
1248. Pied, multicolored ancestral traits; regression [atavistic (a)]
1249. Roster, list of names 1272. Filibuster, delaying tactics
1250. Seemly, appropriate (of 1273. Gambit, opening move;
behavior); decorous transaction
1251. Analogue, 1. something similar; 1274. Mitigation, making less severe
2. output proportional to input [mitigate (v)]
(engineering) 1275. Obligate, compulsory
1252. Coda, piece of music at the end 1276. Predilection, leaning; interest;
of a musical work; finale; final part of talent
document 1277. Propitiate, appease; try to gain
1253. Commingle, mix favor [propitiation (n)]
1254. Equivocal, ambiguous; open to 1278. Stanch, to stop
interpretation [equivocate (v), 1279. Travesty, parody; ridiculous error
equivocation (n)] 1280. Waft, drift smoothly (v); whiff;
1255. Fallible, capable of making smell (n)
mistakes [fallibility (n)] 1281. Forage, search for food
1256. Hallow, respect; worship 1282. Lumber, 1. walk in an ungainly
1257. Indigence, poverty way; 2. timber (wood)
1258. Papyrus, material used for 1283. Muse, 1. think; meditate (v); 2. a
writing on before paper was invented source of inspiration (n) [in mythology, a
1259. Pique, 1. annoyance (n); 2. to goddess who gives inspiration]
stimulate interest; to annoy (v) 1284. Prescience, foreknowledge
1260. Sap, 1. liquid inside plants (n); 2. 1285. Prune, 1. to trim; 2. a dried plum
to drain; to undermine (v); 3. a fool (n) 1286. Ready, (used of wit) quick
1261. Arbitrator, mediator; person 1287. Resolve, firmness (n)
appointed to judge a dispute [arbitrate 1288. Squalid, dirty and demeaning
(v)] 1289. Sullied, made dirty or impure
1262. Descry, to see (esp. at a [opposite unsullied; sully (v)]
distance); catch sight of 1290. Veneration, worship; respect
1263. Facetious, not intended to be [venerable (a), venerate (v)]
taken seriously 1291. Demur, object; hesitate to accept
1264. Indecorous, unseemly; 1292. Duplicity, cunning; deception;
inappropriate (of behavior) double dealing
1265. Proliferate, grow and spread 1293. Exigency, urgent matter;
[proliferation (n)] pressing need
1266. Scotch (v), to prevent; stop; 1294. Expostulate, offer strong
disable objections; remonstrate
1267. Strut, 1. supporting rod (n); 2. to 1295. Gossamer, delicate; filmy; like
walk in an arrogant manner; show off (v) gauze
1268. Toy (v), to play with 1296. Inefficacious, ineffective
1269. Usury, lending money at high 1297. Pine, 1. type of evergreen tree; 2.
interest rates grieve
1298. Prudish, narrow-minded; 1321. Arduous, hard
excessively concerned with morals 1322. Decimated, kill or destroy a large
[prudery (n), prude (n)] part of (originally one tenth)
1299. Quixotic, impractically idealistic 1323. Fledge, 1. grow feathers; 2.
1300. Stipple, cover with dots of paint leave nest [fledgling (n) = an
etc. inexperienced person or a baby bird]
1301. Abrasion, 1. damage to skin 1324. Gouge, cut or dig out
caused by scraping; 2. process of 1325. Picayune, insignificant; of little
scraping or rubbing [abrade (v)] value
1302. Adumbrate, outline; indicate 1326. Riveting, fascinating [to
1303. Cognitive, concerned with rivet literally means to fix metal plates
thinking or perceiving [cognition (n)] using metal pins]
1304. Deign, condescend 1327. Soliloquy, solo speech
1305. Fervid, passionate 1328. Supplicant, person who requests
1306. Gall, 1. bitterness (bad feeling); or begs for something [supplicate (v)]
2. confidence; 3. abnormal growth on a 1329. Transcendental, supernatural;
plant going beyond normal experience
1307. Levee, 1. raised bank of a river; [transcendent (a)]
2. morning reception held by a monarch 1330. Veritable, true; genuine [verity
1308. Preternatural, unnatural; (n)]
abnormal 1331. Condescension, talking down to
1309. Quell, suppress someone [condescending (a)]
1310. Score (n), written form of music 1332. Divest, remove; take off
1311. Abut, to adjoin 1333. Eddy, circular current
1312. Consternation, worry and 1334. Epaulet, shoulder decoration
concern 1335. Fallacy, wrong idea [fallacious
1313. Gavel, judge’s hammer (a)]
1314. Lien, right to sell property held as 1336. Fringe, 1. decorative border with
a security; legal hold on job etc. tassels (n); 2. to form an edge (v)
1315. Parenthesis, remarks deviating 1337. Leaven, to make light; modify;
from the main point [parentheses are cause bread to rise using yeast etc.
round brackets in punctuation] 1338. Patronize, 1. to talk down to;
1316. Sinewy, vigorous; having well- condescend; 2. to be a customer of
developed muscles [a sinew is a tendon] 1339. Prominent, 1. eminent; 2.
1317. Steep (v), to soak in water protruding; 3. obvious
1318. Tamp, to plug; press loose 1340. Statute, law [statutory (a)]
matter down tightly (e.g. pack 1341. Antipathy, hatred
explosives into a hole) 1342. Aver, affirm
1319. Venturing, 1. hazarding; risking; 1343. Expatiate, speak or write at great
putting forward; 2. going somewhere length
[venturesome means courageous or 1344. Flag (v), 1. to lose energy; 2. to
willing to take risks] signal
1320. Wry, 1. twisted or bent to one
side; 2. dryly humorous
1345. Flail, 1. tool used to thresh grain; 1368. Hegemony, political domination;
2. to thresh (separate grain from chaff); complete authority
3. to wave arms about wildly 1369. Improbity, lack of honesty or
1346. Indicted, accused (of crime) integrity
1347. Loll, laze around; hang out 1370. Qualm, hesitation or fear
(when used of the tongue) 1371. Assay, 1. try; 2. assess purity
1348. Malign, slander 1372. Chauvinist, someone
1349. Secure (v), 1. to fix firmly; 2. to excessively patriotic [chauvinism (n)]
obtain 1373. Discrete, separate;
1350. Talon, long pointed nail or claw discontinuous (not to be confused
1351. Abeyance, state of inactivity; with discreet - prudent; diplomatic]
disuse 1374. Enlist, 1. sign up for the army; 2.
1352. Disarm, 1. take away weapons; obtain
2. win over to one’s side [disarming (a)] 1375. Fabricated, made up; false;
1353. Elaborate, 1. complex and manufactured [fabricate (v);
detailed (a); 2. to expand on (v) fabrication(n)]
1354. Foment, 1. stir up; 2. bathe with 1376. Fulminate, 1. attack loudly in
hot liquids (medical) words; denounce thunderously; 2.
1355. Jockeying, maneuvering; explode noisily
struggling to get ahead of others [jockey 1377. Hawser, thick rope or cable
(v)] 1378. Jibe, agree with; complement;
1356. Minutiae, small details match up with (in British
1357. Rue, regret [rueful (a)] usagejibe means mock)
1358. Somatic, concerned with the 1379. Peer, 1. an equal; 2. to stare at;
body 3. nobleman
1359. Stinting, holding back; limiting 1380. Stickler, one who is strict about
the supply (of supplies/money etc.) [stint rules or details
(v)] 1381. Cloture, closure; terminating a
1360. Temperate, moderate debate by voting
1361. Allure, 1. attraction (n); 2. to 1382. Congruent, matching
attract (v) [congruency (n)]
1362. Caulk, treat with substance such 1383. Dally, waste time; flirt
as tar to make water-tight 1384. Dissemble, avoid the truth
1363. Conscript, 1. person enlisted 1385. Dote, be excessively fond of
compulsorily into the armed forces; [doting (a)]
2. (v)to enlist compulsorily 1386. Errant, 1. wandering; 2. wrong;
1364. Desultory, aimless; inconsistent 3. straying from accepted standards
in effort 1387. Fervent, passionate
1365. Elegy, poem concerned with 1388. Stomach (v), to tolerate
death; praise of a dead person 1389. Synapse, junction between two
1366. Fallow, uncultivated nerve cells
1367. Forbearing, tolerant [forbear (v); 1390. Undercutting, offering a lower
forbearance (n)] price; undermining
1391. Arson, deliberate, criminal 1420. Sibyl, prophetess
starting of fires 1421. Brook, 1. small stream; 2.
1392. Carrion, dead flesh; carcasses tolerate
1393. Intelligible, can be understood 1422. Emboss, decorate with a raised
1394. Ironclad, cannot be altered; firm design
1395. Lint, fluff; soft material used to 1423. Eschew, shun; avoid
cover wounds 1424. Limpid, transparently clear
1396. Pretension, assumed attitude of 1425. Liturgy, form of worship
superiority; arrogance 1426. Nexus, connection
1397. Pundit, expert 1427. Odometer, instrument to
1398. Pyre, ceremonial fire measure distance covered
1399. Sate, satisfy 1428. Purchase, 1. grip; 2. buy
1400. Syncopation, type of musical 1429. Quotidian, daily; routine
rhythm with missed beats 1430. Seminal, essential; formative
1401. Abraded, worn away; eroded 1431. Agog, amazed; wide-eyed with
[abrade (v); abrasion (n)] enthusiasm
1402. Apposite, fitting; suitable 1432. Amortize, pay off a debt in
1403. Diatribe, tirade; violent installments
denunciation; stream of criticism 1433. Curmudgeon, grumpy person
1404. Gerontocracy, government by 1434. Dormancy, state of inactivity
the aged 1435. Efficacy, effectiveness
1405. Maculated, spotted 1436. Epithet, phrase used as a label
1406. Quisling, traitor or to express the essential nature of
1407. Sedulity, thoroughness; 1437. Figurehead, symbol of power;
perseverance [sedulous (a)] nominal leader
1408. Seine, type of fishing net 1438. Fracas, fight; disturbance
1409. Tender, to offer 1439. Jamb, door post
1410. Waffle, talk nonsense 1440. Milk, to squeeze; obtain by
1411. Burlesque, 1. comic play; 2. application of pressure
lampoon 1441. Chorales, simple hymns
1412. Exemplar, model type 1442. Dissonance, discord;
[exemplary (a)] disagreement
1413. Homiletics, art of preaching and 1443. Frieze, decorative border
giving sermons 1444. Gist, essence; main point
1414. Impugn, challenge; question 1445. Latent, hidden; real but
someone’s honor etc. undeveloped
1415. Incubus, encumbrance; 1446. Partiality, bias
nightmarish thing 1447. Plodding, walking slowly and
1416. Lope, run with long strides heavily; uninspired
1417. Macerate, soften or break up by 1448. Rekindle, relight; revive
soaking; weaken 1449. Symphony, type of musical
1418. Nostrum, remedy composition
1419. Saw, 1. tool for cutting; 2. wise 1450. Tarnished, made dull; spoil
saying (reputation)
1451. Compromised, 1. damaged or 1475. Personification, 1. represent
put in doubt (esp. of reputation); 2. something as a person; 2. a concrete
reached an agreement by giving up part example of
of a claim 1476. Plaque, 1. surface deposit on
1452. Drabness, dullness teeth or in artery etc.; 2. decorative plate
1453. Endow, give gift; provide with or sign
money etc. 1477. Plausibility, believability
1454. Esoterica, obscure details [plausible (a)]
1455. Falters, hesitates 1478. Resilience, resistance; ability to
1456. Prattle, mindless talk spring back [resilience (a)]
1457. Prohibitive, 1. prohibiting; 2. 1479. Trilogy, set of three (literary
exorbitantly expensive works etc.); tetralogy = set of four
1458. Purist, conservative; one who 1480. Vagary, something
insists on correct forms of language etc. unaccountable; freak
1459. Quack, charlatan; fake 1481. Aisle, corridor; passageway (esp.
1460. Taunt, mock; tease between rows of seats)
1461. Arresting (a), attracting 1482. Discountenance, disallow
attention; striking 1483. Imperative, must be obeyed
1462. Barrage, extended gunfire to 1484. Indigent, poor; needy [indigence
cover an attack; dam across river; (n)]
deluge or information etc. 1485. Nadir, lowest point
1463. Chantey, type of song sung by 1486. Paranoia, mental state
sailors characterized by delusions or excessive
1464. Ferrous, concerned with iron or fear
its compounds 1487. Prudence, caution; wisdom
1465. Manipulative, scheming 1488. Resuscitation, revival from
1466. Orate, speak in a pompous unconsciousness [resuscitate (v)]
manner 1489. Shirk, avoid (esp. work)
1467. Psychosis, severe mental 1490. Teetotalism, total abstinence
disturbance from alcohol
1468. Savor, enjoy 1491. Balm, soothing ointment or
1469. Table (v), put down for future anything soothing [balmy (a)]
discussion 1492. Calibrate, mark an accurate
1470. Underwrite, give guarantee, scale on a device
insure 1493. Cataclysmic, violently disruptive
1471. Dissident, person who disagrees [cataclysm (n)]
[dissidence (n)] 1494. Impropriety, inappropriate
1472. Enigmatic, puzzling [enigma (n)] behavior
1473. Foolhardy, reckless 1495. Pith, center; soft part of stem;
[foolhardiness (n)] essence
1474. Homogeneity, evenness; 1496. Primordial, present from the
uniformity beginning of time
1497. Reconnaissance, examination
or survey conducted in advance
[reconnoiter (v)]
1498. Sinistral, left-handed (or
counterclockwise) [dextral - right
1499. Tempers, moderates
1500. Undermine, subvert; attempt to

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