Planning Unit 1

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Meaning of Planning/Educational Planning:

“Planning is to design some action to be done before hand.”

—Oxford English Dictionary

“Planning selects among alternatives explores, routes before travel begins and identifies possible
or probable outcomes or action before the executive and his organisation committed to any.”

—Hugman and Schwartz

Adesina (1990) defines planning as ‘ a way of projecting our intentions, that is, a method of
deciding what we want to accomplish’.

Ejiogu (1990) holds that ‘to plan, means to project, forecast, design or make or chart our course’.

From these views, it can be summarized that ‘planning refers to the act of deciding in advance
what is to be done, how and when to do it, where and who is to do it in order to achieve the goals
or objectives of the system’.

A plan is a detailed scheme, programme or method worked out before hand for the purpose of
achieving a set objective. There are three basic elements in a plan, it deals with the future
involves action and identifies who is to implement the future action.

Planning bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

Educational Planning

Educational planning can be defined as ‘the process of setting out in advance, strategies,
policies, procedures, programmes and standards through which an educational objective (or set
of objectives) can be achieved’.

Educational planning is a detailed and systematic process: it just does not happen by chance. • It
is goal-oriented: it is directed at achieving a set educational objectives.

Concept of Education Planning:

Planning is fundamental to the achievement of set goalss. Planning is a deliberate effort to

determine the future course of action for accomplishing predetermined goals and objectives.
Akpan (2011) conceptualize educational planning a the process of examining the future and
drawing up or mapping out a course of action for achieving specified goals and objectives. It
involves working out in broad outline the things to be done and procedures for doing them in
order to accomplish set purpose. It is a process of making rational and technical choice.
Educational planning involves a systematic and scientific set of decisions for future action with
the aim of achieving set educational goals and objectives through effective use of scarce
resources. It provides the tool for coordinating and controlling the direction of the educational
system so that education objectives can be realized.

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