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PHYSICS 1 Amplitude (A) is the maximum displacement from their Velocity of the Longitudinal Waves in Solid and

normal position of the particles that oscillate back and Liquids.

Wave Motion and Sound Waves forth.

Wave is a periodic disturbance. These are produced in all Wavelength (λ) is the distance between successive points
forms of matter and even in empty space where ordinary where: E is the modulus of Elasticity (psi or kPa)
in a wave.
matter doesn’t exist.
is the density (Ib/ft, kg/m, g/cm)
Wave Properties
Velocity (V) of Longitudinal Waves in Gases
Reflection is the property of wave which occurs when a
wave strikes an object or comes to a boundary or another √
medium and is at least diverted back into original medium.
where: R gas constant (kJ/kg, Btu/Ibm, °R)
Refraction is the property which occurs when a wave
R= ̅⁄ , ̅
crosses a boundary into another medium its speed
MW is the molecular weight (kG/mol or
generally changes because the new material has a different
characteristic. Entering the medium obliquely (at an angle),
K is constant
the transmitted wave moves direction in a different form
=1.4 for air, oxygen and
from that of the incident waves.

Type of Waves Diffraction is the property of wave to bend around and edge
Velocity (V) of the Transverse Wave on stretched
of an object but unrelated to refraction.
1. Transverse Wave – wave in which the vibration Spring or Wire
direction is perpendicular to the direction of Dispersion is the property of wave whereby waves of

different frequency spread apart from one another. When
Water Waves, String under tension, light, radio wave speed does depend on wavelength (frequency) the where: T is the tension (Ibf, kg, N)
waves, and electromagnetic wave are example. waves are said to exhibit dispersion. Water waves are is the linear density
dispersive but only in very deep water. Under such (mass/length) (Ibf/ft, kg/m)
2. Longitudinal (or Compressional) Wave – wave conditions longer wavelength travel faster that the shorter
which vibration direction is parallel to the direction wavelength. Law of Vibration String under Tension
of propagation.
String under tension at a certain vibration frequency will
Sound, Waves in rods and vibrating in helical Interference the wave phenomena that occur when two or
resonate. Meaning it will vibrate with large amplitude in
spring are example. more waves overlap in the same region of space. Standing
vibration patterns, Vibration patterns are called standing
waves are simple example of an interference effect.
Wave Terminology
; ( )
Velocity (V) of the wave:
Period of Vibration (T) is the time taken for a particle to
move through in one complete cycle. Where: n is the nos. of segment
is the frequency of n segment
Frequency of vibration (f) is the number of such vibration where: V is the velocity (ft/min, cm/s, m/s) L is the length of the string
executed by the particle each second. is the wavelength (ft, cm, m) V is the velocity
f is the frequency (Hz of cycles/s)
Crest is the top point of the wave. The Nature of Sound
Period (T) is reciprocal of frequency. Sounds is the disturbance or vibration whose energy must
Trough is the bottom point of the wave. be communicated into a medium. Sound is one of the
example of longitudinal waves which needs a medium in
order for it to travel and reach certain point. Important Light is a form of electromagnetic wave whereby the eye is The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of
things for sounds are: sensitive, it forms the part of electromagnetic spectrum the angle of reflection is equal to the inverse ratio of the
from 740 nm (red light) to 400 nm (blue light). indexes of refraction.
1. There must be a vibrating body
2. There must be a medium to transmit the vibration The Corpuscular (Particle) Theory in which a luminous
3. There must be a receiver to detect the sound. body was believed to emit the particles of light. It also
explains the principles of emission and absorption, but
The Relative Sound Intensity is the intensity level used failed to explain the phenomena of diffraction, interference
in acoustics is Bel which expressed as: and polarization.

or The Wave Theory

Where: I is any intensity In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell predicted the existence of
is the zero level intensity. The smallest electromagnetic wave. In year 1887, Henry Hertz, showed
for hearing is Note: The index of refraction “n” is the ratio of the speed
conclusive the light is an electromagnetic wave and this
dB is the unit called decibel (dB=1/10 bel) of light “c” in vacuum to the speed in the material “v”
theory explained the phenomena of interference and
The Absolute Sound Intensity is proportional to the
square of the pressure amplitude of the wave as Law of Reflection and Refraction
The Wavelength of Light in a Medium
Refraction is the bending of light around the edge of an Light ray changes when it passes from one material to
object or spreading the light in an arc after passing through another with different index of refraction.
a tiny opening.
Where: P is pressure amplitude (dynes/cm2, Pa,
Ib/ft2 Incident, reflected, refracted rays and the normal surfaces
is the density of air (g/cm2, kg/m3, Ib/ft3) all lies on the same plane, known as the plane of incidence. Where: - is the wavelength of light in vacuum
The three rays are o the same plane. - is the wavelength of light as it passes through
Doppler Effect the variation of pitch heard from a moving a medium
source of sounds. These cases were considered in n - is the index of refraction of any material. The
connection with Doppler Effect. greater the index “n” the greater the deflection of
light beam
1. The source is in motion and the observer is at
( )
( )
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for
2. The source is at rest and the observer is in all wavelengths.
( )
( )

3. Both observer and the source are in motion.

( ) ( ) Polarization is the process of filtering light such that only
( ) ( ) one, two or definite directions are permitted to pass
through a polarizer. The component of light passing the
polarizer will be dependent on the polarizing angle. Sunrays Where: F is the luminous flux (in lumens) 2. Diverging lens – a lens that deviates parallel light
are partially polarized by air molecule. I is the luminous intensity (in candela) outward as through it originated at a single virtual
focal point.
Malus’s Law Note: Luminous Intensity or brightness of the light source.
The intensity of light that passes through the polarizer is Candela (cd) is the SI unit. It is defined in terms of light
equal to the product of the maximum intensity and the emitted by a small pool of platinum at its melting point. A
square of the cosine of the polarizing angle. candle has luminous intensity of about 1 cd.

Illumination of a surface is defined as the luminous flux

per unit area that reaches it. The more luminous flux that
reaches the surface the more brightly it is.

Thin Lenses
A thin lens is one whose thickness is small compared with
the ratio of curvature R1 and R2.
Where: E is the luminous flux (in lumens/ft2 or foot-
Candle, in lumens/m2 or lux)
The Lensmaker’s Equation is used to get the focal length
Where: F is the luminous flux (in lumens)
of thin lenses.
A is the area (in ft2 or m2)

( ) [( ) ( )]
Illumination from an isotropic light source with a
( ) ( ) given intensity.
Where: n is the index of refraction
R1, R2 are the radii of the curvature
Brewster’s Law (Polarization through Reflection) R (+) if the surface is convex (concave outward)
If the angle of incidence is equal to the polarizing angle, R (-) if the surface is convex (concave inward)
then the angle of reflected ray is perpendicular to the Note:
R (∞) for plane lens (1/R=0)
refracted ray.
Note: f can be positive or negative, f = (+) converging lens
(Brewster’s Law for Polarizing Angle) Lenses
f= (-) diverging lens.
Lenses is a piece of glass or another transparent materials
Luminous Flux, Light Source and Illumination so shaped that it can produce and image by refracting light
The Thin Lens Equation a simple equation that relates
that comes from an object. The image maybe real or
the position of the images and the object of thin lens to the
Luminous Flux, (F) is the total amount of visible light it virtual: erect or inverted; smaller or the same in size as the
lens’ focal length.
gives off. A small bright source may give off less light than object.
a large dim source.
Types of Lenses
Where: p is the distance of object from lens
The unit of flux is lumen (lm) is equal to the luminous flux q is the distance image from lens
1. Converging lens – a lens that brings parallel light
that falls on each square meter of a sphere 1 m in radius f is the focal length of lens
into a single real focal point.
and whose center is a 1-cd light source that radiates
equally well in all directions (isotropic). Linear Magnification (m) is the ratio between the size of
the image and of the object.
A lumen (lm) of flux is also equivalent to about 0.0015 W
of light of wavelength 555 mm, which corresponds to the
yellow-green light that the eye is most sensitive. Where: hi is the image height
(Isotropic Source)
ho is the object height Relativistic Velocity of two Bodies Problems:
m=( ) if the image is erect Suppose a spacecraft is moving at velocity Va relative to
1. The wavelength of a sound wave in a certain
m=(-) if the image is inverted earth and a rocket is fire from a spacecraft (in the same material as measured is 18 cm. the frequency of
direction) at velocity Vb, then the velocity of the rocket as the wave is 1900 Hz. Compute the speed of sound
Theory of Relativity measured by an observer on earth is): wave.
a. 342 m/s c. 542 m/s
Albert Einstein (in 1905 at age 26) proposed the special b. 400 m/s d. 300 m/s
theory of relativity which is concern with bodies that are √
moving with constant velocity and introduce the following 2. A horizontal chord 5 m long has a mass of 2.5
postulates: Relativistic Energy is the sum of kinetic energy and the grams. What must be the tension in the chord if
Postulate I: (Principle Of Relativity). The law of physics are rest (potential energy) energy: the wavelength of a 120 Hz wave on it is to be 50
the same in all inertia frame of reference, thus all motion is cm?
relative. Velocities of object can only be given relative to ; a. 1.5 N c. 2.5 N
some other objects and it’s impossible to determine the b. 1.8 N d. 4.3 N
Where: m is the relativistic mass of the body
absolute velocity of the object.
is rest energy
Postulate II: (Principle Of Constancy Of The Speed Of 3. A guitar string 30 cm long resonates in its
Light). The accuracy measured speed of light in vacuum (c) fundamental to a frequency of 250 Hz. What is the
Mass-Energy Conversion: A particular moving with a
has the same for all observers, independent of the motion speed approaching the speed of light possess’ energy. tension in the string if 80 cm of the string weights
of the source or motion of the observer. 0.8 grams?
a. 40 N c. 10 N
Relativistic Mass: The moving body increases its mass, b. 30 N d. 50 N
where any change in mass is equivalent to a change in Quantum Physics is defined as packet of energy.
kinetic energy. 4. What is the relative intensity level of sound in
Quanta of Radiation: When electromagnetic radiation
decibel if its intensity is W/cm2?
interacts with atoms and molecules, the beam acts like
√ ( ) streams of energy corpuscles called photon or light a. 94.8 c. 78.7
quantum. b. 80.5 d. 75.4
Where: m is the relativistic mass
Energy in each Photon: 5. A man fires a gun and hears an echo 2.4 seconds
mo is the rest mass
v is the velocity of the object after. How far is the reflecting surface if air
c is the speed of light ( ) temperature is 25°C? Note: the speed of sounds
Where: h is the Planck’s constant ( ) at STP (standard temperature and pressure) is
Linear Momentum of a particle when it moves the speed f is the frequency 332 m/s and changes by 0.6 m/s for every 1°C
of v change in temperature.
√ ( ) or a. 439.7 m c. 416.4 m
b. 457.4 m d. 354.7 m
Time Dilation moving clock are observe to run slowly than Where: h is Planck’s constant
clock at rest in the observer’s own frame of reference. hfo is the threshold energy (also known as the 6. A train blowing its whistle at 750 Hz approaches a
√ ( ) work function) station at the rate of 35 mph. What frequency is
is the minimum amount of energy heard by a man standing at the station
Length of Contraction The length of an object is longer required to pull an electron form a metal surface. considering the velocity of sound in air 1100 ft/s?
for the observer at rest with respect to the object while a. 739.7 Hz c. 716.4 Hz
shorter for observer in motion. b. 857.4 Hz d. 786.7 Hz

√ ( )
7. Two cars A and B are traveling towards each other measured by the clock on the spacecraft), sends a
at speed of 45 km/hr and 70 km/hr respectively. If second pulse. An observer on the earth sees the
car A blow horn, what is the relative pitch heard second pulse arrive 4 min after the first. What is
by a passenger in B? considering that the velocity the velocity of the spacecraft relative to the earth?
of sound us 344 m/s. a. 0.987c c. 0.954c
a. 1.043 c. 1.096 b. 0.968c d. 0.943c
b. 1.021 d. 1.078
14. A particle traveling at a speed of 0.98c. Find the
8. In a certain room, one person that is talking has ratio of the relativistic mas to the rest mass.
an approximate average sound level of 40 dB. a. 4.08 c. 7.02
Assuming that each person speaks the same level b. 3.04 d. 5.03
as did the single. What will be the sound level
when 20 people speak simultaneously? 15. An observer sees a spaceship measured 100 m
a. 45 dB c. 78 dB long when at rest it passes by in uniform motion
b. 53 dB d. 64 dB with a speed of 0.5c. While the observer is
watching the spaceship, a time of 2 s elapses on a
9. A piece of paper lies on a table 2 m away form a clock on board the ship, what is the length of
point directly below a bulb of 100 cd and is 4 m moving spaceship?
above the table. Calculate the illumination in the a. 87 m c. 83 m
center of the paper in lux. b. 85 m d. 76 m
a. 5.2 c. 4.5
b. 6.7 d. 3.4 16. Two twins are 25 years old when one of then sets
out on a journey through space at nearly constant
10. A medium unshaded lamp hangs 8 m directly speed. The twin in the spaceship measures time
above the table. To what distance should it be with an accurate watch. When he returns to earth,
lowered to increase the illumination to 4.45 times he claims to be 31.0 years old, while the twin left
its former value? on earth knows that she is 43 years old. What was
a. 4.02 m c. 3.79 m the speed of the spaceship?
b. 3.86m d. 4.21 m a. 3.23x m/s c. 2.83x m/s
b. 3.03x m/s d. 3.45x m/s
11. What is the index of refraction of a material if the
speed of light through the material is 2.37
a. 1.27 c. 1.52
b. 1.36 d. 1.09

12. Calculate the energy required by an electron to

reach 90% of the speed of light starting from the
a. 0.663 Mev c. 0.765 Mev Secret to Success:
b. 0.987 Mev d. 0.543 Mev
“1% inspiration, 99% perspiration”
13. The captain of a spacecraft send a pulse of light
towards earth and then exactly 1 min. later (as

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