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Postfeminism incorporate conservative and innovative ten-

dencies (for example, see Genz and Brabon

2009). Although their emphasis is not strictly
Independent scholar
comparable, in the latter two approaches
postfeminism is understood to be a contra-
In its broadest sense, “postfeminism” means dictory politics that assumes familiarity with
“after” or “beyond” feminism. The term feminist concepts and refashions them in
simultaneously references feminism as a response to the demands of a changing social
historical legacy and creates distance from context where women are called upon to
that political identity. There are broadly “do” gender politics and identify as female in
three (sometimes overlapping) approaches strikingly new ways. The difference between
to defining postfeminism in the scholarly theorists on this point is the extent to which
literature. The first is that postfeminism is this refashioning can be considered reac-
an anti-feminist backlash, as a politics which tionary (where the “new” is a reformulation
actively pushes back, or aggressively resists, of the “old”) or pragmatic (in the surprising
feminism in periods where it has made alignments of competing discourses).
the greatest gains (for example, see Faludi The prefix “post” also acts as a chronologi-
1991). The concept of “backlash” implies a cal marker that situates the “going beyond” of
retrogressive movement backward, toward a feminism in time. Susan Faludi suggests that
prefeminist time. The second is that feminism in the US context, postfeminism emerged
is over or dead because it is assumed to have in response to the gains of first-wave fem-
been successful in its aims, having passed into inism and that a postfeminist attitude was
mainstream culture and politics, and is thus discernible in the reactionary responses to
no longer needed. As Angela McRobbie puts suffrage of the 1920s press (1991, 70). The
it, “for feminism to be ‘taken into account’ it term “postfeminism” is acknowledged to
has to be understood as having already passed have become widely popularized in the 1980s
away” (2009, 12). This second approach is (Faludi 1991, 14; Gamble 1998, 38; Brunsdon
complex and should be distinguished from and Spigel 2008, 176) and commonplace in
the simplified “backlash” position. This is the 1990s (Tasker and Negra 2007, 8). The
because it depicts postfeminist discourse as source of this more recent usage is usually
accepting that female empowerment is of attributed to a 1982 New York Times article
value, but promoting female agency on the written by Susan Bolotin, entitled “Voices
condition that feminism “fades away.” from the Post-Feminist Generation” (Rosen-
The third approach positions postfemi- felt and Stacey 1987; Walters 1991; Dow 1996;
nism as signifying the evolution of feminism Henry 2004; Genz and Brabon 2009), which
through the process of productive self- sought to identify the reasons why feminism
reflection – for instance, in its intersection provoked a lack of interest and antipathy
with postmodernism (for example, see among young women. In the Bolotin article,
Brooks 1997). This approach also includes postfeminism is represented as the historical
perspectives that associate postfeminism product of generational change. Younger
productively with third-wave feminism, to women display a tacit acknowledgment of

The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, First Edition. Edited by Nancy A. Naples.
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118663219.wbegss238

gender inequality, while rejecting feminism reactionary. Ann Brooks (1997) argues that
as a political force for change; feminists are while postfeminism in popular culture is
characterized as bitter and unhappy, and fem- crude, reactionary, and hostile to feminism,
inist politics is replaced with an individualist in the academy it signifies a shift in emphasis
ethos of advancement. This particular article from equality to difference, a product of its
provides the context for more recent work engagement with the anti-foundationalist
that examines the ways in which the historical aims of postmodernism, poststructuralism,
rise of postfeminism is imbricated in the rise and postcolonialism. For Brooks, postfemi-
of individualist “neoliberalism” as a domi- nism’s radical politics lies in its interrogation
nant paradigm organizing social relations. of the integrity of the stable categories of fem-
Neoliberalist ideology holds that individ- inism (such as “oppression” and “woman”)
uals are responsible for their conditions of because they are implicated in maintaining
existence and can therefore change those “hegemonic” feminism and its unacknowl-
conditions through their own actions – there edged hierarchies of class, race, and ethnicity
is no recognition, in this perspective, of among women (1997, 4–8). On the other
shared experiences of oppression as a result hand, “difference” theory has been associ-
of structural inequality. Much of the recent ated with postfeminism because it is seen
theoretical scholarship on postfeminism to delegitimate feminist activism by turning
examines its currency in popular culture away from feminist aims to achieve equal-
and highlights the way in which postfem- ity and erasing “woman” as the prioritized
inist narratives celebrate female autonomy material category of feminist analysis (Wal-
through the rejection of a collectivist feminist ters 1995, 136; Murray 1997, 37–38; Walby
identity in favor of an individualist mode of 2011, 18, 20). Other arguments posit that
self-actualization. Moreover, the consumer postfeminism in the academy neutralizes
culture embedded within late capitalist West- feminism’s political challenge to patriarchy
ern society is integral to significant changes in through the appropriation of feminism – as
the way that gender is politicized and discur- well as femininity – by male-centered theory
sively represented. Postfeminist discourses in an attempt to mitigate the threat of female
can thus be situated as a feature of late capital- empowerment (Modleski 1991; Jones 2003,
ist society, where consumerism, rather than 321–324).
collectivist political movements like femi- Another problem of definition lies in
nism, provides the primary means for identity postfeminism’s relationship to third-wave
construction and gender identification. Post- feminism. It is difficult to determine whether
feminism, then, can be broadly defined in postfeminism is synonymous with third-wave
relation to its capacity as a marker of political feminism, whether it is an offshoot of third-
identification in the current late capitalist era. wave feminism, or whether it is a set of
“Postfeminism” is a notoriously difficult political claims that do not bear any associa-
term to define, although it has benefited tion with the third wave at all. For instance,
greatly from feminist attempts at refinement Amanda Lotz (2001), as well as Brooks,
over the past decade. Part of the problem defines postfeminism as a progressive sub-
of definition lies in disagreements over set of the third wave, which productively
the nature of its relationship to feminism, diversifies and shifts central second-wave
with early feminist accounts of the term formations of identity and activism. But a
divided over whether postfeminist resis- counterview is that postfeminism is a con-
tance to the feminist identity is radical or servative, oppositional politics that must be

distinguished from the “third wave” (Hey- Dow 1996; Brunsdon 1997; Nurka 2002; Gill
wood and Drake 1997, 1). For Heywood and 2007; Tasker and Negra 2007; McRobbie
Drake, “‘postfeminist’ characterizes a group 2009; Taylor 2012). This is best summarized
of young, conservative feminists who explic- by Judith Stacey as the “simultaneous incor-
itly define themselves against and criticize poration, revision and depoliticization of
feminists of the second wave,” while third- many of the central goals of second wave
wave feminism is “neither incompatible feminism” (1987, 8) and is probably the defi-
[with] nor opposed” to the second wave nition that informs the key current definitions
(1997, 1). In this view, the waves model of postfeminism. Rosalind Gill argues that
assumes continuity with, and identitarian postfeminism is distinctive because it incor-
commitment to, the second wave while also porates “feminist and anti-feminist ideas”
problematizing certain second-wave prin- (2007, 269), while McRobbie defines post-
ciples. The third wave is, for Heywood and feminism as a “double entanglement,” which
Drake, a hybrid politics that draws on prior refers to the way in which feminism becomes
feminist critique of the power structures “commonsense” or mainstreamed, “while
within which women are positioned, and also fiercely repudiated, indeed almost hated”
also makes ironic use of those very same (2009, 12). Postfeminism thus represents
structures as a tool for female self-definition both a presumption of feminist achievement
(1997, 3). For example, it allows for the and a dissociation from feminist politics. As
seemingly contradictory pairing of “femi- Natasha Walter, author of the book The New
nine” and “feminist” (Hollows 2000, 193). Feminism, wrote, feminism now “works from
Similarly, Ednie Kaeh Garrison argues that the inside” (1998, 33), while Walter’s ideolog-
the third wave should be distinguished from ical contemporary Rene Denfeld expressed,
postfeminism because third-wave feminists “we are feminists – in action, if not in name”
still identify with feminism (2000, 149). (1995, 5).
However, Genz and Brabon argue that such According to McRobbie, a radical femi-
attempts to separate “third-wave feminism” nism that questions or critiques the social
and “postfeminism” are faulty because they order, rather than one that can be aligned with
don’t recognize the interrelatedness of the female progress, is rejected as a site of iden-
two terms, and tend to (wrongly) oversim- tification for women (2009, 14–15). Yvonne
plify the complex workings of postfeminism Tasker and Diane Negra agree that postfemi-
as anti-feminist backlash (2009, 156). Clearly, nism requires that as women assume feminist
any attempt to outline the various theoretical success in achieving equality, feminism is
approaches to postfeminism/third-wave fem- othered, constructed as “extreme, difficult,
inism involves negotiating troubled, difficult, and unpleasurable” (2007, 4). According to
and contradictory terrain. Monica Dux and Zora Simic, millennial post-
While some theorists position postfem- feminism “invites us to abandon feminism as
inism as an expression of anti-feminist a failure that has actually made women’s lives
backlash (Faludi 1991; Modleski 1991; worse” (2008, 21). Postfeminist discourse
Walters 1995; Heywood and Drake 1997; thus erects a “straw feminist” – usually the
Garrison 2000; Whelehan 2000; Jones 2003), ubiquitous figure of the “hairy-legged les-
other scholars prefer to define postfemi- bian” – who symbolizes “all that is wrong
nism as a contradictory movement between with feminism” (Dux and Simic 2008, 34).
acknowledgment and disavowal (Rosenfelt Second-wave feminism is charged with being
and Stacey 1987; Stacey 1987; Rapp 1988; puritanical, punitive, and too invested in

female victimhood (Bulbeck 2010; Nurka themselves, as well as other women (2005,
2002, 2003). Author of DIY Feminism Kathy 4). This is taking place as part of what is
Bail writes: “The word ‘feminism’ suggests commonly dubbed “the sexualization of cul-
a rigidity of style and behaviour and is still ture,” which refers to the normalization of
generally associated with a culture of com- a pornographic aesthetic in “a hyper-culture
plaint. Young women don’t want to identify of commercial sexuality” (McRobbie 2009,
with something that sounds dowdy, asexual 18), where young women obtain a sense
or shows them to be at a disadvantage. They of sexual self-expression through mimicry
don’t want to be seen as victims” (1996, of the visual codes found in heterosexual
4–5). Naomi Wolf’s Fire With Fire (1993), male-oriented pornography (Levy 2005; Gill
Katie Roiphe’s The Morning After (1993), and 2007, 256–259).
Rene Denfeld’s The New Victorians (1995) In contemporary consumer culture, fem-
are three US texts that are paradigmatic of ininity is something to be improved upon
the postfeminist critique of second-wave through buying power, with its attainment
“victim feminism” (Genz and Brabon 2009). a reflection of the value placed on the self.
All three argue that contemporary women Therefore, the way in which women are hailed
must be liberated from the sexual and ide- as sexual agents by advertisers is an impor-
ological repression of second-wave values tant aspect of postfeminist culture. Where
that emphasize danger over pleasure and traditional sexist advertising says “buy this
disadvantage over empowerment. product and you will be irresistible to men!”
A large part of the postfeminist resis- postfeminist sexism says “this product gives
tance to feminism is based on a particular you the choice to perform your own style
conception of a puritanical feminist view of sexiness which is irresistible to men!”
of heterosexual intercourse as a manifesta- Choice, freedom, and individuality are essen-
tion of patriarchal violence, a theory most tial concepts in defining the constitution of
notably espoused by US feminists Catharine postfeminist sexual subjectivity. The concern
McKinnon and Andrea Dworkin. Because for some feminists is that as Western culture
postfeminist discourse can be identified via becomes increasingly sexualized, there is less
its positioning against a particular image room for traditional feminist critique of the
of second-wave feminism (i.e., bra burn- sexual objectification of women by men. For
ing, man-hating lesbians), a central theme instance, Gill (2007) and McRobbie (2009)
by which this differentiation is enacted is argue that “irony,” as the ludic manipulation
through an identification with a “pro-sex” of culturally recognizable sexist imagery and
narrative (Projansky 2001, 83), also called discourse, justifies the sexism it represents
“do-me feminism” (Genz and Brabon 2009, through an implied historical separation
ch. 4). Hence, one of the primary splits between present and past audiences. The
by which postfeminism can be identified contemporary audience is invited to share an
is between the sexually repressive femi- illicit enjoyment in sexist imagery through
nist mother and the sexually assertive and our distance to its content, which is presumed
empowered postfeminist daughter (Nurka to render it harmless. It is this pretense of sep-
2003; Henry 2004). Postfeminism has been aration that works to legitimate sexism in the
articulated by Ariel Levy as “female chau- media because we “get the joke” (McRobbie
vinism,” an effect of what she terms “raunch 2009, 17).
culture,” in which women are now the new In the postfeminist media context, femi-
male chauvinists making sex objects out of nist objections to the sexualization of women

appear as a restriction of the pleasures of capacity, or “female phallicism” (McRobbie

looking and being looked at. Yet, as Gill 2009, 62–63). This restabilizing impulse
points out, young women are invited to reasserts traditional boundaries of gender
inhabit sexual subjectivity on the condition and sexuality in that the freedoms gained by
that their bodies conform to a normative “the phallic girl” are enjoyed on the condition
image of sexual attractiveness. Raunch cul- of a heterosexual gaze, thus reinforcing the
ture constructs sexual desire in very precise repudiation of lesbian sexuality (McRobbie
ways: “only some women are constructed as 2009, 86).
active, desiring sexual subjects: women who The association of feminism with lesbian-
desire sex with men (except when lesbian ism motivates the postfeminist assertion
women ‘perform’ for men) and only young, that feminism is at odds with the desires of
slim and beautiful women” (Gill 2007, 259). an implicitly heterosexualized “feminine”
Older or fat women, by contrast, are denied subject, for whom it seeks to reaffirm and
the pleasures of sexual subjecthood (Gill recuperate heterosexual romance. Anthea
2007, 259). The male gaze that second-wave Taylor suggests that in the sexual sphere,
feminism criticized for its dehumanizing, feminism is blamed for robbing women of
sexually objectifying effects on women is now the pleasures of romance (in its critique of
internalized by women themselves as a “self- marriage, for example) and encapsulates a
policing narcissistic gaze” through which an reaction against a feminism that is consid-
agentic feminine subject is constructed (Gill ered to be both an “unhappy” politics and
2007, 258). On this basis, women are invited the cause of contemporary women’s unhap-
to express selfhood in the capacity for sexual piness (2012, 26). One of the unhappiest
empowerment, which is achieved through heirs of feminism, according to postfeminist
remaking the sexual body. accounts, is “the single girl” (Dux and Simic
Attendant on these demands of sex- 2008, 73; Taylor 2012), whose professional
ualization is the intensification of body success is seen to come at the cost of personal
surveillance. As Gill argues, it is not a set failure. The postfeminist vision of the single
of “feminine” characteristics that serve to woman is that she is a “lamentable product of
define femininity today; rather, postfeminism the pervasive feminist rhetoric that encour-
prioritizes the accomplishment of the “sexy aged women to pursue independence and
body” as the achievement of a feminine autonomy at the cost of a husband and …
identity (2007, 255). For McRobbie, now a nuclear family” (Taylor 2012, 6). The most
that financially independent women are able prominent fictional single women in recent
to make choices that are not solely deter- decades – Bridget Jones in Helen Fielding’s
mined by their orientation to the marriage book Bridget Jones’s Diary, Ally McBeal in
market, the Symbolic restores the balance David E. Kelley’s TV series of the same name,
upset by feminism through relocating female and the women in Sex and the City – are
self-worth to the never-ending work of body characters who “endure as reference points
maintenance required by the fashion–beauty for talking about women who are purported
complex. Hence, the feminist achievement of to be struggling to find a balance between
women’s entrenchment in the workforce is their careers and their biological clocks”
undone by the symbolic imperatives of the (Dux and Simic 2008, 75).
fashion–beauty complex, which serves to One of the defining characteristics of
restabilize gender relations under threat by postfeminism is that it situates itself between
female acquisition of independent economic public success and private failure (McRobbie

2009; Taylor 2012). According to Taylor, postfeminist world no longer constrained by

we find that in postfeminist rhetoric the gender inequality allows for a return to tradi-
deeply held “feminine” desire to be coupled tional gender values, or what Elspeth Probyn
is the undercurrent that upsets the valoriza- (1990) calls the “new traditionalism.” Probyn
tion of single women as confident, financially argues that postfeminist “new traditionalism”
autonomous, and sexually agentic. For Taylor, draws upon a false choice “posed as the pos-
postfeminist narratives of feminism’s failure sibility of choosing between the home or the
to secure single women’s happiness “work career, the family or the successful job” (1990,
to manage the threat posed by the woman 131) to reaffirm that the “natural” place for
without a man” (2012, 14). This tension is women is in the home. As Bonnie J. Dow
typically expressed through the figure of the notes, such a choice is constrained in more
lonely, childless, single white professional. ways than one. It is a distinctly middle-class
Figures such as Ally McBeal and Bridget conundrum that is not available to women
Jones also share the qualities characteristic of who don’t have the option of returning home
the postfeminist assumption that feminism (Dow 1996, 99). Probyn explains that the
has wrested from young women the right to ticking biological clock which is so present in
enjoy the “feminine” pleasures of romance popular media texts and which inspires such a
and marriage (Gill 2007, 228; McRobbie sense of urgency among women is a powerful
2009, 21; Taylor 2012, 26). Heterosexual postfeminist trope that naturalizes women’s
romance is thus constructed as something place in the home. What makes this fantasy
which must be reclaimed from a perceived of a return to the home (and family) postfem-
anti-male feminism. Postfeminism makes inist is that it is articulated against feminism
desirable for women a traditional organiza- as the submerged or unspoken Other – a
tion of gender and sexuality (for example, politics that is silenced because it has already
heterosexual romance, sexual dependence passed on.
on men, marriage, motherhood, family, Negra extends this position to suggest
and the home), presenting these highly that popular culture narratives which center
structured gender relations as individual on the professional urban woman’s return
lifestyle options. McRobbie describes this as a to her hometown are symbolic of a “female
“double entanglement,” in which neoconser- retreatism,” which works to recuperate the
vative (or new traditionalist) ideologies exist loss of the family represented by the dislo-
in tension with the liberal rhetoric of choice, cated femininity of feminism. The hometown
in relation to gender, sexuality, and family fantasy is a response to “a set of social and
(2009, 12). economic conditions” increasingly defined
McRobbie’s companion concept of the by atomization, risk, and instability (Negra
“postfeminist masquerade” – which derives, 2009, 15–16). The fantasy of home provided
via Butler, from Riviere’s psychoanalytic by postfeminism is a gendered expression
account of the masquerade in which phallic of a nostalgic longing for stability as the
women don the mask of “womanliness” to answer to a restructured, itinerant, precari-
avert male retribution for their transgres- ous, outsourced global marketplace in which
sion – disavows feminism so that postfemi- workplace protections are being steadily
ninity, dressed in the garb of traditional desir- chipped away. As traditional gender roles
able heterosexual femininity, can appear as become dis-embedded through the changing
freedom (of choice) and empowerment (2009, requirements of global capital, postfeminism
64–66). The concept of freedom of choice in a instates their symbolic redefinition alongside

the “abandonment of critique of patriarchy” free to take up sexual and economic oppor-
(McRobbie 2009, 57). tunity, and free to choose between work and
Postfeminism has thus emerged in a his- the home. Of course, such choice is, in reality,
torical moment that marks a global shift to constrained by class and race: the housewife
the right, increasing privatization in opposi- is a profoundly middle-class subject position
tion to state regulation leading to a decrease available to privileged women who do not
in social welfare and an increase in eco- need an income to support themselves or
nomic inequality, “free market” ideology, their families, and the rewards of sexual sub-
and the rise of the individual alongside the jectivity are not accorded evenly to women
dissolution of models of political solidarity of color, who have historically been posi-
(Tasker and Negra 2007, 6–7; McRobbie tioned by colonialism as the hypersexualized
2009, 18–19, 55; Gill and Scharff 2011, 5; other of white femininity. As Tasker and
Walby 2011, 11; Taylor 2012, 15). The work of Negra remind us, “postfeminism is white
Anthony Giddens (1991), Ulrich Beck (1992), and middle class by default, anchored in
Zygmunt Bauman (2000, 2001), and Nikolas consumption as a strategy (and leisure as a
Rose (1992) on individualization is influential site) for the production of the self” (2007, 2).
to the current theorization of postfeminist As neoliberal market ideology emphasizes
neoliberalism as involving the construction the achievement of fiscal success through
of the individual freed from the ties of col- individual, rather than collective, means, so
lective belonging, such as gender and class too does postfeminist discourse presume that
(Ringrose and Walkerdine 2008; McRobbie middle-class women’s wage-earning capacity
2009, 18–19; Scharff 2012, 10–11); however, be directed toward the improvement of the
Beck and Giddens are criticized for failing self, chiefly through beauty culture, in what
to recognize that “individualization” can McRobbie calls “the new sexual contract”
function as a regulatory force and does not (2009, 72).
in actuality entail the falling away of the con- Postfeminism ushers in a new era of
straints of gender, class, race, and sexuality, intensified self-management for women, as
for example. It is, rather, “individualization” the “makeover paradigm” gains ascendancy
as an ideology – or a dominant mode of in popular media (Gill 2007, 262–264).
interpreting one’s place in the world – that Across all aspects of modern living, the
feminist theorists of postfeminism find most makeover paradigm offers improvement as
useful. In this respect, individualization is entertainment and draws ever more sharply
theorized as a mode of governmentality distinctions of gender and class: for instance,
that “exerts power through techniques that television shows like Extreme Makeover
autonomise and responsibilise subjects” present cosmetic surgery to women as a path
(Scharff 2012, 11) in ways that “quite literally to autonomy and happiness, while Ladette to
‘get inside us’ to materialize or constitute our Lady urges working-class women to conform
subjectivities” (Gill and Scharff 2011, 8). to middle-class taste for self-betterment.
Postindustrial capitalist consumer culture Tasker and Negra suggest that one of the key
provides the overarching socioeconomic contradictions of postfeminism is that female
context for the articulation of postfeminist empowerment is dependent on the capacity
values, where the incorporation of feminism to consume (2007, 8), thus requiring the
as a “lifestyle” is simultaneous to its commod- exclusion of women who cannot meet these
ification through the figure of the empowered demands. Or, as Jessica Ringrose and Valerie
female consumer (Tasker and Negra 2007, 2) Walkerdine put it, “this successful femininity

is bourgeois, yet coded universal, normal and postfeminism in the academy and in popu-
attainable for all” (2008, 228). lar culture, it is to the latter manifestations
Women’s economic capacity is encour- that contemporary theorists are increasingly
aged at the same time as the changing turning their critical attention. Theories
global marketplace increasingly relies on the postulating that postfeminist female disiden-
exploitation of women in the “third world” as tification with feminism constituted an
women migrants take up poorly paid, unregu- anti-feminist “backlash” were crucial in
lated domestic work and Western businesses providing chronology and context for a
secure cheap female labor offshore. The cultural moment in which feminism had
inevitable subject of capacity that is produced been proclaimed dead; this approach has
under these conditions is, therefore, white, since been critically revised to account for
Western, and middle class. Christina Scharff the contradictory nature of postfeminism
argues that in contemporary European soci- as a political position that simultaneously
eties, women’s condition of freedom offered assumes and refuses feminist values. With
by postfeminism is in fact “intertwined with the expansion of scholarship in this area,
the construction of their cultural other, the we now have a rich, albeit still developing,
‘oppressed Muslim woman,’ who is por- vocabulary with which to interrogate the
trayed as being a passive victim of patriarchal complexities of postfeminism as one of the
culture” (Scharff 2012, 1–2). Scharff found most fascinating cultural phenomena of the
that the interviewees from her empirical new millennium.
research positioned themselves as liberated
SEE ALSO: Backlash; Feminisms, First,
Western subjects beyond the need for femi- Second, and Third Wave; Feminist Sex Wars;
nism in contradistinction to Muslim women Individualism and Collectivism, Critical
who were believed to be “powerless and Feminist Perspectives on; Lesbian Stereotypes
subjugated” (Scharff 2012, 67). in the United States; Pornography, Feminist
In terms of television and film represen- Legal and Political Debates on
tation, African American women are still
presented as the enduring other to white REFERENCES
women’s changing modalities of selfhood Bail, Kathy. 1996. DIY Feminism. St. Leonards:
(Springer 2007, 249), which implies that they Allen and Unwin.
do not have the same access to “the individu- Banet-Weiser, Sarah. 2007. “What’s Your Flava?
al” as a category of identity reserved for the Race and Postfeminism in Media Culture.” In
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other. Another consequence of the commer- University Press.
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Stacey, Judith. 1987. “Sexism by a Subtler Name? London: Vintage Books.
Postindustrial Conditions and Postfeminist
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Review, 17(6): 7–28.
Gamble, Sarah. 2000. The Routledge Critical
Tasker, Yvonne, and Diane Negra. 2007. “Intro-
Dictionary of Feminism and Postfeminism. New
duction: Feminist Politics and Postfeminist Cul-
York: Routledge.
ture.” In Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and
Munford, Rebecca, and Melanie Waters, eds.
the Politics of Popular Culture, edited by Yvonne
2013. Feminism and Popular Culture: Inves-
Tasker and Diane Negra, 1–26. Durham, NC:
tigating the Postfeminist Mystique. London:
Duke University Press.
I. B. Tauris.
Taylor, Anthea. 2012. Single Women in Popular
Phoca, Sophia, and Rebecca Wright. 1999. Intro-
Culture: The Limits of Postfeminism. New York:
ducing Postfeminism. New York: Totem Books.
Palgrave Macmillan.

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