Task A: Objective Examination and Essay: Assessment Instrument Characteristics

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Chapter: 4- 4.

Topic : Variety of Assessment Instruments Phase: Initial Task
Duration: 1 hour
Resources needed:
• Visual aids, flash/ meta cards, whiteboard marker, manila paper
• Textbook- Assessment of Learning pp. 33-35

In this learning session, the participants should be able to:
1.) discuss the different assessment instruments that an educator can use in assessing the
student’s learning
2.) relate the different assessment instruments to the KPUP Grading System of the K to 12
3.) state the importance of using different assessment instruments

ACTIVITY 1: “It’s Showtime!”

Divide the class in four groups. Each group will be given 2 minutes to prepare a short
presentation showcasing the members’ talents (dancing, singing, acting etc.), 1-2 representative for
each group. Each presentation should be 1- 2 minutes long only. Before the start of the actual
presentation, give the class “scorecards” containing the numbers 1-5 on each card. Inform the class
that after each presentation, the “audience” will rate the presentation of the group by raising the
appropriate scorecard.

a. What do you notice with how the groups gave the ratings for the performing group?
b. Cite common factors that contributed to the ratings given to each performing group.
c. Can we use the rating guides you used for each group in coming up with the grades of the
students? Why or why not?

ACTIVITY 2: “Assessment Time!”

Divide the class in 4 groups again. Each group will be given a task sheets containing one
assessment tool. The group will accomplish the task and report their answers in front.

Task A: Objective Examination and Essay

The group will accomplish this table:
OBJECTIVE EXAM (multiple choice, matching type,
true or flase, etc.)
a. Assessment instruments aim to gauge the learners’ understanding of different concepts.
Come up with other activities that you can use to assess the students’ learning.
b. What should we always keep in mind when constructing objective type of tests?
c. Do you know of any guideline that one must keep in mind when using reports and research
projects? How about portfolios?

a. Cite reasons we need to learn about the different assessment instruments.
b. How can you relate this with the new K to 12 curriculum being used in schools today?
c. Given the different assessment instruments , what can you say about how we assess our
student’s learning?

In the components of Grades for the K to 12 curriculum (KPUP), which assessment instrument
do you think can best measure the student’s learning for each component? Complete the table by
putting the card in the component you think it should be and provide a short explanation.


Multiple choice Essay Research projects Portfolio
True or false Reports (oral) Research projects
Matching type

On a piece of paper, write a short reflection on how you can be a better educator using the
knowledge in assessment instruments.


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