What Is Your Greatest Weaknessgh

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What is your greatest weakness?

 I sometimes overdo getting my work done ahead of time. However, I am excellent at meeting deadlines, and
with my attention to detail, I know my work is correct.
 Sometimes, I spend more time than necessary on a task, or have volunteered to take on tasks personally that
could easily be handled by someone else in the office.
 I can get very impatient when people do not deliver work in a timely manner. To avoid feeling frustrated with
co-workers, I've learned to establish clear deadlines and give friendly reminders a few days prior to keep
projects on track.
 Although I've never missed a deadline, it is still an effort for me to know when to move on to the next task, and
to be confident when assigning others work.

How do you handle stress and pressure?

 I find that when I'm under the pressure of a deadline, I can do some of my most creative work. (Great answer
for a job that requires a lot of creativity.)
 I'm not a person who has a difficult time with stress. When I'm under pressure, I focus on the task at hand, and
I get the job done. (Demonstrates the ability to focus in a distracting environment.)
 I find it exhilarating to be in a dynamic environment where the pressure is on. (Hints at being a great team

 When I am under pressure, I stop and figure out my priorities. I make a list ranking what is most important,
and then I go through that list step by step, getting each task done.
 When I've been in stressful situations, I try to figure out what is causing the stress. It's not always time-driven
deadlines. Sometimes it's other people disagreeing on how to move forward. I figure out what the problems or
disagreements are and work diffuse them so we can all be productive.

What was it like working for your supervisor?

 have been very lucky to have had terrific managers during my career so far. I have respected each of them and
got along well with all of them.

 "No, I am a hard worker, and my managers always seem to appreciate the job I'm doing. I've got along well with
every manager I've had."

 "I had a rocky start with a manager earlier in my career because we had different expectations for the flow of
the workday. Once we talked about it, we realized that our goals were very compatible, and we were able to work
very successfully together for several years."
 "I once had a manager who brought her problems to work with her on a daily basis. She was going through a
difficult time in her personal life, and this tended to affect the atmosphere in the office. It didn't impact my work
because I was able to sympathize with her circumstances, but the situation was challenging."

What do you expect from a supervisor?

 I appreciate a work environment where supervisors try to make personal connections with their employees.
 In my last job, I liked the fact that management did not show favoritism and they were understanding of
employees’ needs, as well as their strengths. Of course, these things take time to perceive, but I would want
my supervisor to try to know me in that way.
 I would like to be able to go to my manager if I have an issue or idea and to be able to feel comfortable in
expressing my thoughts. I would also expect my supervisor to be open and honest with me and to let me know
if there is anything I could do to improve upon or do differently in my work.
 I really appreciate managers who can give constructive criticism without making employees feel like they have
failed or are being negatively judged. Everyone makes mistakes occasionally. When this happens, the best
thing to do is to assess and learn from the mistake to avoid repeating it in the future, without belittlement or
 I believe that the best supervisors convey their expectations in a timely fashion, as well as keeping their teams
“in the loop” regarding new changes in the workplace. Although I feel I work very well independently, I also
like to touch base regularly with my supervisor to ensure that our projects are all on track – either informally
through emails or at formal weekly staff meetings.

 I think that it’s important that managers realize how important team morale is to job performance. While I
hold myself accountable for doing the best work I can each day, it’s always a shot in the arm to be praised now
and then for a job well done.

Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?

 Working in sales has strengthened my abilities to work both alone and with others. I am comfortable engaging
with a customer face to face, but I also believe in the benefit of sitting and brainstorming with coworkers about
best practices, sales goals, lessons learned, and alternative approaches. Additionally, having a team behind me
gives me confidence that if I come across something I am unsure of while working alone, I have the resources
to consult someone who can educate or help me.

 I have experience with independent and team-based work and I see the value in both approaches.”

Do you work well with people?

 I am a patient listener and clear communicator, which is essential to being a sales representative. Customers
often call me with complaints and concerns, and my ability to patiently listen and empathize makes them feel
appreciated. I then work with them to come up with creative solutions to their problems. I believe my people
skills are the reason I won best sales representative three years in a row at my previous company.

 My ability to communicate effectively with others has been critical to my success as a manager. For example,
my willingness to listen to my employees has helped me motivate my staff and improve performance. When
the quality of one employee’s work began to falter, I met with the employee to discuss the issue. I listened to
her own concerns about her work, and we discussed ways to resolve her issues while improving her
performance. I firmly believe that being able to clearly communicate with and actively listen to employees is
essential to improving their performance.

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