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Xavier Sarza Bo


September 17, 2019

Readings in Philippine History

There are so many events and early inhabitants in the Philippines before the Spaniards colonized our
country. It is thought that the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines lived some 40,000 years ago.

DATE EVENT Brief Description Lessons Learned/Impact

of the Event

It is thought that Tools for hunting that

“Tabon Man” was the are similar features to
40, 000 years ago Tabon Man first inhabitants of the Indonesian Borneo.
Philippines. On Palawan
human bones have
been found that date
about 22, 000 years
ago. Stone tools dating
30, 000 to 40, 000 years
Negritos were believed The building of house
to be the first people from a bamboo came
10, 000 to 13, 000 years Negritos (Aeta) in the with small groups from from the Negritos.
ago Philippines. mainland Southeast
Asia who arrived at the
Philippines. Negritos or
(Aeta) are very small
people with dark skin
and curly brown hair.
About 2, 300 years ago Brought more advanced
Malay people from the culture; iron melting,
3000 B.C Arrival of Malay People Asian mainland or and production of iron
in the Philippines Indonesia arrived in the tools, pottery
Philippines. techniques and the
system of sawah’s (rice
Chinese Links to First The ancestors of Southern Chinese
Wave of Settlers to the modern Southeast culture, agriculture and
2, 500 years ago Philippines Asian people arrived domesticated animals
from Tibet and China (pigs, chickens and
about 2,500 years ago, dogs) is believed to
displacing the aboriginal have spread from the
groups that occupied Philippines through the
the land first. islands of Indonesia.
In 1380, Karim ul’
Makhdum, the first
Islamic missionary to
14th Century Islam arrived at the reach the Sulu
Philippines Archipelago and Jolo,
brought to Islam to
what is now the
September 20, 1519 Magellan departs from He departs from Spain
Spain with 5 ships and a
March 16, 1521 Discovery of the Ferdinand Magellan
Philippines discovers the
Philippines and claims it
for Spain and names it
Islas de San Lazaro.
March 31, 1521 The first mass in the The first mass in the Catholic Religion
Philippines takes place. Philippines was held at
the Limasawa.
April 7, 1521 Magellan befriends He befriends Rajah
Cebu natives Humabon, the ruler of
Cebu. A significant
number of Cebu natives
are converted to
April 27, 1521 Death of Magellan Magellan is killed in
battle on Mactan Island
by Lapu-Lapu. Disputes
over women cause
deterioration of
relations and 27
Spaniards are killed.
Return of the crew of Of the five ships that
Magellan to Spain departed Spain with
1522 Magellan, only one ship
returns with a crew of

Spain’s second Spain sends second

1525 expedition. expedition to the
Philippines under Juan
Garcia Jofre de Loaysa.
1526 Spain’s third expedition.A third expedition
under Juan Cabot is
sent but never reaches
the Philippines
1527 Spain’s fourth From Mexico, a fourth
expedition. expedition is sent under
Alvaro de Saavedra and
eventually reaches
1529 Death of Saavedra Saavera dies during the
journey of his
expeditions’s return to
1536 Return of Laoysa The Loaysa expedition
expedition to Spain returns to Spain. The
expedition is a failure
with Loaysa and many
of his crew having died
in the Philippines.
February 2, 1543 Spain’s fifth expedition Ruy Lopez de Villalobos,
leader of the fifth
expedition arrives in the
Philippines. He names it
after the Spanis heir to
the throne, Philip II.
Villalobos remains in
the Philippines for eight
months before being
forced to leave due to
lack of food.
February 13, 1565 Miguel Lopez de Legazpi Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
and his crew arrived in
the Philippines.
February 15, 1565 The firs governor- King Philip II of Spain
general of the appoints Miguel Lopez
Philippines de Legazpi as the first
governor-general of the
Philippines which is to
be administered as a
territory of Mexico.
May 8, 1565 Legazpi rule the Cebu The natives of Cebu
submit to Spanish rule
and under Legazpi and
Cebu becomes the
capital of the
1568 Treaty of Tordesillas The Portuguese, who
believed that under the
Treaty of Tordesillas,
the Philippines falls
under Portugues
jurisdiction, attack Cebu
and blockade the port.
1570 2nd attack of Portuguese The Portuguese launch
a second attack on the
Philippines but are
May/June 1570 War between the War breaks out
Spanish and Rajah between the Spanish
Soliman and Rajah Soliman as a
result of either a
misunderstanding or
due to an attempt to
impose Spanish
June 24, 1571 Manila as the capital of Legazpi selects Manila
the Philippines as the capital of the
colony because of the
natural harbor and rich
lands surrounding the
city that could supply it
with produce.
November 1574 The Chinese pirate The Chinese pirate
Limahong Limahong attack on
Manila and attempts to
invade the city but is
December 1574

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