Economic Issues: Reflection # 3

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Name: JEAN F.


Course: MAEd-TSS Instructor: JED I. BETE, MAEdEM, MAEdTSS
Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm Date: SEPTEMBER 21, 2019

Reflection # 3

I am not feeling well that day, and with your approval sir, I decided to come out

early from the class also to visit my principal confined at the nearby hospital. But then I

had picked some points during their early discussions on the topic economic issues.

The economies of modern industrial nations are very complex, and economists

do not always understand why periods of prosperity are followed by periods of decline

called depressions. I believe this has become the trends and issues in society because

people tend to find some ways in whatever means of getting it whether for good or bad

just to supply the everyday needs of the family. I agree that as a human person, we

always feel uncontended with what is available in our hands but rather find ways to want

more and to be more in life. I understand that people always demand for satisfaction if

not for more.

Moreover, as economics talks about the limited resources, I can reflect that

people find time to quest for needs and even wants even if how difficult it is to have. I

remember the time when typhoon Pablo hits us, everybody is needy and I can see that

it is really hard for humans to go back to their beginning. But now, our town has

improved, people had all the means of sources of income, more buildings and

infrastructure compared before. It’s funny to say that the typhoon that hits us brings us

more blessings and more opportunities. It is always true that for us Filipinos, it our

positive response to every storm that we encounter in life to stand firm and continue to

live life to the fullest. Filipinos always find ways to provide and feed their families.
Today, many students did not know how to save and it is their practice to spend

unknowingly. As a teacher, I need to educate my students the value of every sweat of

their parents just earn a living and be able to send them at school. As a matter of fact, I

always tell them to spend money wisely and save it if possible. I believe parents also

has a role in monitoring the activities of their sons/daughters and be able to discipline

them also in utilizing their allowances.

Meanwhile, I believe that the economic issues have nothing to do with our daily

living if we just have the courage to work and find an avenue to earn a living. Life is

easy if we want it. Spend resources wisely, plan daily activities and learning to save for

the future are just an example of living a happy life full of contentment. Sometimes the

situation we choose are just the manifestations of what we are living today.

Lastly, I believe we have a lot in our surroundings and it is up for us on how to

get it. We do not need to complain to the government the economic condition we

experienced but do our best to help the government in resolving the issue. Let us

always remember to be part of the solution rather than the part of every problem.

Together, let us discipline ourselves in dealing the resources that we have and learn to

value it as if others lack. I agree with one of the reporters said that our economy is

growing yet we need to water it in order for us to enjoy it with our love ones.

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