(Normalitas and Homogenitas Test) : Critical Book Report

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(Normalitas and Homogenitas test)

Arranged to fulfill the task
Course : Statistic
Lecturer : Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, S.Pd.,Mp.Pd

Name : 1.Edi Wardana Naibaho (4173131007)
2.Elisabeth May Dwi Wenty (4172131012)
3.Fatayatul Hasniyah (4173131012)
4.Frandika Arif Chaniago (4173131015)
Class : Chemistry Education 2017
Course : Statistic







Praise and thanksgiving the author speaks to God the Almighty who has bestowed
blessings and gifts and on his will this paper can be completed. This paper is deliberately
created by the writer to fulfill the assignment of the subject of STATISTIC.

In completing this paper the author has experienced many difficulties but thanks to the
guidance from various parties finally this paper can be resolved. The author expresses his
gratitude to the parties who have helped the author in the implementation of making this
paper so that it can be realized properly. The author realizes that there are many shortcomings
in both writing and grammar. Therefore, the author expects criticism and constructive
suggestions from the reader so that the author hopes for the sake of perfection in the future.

Hopefully this paper provides benefits and becomes an inspiration for all of us

Medan, September 2019



PRELIMINARY .................................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ........................................................................................... 2
1.1.Background .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.Adventages ............................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II BOOK CONTENT ...................................................................................... 3
2.1.Identity of Book ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Identity of Book 1 ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Identity of Book 2 ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2.Summary Of Book ................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1.Summary of Book 1 .......................................................................................................... 3
2.2.2.Summary Of Book 2 ......................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 6
3.1.Adventages and disadventages ................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 Adventages ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.2 Disadventages.................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER IV CLOSE........................................................................................................ 7
4.1. Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.Advice ...................................................................................................................................... 7
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 8

Critical Book Report is the result of criticism / comparison about a topic material
which is generally in lecture material on different books. The writing of this critical book
report is basically to compare two different Statistics books. Every book made by a particular
writer must have advantages and disadvantages of each. The feasibility of a book can we
know if we do a review of the book with a comparison of other books. A book with more
dominant advantages compared to its disadvantages means that this book is appropriate to
be used and used as a reference source for the general public

1. Review the contents of a book.
2. Understand and know the information contained in the book.
3. Practicing how to think critically in criticizing and assessing the strengths and
weaknesses contained in the book.
4. Comparing the contents of the book to the real situation and the surrounding

1. To fulfill the task of course Statistic
2. Exercise the ability of student in criticizing books
3. Growing creative mindset in Statistic

2.1.Identity of Book
2.1.1 Identity of Book 1
Title : Statistik Teori dan Aplikasi dalam Penelitian
Author : Pasar Maulim Silitonga
Publisher : FMIPA Unimed
Year : 2014

2.1.2 Identity of Book 2

Title : Statistika Pendidikan
Author : Yulingga Nanda Hanief and Wasis Himawanto
Publisher : Deepublish
Year : 2018

2.2.Summary Of Book
2.2.1.Summary of Book 1
A. Data Normality Test
Data normality test is carried out to find out whether the continuous data obtained is
normally distributed or not. If it is proven that the data is normally distributed then
parametric statistics such as validity, reliability, t-test, correlation and regression tests can
be continued. Conversely, if it is proven that the data collected is not normally distributed,
then parametric statistics cannot be used but instead use nonparametric statistics.

To test the normality of data can be done in several ways, namely:

1. Use normal opportunity paper

2. Kurtosis coefficient
3. Chi Square Test
4. Liliefors Test

B. Data Homogeneity Test

To find out the level of dispersion of quantitative data or the level of homogeneity of
data in one data group, it can be done by looking at the size of the deviations that occur.
The size of this deviation consists of a range of data, the standard deviation (standard
deviation), and the variance of the group of data that has been collected.

Besides the data to be analyzed must be normally distributed, in the use of the test
must be met the requirements that the data analyzed must be homogeneous. Thus in using
certain tests such as t test it is necessary to test the data variants of both sample groups
whether homogeneous or not.

Homogeneity testing of variant data of two or more sample groups is performed by the
F test with the formula:

𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑠
𝐹 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 =
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑠

If F count < F list (α ) (db = (n1 – 1 ) ( n2 – 1)) then Ho is accepted and the data is

2.2.2.Summary Of Book 2
A. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is a statistical test procedure intended to show that two or more groups
Sample data come from populations that have the same variance. On regression analysis, the
analysis requirements needed are that of errors regression for each grouping based on the
dependent variable have the same variance. So it can be said that homogeneity test aims to
find out whether from several data groups research has the same or not variance. In other
words, homogeneity means that the data set that we are researching has same characteristics.

Homogeneity testing is also intended to provide the belief that a collection of data is
manipulated in a series the analysis did come from a population that was not much different

its diversity. For example, if we want to research a problems for example measuring student
understanding for a sub material in certain lessons at school that is intended to be
homogeneous could mean that the data group that we sampled at research has the same
characteristics, for example, from the level same class.

B. Normality test

Normality test is a procedure used for find out whether the data comes from a normally
distributed population or are in normal distribution. Normal distribution is distribution
symmetrical with mode, mean and median at the center. The normal distribution is one of
the most distributions important we will face. There are several reasons for this:

1. Many dependent variables,

Generally assumed to be distributed normally in the population. That is, we often

assume that The normal distribution is one of the most distributions important we will face.
There are several reasons for this:

1. Many dependent variables,

Generally assumed to be distributed normally in the population. That is, we often

assume that if we get the entire population of observations, that distribution The result will
be very similar to the normal distribution.

2. If we can assume that the variable is at least close to

Normally distributed, then this technique allows us to make a number of conclusions

(whether exact or approximate) about the values of those variables.

3. Testing the normality of data is often included in an analysis

Inferential statistics for one or more sample groups.The normality of data distribution
becomes an assumption that becomes a condition to determine what type of statistics are
used in further analysis Normality test is usually used to measure scale data ordinal, interval,
or ratio. If the analysis uses a method parametric, then normality requirements must be met,
that is data comes from a normal distribution. If the data is not normally distributed, or the
number of samples is small and the type of data is nominal or ordinal then the method used
is non-parametric statistics.


3.1.Adventages and disadventages

3.1.1 Adventages:
A. Book 1
1. The language used is informative and easy to understand
2. There are examples of problems and their solutions
3. Some key words in the discussion are made in bold so that the reading
4. Use neat data tables and curves
5. There are efficient training questions with the material described.
B. Book 2
1. This book is complete with the theory and data
2. The arrangement of the topic is sistematic
3. There are some example of each sub topic
4. There is data graphic with the color .

3.1.2 Disadventages:
A. Book 1
1. Printed text only consists of black and no full color
2. Data calculations are still using manual / calculator calculations.
B. Book 2
1. There is no test in this chapter.


4.1. Conclusion
Based on the contents of the book, the first book is better, due to systematic, clear
material exposure and There are examples of problems and their solutions

Suggestions for authors of both books are to pay attention to the attractiveness of the


Hanief, Y.N and Himawanto,W. 2018. Statistik Pendidikan. Kediri: Deepublish

Silitonga, Pasar Maulim. 2014. Statistik Teori dan Aplikasi dalam Penelitian. Medan:
FMIPA Unimed

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