Assessment of Concrete Pavement Set Gradient Based On Analysis of Slab Behavior

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Research Article

Transportation Research Record

Ó National Academy of Sciences:
Assessment of Concrete Pavement Set Transportation Research Board 2019
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Gradient Based on Analysis of Slab
DOI: 10.1177/0361198119849900

Behavior and Field Test Data

Alireza Joshaghani1 and Dan G. Zollinger1

This paper discusses how the set gradient in a jointed concrete slab is related to the cracking performance and its effects on
fatigue crack model calibration. The role of curing quality on-set and how curing quality parameters are related to the set gra-
dient is also discussed. To assess the impacts of curing practices on the set gradient of a newly constructed concrete slab, a
field investigation was undertaken at the Florida Department of Transportation State Materials Office in Gainesville, Florida.
This study investigated early age concrete pavement behavior with respect to the development of the set gradient. In this
research, four test slabs were placed and cured under different conditions to create different states of stress and creep beha-
vior during and after hardening of the concrete. Early age concrete temperature and moisture history are key factors that
affect the slab curling and warping behavior as they pertain to the resulting set gradient. This paper elaborates on the details
of the cracking performance data analysis of test data associated with the development of the set gradient.

It has been well known that appropriate curing is the key PavementME software. The prospect of considering the
to the success of pavement performance, and the curing expected ambient conditions relative to the selection of
practice should be associated with the curing perfor- an application rate for a given compound to facilitate the
mance (1–3). To assess the effect of curing practice on development of a preselected set gradient is discussed.
performance, a study was undertaken to examine the
effect of the method of curing on the set gradient of a
newly constructed concrete slab. A field investigation Significance of the Study
was conducted to collect data on early age concrete pave-
The key aspect of the temperature gradient is its inclu-
ment displacement and behavior using different slab
sion in the AASHTO PavementME software with a
thicknesses and curing practices (4).
default value of –10°F, utilized in its fatigue design com-
Concrete slabs tend to dry from the surface and below
putations for the permanent curl/warp effective tempera-
according to the ambient daily high-low moisture cycle.
ture difference, which is the zero-stress temperature
Thus, moisture gradients are more likely to cause con-
gradient (8). The National Cooperative Highway
crete slabs to bend convexly (5). The stress induced by
Research Program (NCHRP) considers the monthly
the non-uniform temperature and moisture gradients cre-
ambient temperature and cement content to compute the
ate a horizontal failure plane at the surface of the con-
average zero-stress temperature in the concrete cross-
crete pavements, which results in the weakening of the
section (9). The zero-stress temperature gradient is the
concrete surface resistance to horizontal stresses (6). As
result of exposure to specific environmental conditions,
concrete is still in a plastic state before the final set, the
consisting of a range of temperatures and moisture varia-
effective temperature and moisture gradients should be
tions. Shortly after or during placement, the specific
offset by the gradients when concrete hardens (7). It is
environmental conditions prompt a concrete slab into a
anticipated that the capability to pre-select a value for a
built-in set gradient for design purposes is significantly
dependent on the capability to control the curing effec- Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX
tiveness as the set gradient appears to have a significant
role in performance calibration. It should be noted that - Corresponding Author:
10°F is the default temperature gradient used in the Address correspondence to Alireza Joshaghani:
2 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

configuration that affects its long-term warping behavior gradient are high enough, the interfacial tensile strength
(9). A concrete slab also experiences volumetric change may cause the slab edge or corner area to separate from
owing to being subjected to climatic conditions. Climatic the underlying base. To account for the effect of climatic
conditions will promote contraction and expansion of factors including curing on the concrete final setting, it
the concrete during service, causing a combination of was important to consider the induced strain composed
restrained and unrestrained strains and resulting in the of thermal, shrinkage, and creep effects. Comparing the
development of tensile stresses within the pavement, actual readings against the theoretical displacement, or
depending on the restraint conditions. Once the stress is strains, yielded a straightforward method to assess the
sustained in the structure, the slab concrete tends to exhi- zero-stress temperature gradient. It was also useful to
bit time-dependent deformation, called creep, which ulti- model the slab curling and warping behavior to assess
mately affects the final set condition of the slab. The the set gradient in the slab relative to interfacial
zero-stress temperature is the temperature of the concrete separation.
shortly after the final set time, and before this time no
stress develops in the slab if there is a change in tempera-
ture. In this state, the slab is flat and experiences no
stress (10). Then, this temperature set will be considered This paper discusses how the set gradient in a concrete
as the base concrete temperature throughout the service slab is related to the cracking performance and its
life. In other words, temperatures above the zero-stress accounting in fatigue crack model calibration . In this
temperature cause the expansion, and temperatures study, test slabs were placed and cured under different
below the zero-stress temperature will cause contraction conditions to assess the influence of curing conditions on
in the slab. The zero-stress temperature gradient depends the development of set gradients in a concrete slab. The
on the time of placement, curing quality, and the ambi- variations in ambient weather, the curing compound
ent conditions at the time at which the concrete is placed type, and application rate induce temperature and moist-
(11, 12). The temperature gradient has been called the ure gradients inside a slab, which cause concrete slabs to
‘‘built-in temperature gradient,’’ or the ‘‘zero-stress tem- curl and warp. The role of the curing quality on-set and
perature gradient.’’ As a consequence, it can represent a how curing quality parameters are related to the set gra-
composite strain as the warp strain is often expressed as dient is also discussed. The data reported in this paper
the temperature strain (9). The built-in temperature gra- indicate that development of the set gradient occurs over
dient is defined as the existing gradient in the slab at the a period of time that extends well beyond the time of ini-
time the concrete sets when a transition from a plastic tial concrete hardening.
material to a solid substance occurs (13, 14).
Cracking of concrete could occur owing to long-term
critical thermal stresses, which are caused by the differ-
Field Testing and Data Collection Program
ence between the zero-stress temperature and the mini- Below is a discussion of the field instrumentation used
mum concrete temperature during its service life (15). and collection of the associated data.
The cracking process starts at the top surface of slabs
owing to related problems in the material, traffic and
environmental loads. This is because with a positive Investigation Approach
built-in temperature gradient, slabs that have close-to- A portion of the shrinkage on the first cycle of drying is
zero temperature gradients tend to curl upward resulting irrecoverable and indirectly related to the set gradient
in critical stresses at the top surface of the slabs (11). Ali and the zero-stress temperature gradient that occur in a
and Urgessa reported that the prediction of zero-stress concrete slab. The amount of drying shrinkage, the rate
temperatures can quantify the extent of built-in curl of application of the curing compound, as well as differ-
developed in concrete pavements (15). In addition, Hu ences in the measured strain, are correlated to the set
et al. found the positive gradient changed to a negative gradient. A field investigation was conducted at the
gradient gradually, and the gradient of zero-stress tem- Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) state
perature tends to decrease (16). It was in the setting pro- materials office (SMO) to examine the behavior of early
cess, which is the most critical moment for concrete and age concrete pavement properties with variable thick-
the point at which it is able to bear loads (17). nesses and curing practices (4). There were four slabs in
Consistent with curling, a concrete slab deforms into the February placement, which were 12 3 15 ft (3.6 3
a concave configuration if the pavement is subjected to a 4.5 m) three of them were 10’’ thick (250 mm) and one
resultant negative composite gradient of temperature was 7’’ (175 mm) thick, placed on an asphalt base layer,
and moisture effects through the thickness (18). If the as shown in Figure 1. In the October placement, similar
net negative temperature and the values of the moisture slabs were placed at different times and curing
Joshaghani and Zollinger 3

RH = the relative humidity of ambient conditions, %;

T = the temperature of ambient conditions, °F;
WV = the wind velocity of ambient conditions, mph.
The field investigation consisted of examining how the
application rate, compound type and application times
affect the resulting temperature gradient. The resin-based
and wax-based compounds were used at two application
rates at different placement times to assess the curing
method in the February placement. However, all slabs
were cured with a wax-based compound in the October
placement. The curing compound was uniformly applied
to a given surface area consistent with the rate of applica-
tion in practice. A summary of the application rates and
curing compounds used is presented in Table 1. The slabs
were placed on a layer of asphalt concrete with a 1/2-in.
(12.5 mm) nominal maximum size aggregate. This base
Figure 1. Test slabs locations. type was considered to be a structural course. According
to the specifications, the base course was placed if the air
temperature was above 30°F (–1°C). The slab concrete
conditions. The temperature gradient target in the was formed with wooden forms braced with 2 3 4 stakes
October placement was –10°F for slab 2, which is the every 4 ft. (1.2 m) along the form boards for support.
assumed temperature gradient used in the PavementME
software. The set variables for slab 2 were the curing
compound type, the application rate and time of place- Data Acquisitions and Sensors
ment. Therefore, by considering the expected ambient The test slabs were instrumented to facilitate analysis and
conditions, the application rate for the given curing com- understanding of the set gradient behavior of a concrete
pound was characterized to facilitate analysis to predict slab under different curing conditions. To ensure the
the set gradient based on the previous field and labora- acquisition of a complete database associated with the set
tory program data collections. The American Concrete gradient related strain fields and temperature gradient
Institute (ACI) 308 nomograph was used to characterize conditions, many sensors were placed in and around the
the effect of weather with respect to the potential eva- test slabs. The main types of sensors were strain gauges
poration (PE) (19). This index takes into account the for the transversal and longitudinal strains in the surface
ambient temperature, relative humidity, concrete tem- layer, and thermocouples for the temperature inside the
perature, and wind velocity. The PE is represented by pavement. Two bars were attached to the vibrating wire
the following equation: (VW) strain gauge to ensure that the sensor was properly
  anchored in the concrete. Figure 2 shows the schematic
2:5 RH 2:5 drawing of these sensors on slabs.
PE = (70  3T 3 ð1 + 0:4 3 WV Þ 3 0:000001
ð1Þ Moisture and Temperature Gradient
in which: The gradients were derived from strain and linear vari-
PE = potential of evaporation rate, lb/ft2/h; able differential transformer (LVDT) displacement

Table 1. Summary of Used Application Rates and Curing Compounds

Slab Thickness Curing compound Application Rate in ft2/gal (m2/L) Placement

February 2017 1 7 Non-pigmented type II 250 (6.13) 10:00

resin-based (hydrocarbon)
2 10 Wax-based 250 (6.13) 14:00
3 10 Wax-based 180 (4.42) 17:00
4 10 None None 10:00
October 2017 1 7 Wax-based 180 (4.42) 10:45
2 10 Wax-based 180 (4.42) 14:30
3 10 Wax-based 250 (6.13) 17:35
4 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Figure 2. Schematic drawing showing the location of the gauges. (LVDT = linear variable differential transformer.)

Figure 3. New approach for measuring the curing effectiveness from the surface.

measurements. Dry bulb and dew point temperature immediately below the curing medium. The other sensor
measurements were obtained and used to track the cur- was placed deeper in the pavement section to represent
ing process and the formation of gradients in the slabs the moisture gradient forming with depth, this reading is
(20). It is also noted that the relative humidity (RH) data closer to a fully sealed condition, as shown in Figure 3.
was calculated from the dry bulb (T) and dew point Assessment of the effectiveness of a compound involves
(Tdp) temperature data (both in °C): a comparison between the sealed conditions and the con-
    ditions under the curing medium.
17:502Tdp 17:502T The equivalent linear temperature and moisture dif-
RH = exp  ð2Þ
240:97 + Tdp 240:97 + T ference coefficients represent the differences in the tem-
perature and moisture conditions between the top and
A Petra 2200 unit was installed to measure the tem- bottom of the slab (21). The parameters are determined
perature and moisture data in the concrete. This unit
based on regression analysis of the temperature and
recorded the dew point and dry bulb temperatures based
moisture profiles. This method is a similar approach to
on chilled-mirror technology at 1-min intervals. Soon
that suggested by Mohamed and Hansen for determining
after placement of the concrete, the measurements were
the linear temperature and humidity differences through
initiated. Two brass sampling chambers were placed in
the slab based on the actual differences (22). The follow-
the concrete slab and configured to provide temperature
ing equations were used to estimate the thermal strains
data at specific depths (1/4’’ and 3 1/4’’). The first sam-
at the slab surface as functions of the measured tempera-
pling chamber was configured to measure the dew point
ture distributions through the slab thickness:
temperature immediately below the membrane formed
by the curing compound. This measurement represents eTempGrad = ac DTeq ð3Þ
the vapor pressure at the surface of the concrete
Joshaghani and Zollinger 5

in which gradient may be present as the hardening process begins.

eTempGrad = thermal strain owing to a temperature The calculated strain data was referenced to the tempera-
gradient through the slab thickness; ture and moisture conditions that were present at the
ac = coefficient of thermal expansion of the concrete; time of the set of the concrete. The time of set does not
DTeq = equivalent linear temperature difference. determine the set strain but can provide an indication of
The same procedure is followed to calculate the equiv- when irrecoverable shrinkage strains begin to develop at
alent linear moisture gradient: a given point below the surface of the slab. Early age
" fresh concrete data from static strain and temperature
RH 3 sensors in concrete were also considered in the determi-
eMoistGrad =  e‘ D 1  ð4Þ nation of the built-in gradients in the PCC slabs.
eq Whenever the temperature gradient in the slabs falls
in which below the zero-stress gradient (after creep has been
eMoistGrad = moisture strain owing to a moisture gra- accounted for) the slabs will deform accordingly. The
dient through the slab thickness; condition will occur repeatedly for several days after pla-
eN = ultimate shrinkage strain; cement of the slab. Creep in tension, a time-dependent
deformation of concrete that is most prevalent at early
" #
RH 3 concrete ages, grows with curling and warping behavior
D 1 = equivalent linear humidity and tends to reduce the level of tensile related restraint
eq stresses. Creep strains primarily in the vicinity of the top
difference coefficient: ð5Þ surface appear to give the most prominent shift in the
built-in gradient over time (23). Specifically, creep
The combined net of the thermal strain eTemp Grad and reduces the tensile stress owing to the viscous movement
the moisture strain eMoistGrad would be the equivalent within the hydrated cement paste and is related to the
strain eeffective at the slab surface which is calculated with moisture loss and the shrinkage development. The slab
regards to the equivalent linear temperature difference, attempts to curl upward causing tensile stress at the top
the equivalent linear humidity coefficient, the coefficient of the slab, which can lead to top-down cracking in
of thermal expansion, and the ultimate shrinkage strain jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCPs). Therefore, an
(23). effective negative temperature gradient is permanently
‘‘built’’ into the slabs, with regards to the stress ratio r.
eeffective = eTempGrad + eMoistGrad ð6Þ
The stress associated with eset is reported with respect
eset = eeffective  emeasured ð7Þ to a ratio r between the flexural stress owing to the load
and flexural strength of concrete, defined as:
in which eset is the difference between the theoretical and
measured strains, as previously noted. s
rset = ð8Þ
rset Calculation in which s is the equivalent stress level derived from the
The non-recoverable shrinkage strain is a function of the set strain determination and modulus of rupture (MOR)
amount of evaporation that occurs at the surface of a of the concrete. Based on the evolution of compressive
portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement, which is strength, the MOR was modeled using the ACI
largely responsible for driving the development of a Committee 209 equations, which is similar to the form of
moisture profile through the slab with higher levels of the equation describing the evolution of compressive
moisture at the bottom of the slab. This profile leads to strength (26).
a negative warping of the slab, potentially separating it  t 
from the subbase layer along the slab edges and corners. f r ðt Þ = 3 fr28 ð9Þ
The amount of permanent strain also depends on the
type of curing as well as the PCC mix design (7, 24, 25). in which fr ðtÞ = MOR at age t;
As part of the drying shrinkage in PCC is irrecoverable, fr28 = MOR at age of 28 days;
the remaining reversible part varies with the daily tem- T = age of concrete in days;
perature and relative humidity cycles (9). a, b = fitting parameters based on beam strength data
PCC paving is also often subjected to positive tem- from mixes prepared in the laboratory.
perature differences owing to solar radiation and the The built-in set gradient determined in this manner
hydration heat. PCC slabs are probably flat when they was compared to the built-in set gradient based on the
begin to stiffen but depending on the surrounding condi- analysis of cracking performance data over time and the
tions, a substantial amount of positive temperature traffic as discussed later in the paper. The amount of
6 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Figure 4. Comparison of the range of temperature gradients to the method of cure measured during the first 72 h.

residual or built-in gradient was determined by the dif- purpose of strain computation was to assess the effect of
ference between the theoretical (based on the measured creep strain over time.
gradient) displacement and the measured displacement
(based on a theoretical gradient). As the magnitude of
permanent curl/warp estimated from the slab measure- Microscopic Analysis (Thin Section)
ment diminishes with time, it also reflects the effects of One of the direct indicators of the curing effectiveness is
creep. microstructure characterization of concrete using thin
section microscopic analysis. Concrete samples were
removed by core sampling from each slab that was cast
Collected Data and Analysis in February after 7 days and were taken to the labora-
tory for microscopic analysis. A thin section, a prepared
Temperature and Moisture Gradients
20-micron thick sample of concrete epoxied to a glass
The differences in temperature and moisture through the slide, allowed examination of the paste microstructure
slabs that were cast in February (Figure 4) provide an and porosity which relates to the quality of curing as
understanding of the distribution profiles in the test shown in Figure 5.
slabs. It is noted that the slabs with better curing, such as As hydration progresses, two different types of void
slab 2 and slab 3, had smaller effective temperature gra- systems come to prominence in a typically hardened con-
dients. The theoretical determination of the curling and crete paste: capillary pores (50 nm–10 mm) and bleed
warping related strains depends on quantifying the mag- water voids (greater than 100 mm). In this study, inter-
nitude of the moisture and temperature gradients. The connected capillary pores and bleed channels were
Joshaghani and Zollinger 7

area. In this study, the formation of bleed channels was

related to the curing effectiveness. These channels are
typically irregularly shaped and are created in the paste
by bleed water rising to the slab surface passing by
aggregate particles or along aggregate boundaries. Slabs
1 to 4 had bleed water void contents of 2.23%, 1.98%,
1.52% and 4.35%, respectively. Samples 2 and 3 had a
lower percentage of bleed channels. Using a higher appli-
cation rate for the curing compound (on slabs 2 and 3)
decreased the percentage of bleeding channels. This was
attributed to the discovery that the bleeding process was
Figure 5. Fluorescent epoxy impregnated thin sections prepared
enhanced by the accumulation of surface moisture that
from the cored specimens.
led to porous regions close to a cured surface.

analyzed as they were thought to be related to the curing Drying Shrinkage and Creep
effectiveness. Superior curing may lead to a lower per- Volumetric shrinkage of concrete owing to moisture loss
centage of capillary pores and bleed channels at the sur- is often the source of internal strain contributing to
face, for instance, of a concrete pavement. Sample warping of a concrete slab. During and after hardening,
images were analyzed with a microscopy imaging com- concrete is subjected to shrinkage as water is evaporated
puter program which gives the quantity and density of and is not consumed by cement hydration. The volu-
pores and voids found in the image field area. The quan- metric change caused by the loss of capillary water is
titative analysis of the samples consisted of the identifica- mostly known as drying shrinkage. The amount of
tion and measurement of the area of voids and their shrinkage of a concrete mixture can be determined by
number density in the images (27). The area of the voids the use of ASTM C 157 test specimens. These specimens
was compared with the total area of the thin section were prepared from each slab and tested to evaluate the
studied, to obtain the percentage of void space in the effects of adding a curing compound on the shrinkage
mortar. The sample from slab 4 had many voids owing rate. A VW gauge of EM-5 was used to measure the
to the moisture loss during early aging. However, the use modified shrinkage strain procedure for field application
of curing compounds at increasing application rates (on via monitoring of the relative humidity and temperature
slab 2 and 3) formed a barrier on the concrete surface directly in the mold. As previously noted, moisture gra-
that apparently led to reduced pore structures and size dients cause permanent shrinkage (on the first drying)
distributions at or near the surface of the cured concrete and transitory contraction (at later stages). The reversi-
(as compared to the sample from slab 4). ble part varies with the daily ambient relative humidity
Thin section images were analyzed with a microscope and causes daily variations in the moisture warping.
imaging program which calculated the quantity and con- However, the irreversible shrinkage causes permanent
centration of voids based on the measurement of voids moisture warping. As shown in Figure 6, slabs 1 and 4

Figure 6. The modified shrinkage strains data from the four slabs.
8 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Figure 7. Calculated and measured strain change owing to thermal and moisture gradients.

had a higher shrinkage compared to the results found for The difference between the theoretical and measured
slabs 2 and 3. Drying shrinkage and creep strains are strain measurements in slab 3 was lower than in the
related to the amount of movement and distribution of other slabs. This indicated that there was less irreversible
moisture in a concrete slab. strain in this slab. However, the large difference between
the measured and theoretical strains indicates that the
residual strains on slabs 1 and 4 were considerable. This
Set Strain Determination is attributed to the high temperature and moisture gradi-
The amount of the residual or set gradient permanent ents that were allowed to develop in these slabs. As the
curl/warp actually built into the test slabs is represented magnitude of permanent curl/warp estimated from the
by the difference between the strains induced by the cal- slab measurement diminishes with time, it also reflects
culated (based on the measured gradient) corner displace- the effects of creep. Table 2 shows a summary of the four
ment and the measured corner displacement 1 in. below slabs in Phase I. Slabs were placed at different thick-
the surface. The calculated strains are shown in Figure 7, nesses, curing compound application rates and times.
which again triggers a curling and warping behavior. Ambient conditions can affect the temperature and
These calculated strains were also verified using the strain moisture distribution inside a concrete pavement. To
readings from the VW gauges. The total strain in slab 3 simplify the weather record, PE can be used. Owing to
was the lowest in comparison to other slabs. Slabs 1 and ambient weather and the time of the placement, each
4 had higher strains in accordance with the magnitude of slab has a particular PE, which is pertinent to the set gra-
the measured moisture and temperature gradients. As dient. The total equivalent temperatures (from the bot-
previously noted, data trends tend to suggest that smaller tom to the top of the slab) are listed in the last column
temperature and moisture gradients occur in well cured of Table 2 72 h after the placement. The purpose of
concrete (slabs 2 and 3). Phase II (October) was to achieve a targeted value of
Joshaghani and Zollinger 9

Table 2. Comparison between Curing Practices for Different Times of Placement

Equivalent Total equivalent

Slab/ Temperature Relative Wind PE set gradient temperature
thickness (°F) humidity (%) speed (mph) (lb/ft2/h) rset temperature (°F/in.) difference at set (°F)

February 1/7 84.6 35.7 2.2 0.081 –0.190 –2.44 –16.8

2017 2/10 78.4 69.2 9.1 0.093 –0.113 –1.10 –10.8
3/10 74.4 64.4 6.2 0.076 –0.075 –0.67 –6.4
4/10 90.8 31.5 1.1 0.075 –0.162 –1.87 –18.2
October 1/7 77.9 50.3 2.3 0.058 –0.158 –1.71 –12.1
2017 2/10 76.6 77.5 8.9 0.071 –0.121 –1.13 –10.1
3/10 72.9 88.9 8.3 0.044 –0.096 –0.82 –8.0

Note: PE = potential evaporation.

Figure 8. Rosette strain gauge instrumentation for the cored strain.

–10°F as the effective temperature difference in slab 2 oriented with the longitudinal axis of the slab. The lead
(2 PM placement). In Phase II, the obtained equivalent wire for each gauge was routed underneath the slab to
temperature gradient for slab 2 (a 10-in. slab) was protect it during coring of the strain gauge. Furthermore,
–10.1°F almost matching the target of –10°F/in. The the gauges were placed transversely in the mid-slab
equivalent set gradient with regards to the temperature region to facilitate measurement of the longitudinal
(°F) was calculated based on the following equation: strain of the slab. The instrument installations are shown
in Figure 8; the coring was undertaken at the locations
2 3 rset ð1  nÞ 3 MoR indicated in this figure.
Equivalent DT = ð10Þ
C:E:a Gauges were installed in the top (1 in. from the sur-
face, 6 in. from the base) and were embedded in the bot-
in which MOR is the modulus of rupture of the concrete, tom (5 in. from the surface, 2 in. from the base) in slab 1.
rset is the stress ratio, C is the Bradbury coefficient at the Strain occurred within the cored area shown in Figure 9
slab corner, E is the elastic modulus of concrete, a is the with a black line. Figure 9 shows that the creep process
thermal coefficient of expansion, and n is the Poisson’s is taking place, although the initial strains were not cap-
ratio. tured. The amount of the residual or set gradient perma-
nent curl/warp from Figure 7 actually built into the
concrete is represented by the amount of creep strain.
Cored Strain Data This creep includes the irrecoverable strain that is shown
Pre-instrumented sections of the test slabs consisting of in Figure 9 and reflects the curing quality.
four gauges, which were isolated from the slab concrete The relaxation occurred following coring of the con-
via coring and placed in the slab were conducted the day crete around the strain gauges. The creep strain in the
after placement of the concrete. These strain gauges were test slabs, which was a time-dependent deformation,
10 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

interaction of the climate with performance is complex,

it is clear that curing effectiveness affects slab support
and ultimately affects the critical slab stresses and crack-
ing. Not only do diurnal moisture and temperature gra-
dients through the slab affect slab cracking, but they also
affect the permanent built-in curling and warping that
occurs during construction.

Summary of Calibration
As discussed earlier, an effective negative temperature
gradient can be permanently set in the slabs, as shown in
Figure 9. Creep strains in the cored sample (slab 1) and slabs. Figure 10, with regards to the stress ratio r. The setting
of the concrete was characterized in this manner to facili-
tate the correlation to pavement performance, such as
the equivalent temperature difference. A ‘‘zero-stress’’ or
‘‘built-in’’ permanent gradient depends on the curing
quality, but the upper illustration in Figure 10 pertains
to the assessment of the set gradient from a calibration
analysis of the slab cracking perspective. The magnitude
of the set gradient is estimated from the calibration of
JPCP cracking and is expressed relative to a temperature
gradient of –10°F as this is the default setting in the
PavementME software. As previously noted, the amount
of residual or set permanent curl/warp actually built into
the test slabs is represented by the difference between the
theoretical and measured data. As the magnitude of per-
manent curl/warp estimated from the slab measurement
Figure 10. Permanent built-in curling and warping during diminishes with time it also reflects the effects of creep.
construction (the zero-stress gradient). The set gradient was extracted from the difference
between the stress ratio related to the theoretical gradient
and the stress ratio related to the measured gradient. The
primarily occurred once the slabs were capable of sus- set gradient was also previously extracted from the anal-
taining tensile and compressive stress, such as when slab ysis of slab cracking data by examining the
lift-off occurred. Strain computations were undertaken difference (rc&w) between the calibrated stress ratio
to assess the possible onset of creep strain over time. As  C1
logðNfc Þ 2
explained previously, the differences between the mea- (rc = C1 ) as a function of the actual loads to
sured and calculated strains in each test slab were the failure ( Nfc —determined at the 10% slab cracking level
basis for the set strain determinations as affected by the
(well accepted as the tolerable amount of slab cracking)
curing conditions. Slabs 1 and 4, which experienced
as the terminal cracking value) and a theoretically-based
greater built-in gradients, also experienced a greater 8  9C1
amount of early age creep. The amount of creep strain in <log D Ni = 2
slabs 2 and 3 was much less than that found in slabs 1 stress ratio ( rPME = ) as a function of the
: C1 ;
and 4 at older ages, as shown in Figure 9. The measured
creep strain of the cored sample was significantly less load count (Ni) and damage (DPME) generated by the
compared to the computed slab 1 creep strain. The creep PavementME software associated with bottom-up crack-
strain affects the magnitude of rset subsequently ing. This difference is curling and warping related and is
discussed. related to rset as:

rset = Dr + r10 8F ð11Þ

Calibration Analysis
with respect to the PavementME software. The parameter
Calibration of the performance for design purposes r108 F is the a set gradient which is the default setting in
should inherently address the effect of climate on the PavementME and is applied to both the bottom-up and
fatigue cracking of concrete slabs. Even though the top-down cracking determinations as was the rPME
Joshaghani and Zollinger 11

Figure 11. Calculation of C4 and C5 based on load damage in PavementME.

Figure 12. Correlation to C4 and C5 for eight calibration sites.

parameter. The detailed calculation is shown in Figure material factors that affect how the concrete sets during
11. Therefore, this shows how the loads of failure and the the hardening process. Analysis of the amount of heat
level of cracking are determined. Although analysis of the and moisture transport that occurs during the setting of
performance data is not shown here as previously noted, the concrete is a basis from which the development of
the threshold cracking for the design was set at 10%, and the set can be anticipated as it occurs throughout a pav-
the comparability can be seen in the field performance as ing operation.
Parameters C4 and C5 are calibration constants to
adjust the cracking-damage trends to improve the fit with
the field data. Figure 12 summarizes the computation of A protocol for evaluating the role of the curing effective-
the set stress ratio for the calibration slabs correlated to ness on performance has been presented based on the
the calibration coefficients C4 and C5 which consisted of data collected from the two tests at the FDOT SMO
a mix of bottom-up and top-down cracking sites. As location and the performance of selected sites in Florida.
expected, the choice of the coefficients varies with rset. The evaluation principally consisted of the resulting set
The computation for the design conditions using these gradients. These parameters also facilitate the determina-
correlations for the selection of the coefficients indicates tion of the rate of application for a given curing com-
a greater performance and a reduced design thicknesses pound with a given ambient environment condition to
with increasing values of rset. As the set of the slab can be achieve a specific curing quality. It appears to be a viable
controlled, there is justification for including the default method for monitoring the curing quality performance
PavementME set and calibration C4 and C5 coefficient under different conditions. As a potential outcome/field
values in the correlation (values circled in red). application for this research, this study can be used to
The blue points were obtained from the field perfor- examine the balance between these factors as to how a
mance data, and the points in the red circle show the specification and a quality control (QC) protocol for
PavementME national calibration. In these figures, it is construction could be configured. The calculated rset, as
clear that the PavementME conditions fit in this plot it pertains to the built-in curling, is also affected by early
and serve as validation for the approach. It is well age drying creep. The irreversible shrinkage contributes
accepted that the set gradient will vary with climatic and to the permanent moisture warping, and the reversible
12 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

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Author Contributions American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.
The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study 5, No. 4, 2012, pp. 282–290.
conception and design: DGZ and AJ; data collection: AJ; anal- 16. Hu, C. B., M. L. Du, and L. J. Wang. Research of Built-In
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script preparation: DGZ and AJ. Both authors reviewed the Concrete Pavement at Early Ages. Advanced Materials
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