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ESPID Reports and Reviews

Scabies: New Opportunities for Management and Population Control

Editor: Delane Shingadia
Board Members

David Burgner (Melbourne, Cristiana Nascimento-Carvalho George Syrogiannopoulos

Australia) (Bahia, Brazil) (Larissa, Greece)
Kow-Tong Chen (Tainan,Taiwan) Ville Peltola (Turku, Finland) Tobias Tenenbaum (Mannhein, Germany)
Luisa Galli (Florence, Italy) Emmanuel Roilides (Thessaloniki, Marc Tebruegge (Southampton, UK)
Steve Graham (Melbourne, Greece) Marceline Tutu van Furth (Amsterdam,
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Australia) Ira Shah (Mumbai, India) The Netherlands)

New Opportunities for Management and Population Control
Li Jun Thean, MB BS, BMedSci, DCH,*† Daniel Engelman, FRACP, PhD, MPHTM,*†‡
John Kaldor, PhD, MA, BA,§ and Andrew C. Steer, FRACP, PhD, MPH*†‡

S cabies is a skin condition caused by infes-

tation with the microscopic mite Sar-
coptes scabiei var hominis. Common scabies
2018 meeting of the WHO NTD Strategic
Technical Advisory Group Working Group
on Monitoring and Evaluation noted “strong
conducted in countries with either a low or
medium human development index.
These studies were unable to illumi-
causes severe itch, mite burrows and second- initial evidence for ivermectin-based mass nate the distribution of scabies within coun-
ary skin lesions. Scabies has a strong causal drug administration (MDA) for control of tries and within populations, particularly in
relationship with impetigo1 which can lead to scabies in endemic populations and that disadvantaged populations where overcrowd-
more severe skin and soft tissue infections, simplified clinical case definitions for field ing is more common. The high prevalence in
invasive bacterial infections and post-strep- surveys are available; however, there is cur- indigenous communities within Australia,1
tococcal sequelae.2 Crusted scabies is a rare rently no global strategy for scabies control.”4 and within refugee and displaced person pop-
form, usually affecting people with immuno- With an increasing global focus on scabies, ulations, including new arrivals to Europe,6
suppression and characterized by hyperkera- it is timely to review recent advances in the highlights the highly inequitable distribution
totic skin containing thousands to millions of understanding of scabies epidemiology, diag- of scabies.
mites. nosis, treatment and public health control. While the direct burden of scabies
The World Health Organization estimated by the Global Burden of Disease
(WHO) adopted scabies as a neglected tropi- Study is high, this may be the “tip of the
cal disease (NTD) in 2017.3 This recogni- EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SCABIES iceberg” of the burden mediated through
tion has led to increasing global awareness Two recent studies have advanced the secondary bacterial infection. In studies in
and efforts toward scabies control and even understanding of global epidemiology, while the Pacific, the population attributable risk
elimination as a public health problem. The also highlighting several gaps and issues. The of impetigo because of scabies ranges from
Global Burden of Disease Study estimated 41% to 93%.7,8 Complications resulting from
Accepted for publication October 2, 2018. the global prevalence of scabies in 2015 to impetigo include focal and systemic bacterial
From the *Tropical Diseases Research Group, Mur- be approximately 200 million, and that sca-
doch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne,
infections, post-streptococcal glomerulone-
Victoria, Australia; †Department of Paediatrics, bies causes 71 disability-adjusted life-years phritis and possibly rheumatic fever although
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, (DALYs) per 100,000 people, ranking 101 of the attributable risk from scabies is not cur-
Australia; ‡Department of General Medicine, the 246 conditions studied, and contributing rently known. Furthermore, the considerable
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, to 0.21% of global DALYs.5 This burden is
Australia; and §Kirby Institute, University of New morbidity and mortality of crusted scabies
South Wales, Sydney, Australia. comparable with that caused by Haemophilus were not factored into DALY calculations.
The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest influenzae type b meningitis (ranking 100) The quality of many studies included
to disclose. and acute lymphoid leukemia (ranking 103). in these reviews was low, with variation in
Address for correspondence: Andrew C. Steer, A systematic review in 2015 described avail-
FRACP, PhD, MPH, MB BS, BMedSci, Murdoch sampling and diagnosis. More rigorous stud-
Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s able global data on prevalence and distribu- ies in a range of settings, and targeting disad-
Hospital, 50 Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC tion of scabies.1 Scabies prevalence ranged vantaged populations, are needed to describe
3052, Australia. E-mail: from 0.2% to 71.4%, was significantly higher the global burden and distribution of scabies.
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All
rights reserved.
in children than in adolescents and adults In addition, standardized methods of popu-
ISSN: 0891-3668/19/3802-0211 and was highest in the Latin American and lation sampling and diagnostic criteria are
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002211 Pacific regions. Most studies included were required.
The ESPID Reports and Reviews of Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal series topics, authors and contents are chosen and
approved independently by the Editorial Board of ESPID.

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 2, February 2019 | 211

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Thean et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 2, February 2019

TABLE 1.  Summary of 2018 IACS Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies11
The clinical signs of scabies are pap-
ules, vesicles and linear burrows with associ- A. Confirmed scabies At least one of:
ated pruritus and scratch marks. In children A1: Mites, eggs or feces on light microscopy of skin samples
and adolescents, lesions are most commonly A2: Mites, eggs or feces visualized on individual using high-powered imaging
seen in the finger web spaces and volar A3: Mite visualized on individual using dermoscopy
wrists. Lesions are also found frequently in B. Clinical scabies At least one of:
the axilla, belt line, legs, feet and buttocks. In B1: Scabies burrows
infants, lesions are commonly seen on palms, B2: Typical lesions affecting male genitalia
soles and ankles but can be widespread, B3 Typical lesions in a typical distribution and 2 history features
C. Suspected scabies One of:
including involvement of the head and face. C1: Typical lesions in a typical distribution and 1 history feature
The reference standard for diagno- C2: Atypical lesions or atypical distribution and 2 history features
sis is a demonstration of the scabies mite, History features H1: Itch
eggs or fecal material through microscopic H2: C lose contact with an individual who has itch or typical lesions in a typical
examination of skin scrapings. As scabies distribution
infestation typically involves only 10–15 Diagnosis can be made at 1 of the 3 levels (A, B or C). A diagnosis of clinical or suspected scabies should only be made
mites, this method is highly operator depend- if differential diagnoses are considered less likely than scabies.
IACS indicates International Alliance for the Control of Scabies.
ent, with low sensitivity and is not feasible
for most resource-limited clinical settings
or field studies. Direct, low-power visualiza- practicalities of research and mapping pro- children for other indications, has not shown
tion of burrows in the skin using dermoscopy jects. While validation of these criteria in var- any additional risk in these populations.13,14
can be a useful aid for clinical examination.9 ied research settings is required to determine A 2018 Cochrane review compared
Advances in high-power, noninvasive meth- the diagnostic accuracy and legitimize imple- oral ivermectin, topical ivermectin and topi-
ods including videomicroscopy, videoder- mentation, they represent a useful starting cal permethrin for scabies.15 There was lit-
moscopy and reflectance confocal micros- point to better describe scabies epidemiology. tle difference between oral ivermectin and
copy allow diagnostic confirmation through topical permethrin in achieving complete
direct visualization of the mite.9 These meth- clearance of infestation by the second week
ods, although sensitive, require considerable after treatment. The authors also found no
For all scabies medications, treatment difference in efficacy when comparing oral
time for a complete examination and are of all the household contacts of an index case
reliant on costly specialized equipment and ivermectin with topical permethrin, topical
is recommended. There are several topical ivermectin with topical permethrin or topical
personnel; they are therefore more appropri- treatment options for scabies including perme-
ate for use in highly-resourced clinical or ivermectin with oral ivermectin. There was
thrin (the most effective but also most expen- also no significant difference in cure when
research settings. Serologic and molecular sive topical agent), benzyl benzoate, crotami-
techniques are under development but are comparing 1 versus 2 doses of ivermectin.
ton, lindane, sulfur compounds and malathion. However, the methodologies of the studies
not yet at a stage where they can be recom- Although these treatments are efficacious,
mended for clinical or public health use. In included limit the confidence in these conclu-
adherence is compromised by skin irritation sions, and more studies are needed.
most settings, diagnosis is therefore reliant and inconvenience (they need to be applied to
on clinical assessment of suggestive lesions Moxidectin is an oral agent, recently
the whole body for 8 hours or more). In poorly approved for onchocerciasis, which shows
in typical body distributions, supported by resourced countries, cost and drug supply
the presence of itch and affected close con- promise as an oral therapy for scabies. It
limitations contribute to inadequate treatment is related to ivermectin, but with poten-
tacts. of affected individuals and their household
A systematic review of diagnostic tial advantages because of its substantially
members. Inadequate application or adher- longer plasma half-life (up to 43 days, com-
methods in therapeutic trials revealed wide ence is the main reason for treatment failure pared with less than 1 day for ivermectin) and
variation with no predominant method.10 and ongoing mite transmission. Resistance to higher lipophilicity enabling higher bioavail-
Most studies did not have well-defined diag- permethrin has not been confirmed for human ability in skin.12,16,17 These properties could
nostic criteria. This variation complicates the scabies but has been observed in animal sca- eliminate the need for a second treatment
interpretation and comparison of findings bies and other ectoparasites.12 dose, and confer protection against reinfes-
from epidemiologic and therapeutic studies. Ivermectin is the only effective oral tation. A study in pigs compared a single
A standardized diagnostic approach treatment available. Ivermectin does not have dose of moxidectin with 2 doses of ivermec-
is needed to better elicit the burden of dis- ovicidal activity, so a second dose after 7–14 tin16 and found 100% efficacy versus 62%,
ease and determine effectiveness of clinical days is recommended to kill new hatchlings. respectively, when measured 47 days after
therapies and public health interventions. It has been approved for clinical use for sca- treatment. Further bioavailability and safety
An improved diagnostic approach will need bies in several countries including France, the studies especially in young children will be
to consider feasibility in resource poor set- Netherlands, Germany, Australia and New important to establish moxidectin as a recog-
tings while maintaining good sensitivity and Zealand and used off-label in many other nized treatment for scabies.
specificity. A recent consensus study led by settings. In addition to increased adherence
the International Alliance for the Control of for individual treatment, oral ivermectin has
Scabies using the Delphi method has yielded major advantages as a treatment for house- PUBLIC HEALTH CONTROL
a set of diagnostic criteria for scabies, sum- hold contacts and for community control Although available topical and oral
marized in Table 1.11 The criteria are organ- using a MDA approach.12 Ivermectin is not medications provide effective individual
ized into 3 levels according to the degree of recommended for pregnant women and chil- treatment, individuals living in resource-lim-
diagnostic certainty. This approach allows dren weighing less than 15 kg because of a ited settings with high prevalence are rapidly
for versatility in the standards to be applied, lack of safety data. However, inadvertent reinfested from household and community
taking into account the specific aims and use in pregnant women, and use in younger contacts. An alternative strategy is to reduce

212 | © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 2, February 2019 Scabies

community prevalence and thereby minimize scabies episodes from 42% to 27% following 5. Karimkhani C, Colombara DV, Drucker AM, et
transmission by using MDA as demonstrated the program and a reduction in scabies com- al. The global burden of scabies: a cross-sectional
analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study
in the following trials. A series of single-arm plications from 12% to 5%.6 2015. Lancet Infect Dis. 2017;17:1247–1254.
studies in Panama, northern Australia and the 6. Beeres DT, Ravensbergen SJ, Heidema A, et al.
Solomon Islands provided initial evidence Efficacy of ivermectin mass-drug administra-
to support this approach. A more recent tion to control scabies in asylum seekers in the
comparative trial in Fiji demonstrated that NEED FOR SCABIES CONTROL Netherlands: a retrospective cohort study between
ivermectin-based MDA had greater efficacy The recognition of scabies as a January 2014-March 2016. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.
NTD by the WHO and recommendations 2018;12:e0006401.
than both standard treatment (permethrin for
to establish guidelines and standards for 7. Mason DS, Marks M, Sokana O, et al. The preva-
affected individuals and household members) lence of scabies and impetigo in the Solomon
and permethrin-based MDA.18 The island public health interventions demonstrate Islands: a population-based survey. PLoS Negl
group that was allocated ivermectin-based motivation toward scabies control driven Trop Dis. 2016;10:e0004803.
MDA experienced a 94% relative reduction by multinational requests for guidance. The 8. Romani L, Koroivueta J, Steer AC, et al. Scabies
in scabies 12 months after MDA, with preva- development of a global strategy for scabies and impetigo prevalence and risk factors in
lence falling from 32% to 1.9%. The stand- control will require standardized diagnostic, Fiji: a national survey. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.
mapping and surveillance strategies, as well 2015;9:e0003452.
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as guidance on public health management 9. Micali G, Lacarrubba F, Verzì AE, et al. Scabies:
experienced a reduction in scabies prevalence advances in noninvasive diagnosis. PLoS Negl
of 49% and 62%, respectively. Impetigo prev- for scabies. Important operational research Trop Dis. 2016;10:e0004691.
alence also fell with the greatest reduction in to evaluate the viability of MDA as a dis-
10. Thompson MJ, Engelman D, Gholam K, et

impetigo prevalence (67%) in the ivermectin ease control option includes proof of scal- al. Systematic review of the diagnosis of sca-
group compared with standard care and per- ability, assessment of cost-effectiveness, bies in therapeutic trials. Clin Exp Dermatol.
methrin-based MDA groups (32% and 54%, evaluation of program acceptability and 2017;42:481–487.
respectively). investigation of whether MDA for scabies 11. Engelman D, Fuller LC, Steer AC; International
can translate into reductions in the serious Alliance for the Control of Scabies Delphi panel.
Another study investigated iver- Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of scabies: a
mectin-based MDA in a remote Australian bacterial and autoimmune complications of Delphi study of international experts. PLoS Negl
Aboriginal community using a before-and- scabies. Establishing a viable and sustaina- Trop Dis. 2018;12:e0006549.
after study design of 2 rounds of ivermectin- ble drug supply for scabies control will also 12. Mounsey KE, Bernigaud C, Chosidow O, et al.
based MDA, 12 months apart.19 Prevalence be crucial. The current indications for iver- Prospects for moxidectin as a new oral treat-
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rebounded quickly. There are several factors
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that may have led to contrasting results to the Question 1: Is it safe to use ivermectin in children
Fiji study. First, administration took place of scabies as an indication will be a cru- less than five years of age and weighing less than
over 4 months, which may have allowed for cial step for any program implementation. 15 kg? Arch Dis Child. 2018;103:514–519.
reinfestation, although acquisition rates were Finally, global partnerships and meaning- 14. Gyapong JO, Chinbuah MA, Gyapong M.

noted to be low at 1%–2% per 6-month inter- ful collaboration, such as those fostered by Inadvertent exposure of pregnant women to iver-
val. Second, there was considerable mobility the International Alliance for the Control of mectin and albendazole during mass drug admin-
Scabies,2 will be critical for progress toward istration for lymphatic filariasis. Trop Med Int
of the population, with 34% of participants Health. 2003;8:1093–1101.
at the 12-month follow-up not present in the control and potentially even elimination of
15. Rosumeck S, Nast A, Dressler C. Ivermectin

community at baseline. A wider distribu- scabies. and permethrin for treating scabies. Cochrane
tion of MDA may be required to account for Database Syst Rev. 2018;4:CD012994.
population movement. Third, the increase in 16. Bernigaud C, Fang F, Fischer K, et al. Preclinical
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A recent study in the Netherlands Control Of Scabies. Toward the global control Single dose moxidectin versus ivermectin for
of human scabies: introducing the International Onchocerca volvulus infection in Ghana, Liberia,
evaluated ivermectin-based MDA to control Alliance for the Control of Scabies. PLoS Negl and the Demographic Republic of the Congo: a
scabies in newly arrived asylum seekers. The Trop Dis. 2013;7:e2167. randomised, controlled, double-blind phase 3
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