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Class: VIII

Dr. A. Q. Khan School System Subject: Science

A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

First Term exam 2019 - 2020 Marks Obtained:

Total Marks: 100
Student Name: Teachers Signs:
Objective (30)
Choose the correct answers 10.
1-Which of these metals is used in the making of jewelry?
a) Aluminum
b) Gold
c) Steel
d) tungsten
2-Copper is used to make electrical cable because it is
a) cheap and readily available
b) hard and brittle
c) shiny and unreactive
d) sweet and can be easily stretched
3-What is the unit of energy?
a) Decibel
b) Hertz
c) Joule
d) Ohm
4-The kinetic energy of an object depend upon
a) Mass only
b) Speed only
c) Mass and speed
d) None of the above
5- Which part of flower produces pollen?
a) Anther
b) Nectary
c) Petal
d) Sepal
6-Reactive metal can take the place of a less reactive metal in some reactions. This is known as
a) Combination
b) displacement
c) neutralization
d) oxidation
7-If distance is measured in meters (m) and time is measured in seconds (s), what is speed
measured in?
a) ms
b) m/s
c) m^2/s
d) m/s^
8-A peregrine falcon can fly at 90 km/h. How far could it fly in 20 minutes?
a) 4.5 kilometers
b) 18 kilometers
c) 30 kilometers
d) 1800 kilometers
9-When a car is accelerating, the speed of the car is
a) Changing
b) Decreasing
c) Increasing
d) Staying the same
10-Gravity makes a falling object accelerate downwards at
a) 0.01 m/s2
b) 0.1 m/s2
c) 1 m/s2
d) 10 m/s2

True/False 10
1-No energy is used when work is done. ( )
2-The unit for work and energy are the same. ( )
3-Cloning of plants produces plenty of genetic variation. ( )
4-Cross-pollination is when pollen from one flower lands on a stigma of the same flower, ( )
5-All metals react in the same way when put into water, but differently when put into acid. ( )
6-Iron is one of the most abundant metals on Earth. Most of it has come from space. ( )
7-A metal corrodes when any chemical comes into contact with it. ( )
8-The area under a speed-time graph is equal to the total distance travelled. ( )
9-A car travelling at 70 miles per hour will take 3 hours to travels 20 miles.( )
10-Air resistance helps increase acceleration of a falling object. ( )
Fill in the blanks 10
1- Graphite is the example of ______________
2- A metal combining two or more metallic elements are called __________
3- The SI unit of work or energy is___________
4- The process through which living things reproduce a new organisms is called
5- The rate at which someone or something moves is called___________
6- The rate at which the velocity ( speed in a particular direction) of an object changes is
7- The formula of speed is_____________
8- The kinetic energy of an object depends upon_______________
9- Energy cannot be made or destroyed, but it can change from one form into another. This
law is called__________________
10- Pollination is followed by_____________

Match the column A with column B 10

column A Column B
Force m/s, m s−1
Current meter
Charge absorb water
Speed reproductive part
Length joule
Roots sticky part
flower coulombs
energy ampere
stigma newton

Constructive Response (30)

Attempt any ten of the following 3*10=30

1-Define metal with example?
2-Write the four properties of metal?
3-What is a metal ore?
4-Why are non-metals good insulator?
5-Define reactivity series?
6-What is an alloy and how are alloys formed?
7-Define speed and acceleration with formula?
8- Define speed-time graph?
9-Difference between balance force and unbalanced forced?
10-What is Newton first law of motion?
11-Define pollination and fertilization?
12-What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?
13-Define cloning and micro-propagation?
Extended Response (30)
Attempt any three of the following question 3*10=30
1-a) Explain why an object falls to the ground, when it is dropped?
b) Draw and label the diagram of blast furnace?
2-a) Explain why it is easier to separate a metal low in the reactivity series from its ore?
b) A car travel at 120 km/h, how long will it take to travel?
A-120 km b-70km
3- Define kinetic energy also write the difference between chemical energy and nuclear
4- Describe how aluminum is extracted from bauxite?
5- a) Draw and label the diagram of metals in water?
b) What is a growth medium?


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