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Simon Gabriel M.

Kabiling 10 - Nativity of Our Lady


One of the Twelve Apostles, Saint Thomas or “Doubting Thomas” was

initially skeptical about Jesus’ resurrection, but later proclaimed Jesus,
“My Lord and My God.” Saint Thomas was born in Galilee Israel circa the
1st century. When he first heard of Jesus’ resurrection, he questioned it,
earning him the nickname “Doubting Thomas.” As cited in John 20:28, he
later proclaimed Jesus as “My Lord and my God” upon his resurrection.
He spent the following years traveling and spreading the gospel. St.
Thomas died on December 21, 72 in Mylapore, India.


I chose the apostle Saint Thomas because like him, I also doubt. He
doubted Jesus’ resurrection until it was proven. I am like him, I do not
believe some things until proven otherwise. I always question the
credibility of others especially if I know that there is something wrong
about that or if it is very unrealistic. I always look for answers mechanically
and I doubt things that seem unreal. I know that this is not a good thing
because it would seem that I am very unfaithful. But I do believe in God, I
believe in Him and I know that he is with us all the time. Yes, I know that I
sometimes doubt him and I know that is wrong. I know that if I was in the
position of St. Thomas, I would’ve done the same and I wouldn’t have
believed at first. In short, I believe that I can see myself in St. Thomas
because like him, I always doubt.

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