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Chapter 01  Makes a positive statement about the writer

and organization
An Overview of Technical Writing Good technical writing is free from typographical
A matter of definition -- workplace and academic errors, grammatical slips, and misspelled words
writing have different goals. Academic writing involves
a teacher and a writing assignment. The teacher reads Chapter 02
and evaluates the work. Composing
The substance of technical/business/workplace writing,
Achieving a readable style means using basic
also known as professional writing, is different from
principles of effective style:
academic writing—no longer is there a teacher
 Analyzing Content
who must read the work. It becomes the responsibility
 Determining If a Particular Style Will Be
of the writer to entice the reader successfully.
Writing at Work Versus Writing at School: Eight Basic
 Discovering Content
 Arranging Content
1. Writing at work achieves job goals.
 Drafting and Revising
2. Writing at work addresses a variety of
 Revising
 Document Design
3. Writing at work addresses readers with
 Editing
different perspectives.
To write effectively, begin with an analysis of the
4. Writing at work creates excessive paperwork
situation that requires you to write. As you choose and
and e-mail.
arrange your content, you will probably be:
The reader will ask
 analyzing the situation that requires a written
 What is this?
 Why should I read this?
 choosing and arranging content,
 How does it affect me?
 drafting and revising, and then
 What am I going to have to do?
 editing the finished draft.
1. Writing at work may be read by readers
Analyze your task; discover your purpose.
unknown to the writer.
When choosing and arranging what your reader needs,
2. Writing at work has an indefinite life span.
be guided by
3. Writing at work creates legal liability for the
 why you are writing.
writer and the organization.
 what your reader needs.
4. Writing at work likely means using a variety of
written documents.  how your reader perceives the subject.
Communicating at work through writing is made When arranging content:
possible by learning, understanding, and practicing a  various documents follow different styles.
method of writing that applies to any  follow examples of similar documents.
document. Reporting Technical Informationexplains  purpose often dictates arrangement.
that method. If you have not already developed your own individual
The foundations of effective technical writing include style of drafting and revising, with practice, you will
clarity, conciseness, organization, and correctness. discover what works best for you.
Audience awareness is tremendously important to During your final revision, ask yourself the following
successful technical writing. questions:
Use these guideposts: Know your reader.  Is your writing logical?
Know your objective.  Does it include all necessary information?
Be simple, direct, and concise.  Is the style concise, consistent, and reader-
Know the context in which your communication will be friendly?
used.  When necessary, have you used visuals that
The qualities of good technical writing include: support the message?
 Has an effective design  Is your document design inviting, easy to read,
 Can be read selectively and consistent with the purpose?
 Presents a rational and readily discernible plan Final edit:
 Reads coherently  Remember that before delivering your
 Answers readers' questions document, you must carefully check for all
 Includes any necessary front matter errors. Editing requires care, objective reading,
 Provides essential information without jargon and diligence.
or padding Chapter 03
 Uses table and graphs, when appropriate, to Writing for Your Readers
clarify You must never forget that your readers cannot read
 Has a summary when needed your mind and know exactly what you are thinking.
 Conveys an impression of authority, Written documents, designed after careful analysis of
thoroughness, soundness, and honest work the characteristics of those who will read them,
become your way of helping readers understand what
 Can stand alone without further explanation

is in your mind. The following principles will help you As you plan the content, anticipate the context in
understand the process which your writing will be received:
 Goals of Communication  What ideas should be admitted?
 The Planning Process  How should ideas be arranged?
 Determining Your Readers  How will your writing be used?
 Asking Questions to Analyze Your Reader  What tone do you want to convey?

Determining Your Purpose
Understanding Your Role as a Writer
Chapter 04
 Planning the Content Achieving a Readable Style
 Anticipating the Context in Which Your Writing This chapter shows you how to use basic principles of
Will Be Received effective style:
Remember that planning is the most important part of  Determine Your Readers' Knowledge of the
the writing process. Before studying the planning Subject
process, remember that in developing any  Determine If a Particular Style Will Be
communication, you have three main goals that show Expected
the relationship between reader, purpose, and context  Anticipate Your Readers' Comprehension Level
 You want your readers to understand your in a Given Context
meaning exactly the way you intend.  Know Your Relationship to Your Readers and
 You want your writing to achieve its goal with How You Want to Sound
the targeted readers.  Adjust the Style to the Reader, the Purpose,
 You want to keep the goodwill of those with and the Context
whom you communicate. Effective writers adjust their style to the needs of their
Before studying the planning process, remember that readers. They know
in developing any communication, you will want to  the readers' knowledge of the subject,
show the relationship between reader, purpose, and  the readers' expectations about style based on
context. Determine: the specific kind of writing,
 Why you are writing  the readers' probable reading levels based on
 What your readers need the context in which the document will be
 How your readers perceive the subject read, and
To help you determine who your readers are, consider  the writer's relationship to the readers, that is,
the following questions: the professional roles of both the writer and
 Is your writing academic or nonacademic? the readers.
 If it is for work, does your writing have diverse Select your level of language; adjust the density of
purposes with a single reader or a variety of information.
readers? When forming paragraphs
We live in a society of information overload and must  Create a group of sentences that work together
entice the reader to want to read our documents. The to form one idea.
reader will ask questions such as  Keep them to a moderate length.
 What is this document?  Begin with a topic sentence.
 Why should I read it?  Follow with supporting sentences, building on
 How does it affect me? the idea stated in the topic sentence.
 What am I going to have to do?  Use, but do not overuse, highlighting
Ask yourself who will read what you write and who will techniques such as lists.
act upon what you write When forming sentences:
 Does your reader know anything at all about  Watch sentence length.
your topic?  Keep subjects and verbs close together.
 What is your reader's educational level?  Omit verbiage; use concrete verbs.
 What is your reader's cultural background?  Write clean prose.
 Do you have credibility with the reader?  Avoid ponderous language.
 Do you have a relationship with the reader?  Avoid excessive use of is/are verb forms.
 Why is each person on the distribution list  Use active voice for clarity.
receiving a copy?  Define when necessary.
 How much does each person on this list know
about your topic?  Avoid impersonal language.
Chapter 05
Once you have analyzed the reader, think about the
situation that led to the topic. You will then be ready to
Writing ethically
Writing ethically is a responsibility of all professionals
determine the purpose
and includes considering:
 Why are you writing?
 Ethical Perspectives
 What do you want to achieve with your
 Your Professional Obligations
 Codes of Conduct
 What is your role in the organization
 Recognizing Unethical Communication

 Plagiarism and Theft of Intellectual Property  Promoting prejudice

 Deliberately Imprecise or Ambiguous Language In addition to knowing your ethical obligations as a
 Manipulation of Numerical Information communicator, it is also important to consider the
 Use of Misleading Illustrations consequences of your decisions and actions. At work:
 Promotion of Prejudice  Ethical dilemmas will not always be clear.
 Anticipating Consequences  You may be asked to make ethical decisions on
 Applying Principles your own.
 Managing Unethical Situations  You may have to handle unethical situations.
Philosophers of ethics espouse two basic perspectives.  Your profession's code of conduct will guide
The first focuses on character, encouraging us to you.
develop virtues such as:
 wisdom
Chapter 06
 courage Writing for International Readers
 prudence Designing effective written business communications
 truthfulness for readers in other countries requires an approach of
 generosity the development of international communication
The second perspective focuses on process and documents from eight perspectives:
outcomes, asking questions such as 1. Understanding Readers from Various Cultures--
 What will I do? Individualism versus Collectivism: Valuing
 What are my obligations? Either Individuals or Groups
 What am I permitted? 2. Separation of Business and Private
 What are the consequences of my actions? Relationships
Each of your ethical obligations includes several, often 3. Power Distance between Social Ranks
intersecting, and, from time to time, competing 4. Universal or Relative View of Truth
considerations. Consider, for example, your obligations 5. Whether the Entire Message Is Contained in
to: the Text
 yourself 6. Whether Uncertainty Is to Be Avoided or
 your profession Accepted
 your academic institution 7. The Power and Value of Time
 the public 8. Masculine versus Feminine
 your employer Designing effective written business communications
 your colleagues for readers in other countries requires that you
Your profession has a code of conduct. For example, approach the development of international
the Society for Technical Communication (STC), the communication documents from various perspectives.
international association for technical writers and Effective international writers
graphic artists, has composed its guidelines as a list of  Do not assume that the United States in the
six principles: greatest country in the world.
1. Legality  Know that cultures vary but no one culture is
2. Honesty inherently superior to any other.
3. Confidentiality  Know that not all cultures value individualism
4. Quality like the United States.
5. Fairness  Understand that in group-valuing (collectivist)
6. Professionalism cultures, individuals live within tight social
Know the codes of conduct that motivate and regulate networks in which members identify closely
ethical communication for your company and your with their families and business organizations.
profession: you might have to cite their guidelines to  Know that cultures differ in a number of ways,
justify your decisions regarding ethical dilemmas on so readers have differing expectations.
the job.
Establish a professional code of conduct for yourself:  Know that written communications are valued
in the United States because they often
 What are your principles? document individual actions.
 What are you willing and unwilling to do?  Understand that, in contrast, group-valuing
 What do you expect of yourself? organizations tend to prize oral communication
 Who in your profession do you admire and try over written communication. Documents
to be like? prepared in collectivist cultures may not be as
Also essential to ethical communication is recognizing explicit or as detailed as they are in
the ways in which individuals on the job might be individualist cultures, like the United States
unethical in their communications. Chief among the The fatal communication error: thinking the United
possibilities are States is the best.
 Plagiarizing  Communicating successfully with people from
 Deliberately using imprecise or ambiguous other cultures requires that you play by their
language ground rules.
 Using misleading visuals

 The U.S. culture differs dramatically from most  focus on being formal, reserved but positive,
cultures in the world. and indirect.
 Everyone thinks his or her culture is "the best." In high-power distance cultures, employees manage
 You may not like many of the characteristics of their work according to their superior's specifications,
the cultures of people with whom you need to and authoritarian attitudes prevail
communicate, but you must respect the  Hierarchies in organizations are pronounced;
differences between cultures and the the powerful have privileges that the less
perspectives of readers from outside your own powerful do not have, and subordinates expect
tradition. to take orders.
Individualism drives all other U.S. cultural  Employees expect their supervisors to make
characteristics. unilateral decisions, and they do what they are
 We value our individualism over the rules and told without asking questions.
priorities of the group.  Superiors are authoritarian figures, and
 Individual achievements receive more disagreeing with "the boss" is unacceptable.
accolades than team achievements.  Age is a positive factor and a major
 U.S. businesspeople tend to separate their qualification for leadership roles.
business lives from their personal lives.  Formality and politeness in communications
 Americans tend to be direct and to the point; a are considered extremely important.
strong work ethic is valued.  One is never openly aggressive.
 Written communications are valued in the In low-power distance cultures, the individual may
United States because they often document freely follow his or her own preferences and criticize
individual actions. management
In group-valuing (collectivist) cultures, individuals live  Inequalities among people are minimized.
within tight social networks and are motivated by the  Formality and politeness in communications
group's needs and achievements. are considered extremely important.
 In group-valuing (collectivist) cultures,  Subordinates are consulted.
individuals live within tight social networks in  Decentralization in responsibility is popular.
which members identify closely with their  Employees have upward mobility.
families and business organizations.  Teamwork is valued because interdependence
 They are motivated by the group's needs, exists between the less and the more powerful.
which may not always mesh with the The United States, however, is generally a mid-level-
individual's desires. power distance country. Because of the emphasis on
 Self-effacement along with deference to the the responsibility of the individual and the individual's
interest of the group is the standard. Concerns responsibility for his or her destiny, Americans like to
about the welfare of the group overshadow the be involved in decision making.
success and needs of any one person.  Central decision making is accepted, but those
 Employees in collectivist societies act according in the organization below the leaders expect to
to the interest of the group. be heard.
 Promotions are based on seniority within the  Great differences in rank are expected, but
group. those who have rank ideally have earned it
 People's business and personal lives merge. through extreme individual effort, success in
 Extensive time is spent building business achieving business goals, and hard work.
relationships.  U.S. organizations are moving toward "flatter"
 Extended family needs often determine organizations and participatory management
business decisions. The writer's understanding of the
Group-valuing organizations tend to prize oral extent of teamwork in a particular U.S.
communication over written communication. When you company, as well as an international
are writing to individuals within a group-valuing company, can be critical to success in
culture, you will want to: dealing and working with that
 focus on how the issues you are discussing In a universalism culture, writers are advised to be as
reflect on the organization and the actions of specific and concrete as possible. Clarity and precision
the group. in format, language, and meaning are valuable.
 de-emphasize yourself: avoid excessive use of In a particularist culture, in which truth is relative,
"I" and focus on establishing comments may be less direct and more dependent on
rapport with the organization, not specific the situation.
individuals.  Central decision making is accepted.
 focus on emphasizing the relationship between  The message may appear vague.
you and your business and your reader.  Oral communication may be more significant
 emphasize your relationship with the group than written communication.
before launching into discussion of the  Rules that apply in one business situation may
business you wish to transact. cease to apply when a different situation

 The writer should discuss the impact of the  If the document is being directed to a reader in
situation on the group. a non-U.S. culture, what are its
The text of U.S. documents is expected to contain all characteristics?
facts necessary to arrive at a solid business decision. o Is it oriented toward the individual or
Contracts are considered binding. toward the group?
In nontextual cultures, the language is suggestive, o Do people separate their business and
oblique, and theoretical; documents themselves are private relationships?
often wordy, tending to focus on organizational o Does this culture value success of
situations rather than pristine factual details. individuals or success of groups?
 What a document ultimately "means" may be a o Do people see truth as universal or as
function of the circumstances under which it relative to particular circumstances?
was prepared. o Is the entire message--and what it
 Business obligations may not be clearly or means--usually contained in the text?
completely stated. Do the people value time and efficiency?
In cultures that accept uncertainty, written documents  How well are the members of your target
may be less problematic than they are in cultures that audience able to read English?
seek to avoid uncertainty, where documents are  What is the situation that has led to your need
valued for documentation and governance purposes. to write this document?
 In companies that dislike uncertainty, precisely  What purpose do you hope to achieve? What
written documents, forms, tables, graphs, do you want to happen as a result of this
procedures, policies, and style sheets are document?
valued because they create uniformity.  Based on the broad value characteristics of the
 Although tolerance for uncertainty varies in the culture, what choices do you need to make a
United States, fear of litigation is driving more o Structure (deductive or inductive)
companies toward insistence on precision in
o Organization of idea
o Degree of specificity about business
When you address members of cultures that value
relationships over productivity, emphasize
o Type of information disclosed about
relationships with the persons with whom you are
doing business. Central decision making is accepted you and your organization
 Oral communication may be more significant o Quantity of detail presented about you
 Make business secondary to the relationship. and your organization
 In contrast, in preparing documents for U.S. o Style
readers, emphasize the business goal: be o Sentence length
precise, direct, and complete. Make goals, o Word choice
expectations, and commitments known. o Address protocols
American women need to avoid assuming a o Tone
domineering stance when working with men from o Formatting techniques
cultures outside of the United States where males o Graphics
assume positions of authority If you find that you will be communicating with people
 Make business secondary to the relationship. from other cultures, particularly in a business context,
 Women need to write to men in these be sure that you research the business etiquette for
masculine cultures using a formal and polite each country. These procedures include
tone.  understanding the use of business cards,

 Avoiding immediate, direct discussion of  dressing appropriately,

business issues is imperative.  making proper introductions and greetings,
 Establishing rapport with the individual within  knowing how business decisions are made, and
the organization is critical.  knowing what topics to discuss and to avoid in
Because many of these questions pertain to U.S. all conversations, business or social.
documents, you can see how effective use of In short, considering culture is simply another
international communications requires that you dimension of considering your audience and the
broaden your perspective as you plan a document context in which your message will be read.
 To whom is this message directed?
 What do you know about the reader(s)? Age? Chapter 07
Interests? Education? Job responsibilities? Gathering, Evaluating, and
Title? Documenting Information
 Have you met your reader in person? On the job you will often find yourself in situations
 What is their attitude toward you, and how do requiring good research skills. You will need to know
they perceive the topic? what questions to ask, where to look for answers, and
 What are their particular characteristics, as how to evaluate the responses you receive from
gleaned from messages they have written or various sources.
encounters you have had with them?

Goals of Communication: o Index to Legal Periodicals & Books

 Asking Productive Questions o GPO Monthly Catalog
 Looking for Answers o Periodical Abstracts
 Evaluating Answers o Social Science Abstract
 Citing Sources o Wilson Business Abstracts
Asking Productive Questions Evaluating Answer
Efficient research starts with systematic questioning.  Ask questions to substantiate credibilty.
You have to determine as specifically as possible what  Assume reponsiblity for accuracy.
you already know and what you do not yet know about  Verify all information
your subject. Consider these six questions: Use correct and accepted style to document sources.
 What personal experience do I have regarding The intentional or unintentional borrowing of words,
this subject? images, or ideas without attribution is plagiarism.
 What have I read about this subject? Citing Sources
 What have I heard from friends or colleagues A formal system of citation is particularly important if
about this subject? your document or presentation might be used by
 What specific questions would I ask a specialist others to conduct subsequent research. The consistent
about this subject? formatting of citations will assist researchers in
 Why is this subject important to me, my locating the sources you used. This is taken directly
business, or my client? from the text under the heading "Citing Sources."
 What keywords would I use to investigate this
subject in a library's catalog/database or on Chapter 08
the Web? Designing and Formatting Documents
Looking for Answers  Understanding the Basics of Document Design
A wide variety of informational sources are typically  Designing Effective Pages and Screens
available to you  Choosing Readable Type
 Interviews: Find out as much as possible  Helping Readers Locate Information
about your subject specialists  Testing Your Design
o What qualifies them to advise you in Know what decisions are yours to make and then:
this area—their education, their job  Choose a design that fits your situation.
experience, both?  Plan your design from the beginning.
o What have they said or written about  Reveal your design to your readers.
this subject Before you start writing, carefully consider how you
o What is their particular approach to the will organize and display your information. Ask
subject? questions such as the following:
o What is their potential bias?  How will people use the document?
o What is their reputation within the  Will most people read it from beginning to
profession end?
 Newsgroups:  Will they want to skim it and grab the main
o Upon joining a newsgroup, observe the points without reading more? Will they want to
discussion before you start to ask jump to a specific topic?
questions.  Even if they read the document through once,
o If the newsgroup offers archives of will they want to come back later and find a
previous messages or FAQs, review specific point quickly?
this material.
o Compose a clear and specific subject  How familiar are your readers with the subject
line to your message. of the document?
 How much support will they need in
o Keep your message to the point.
understanding and navigating the information?
o Don't engage in "flaming" within the
 How familiar are your readers with this kind of
document? Do they come to the document with
 World Wide Web:
certain expectations about how the information
o Choose your search engines carefully.
will be organized and exhibited?
 Will most people see this document on paper
o Choose useful keywords to search. or on a computer screen?
o Choose credible sites To help you design effective pages and screens,
 Library: The electronic library catalog uses choose a design that fits your situation
indexes with resources such as  Plan your design from the beginning.
o Applied Science and Technology  Use blank space to frame and group
Abstracts information.
o Business Dateline  Space the lines of text for easy reading
o New York Times  Set the line length for easy reading.
o Newspaper Abstracts  Use a ragged right margin

Plan a design that always shows the same type of  Focus your efforts on the home page.
information in the same way throughout your  Give your visitors opportunities to interact with
document. The design could include: your pages.
 the type size,  Be sensitive to the cultural differences of your
 the typeface (or font), international audience.
 placement of an element on the page,  Make your site accessible to visitors with
 whether the text has a border (also called a disabilities
line or rule) over or under it, In designing your pages, keep in mind the following
 whether the text or headings are bold or italic, common practices:
 the amount of space that comes before and  Include a complete menu of links at the top
after a heading, and and bottom of each page.
 the style of the text following each kind of  Avoid excessive links in the running text.
heading, and so forth.  Include identifying information on each page.
To choose a readable type:  Choose a light, solid color for the background
 Choose a legible type size. of your pages, such as a light gray, green, or
 Choose a font that suits your document. blue.
 Use special typefaces sparingly.  Adjust the length of your pages to your
 Use highlighting effectively. information.
 Use a mixture of cases, not all capitals.  Keep illustrations small.
 Use color cautiously and consistently  Restrict animation to video or audio/video clips
To help readers locate information that the visitor specifically clicks on to view.
 Write descriptive headings.  Use only two levels of headings.
 Design distinctive headings.  Minimize your use of italics.
 Use page numbers and headers or footers.  Use bold type selectively and consistently.
Headings are the map to your document, identifying  Edit and proofread carefully.
the key topics and revealing the direction of thought  Check the design of your site using a variety of
 Use concrete language. computers and monitors.
 Use questions, verb phrases, and sentences Once you have designed your site, you still have to
instead of nouns alone. maintain it. Remember the following guidelines
 Use standard keywords if readers expect them.  Register your site with a variety of search
 Make the headings at a given level parallel. engines.
 Make sure the headings match the table of  Keep updating your pages.
contents.  Periodically check all of your internal and
 Limit the number of heading levels. external links to see that each is still active.
 Create a pattern for the headings and stick to  If possible, avoid changing the address of your
it. site.
 Match size to importance Testing Your Design:
 Put more space before a heading than after it.  Planning the test
 Keep each heading with the section it covers.  Conducting the test
 Use headings frequently.
 Consider using numbers with your headings.  Interpreting and revising
But usability testing is especially important if
A reminder about e-mails: On the job, you will  it is on a topic of great importance,
probably write and receive more e-mail messages than  the document is a kind you've never written
any other kind of document. Here are five simple before,
guidelines to follow  it will be used by a large number of readers, or
1. Keep messages brief.  it might be used in ways that could differ
2. Use the message line to specify the purpose of widely or lead to serious mistakes.
the message.
3. Keep paragraphs short.
Chapter 09
4. Use headings when needed to specify sections Creating and Managing Text
of the message. Considering ways to create and manage text is an
5. Avoid decorative headings and backgrounds. important skill you will need when you begin planning
When designing Web sites: and writing reports. Important elements include
 Create the site  Collecting and Grouping Information
 Design the pages of the site.  Planning Content Development
 Maintain the site.  Reports with Standard Arrangement Patterns
In creating your site, consider the following guidelines:  Topical Arrangement
 Explore and experiment.  Specific Reader Needs
 Strive for a consistent design for all the pages o Chronological Arrangement
at your site. o Persuasive Arrangement and
 Make your site inviting but simple. Development
 Strategies for Developing Content

 Organization and Content Development  Plan your report around the questions.
 Other Types of Development  Draft an introduction.
In developing a report, first know the topic. Then think  Develop the body of the report to answer the
about how to organize the information: questions.
 How you will arrange the ideas.
 Where you will place material within specific
Chapter 10
sections. Developing the Main Elements of
 How you will decide "what goes where." Reports
Then, you will need to focus on developing the content Business and technical reports contain a number of
within each section: standard elements with various purposes designed to
 Collect and group information. help readers access the report.
 Gather your research. Following accepted guidelines will help you develop the
 Group your material and notes into specific main elements such as:
categories.  Prefatory Elements, including Letter of
 Label these categories. Transmittal, Title Page, Submission Page,
 Develop your report around main sections: Table of Contents, List of Illustrations, and a
 introduction Glossary and List of Symbols
 informational categories ordered in terms of  Abstracts and Summaries
report purpose  Discussion, or Body, of the Report
How you design your report will depend on  Online Reports
 The kind of report you write. Effective report design reflects:
 Your readers' information needs. 1. the reality of more than one reader, and
 The purpose of the report. 2. the needs of busy readers who need to access
In many situations, the plan of the document you will information quickly.
write is predetermined by:  Letter of Transmittal:
 The kind of report you write. o Statement of transmittal
 Many government funding agencies require o Reason for the report
that all reports submitted follow a specific plan. o Statement of subject
 Many organizations also have a standard plan o Purpose of the report.
for their policies--what sections must be o May include more details of report:
included and the order in which they appear.  Background material
Sometimes you the writer must decide how to present  Mention of earlier reports.
your research or the information you need to convey.  Additional reports that may be
Two basic formats are: needed.
 topical arrangement--logical and inclusive  Information that may be of
special interest or significance
 chronological arrangement--presents Specific
information sequentially conclusions/recommendations
Persuasive Arrangement and Development  Financial implication
 Know your readers' objections.  Acknowledgments - those who
 Anticipate the perspective of readers. provided help in the project
Strategies for Developing Content  Title Page:
Technical writing explains, describes, defines by using o Name of the company or individual(s)
several different methods: preparing the report.
 definition of terms o Name of the company or course for
 description
which the report was prepared.
 background (history) of the concept
o Specific title and subtitle of the report.
 visual and verbal illustrations
o Type of report: assessment, proposal,
 analogies
 examples
o Date of submission.
 cause/effect analyses
 comparison and contrast o Code number of the report.
Make Use of Organization to Reveal Content o Contract numbers under which the
Present logical, carefully organized, visually accessible work was performed.
chunks of information o Company or agency logo.
Allow readers to enter/exit the document easily, o Proprietary and security notices.
depending on their information needs o Names of contact/responsible
Use various approaches to develop reports. For individuals.
example  Submission Page:
 Determine your purpose. o List of contributors
 Develop a list of questions that your readers o Signatures - reports require
will want answered. accountability. Signatures on a

submission page indicate that the o Analyses of results.

authors stand behind the content. o Conclusions emerging from results.
 Table of Contents: o Recommendations dealing with the
o Reflects rhetorical purpose of report. results.
o Indicates the page on which each  Important to remember about the discussion:
major topic begins. o It can stand alone.
o Forecasts the extent and nature of the o It's the report segment read the least.
topical coverage.
o Suggests the logic of the arrangement. o It's the source, the foundation, and
o Shows relationship among the report documentation for every statement
parts. written in the abstract and summary.
 List of Illustrations or Exhibits:
o Lists all visuals by description (tables, o Conclusions need to evolve from the
graphs, maps, etc.). discussion.
 Glossary and List of Symbols: o Recommendations need to evolve from
o Abbreviations. the discussion and the conclusions
o Acronyms.  Parts of the discussion include:
o Symbols o Subject.
o Terms not known to readers outside a o Purpose.
specialized group o Scope.
 Abstracts and Summaries provide the essence o Background/history of the topic.
of the report: o Plan of development.
o Topic. The discussion should be planned around each topic to
o Purpose. be presented in the report.
o Result(s).  Notes on the conclusion:
o Conclusion(s). o Reports will end with a statement of
o Recommendation(s) the primary issues covered in the
 Informative Abstracts include: discussion.
o The research. o Factual summary gives the essential
o Objectives. facts presented but without
o Research methods used. interpretation.
o The findings, including principal results o Interpretation of the factual summary
and conclusions. is done in the executive summary
 Descriptive Abstracts include: Recommendations emerge from conclusions, but some
reports end with conclusions:
o What topics the full report contains.
o The report purpose.  Appendixes, which may or may not be
o Explanation of content areas paginated and have a numbering scheme, can
Differences in abstracts are tending to disappear.
Some abstracts reveal the characteristics of both
abstract types.
o Tables of supporting data.
 Summary - often called Executive Summary -
o Subject and purpose of the project. o Statistical studies.
o Research approach used.
o Spreadsheets.
o Topics covered.
o Essential background - why the
o Any material that supports the points
report/research was needed.
or arguments of the report.
o Results.
o Conclusions and recommendations.
o Cost/Potential and return on  Notes on online reports:
o Anticipated implementation problems
and solutions. o Usually begin with report title.
 Discussion, or body, of the report includes:
o Why the report was created. o Report abstract follows title.
o Its objectives.
o Methods. o Often a link leads reader to the body
o Findings. and rest of report.
o Results.

o Readers may scroll through table of


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