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[G.R. No. 202860. April 10, 2019.]


and ULYSSES A. BRITO , respondents.


A.B. REYES, JR. , J : p

This is a petition for certiorari 1 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, seeking to
nullify the Resolutions dated December 7, 2010 2 and June 8, 2012 3 of the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 60768. In these resolutions, the CA granted the motion
of respondent Ulysses A. Brito (Brito) to execute the Decision 4 dated August 30, 2004
of the CA in the same case, which partially granted the petition for quo warranto
initiated against petitioner Lee T. Arroyo (Arroyo) and several other individuals.

Factual Antecedents

This case arose from the enactment of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8371, otherwise
known as "The Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997," 5 which resulted in the
reorganization of two (2) o ces: (1) the O ce for Northern Cultural Communities
(ONCC); 6 and (2) the O ce of Southern Cultural Communities (OSCC). 7 Pursuant to
the passage of R.A. No. 8371, the ONCC and OSCC were merged as the organic o ces
of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). The reorganization likewise
entailed the creation of several o ces subsumed under the NCIP, which are tasked to
implement its policies: (a) the Ancestral Domains O ce; (b) the O ce on Policy,
Planning and Research; (c) the O ce of Education, Culture and Health; (d) the O ce on
Socio-Economic Services and Special Concerns; (e) the O ce of Empowerment and
Human Rights; (f) the Administrative O ce; and (g) the Legal Affairs O ce. 8
Meanwhile, the functions of the regional and eld o ces of the ONCC and OSCC were
retained under the new organizational structure of the NCIP. 9
Upon the effectivity of R.A. No. 8371, the positions of Staff Directors, Bureau
Directors, Deputy Executive Directors and Executive Directors, except the positions of
Regional Directors and below, were phased-out. 1 0 Absorbed personnel were
nonetheless subject to the quali cations set by the Civil Service Commission and the
Placement Committee created pursuant to Section 77 of R.A. No. 8371. 1 1
Brito, who was then the Regional Director for Region V of the OSCC, was
temporarily appointed to the same position pursuant to the NCIP Executive Director's
Memorandum Order No. 01-98 dated May 23, 1998. 1 2 CAIHTE

On August 31, 2000, a list of appointees to the positions of Regional Directors

and Bureau Directors of the NCIP was transmitted to the NCIP Executive Director.
Among them was Arroyo, who was appointed as the Regional Director of Region V. 1 3
Unsatis ed with the appointment of Arroyo and three (3) other appointees, 1 4
Brito, together with several other individuals formerly holding the positions of Bureau
Director and Regional Director, 1 5 initiated a petition for quo warranto to challenge their
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appointment before the CA. 1 6 Brito invoked his right to security of tenure under R.A.
No. 6656, 1 7 and argued that Arroyo does not possess the required Career Executive
Service (CES) eligibility for the position of Regional Director. 1 8
Arroyo accordingly refuted these arguments in her comment to the petition for
quo warranto. 1 9 She argued that Brito cannot invoke the right to security of tenure
because his appointment was made in a temporary capacity. 2 0 Arroyo also questioned
the standing of Brito to initiate the quo warranto petition, and argued that Brito was not
qualified to be a Regional Director of the NCIP. 2 1
In a Decision 2 2 dated August 30, 2004, the CA partially granted the petition for
quo warranto insofar as Brito and his co-petitioner Amador P. Batay-an (Batay-an) were
concerned, to wit:
WHEREFORE, the petition for quo warranto is PARTLY GRANTED. [Batay-
an] and [Brito] are hereby reinstated to their former positions as
Regional Director , NCIP for the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and
Region V, respectively. However, the petition of Rudita Blanco and Ben
Tandoyog is DISMISSED for lack of merit.
SO ORDERED. 2 3 (Emphasis Ours)
The CA held that since Section 74 of R.A. No. 8371 did not phase-out the
Regional Director positions, the incumbent Regional Directors were retained, subject to
the quali cations prescribed under Civil Service Rules and the standards set by the
newly-created Placement Committee. 2 4 Since Brito held a Career Executive Service
O cer (CESO) Rank III eligibility, with a percentage score of 85.10 from the Placement
Committee, he possessed the necessary quali cations as Regional Director for Region
V. Consequently, the CA found that Brito should not have been removed from o ce and
replaced with Arroyo. 2 5
On September 24, 2004, Arroyo moved for the reconsideration of this decision
by arguing that the CESO Rank III eligibility of Brito is void. According to Arroyo, Brito
falsi ed his bachelor's degree from the Naga College Foundation (NCF) and there are
numerous administrative complaints against Brito regarding this matter. She explained
that the argument was raised at that stage of the proceedings because the complaints
were led only after the appointment of Brito as the O cer-In-Charge of the NCIP
Regional O ce in Region IV, or after the CA rendered its decision in the quo warranto
petition. 2 6 DETACa

Pending the resolution of her motion, Arroyo led a Manifestation on February

24, 2006 with the CA. She cited newly discovered evidence supporting her claim that
Brito did not obtain a bachelor's degree, which is an academic quali cation for the
position of Regional Director. 2 7 Attached to her manifestation is a certi ed true copy
of the Decision dated December 15, 2005, rendered by the O ce of the President (OP)
in O.P. Case No. 05-F-175, entitled "Timuay Langhap Rio Olimpio A. Lingating v. Ulysses
A. Brito." In this decision, the OP a rmed the recommendation of the Presidential Anti-
Graft Commission (PAGC) to hold Brito liable for falsifying his scholastic records, or
specifically, his bachelor's degree from NCF, viz.: 2 8
WHEREFORE, premises considered and as recommended by the [PAGC],
[Brito] is hereby found guilty of Dishonesty and Falsi cation of O cial
Document and correspondingly imposed the penalty of Dismissal from
Government Service including the accessory penalties of cancellation of
eligibility, forfeiture of leave credits and retirement bene ts, and disquali cation
for reemployment in the government service, without prejudice to civil and
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criminal liability.
However, the CA remained unmoved by these arguments. Arroyo's motion for
reconsideration was denied in the Resolution 3 0 dated June 30, 2006, thus:
ACCORDINGLY , the motion for partial reconsideration or clari cation or
a rmation led by petitioners [Batay-an] and Brito is DENIED for lack of merit.
The separate motions for reconsideration of respondents San Juan and Arroyo
are likewise DENIED .

Following the resolution of the motion for reconsideration, Arroyo did not elevate
the matter to this Court for review. 3 2 This prompted Brito to le a Motion for Entry of
Judgment and for the Issuance of a Writ of Execution dated March 26, 2007, praying
for the CA to execute the judgment granting his quo warranto petition. 3 3
On May 3, 2007, Arroyo opposed this motion and argued that the petition for quo
warranto was rendered moot and academic by virtue of the decision of the OP in O.P.
Case No. 05-F-175, which dismissed Brito from government service for falsifying his
college academic records. This OP decision allegedly became nal and executory
because Brito failed to appeal to the CA. 3 4
Brito, on the other hand, countered that the OP decision dismissing him from
service was not yet nal and executory. He posited that there is an existing appeal from
the OP decision, lodged before the CA. 3 5

Ruling of the CA

In the first assailed Resolution 3 6 dated December 7, 2010, the CA granted Brito's
motion for execution. The CA found that the Decision dated August 30, 2004 of the CA,
granting the quo warranto petition of Brito against Arroyo, had become nal and
executory, thus warranting the enforcement of the decision:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, instant motion is GRANTED. For
purposes of paragraph 2, Section 11, Rule 51 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure, let two (2) photocopies of the Decision rendered by this Court on
August 30, 2004 and the partial entry of judgment made therein be transmitted
to the [NCIP] for the issuance of the writ of execution.
Consequently, Arroyo led a Motion for Reconsideration dated December 29,
2 0 1 0 . 3 8 Arroyo insisted that Brito was dismissed from government service and
disquali ed from holding government o ce. In order to further bolster her claim, she
attached a certified true copy of the OP's Order dated October 20, 2007, which attested
to the finality of its Decision dated December 15, 2005 in O.P. Case No. 05-F-175. 3 9
The CA found Arroyo's argument unmeritorious and denied her motion for
reconsideration. Hence, in its second assailed Resolution 4 0 dated June 8, 2012, the CA
held that "upon veri cation from the concerned o ces of this Court," Brito indeed
appealed the OP decision to the CA. 4 1
Aggrieved, Arroyo led the present petition for certiorari assailing the
Resolutions dated December 7, 2010 and June 8, 2012 of the CA for having been
issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
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Arroyo insists that Brito is not quali ed to hold the position of Regional Director
because he falsi ed his bachelor's degree from NCF. For this reason, Arroyo argues
that Brito is not the proper party to initiate the quo warranto petition pursuant to
Section 5, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court. 4 2
As regards the nality of the OP's Decision dated December 15, 2005, Arroyo
argues that Brito was unable to establish the existence of his appeal before the CA.
Arroyo also alleges that the CA's independent veri cation of the appeal with its o ces
was an arbitrary exercise of its jurisdiction. 4 3
The Court is therefore asked to resolve whether the CA gravely abused its
discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, in directing the execution of its
Decision dated August 30, 2004 granting the quo warranto petition of Brito.

Ruling of the Court

The Court grants the petition.

Courts may modify a final and
executory decision when
circumstances transpire that render
the execution unjust or inequitable.

It is true that the execution of a court's judgment becomes a matter of right upon
the expiration of the period to appeal and no appeal was duly perfected. 4 4 Generally,
therefore, courts may no longer review or modify a nal and executory judgment. This is
otherwise referred to as the principle of immutability of judgments, which dictates that
once a decision becomes nal, the enforcement or execution of the judgment becomes
a purely ministerial act. 4 5 ETHIDa

This notwithstanding, the doctrine on immutability of judgments admits of the

following exceptions: (a) the correction of clerical errors; (b) the so-called nunc pro
tunc entries that cause no prejudice to any party; (c) void judgments; and (d) whenever
circumstances transpire after the nality of the judgments rendering execution unjust
and inequitable. 4 6 The Court applies these exceptions in order to serve the interests of
justice. 4 7
In this case, Arroyo invoked the last exception, which relates to supervening
events. According to Arroyo, the OP's Decision dated December 15, 2005 in O.P. Case
No. 05-F-175, which found Brito liable for dishonesty because he falsi ed his college
degree, changed the situation of the parties in such a manner that renders the execution
of the quo warranto judgment unjust and inequitable. 4 8 Thus, in granting the
enforcement of the quo warranto decision, she argues that the CA gravely abused its
discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. 4 9
A supervening event, in order to apply, must rest on proven or certain facts. 5 0
Hence, Arroyo should establish through competent evidence that there are events,
which transpired after the nality of the decision that altered or modi ed the parties'
situation in such manner that renders the execution of the judgment inequitable,
impossible, or unfair. 5 1 It should directly affect the matter already litigated and settled,
or substantially change the rights or relations of the parties. 5 2
While Arroyo raised the fact that Brito falsi ed his college degree in her motion
for the reconsideration of the quo warranto decision, it was only on October 30, 2007
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that the OP declared nal its decision to dismiss and disqualify Brito from government
service. By then, the period to appeal to the Court has lapsed without Arroyo ling an
appeal, 5 3 and Brito has commenced the execution of the quo warranto decision in his
favor. 5 4 Verily, the supervening event referred to in the present case transpired after
the finality of the judgment that Brito sought to execute.
More importantly, the OP's Decision dated December 15, 2005 found that Brito
falsi ed his bachelor's degree from NCF. The following factual ndings of the PAGC,
which the OP a rmed on appeal, resulted in the judgment holding Brito liable for
Dishonesty and Falsification of Official Document:
The sole issue in this case is whether [Brito] may be held administratively
liable for dishonesty and grave misconduct for the use of fraudulent academic
records. In this regard, the PAGC ruled:
"In the present case, the registrar, Jose na P.
Villanueva of the [NCF], has declared that [Brito] never
obtained a diploma from their institution .
xxx xxx xxx
"In the same vein, Ms. Villanueva has shed light to the
burning issue by sending to the Commission a copy of the O cial
Transcript of Records of Mr. Brito. The last page thereof shows
that he only completed thirty[-]three (33) units or a total of eleven
(11) subjects during his short stay with the [NCF].
"The Registrar of the University of Northeastern Philippines
likewise issued a certi ed copy of the transcript of records of Mr.
Brito. The initial page thereof shows that the public o cial in
question graduated from the [NCF] with the degree of Bachelor of
Arts (A.B.) Major in English in the Summer of 1988, per Special
Order (B) No. 1-3209, s. 1988, dated May 27, 1988. Subsequently
thereafter, he was able to reap two more degrees.
"The Director of the Commission on Higher
Education, Regional Office No. V has opined that : cSEDTC

'xxx xxx xxx

'Further, this O ce has no record of Mr.
Brito's Special Order (B) No. 1-3209 dated May 27,
1988 and the aforesaid Special Order number is not
authorized code number for Liberal Arts program of
this Office. x x x'
xxx xxx xxx"
After review and careful evaluation of the evidence on record and due
consideration of the arguments advanced by the respective parties, this Office is
disposed to a rm the foregoing factual and legal ndings for being logically
sound and in accord with law. 5 5 (Emphases Ours)
Under the law, the Regional Director position is covered by the CES. It is grouped
together with the Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary, Bureau Director, Assistant
Bureau Director, Assistant Regional Director, Chief of Department Service, and other
o cers of equivalent rank as may be identi ed by the Career Executive Service Board
(CESB), all of whom are appointed by the President. 5 6 CES positions are further
classified into the third level, entrance to which is regulated by the CESB. 5 7
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Admission to any examination for entrance into the career service requires
applicants to "furnish full information as to their citizenship, age, education , physical
quali cation, and such other information as may be reasonably relevant to their tness
in the service." 5 8 If the CSC nds that an applicant intentionally falsi ed any statement
of material fact in his or her application, or attempts to or practices any deception or
fraud in connection with the examination, the CSC shall invalidate the exam and the
offense shall become ground for the applicant's removal from the service. 5 9
In the same manner, the CSC is mandated to disapprove appointments in the
career service when the person was dismissed from the service for cause, unless an
executive clemency has been granted, or when the appointee made a false statement of
any material fact or has practiced or attempted to practice any deception or fraud in
connection with his or her appointment. 6 0
In line with this, Section 5, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court 6 1 explicitly
requires that individuals who commence quo warranto proceedings in their
own name, must establish their eligibility to the public o ce or position
usurped or unlawfully held by the respondent . If the individual fails to establish
this requirement, the Court explained in Engr. Feliciano v. Villasin 6 2 that the action must
be dismissed and consequently, the respondent in the quo warranto proceeding is
entitled to the undisturbed possession of the public office or position: SDAaTC

In the instance in which the petition for Quo Warranto is led by an

individual in his own name, he must be able to prove that he is entitled to the
controverted public o ce, position, or franchise; otherwise, the holder of the
same has a right to the undisturbed possession thereof. In actions for
Quo Warranto to determine title to a public o ce, the complaint, to be
sufficient in form, must show that the plaintiff is entitled to the office .
I n Garcia v. Perez , this Court ruled that the person instituting Quo Warranto
proceedings on his own behalf, under Section 5, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court,
must aver and be able to show that he is entitled to the o ce in dispute.
Without such averment or evidence of such right, the action may be
dismissed at any stage . 6 3 (Citation omitted and emphases Ours)
Thus, lacking the requisite quali cations for the controverted public o ce or
position, the petitioner in a quo warranto proceeding may not raise the lack of
quali cation of the supposed usurper. 6 4 This requirement necessarily proceeds from
the ultimate relief that is granted to the individual initiating the quo warranto
proceeding — which is ousting the incumbent and placing the challenger to the
controverted position.
Since Brito was found, by nal judgment, liable for Dishonesty and
Falsi cation of O cial Documents, the Court agrees that the CA gravely
abused its discretion in directing the execution of its judgment on the quo
warranto petition . The subsequent ruling nding Brito administratively liable for
Dishonesty and Falsi cation of O cial Documents, substantially changed the situation
of the parties in the present case. By falsifying his scholastic records, Brito became
ineligible for admission into the career service. This holds especially true for positions
failing within the third level of the career service, which has more stringent eligibility
requirements. 6 5
Furthermore, the OP decision nding Brito liable for Falsi cation of O cial
Document also necessarily invalidated any CES examination that he took for purposes
of obtaining the CESO eligibility. As a result, Brito is no longer quali ed to become a
Regional Director of the NCIP.
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By virtue of his ineligibility and disquali cation, neither can Brito claim a better
right to the Regional Director position in a quo warranto proceeding. Only a person
entitled to the controverted position may initiate a quo warranto proceeding in his or
her own name, in accordance with Section 5, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court. In effect, the
Court may no longer inquire on Arroyo's quali cations and eligibility to the contested
In any case, the offenses of Dishonesty and Falsi cation of O cial Documents
are both classi ed as grave offenses, respectively punishable by dismissal from the
service on the rst offense. 6 6 Dismissal from the service, in turn, carries the accessory
penalty of disquali cation for reemployment in the government service, among others.
6 7 Clearly, Brito may not be appointed to any position in the government, much less to
the Regional Director position of the NCIP Region V. The execution of the judgment
granting the quo warranto petition of Brito would therefore be impossible, as this
would result in the violation of the relevant civil service laws, rules and regulations. To
proceed with the enforcement of the quo warranto judgment would not obviously serve
the interests of justice. acEHCD

The CA made findings of fact

without a specific citation of the
evidence on which it is based.

For his part, Brito denies the fact that the OP decision dismissing him from
service and disqualifying him from holding another government position, already
became nal and executory. 6 8 In his comment, 6 9 however, Brito did not present any
direct evidence to support his claim. Instead, he relies on the CA's second assailed
Resolution dated June 8, 2012, 7 0 which con rmed that there was indeed an appeal
upon "verification from the concerned offices of [the CA]." 7 1
On the other hand, Arroyo submitted the certi ed true copies of the OP's
Decision dated December 15, 2005 and Order dated October 30, 2007 in O.P. Case No.
05-F-175 to the CA. As written o cial acts of a tribunal ( i.e., the OP), these are
considered public documents, 7 2 which is self-authenticating and requires no further
authentication in order to be presented as evidence in court. 7 3 They also constitute a
prima facie evidence of the truth of the facts stated therein, and creates a conclusive
presumption of their existence and due execution. The presumption may only be
overcome by clear and convincing evidence. 7 4
Considering the foregoing, it is clear that Brito bore the burden of evidence
to dispute the nality of the OP decision, as evidenced by the OP's Order
dated October 30, 2007 that Arroyo submitted to the CA . However, Brito did not
present or submit a single piece of evidence to substantiate his claim. He could have
easily presented a copy of his petition for review via Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, a
pleading that would necessarily originate from him as the aggrieved party, in order to
establish that he indeed appealed the ruling of the OP to the CA. Neither did Brito
present to the Court any evidence to support his allegations.
Lacking proof to demonstrate the veracity of Brito's positive allegation, the CA
gravely abused its discretion in brushing aside Arroyo's submission of the OP's
Decision dated December 15, 2005 and Order dated October 30, 2007 in O.P. Case No.
05-F-175. An appeal is a statutory privilege, which must be exercised in the manner
provided by law. 7 5 The Court therefore cannot simply presume that an appeal
was led without any evidence to substantiate it . Allegation is not evidence, and
the burden of evidence lies with the party who asserts the a rmative of an issue. 7 6
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Faced with the hard evidence that the order of dismissal from service became nal and
executory, there was no reason for the CA to capriciously "verify" from its o ces the
veracity of Brito's claim. As a consequence, the CA not only failed to cite speci c
evidence on which its factual ndings were based — its factual ndings are patently
contradicted by the available proof. SDHTEC

The Court's jurisdiction in a Rule 65 petition is limited to determining whether

there was grave abuse of discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, on the
part of the CA. This means that the Court is tasked to resolve whether the CA's exercise
of discretion was so grave, arbitrary or despotic, that it amounted to an evasion of a
positive duty or a virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined by or to act at all in
contemplation of law. 7 7
Nonetheless, grave abuse of discretion refers not merely to palpable errors of
jurisdiction, or to violations of the Constitution, the law and jurisprudence. When there is
an allegation of gross misapprehension of facts, as in the present case, the error falls
within the purview of grave abuse of discretion. 7 8
Based on the foregoing, the Court nds the petition meritorious. The assailed
resolutions of the CA should be annulled and set aside for having been issued with
grave abuse of discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. The dismissal of
Brito from government service because of Dishonesty and Falsi cation of O cial
Documents, as well as his corollary disquali cation from reemployment in the
government, rendered the execution of the CA's quo warranto judgment 7 9 impossible,
inequitable, and unjust.
Effect of the Court's decision to
dismiss the petition for quo warranto
insofar as Arroyo is concerned.

Unfortunately, the records do not show whether the NCIP implemented the
Decision dated August 30, 2004 of the CA pending the resolution of this case. In order
to dispose the issues completely, the Court deems it necessary to discuss the effect of
the present decision if Brito was reinstated to the contested position, pursuant to the
CA's decision.
As early as 1917, the Court in Lino v. Rodriguez and De Los Angeles 8 0
recognized the concept of a de facto o cer. In that case, the Court had to resolve
whether the decision of a judge, who ceased holding his o ce at the time of its
promulgation, was valid. For this purpose, the Court rst determined whether the judge
was a de jure or de facto o cer at the time of the decision's promulgation, in
accordance with the following criteria:
A judge de jure is one who is exercising the o ce of a judge as a matter
of right. He is an o cer of a court which has been duly and legally elected or
appointed. He is an o cer of the law fully vested with all of the powers and
functions conceded under the law to a judge which relate to the administration
of justice within the jurisdiction over which he presides.
A judge de facto is an o cer who is not fully invested with all of the
powers and duties conceded to judges, but is exercising the o ce of judge
under some color of right. A judge de facto may be said to be one who has the
reputation of being the o cer he assumes to be and yet is not a good o cer in
point of law — that is, there exists some defect in his appointment or election
and in his right to exercise judicial functions at the particular time. (King vs.
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Bedford Level, 6 East [Eng. Com. Law Rep.], 356; Petersilea vs. Stone, 119 Mass.,
465; 20 Am. Rep., 335; State vs. Carroll, 38 Conn., 449; 9 Am. Rep., 409.) AScHCD

A judge de facto is one whose acts, though not those of a lawful o cer,
the law, upon principles of policy and justice will hold valid so far as they
involve the interest of the public and third persons, where the duties of the o ce
were exercised: (a) Without a known appointment or election, but under such
circumstances of reputation or acquiescence as were calculated to induce
people, without inquiry, to submit to or invoke his action, supposing him to be
the o cer he assumes to be; (b) under color of a known or valid appointment or
election, where the o cer has failed to conform to some precedent requirement
or condition, for example, a failure to take the oath or give a bond, or similar
defect; (c) under color of a known election or appointment, void
because the o cer was not eligible , or because there was a want of power
in the electing or appointing body, or by reason of some defect or irregularity in
its exercise, such ineligibility, want of power or defect being unknown to
the public ; and (d) under color of an election, or appointment, by or pursuant to
a public unconstitutional law, before the same is adjudged to be such. ( State vs.
Carroll, 38 Conn., 449; Wilcox vs. Smith, 5 Wendell [N. Y.], 231; 21 Am. Dec., 213;
Sheehan's Case, 122 Mass., 445; 23 Am. Rep., 323.) HESIcT

From the foregoing de nitions it will be seen that both de jure

a n d de facto o cers must be in the actual exercise of the functions
of the o ce of judge, either by an absolute right or under a color of
right . If at the time the opinion is promulgated as a decision he is not acting
either under an absolute right so to do or under a color of right, then he is acting
neither as a judge de jure nor de facto. x x x. 8 1 (Emphases Ours and italics in
the original)
Simply put, a de facto o cer exercises his or her authority under a color of an
appointment or an election, while a de jure o cer is legally appointed or elected, and
possesses all quali cations to the o ce. The de facto o cer is further distinguished
from a usurper as the latter acts without any title or color of right to the office. 8 2
The Court resorts to the de facto o cer doctrine to accord validity to the actions
of a de facto o cer during the period of such o cer's wrongful tenure, insofar as the
public or third persons are concerned. 8 3 This principle was born of necessity, as the
public cannot be expected to investigate the right of a public o cial to an o ce before
transacting with them. Thus, on the basis of public policy and convenience, the public
may assume that officials are legally qualified and in office. 8 4
On this basis, it is apparent that the de facto o cer doctrine is
primarily for protecting those who rely on the o cial acts of persons
discharging the duties of a public o ce, without being lawful o cers . 8 5 It is
meant to ensure the functioning of the government "despite technical defects in [the
o cial's] title to o ce." 8 6 The Court's explanation in Tayko v. Capistrano 8 7 is
enlightening in this regard:
In these circumstances the remedy prayed for cannot be granted. "The
rightful authority of a judge, in the full exercise of his public judicial functions,
cannot be questioned by any merely private suitor, nor by any other, excepting in
the form especially provided by law. A judge de facto assumes the exercise of a
part of the prerogative of sovereignty, and the legality of that assumption is
open to the attack of the sovereign power alone. Accordingly, it is a well[-
]established principle, dating from the earliest period and repeatedly con rmed
by an unbroken current of decisions, that the official acts of a de facto judge are
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just as valid for all purposes as those of a de jure judge, so far as the public or
third persons who are interested therein are concerned. The rule is the same in
civil and criminal cases. The principle is one founded in policy and
convenience, for the right of no one claiming a title or interest under
or through the proceedings of an o cer having an apparent authority
to act would be safe, if it were necessary in every case to examine the
legality of the title of such o cer up to its original source, and the
title or interest of such person were held to be invalidated by some
accidental defect or aw in the appointment, election or quali cation
of such o cer, or in the rights of those from whom his appointment
or election emanated; nor could the supremacy of the laws be
maintained, or their execution enforced, if the acts of the judge having
a colorable, but not a legal title, were to be deemed invalid . As in the
case of judges of courts of record, the acts of a justice de facto cannot be called
in question in any suit to which he is not a party. The o cial acts of a de facto
justice cannot be attacked collaterally. An exception to the general rule that the
title of a person assuming to act as judge cannot be questioned in a suit before
him is generally recognized in the case of a special judge, and it is held that a
party to an action before a special judge may question his title to the o ce of
judge on the proceedings before him, and that the judgment will be reversed on
appeal, where proper exceptions are taken, if the person assuming to act as
special judge is not a judge de jure. The title of a de facto o cer cannot be
indirectly questioned in a proceeding to obtain a writ of prohibition to prevent
him from doing an o cial act, nor in a suit to enjoin the collection of a
judgment rendered by him. Having at least colorable right to the o ce his title
can be determined only in a quo warranto proceeding or information in the
nature of a quo warranto at suit of the sovereign." x x x. 8 8

As jurisprudence on this doctrine developed, the Court in Tuanda v.

Sandiganbayan 8 9 required the presence of the following elements for the application
of the de facto officer doctrine, viz.: (1) there must be a de jure o ce; (2) there must be
a color of right or general acquiescence by the public; and (3) there must be actual
physical possession of the o ce in good faith. 9 0 These elements were later reiterated
and applied in the cases of Re: Nomination of Atty. Lynda Chaguile as Replacement for
IBP Governor 9 1 and SPO4 (Ret.) Laud v. People. 9 2
Notwithstanding the criteria in Tuanda, cases involving de facto o cership were
ordinarily assessed depending on whether the public o cer exercised the functions of
a de jure o ce under a color of authority . Actual physical possession of the o ce in
good faith is sparingly discussed.
In the early case of Rodriguez v. Tan , 9 3 the plaintiff therein sought to collect the
salaries and emoluments of the Senator position from the defendant, who supposedly
usurped his o ce from 1947 to 1949. According to the plaintiff, the salaries and
allowances should follow the legal title to the o ce. Since the Senate Electoral Tribunal
resolved the election protest in the plaintiff's favor, the plaintiff submitted that the
defendant is liable for reimbursing the salaries he received during the period he held the
contested position. The Court allowed the defendant to retain the salaries he received
because he rendered service to the public.
Also, in ruling that the defendant was a de facto o cer, the Court found that he n
was acting under a color of authority, following his proclamation as the winner in the
election until he was ousted from the position due to an election protest. The good
faith possession of the o ce was not discussed, but arguably implied from the fact
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
that the defendant was qualified to run for Senator and subsequently, proclaimed as the
Likewise, in Codilla, et al. v. Martinez, etc., et al. , 9 4 the Court primarily relied on
the color of title or authority vested on the public o cer, who assumed the position of
acting mayor despite irregularities in the designation. Meanwhile, in Re: Nomination of
Atty. Lynda Chaguile , 9 5 the good faith of the o cer was implied from her lack of
participation in the scheme to disregard the by-laws of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) in her appointment. 9 6 ICHDca

I n Laud, 9 7 the Court applied the de facto o cer doctrine based on the
presumption of good faith, there being no evidence to the contrary. The Court in
Gamboa, et al. v. CA, et al. , 9 8 also presumed the good faith on the part of the judge in
question, who rendered a decision after tendering his resignation, but before being
noti ed of its acceptance. Remarkably, the Court a rmed the ratio of the appellate
court as to the relevance of the judge's knowledge regarding the acceptance of his
resignation, to wit: "[i]nsofar as third persons and the public are concerned, it is
immaterial whether or not he had prior uno cial knowledge of the acceptance of his
resignation." 9 9
Clearly, the good faith possession of o ce is not always one of the
standards by which the Court assesses the applicability of the doctrine . Good
faith is often presumed or implied, and frequently used as a conclusory statement.
Furthermore, the presence of good faith on the part of the de facto
o cer is ordinarily applied to issues involving the de facto o cer's
entitlement to the salaries and emoluments of the de jure o ce . In Civil
Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary , 1 0 0 the Court struck down the Executive Order
allowing cabinet members to hold multiple o ces or positions in the government, as
this was in violation of the 1987 Constitution. While there was no explicit discussion
that the concerned o cers possessed their respective additional o ces in good faith,
the Court deemed them as de facto o cers, who are "entitled to emoluments for actual
services rendered," on the basis of equity and good faith possession of office: 1 0 1
During their tenure in the questioned positions, respondents may be
considered de facto o cers and as such entitled to emoluments for actual
services rendered. It has been held that "in cases where there is no de jure
officer, a de facto officer, who, in good faith has had possession of the
o ce and has discharged the duties pertaining thereto , is legally
entitled to the emoluments of the o ce, and may in an appropriate
action recover the salary, fees and other compensations attached to
the office . This doctrine is, undoubtedly, supported on equitable grounds since
it seems unjust that the public should bene t by the services of an o cer de
facto and then be freed from all liability to pay any one for such services.["] Any
per diem, allowances or other emoluments received by the respondents by virtue
of actual services rendered in the questioned positions may therefore be
retained by them. 1 0 2 (Emphasis and underscoring Ours) TCAScE

In contrast, the Court declared in Monroy v. CA 1 0 3 that despite good faith

possession of o ce, the general rule is to allow the de jure o cer to recover the salary
received by the de facto o cer during the wrongful tenure. The de facto o cer takes
the salaries at his risk and with the responsibility to account to the de jure o cer
whatever amount that he or she received. The Court emphasized that the de facto
o cer doctrine was formulated mainly for the protection of the public who rely on the
o cial acts of persons discharging the duties of an o ce without being lawfully
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
entitled thereto.
Verily, in Monroy, the de facto o cer doctrine was applied to accord validity to
the official acts done by a de facto officer during the wrongful retention of public office.
However, the award of salaries and emoluments to the de facto o cer was deemed a
separate matter, which does not always follow the application of the doctrine.
The Court's rulings in Monroy and Civil Liberties Union were again mentioned in
Arimao v. Taher . 1 0 4 In Arimao, the Court held that following Monroy, the de facto
o cer has the duty to account for the salaries received during the wrongful tenure. But
since there was no de jure o cer at that time, the de facto o cer in that case may be
allowed to keep the emoluments, pursuant to the Court's ruling in Civil Liberties Union.
Again, as in most cases involving this issue, the public o cer was considered a de
facto o cer on the basis of the color of authority to the o ce, without regard to the
good or bad faith possession of such office.
In these lights, the Court deems it necessary to separate the element requiring
actual physical possession of o ce in good faith. The de facto o cer doctrine applies
when there is a person "who is in possession of the o ce and [discharges] its duties
under color of authority x x x [which was] derived from an election or appointment,
however irregular or informal, so that the incumbent is not a mere volunteer." 1 0 5 This is
the essential standard of the de facto o cer doctrine in terms of assessing the effects
of the o cer's o cial actions during his or her tenure. The primordial concern that the
doctrine seeks to address remains to be the protection of the public, who rely on the
acts of a person performing the duties of an o ce pursuant to an irregular or defective
authority. Precluding its application to cases where there was no good faith
possession of the o ce, despite having a color of authority or right to the o ce, would
render the doctrine's purpose nugatory.
Applying this framework to the present case, it is apparent that there is a de jure
o ce ( i.e., Regional Director of the NCIP Region V) resulting from the reorganization
and merger of the ONCC and the OSCC to the NCIP. In assuming said o ce, Brito
possessed colorable title to the Regional Director position by virtue of the CA's
Decision dated August 30, 2004 granting his quo warranto petition. But as previously
discussed, his reinstatement as Regional Director is void because Brito is not quali ed,
having falsi ed his scholastic records for this purpose. His ineligibility for the position
of a Regional Director was unknown to the public at that time. 1 0 6cTDaEH

There being colorable authority to exercise the functions of the contested

position, it is proper to apply the de facto o cer doctrine to the o cial actions of Brito
a s de facto Regional Director of the NCIP Region V. Brito exercised the duties of the
o ce under a color of a known appointment, which was void because he was not
eligible, such ineligibility being unknown to the public. 1 0 7 Consistent with the
underlying purpose of the doctrine, the o cial acts of Brito during the period of his
wrongful tenure is deemed valid, binding, and effective.
The Court signi cantly notes, however, that Brito did not possess the Regional
Director position in good faith. The nding of falsi cation is necessarily premised on
the fact that Brito was aware of his fabricated academic degree, which enabled him to
assume the o ce. His intention, notwithstanding, the public remained unaware of the
defect in Brito's reinstatement as Regional Director of the NCIP. It follows, therefore,
that the absence of good faith on the part of Brito does not negate the application of
the doctrine. The ostensible authority emanating from the CA's Decision dated August
30, 2004 is sufficient to clothe the official acts of Brito with validity.
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
Be that as it may, Brito may not retain the salaries and emoluments he received
as a de facto Regional Director of the NCIP Region V. The Court, in allowing de facto
officers to keep the salaries of the de jure o ce, relies on the principle of equity. The de
facto o cer who performed the functions of the o ce in good faith, and actually
rendered services for the bene t of the public, must be compensated. 1 0 8 Thus, the
lack of good faith possession of o ce disquali es him from retaining the
compensation corresponding to the Regional Director position. He is liable to account
for whatever amount he received to the de jure officer, which in this case is Arroyo, from
the time he was reinstated until the end of his tenure. ITAaHc

For clarity, the de facto o cer doctrine confers validity to the actions of an
o cer having illegitimate title to the o ce, as if he or she was acting as a de jure
o cer. Its effect is similar to the rati cation of acts done outside the scope of one's
authority. But the same validity conferred on the o cial actions of the de facto o cer
is not accorded to the individual holding the o ce under a color of right or authority,
such that he or she may recover the salaries and emoluments emanating from the
office. 1 0 9


In sum, Brito himself is not eligible to hold the contested position, and for this
reason, he may not inquire on the quali cations of Arroyo through a petition for quo
warranto. Furthermore, the nal and executory judgment of the OP, nding Brito liable
for falsi cation of his bachelor's degree, has effectively rendered the execution of the
quo warranto judgment impossible, inequitable, and unjust. The CA therefore gravely
abused its discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, in directing the
execution of its quo warranto decision.
Had the NCIP implemented the CA's decision pending the resolution of this
petition, and Brito was actually reinstated to the contested position, his actions as a
Regional Director of the NCIP Region V are deemed valid pursuant to the de facto
o cer doctrine. Nonetheless, the Court cannot allow Brito to retain the salaries and
emoluments he received as a de facto Regional Director, especially since the nding of
falsi cation contradicts the presence of good faith on his part. He is, thus, required to
account to Arroyo all the amounts he received by virtue of his position as a de facto
officer, if there are any.
WHEREFORE , the petition for certiorari is GRANTED . The Decision dated
August 30, 2004 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 60768 is hereby MODIFIED
to direct the dismissal of the petition for quo warranto insofar as petitioner Lee T.
Arroyo is concerned.
Accordingly, the Resolutions dated December 7, 2010 and June 8, 2012 of the
Court of Appeals in the same case are hereby NULLIFIED and SET ASIDE .
Respondent Ulysses A. Brito is directed to account for the salaries and emoluments he
received during his tenure as a de facto Regional Director at the NCIP Region V, if any.
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished to the National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples for its appropriate action.
Leonen, Hernando and Carandang, ** JJ., concur.
Del Castillo, * J., is on wellness leave.
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
* Designated as additional Member per Raffle dated April 1, 2019 vice Associate Justice
Diosdado M. Peralta. On wellness leave.

** Designated as additional Member per Special Order No. 2624 dated November 28, 2018.
1. Rollo, pp. 3-25.

2. Penned by Associate Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. (now a Member of this Court), with Associate
Justices Fernanda Lampas Peralta and Romeo F. Barza concurring; id. at 29-33.
3. Id. at 35-36.

4. Penned by Associate Justice Ruben T. Reyes (now a Retired Member of this Court), with
Associate Justices Perlita J. Tria Tirona and Jose C. Reyes, Jr. (now a Member of this
Court) concurring; id. at 81-92.
5. Approved on October 29, 1997.

6. Executive Order No. 122-B, Creating the Office for Northern Cultural Communities (Approved:
January 30, 1987).
7. Executive Order No. 122-C, Creating the Office for Southern Cultural Communities (Approved:
January 30, 1987).

8. R.A. No. 8371, Section 46.

9. R.A. No. 8371, Section 48.

10. R.A. No. 8371, Section 74.

11. Id. SEC. 77 . Placement Committee. — Subject to rules on government reorganization, a

Placement Committee shall be created by the NCIP, in coordination with the Civil Service
Commission, which shall assist in the judicious selection and placement of personnel in
order that the best qualified and most deserving persons shall be appointed in the
reorganized agency. The Placement Committee shall be composed of seven (7)
commissioners and an ICCs'/IPs' representative from each of the first and second level
employees' association in the Offices for Northern and Southern Cultural Communities
(ONCC/OSCC), nongovernment organizations (NGOs) who have served the community
for at least five (5) years and peoples organizations (POs) with at least five (5) years of
existence. They shall be guided by the criteria of retention and appointment to be
prepared by the consultative body and by the pertinent provisions of the civil service law.

12. Rollo, pp. 82-83.

13. Id. at 83-84.

14. Namely, Jose Tamani, Emmanuel Quiling, and Leilene Carantes-San Juan; id. at 40.

15. Namely, Amador P. Batay-an, Rudita B. Blanco, Ben G. Tandoyog; id. at 41-42.
16. Id. at 37-58.

Approved on June 10, 1988.

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18. Rollo, pp. 49-53.

19. Id. at 60-77.

20. Id. at 61-62.

21. Id. at 66-68, 72-73.

22. Id. at 81-92.

23. Id. at 92.

24. Id. at 87-88.

25. Id. at 89.

26. Id. at 98-102.

27. Id. at 109-110.

28. Id. at 115-120.

29. Id. at 121.

30. Penned by Presiding Justice Ruben T. Reyes (now a Retired Member of this Court), with
Associate Justices Marina L. Buzon and Regalado E. Maambong concurring; id. at 123-

31. Id. at 126.

32. Id. at 128.

33. Id. at 127-129.

34. Id. at 133-134.

35. Id. at 141.

36. Id. at 29-33.

37. Id. at 32-33.

38. Id. at 143-147.

39. Id. at 142, 145.

40. Id. at 35-36.

41. Id. at 36.

42. Id. at 13-19.

43. Id. at 16-23.

44. RULES of COURT, Rule 39, Section 1.

45. Vios, et al. v. Pantangco, Jr., 597 Phil. 705, 719 (2009).

46. Sofio, et al. v. Valenzuela, et al., 682 Phil. 51, 61 (2012).

47. FGU Insurance Corp. v. RTC of Makati, Br. 66, et al., 659 Phil. 117, 123 (2011).
48. Rollo, pp. 13-16.
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49. Id. at 12-13.
50. See Abrigo, et al. v. Flores, et al., 711 Phil. 251, 253 (2013).

51. Go v. Echavez, 765 Phil. 410, 425 (2015).

52. Lomondot, et al. v. Judge Balindong, et al., 763 Phil. 617, 628 (2015).
53. Rollo, p. 130.

54. Id. at 127-129.

55. Id. at 117-120.

56. Executive Order No. 292, Book V, Title I, Subtitle A, Chapter 2, Section 7 (3).

57. Id. at Section 8 (c).

58. Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and Other Pertinent Civil
Service Laws, Rule II, Section 4.

59. Id. at Rule II, Section 6.

60. Id. at Rule V, Section 7 (c) and (d).

61. Sec. 5 . When an individual may commence such an action. — A person claiming to be
entitled to a public office or position usurped or unlawfully held or exercised by another
may bring an action therefor in his own name.
62. 578 Phil. 889 (2008).

63. Id. at 907.

64. The Secretary of Justice Cuevas v. Atty. Bacal, 400 Phil. 1115, 1140 (2000).

65. NB under the CSC Memorandum Circular No. 42, series of 1998, Re: Framework for
Implementation of Policies on Qualification Standards (December 29, 1998), the general
eligibilities resulting from civil service examinations that require less than four years of
college studies shall be appropriate for appointment to positions in the first level. Those
resulting from examinations that require at least four years of college studies are
appropriate for appointment to positions in both the first and second levels.

  A bachelor's degree is also required for applicants taking the Career Executive Service
Examination (CSEE) , pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 37, series of 1998
(October 20, 1998).
66. Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and Other Pertinent Civil
Service Laws, Rule XIV, Section 22 (a) and (f); CSC Memorandum Circular No. 19, series
of 1999, Re: Revised Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service
(September 14, 1999), Rule IV, Section 52 (A) (1) and (A) (6).

67. Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and Other Pertinent Civil
Service Laws, Rule XIV, Section 9.

68. Rollo, p. 141.

69. Id. at 197-201.

70. Id. at 35-36.

71. Id. at 36.

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72. RULES OF COURT, Rule 132, Section 19.

73. Rep. of the Phils. v. Sps. Gimenez, 776 Phil. 233, 272 (2016), citing Patula v. People, 685
Phil. 376, 397 (2012).
74. See Chua v. Westmont Bank, et al., 683 Phil. 56, 66 (2012).

75. Boardwalk Business Ventures, Inc. v. Elvira A. Villareal (deceased), et al., 708 Phil. 443, 456
76. Manila Mining Corporation v. Amor, et al., 758 Phil. 268, 280-281 (2015).

77. Pascual v. Burgos, 776 Phil. 167, 185 (2016).

78. Id., citing United Coconut Planters Bank v. Looyuko, 560 Phil. 581, 592 (2007).
79. Rollo, pp. 81-92.

80. 37 Phil. 186 (1917).

81. Id. at 191-193.

82. Tayko v. Capistrano, 53 Phil. 866, 872 (1928).

83. Re: Nomination of Atty. Lynda Chaguile as Replacement for IBP Governor for Northern
Luzon, Denis B. Habawel, 723 Phil. 39, 67 (2013).
84. Supra; See Nacionalista Party v. De Vera, 85 Phil. 126, 130-131 (1949), citing Tayko v.
Capistrano, supra, at 872-873; See also Gamboa, et al. v. CA, et al., 194 Phil. 624, 638
85. Monroy v. CA, et al., 127 Phil. 1, 7 (1967).

86. Hector S. De Leon & Hector M. De Leon, Jr., The Law on Public Officers and Election Law,
101 (8th ed., 2014), citing 63A Am. Jur. 2d 1080-1081.
87. 53 Phil. 866 (1928).

88. Id. at 872-873.

89. 319 Phil. 460 (1995).

90. Id. at 472, citing Hector S. De Leon and Hector M. De Leon, Jr., Law on Public Officers and
Election Law, 87-88 (1990 ed.).

91. 723 Phil. 39 (2013).

92. 747 Phil. 503 (2014).

93. 91 Phil. 724 (1952).

94. 110 Phil. 24 (1960).

95. Supra note 91.

96. Id. at 63.

97. Supra note 92.

98. 194 Phil. 624 (1981).

99. Id. at 636.

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100. 272 Phil. 147 (1991).
101. Id. at 172; see also Malaluan v. COMELEC, 324 Phil. 676 (1996).

102. Id.
103. 127 Phil. 1 (1967).

104. 529 Phil. 732 (2006).

105. Id. at 749, citing Civil Service Commission v. Joson, Jr., 473 Phil. 844, 858-859 (2004).
106. Lino v. Rodriguez and De Los Angeles, supra note 80, at 192.

107. Id.
108. Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, supra note 100, at 172; Rodriguez v. Tan, supra
note 93, at 742; Funa v. Acting Secretary Agra, et al., 704 Phil. 205, 233 (2013).

109. See W. Gordon Stoner, Recover of Salary by a De Facto Officer, 10(3) Mich. L. Rev., 178,
186 (1912), citing State v. Carroll, 38 Conn. 449, 467,
<> last visited on March 1, 2019, which

  "x x x The incumbent of an office is treated as an officer de facto, as was said by Chief
Justice Butler, 'not because of any quality or character conferred upon the officer, or
attached to him by reason of any defective election or appointment, but a name or
character given to his acts by the law for the purpose of validating them.' So we
conclude there is no basis in the de facto doctrine itself for allowing the incumbent of an
office without legal right to recover the salary of the office, even in the absence of
another claimant. And it is believed that courts which have found support for this rule in
the de facto doctrine have misunderstood the term 'de facto officer' and regarded it as a
'quality or character' of the man rather than a 'quality or character' given to his acts."

n Note from the Publisher: Written as "the he" in the original document.

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