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Golden Ship of Don Diego

In Tiwi, Albay they have a refreshing falls called Taqui or Mt. Malinao. Taqui is the hidden
terminal of Don Diego ship. Don Diego is a good looking fairy and he has a golden palace or
ship that have a plenteous of products from tiwi. The resident say that there were myths saying
that when the said ship happens to pass by the river, it will be followed by heavy rains and
floods in the area.

There has also been several incident of the Nagas Bridge having been under repair because it
was supposed that the “Golden Ship of Don Diego” happened to pass by under it. It was also
revealed that during the times that the said ship would pass the area, the water level in the river
instantly increases and a blinding ray of light can also be seen. The residents are however
alarmed with the story that whoever sees the ship will also lose their sense of reality. When you
enter in that golden ship and Don Diego offer a meal you can choose if red rice, white rice and
black rice. If red rice you choose you would be a servant for how many years. If the black rice
you choose you can’t rid from the ship. And if you choose the white rice you can out of it.

Mysterious Taqui of Tiwi and the golden ship begun the story since 1900’s known to the Tiwi
Community that the ship trading precious materials like gold, rattan, abaca, etc. The “Golden
Ship of Don Diego” used to sail from Tiwi to the United States and vice versa.When my
grandfather tell me his experience to go to the Mt. Malinao or Taqui to harvest a products from
that mountain. He saw that a huge fire or so called Santilmo that the sign that Don Diego is
ready for sailing. The Spillway area or Nagas Bridge is the route of Don Diego ship connected to
Lagonoy Gulf going to Pacific Ocean the destination of U.S.A. Once the ship full of products is
ready to delivered the heavy rain is happened.


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