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Module of Instruction

Teaching English as a Second Language

Module 1: Achieving fluency and coherence

1.1: speak coherently with fully appropriate cohesive features

1.2: develop topics fully and appropriately

1.3: speak fluently with only rare repetition or self-correction

1.4: speak at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence

Module 2: Improving Lexical resource

2.1: identify idioms and use them naturally and accurately

2.2: use paraphrase effectively as required

2.3: identify different vocabulary word forms and collocations

2.4: have a wide range of vocabulary to convey precise meaning

Module 3: Demonstrating grammatical range and accuracy

3.1: identify simple, compound and complex sentence structures

3.2: correct grammatical errors

3.3: use phrases, clauses and modifiers to expand sentences

Module 4: Improving delivery

4.1: enunciate words clearly

4.2: identify IPA symbols and determine their proper pronunciation

4.3: use of emphasis (word and sentence stress) in sentences

4.4: state sentences with proper intonation

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