A Research For An Eco Friendly Mosquito Control by Using A New Mosquito Trap Mos Hole Trap in A Cowshed in Yeoju of Korea

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Animal Cells and Systems

ISSN: 1976-8354 (Print) 2151-2485 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tacs20

A research for an eco-friendly mosquito control

by using a new mosquito trap (Mos-hole trap) in a
cowshed in Yeoju of Korea

Hoonbok Yi, Bijaya R. Devkota, Jae-Seung Yu & Hyun-Jung Kim

To cite this article: Hoonbok Yi, Bijaya R. Devkota, Jae-Seung Yu & Hyun-Jung Kim
(2014) A research for an eco-friendly mosquito control by using a new mosquito trap (Mos-
hole trap) in a cowshed in Yeoju of Korea, Animal Cells and Systems, 18:4, 282-290, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19768354.2014.938697

© 2014 Korean Society for Integrative


Published online: 19 Aug 2014.

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Animal Cells and Systems, 2014
Vol. 18, No. 4, 282–290, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19768354.2014.938697

A research for an eco-friendly mosquito control by using a new mosquito trap (Mos-hole trap) in
a cowshed in Yeoju of Korea
Hoonbok Yia*, Bijaya R. Devkotaa, Jae-Seung Yub and Hyun-Jung Kima
Department of Bio & Environmental Technology, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul 139-774, South Korea; bE-TND, Environmental
Technology & Development, Kwangju City, Kyunggi-do 464-100, South Korea
(Received 17 April 2014; received in revised form 12 June 2014; accepted 12 June 2014)

We performed this study to find out if we could control mosquitoes in a cowshed by using CO2-baited mosquito traps. We
used eco-friendly Mos-hole traps that were developed for mosquito control in human living areas and we also evaluated the
traps’ efficacy, if the traps would be effective in controlling mosquitoes in a cowshed. The study was performed for 54 days
(from 18 May to 10 July 2012). During the first nine turns (from 18 May to 18 June), we used 12 mosquito traps, which
were baited with low CO2 emission (35–100 ml/minute) by burning and combusting liquid naphtha. In the next phase (10
to 13 turns; 21 June to 4 July), we kept the same low CO2 emission in six traps but increased the CO2 concentration (500
ml/minute) in the other six traps. In the 14th turn (July 10), all 12 mosquito traps were used with higher CO2 concentration,
using compressed cylinders of CO2. Mosquitoes were collected at each turn and the total trapped female mosquitoes during
the study period were 31,715 individuals, and we identified 6 genera and 16 species. The predominant species was Aedes
vexans nipponii (63.838%). We found that 5.2 times more mosquitoes were caught at higher emission rates of CO2. Finally,
our study partly revealed that higher emission of CO2 might be a reliable substitute for proper control of the adult female
mosquitoes and we absolutely need to develop a more efficient mosquito trap for cowshed areas.
Keywords: cowshed; CO2 emission; female mosquito control; Mos-hole trap

Introduction Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, India and South Korea.

During the last 10 decades, the earth’s average temperat- Mosquitoes have been the nuisance pests, remaining close
ure has risen by about 0.7°C (Revich et al. 2012). Most of to human living areas and affecting human life for a long
the natural scientists in the world believe that global time (Tellez-Rebollar 2005; Hubalek 2007). More than
warming is caused by anthropogenic activities which 3 billion people in 107 countries live under the threat of
resulted in the increased concentrations of greenhouse malaria transmission. Because of mosquitoes, 300–500
gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and million people get infected with Malaria annually, and
every year over 1 million people die of malaria. Unfortu-
ozone (Karl & Trenberth 2003). This increased green-
nately, most of the affected people are children (MRB
house gas concentrations have warmed up the earth’s
2005). Except wars and natural disasters, malaria is the
water and atmosphere temperature. Such increases of
cause of 50% of the mortalities since prehistoric times
water and air temperature also affect insects’ life cycles.
(Kevin 2005).
For example, the increased water temperature would
It is well known that mosquitoes suck blood from
enhance the growth of mosquito larvae and the female
different animal hosts and transmit mosquito-borne dis-
mosquitoes are able to produce more offspring. The eases like encephalitis, malaria, elephantiasis (filaria),
female mosquitoes would be able to digest blood meal yellow fever, dengue fever and JE to humans (Reiter
quickly because of increased air temperature and so they 2001). A virus of Bunyaviridae family and Phlebo genus
suck blood more frequently. From those results it is transmitted by mosquitoes causes a common disease to
evident that the mosquitoes would be faster disease human and livestock in the worldwide (Hunter 1994; Obi

vectors in geographic range levels (Githeko et al. 2000;


2004; Yakubu & Singh 2008).

Reiter 2001). The small red house mosquito (Culex tritaenior-
The World Health Organization (2003) reported that hynchus Giles) sucks blood from livestock carrying JE,
30 new diseases have recently emerged in the world causing virus pathogens, and transmits JE into humans’
(Epstein et al. 1998). Mosquitoes have vectored world- blood during sucking blood from a human (Yi & John
wide resurgence and redistribution of diseases such as 1983). In South Korea, malaria, JE and elephantiasis
malaria and dengue fever (Epstein et al. 1998; Gubler & diseases were found because of the mosquitoes that carry
Kuno 1998). Especially, Japanese encephalitis (JE) has those disease pathogens (Reiter 2001). Most of the
had a higher incidence in several countries including diseases caused by mosquitoes are zoonotic in nature

*Corresponding author. Email: yih@swu.ac.kr

© 2014 Korean Society for Integrative Biology

Animal Cells and Systems 283

and are transmitted from humans to animals or from the environment has become more polluted and the natural
animals to human beings. enemies of mosquitoes have decreased (Lee & Yu 1999).
Livestock have always suffered by bites of various Therefore, the use of eco-friendly mosquito traps must be
arthropod parasites, which may directly affect their body the best practical way for controlling mosquitoes in a
weight loss, milk production, quality of meat and quality cowshed. This study also attempts to test mosquito control
of leather and wool; they also cause abortion and death of efficiency of Mos-hole trap to find if this new mosquito
livestock (Steelman 1976). Livestock farmers are affected control method is more eco-friendly, without the use of
by livestock abortion and young animals’ stillbirth and chemicals in a cowshed area.
malformation, which are caused by the transmission of The purposes of this study were to (1) control
mosquito-borne diseases, such as bovine ephemeral fever, mosquitoes in a cowshed by using a new mosquito trap,
Akabane disease, tuberculosis, acute fever, respiratory called Mos-hole trap, which was developed for mosquito
problem and digestive disorders. To reduce the incidence control in human living areas, (2) test out the efficiency of
of JE transmission from animals to human beings, we the new method to control mosquitoes in a cowshed and
should prioritise controlling the mosquitoes (Yi & John (3) study the attraction of mosquito towards Mos-hole
1983). Therefore, our major focus is to develop appropri- traps at different levels of CO2emission. We hypothesized
ate control methods to minimize those problems. that the higher CO2 would attract more mosquitoes and
More than 3500 species of mosquito have been this new method could be the best possible way to control
identified in the world (Reiter 2001). Many female mosquitoes in a cowshed.
mosquitoes need to suck blood from other animals to
develop and lay viable eggs (Richard et al. 2000; Reiter
2001). If there are more livestock, mosquitoes are found in Materials and methods
abundance. Such abundance increases the chances of The study site
transmitting pathogens to animals and to men (McClelland The cowshed site (called Daengal, 37° 17′ 30″ N, 127°
1980; Yakubu & Singh 2008). 38′ 28″ E) is located in Buknae-myeon Oeryong-ri, Yeoju-
Generally, it is well known that mosquitoes are easily gun in Gyeonggi-do of South Korea. The study site is
covered by forests in almost all sides. The average annual
attracted towards higher concentration of CO2, which is
temperature is 12°C and the average temperature from
the product of animals’ respiration (Rudolfs 1922; Reiter May to August is between 17°C and 26°C.
2001; Silver 2008). The CO2 concentration is a good cue
to find out animal hosts by the female mosquitoes
(Quarles 2003). It has been reported that a human or the Materials and sampling
same-sized animal emits 250 ml CO2 in one minute A preliminary survey was done on 18 May to facilitate the
(Reeves 1953; Laporta & Sallum 2011). A western whole study and to find out the outside circumstances of a
African mosquito species can detect CO2 from a 15–30 cowshed. Twelve Mos-hole traps (350 mm diameter and
m distance, but this ability to detect CO2 depends on 400 mm height; E-TND Co., Hanam, Gyeinggi-do of
mosquito species (Gillies & Wilkes 1969; Silver 2008). South Korea) were set up around the cowshed (Figure 1).
Headlee (1934) and Silver (2008) reported that they were The Mos-hole trap contained stainless steel frame and was
able to trap 400–500% more mosquitoes using a New coated by fabric clothing outside. It also had rain block
Jersey light trap with a provision of CO2 in evenings cover at the top of the trap. Mosquito suction barrel was at
within two hours. the central top part of frame. A mosquito catch bag was
Mosquito-borne diseases can be controlled by elimin- assembled at the lower part of the suction barrel to keep
ating mosquitoes, keeping the yard clean and healthy, the mosquitoes trapped. The lower end of the inside case
avoiding the places of growing mosquito larvae around was fitted with a suction fan and connected with electric
the cowshed and proper management of manure in power (220 V) for creating suction pressure to suck
cowshed (Lawler & Lanzaro 2005). Although an alternat- mosquitoes and to release mosquito attractant outside.
ive way to control mosquitoes is the use of pesticides, this Liquid naphtha bottles (1000 ml bottle in each trap) were
method can contaminate the environment and also affect used inside the traps to release low proportion of CO2.
livestock and human health. Frequent and haphazard use The compressed CO2 cylinder was kept outside for
of pesticides for the eradication of mosquitoes do not kill releasing high proportion of CO2. Both the source of
all the mosquitoes but it may have a big impact in CO2 release technique and the liquid naphtha system to
ecosystems through the eradication of other non-targeted create CO2, H2O, humidity and heat were used to attract
species and destroys the food chain structure of the mosquitoes. The traps were kept at ground level and
ecosystem (Federighi 2008). Insecticidal resistance of installed approximately at 5m distance from the wire
mosquitoes is becoming 12 times stronger and their screen of the cowshed. This study was carried out from
resistance has more developed during the past 20 years 18 May to 10 July 2012 (54 days) and we used two
(Kevin 2005). Because of the overutilization of pesticides, different CO2 emission concentrations (35–100 ml/minute
284 H. Yi et al.

Figure 1. Experimental design about the mosquito study shows that 12 mosquito traps were installed around the cowshed. Each number
in circle shows 12 Mos-hole traps around the cowshed. The distance of each trap was approximately 15 m and the distance from cattle
shed wire border was about 5 m. Other environments around new cowshed were old, abandoned cowshed, used tires, small stream and
water reservoir.

and 500 ml/minute) to know the optimum CO2 concen- maintained. The second treatment was applied from 10th
tration at the cowshed. turn to 13th turn (21 June to 4 July) to examine the
The study was conducted by applying three different differences in trapped mosquito population size between
treatments (details in Figure 2). In the first treatment, all low proportion CO2 and high proportion CO2 emission. In
12 mosquito traps were baited with 35–100 ml/minute the third treatment (10 July), 500 ml/minute of CO2 was
emission (low proportion) of CO2 from first turn to ninth emitted at all odd- and even-numbered traps by using
turn (18 May to 18 June) by burning and combusting 12 compressed cylinders of CO2. The CO2 emission
liquid naphtha (1000 ml bottles) kept inside at the bottom pressure was constantly maintained by the pressure
of the Mos-hole trap (Figure 2A). In the second treatment, regulator during the whole study.
the emission of CO2 was increased to 500 ml/minute by In each turn, all samples were collected and a new
using six CO2-compressed cylinders in even-numbered catch bag was replaced. The status of power supply and
traps (Figure 2B). In the odd-numbered traps, the same the amount of CO2 emission were checked. Mosquito
low proportion CO2 emission of the first treatment was samples collected were brought to the laboratory of Seoul

Figure 2. Experimental design of three different treatment levels (I, II and III) about mosquito study: (I) CO2 concentration, 35–100 ml/
minute in all 12 traps in first nine turns (18 May–18 June) by using liquid naphtha as source of CO2; (II) CO2 concentration, 35–100 ml/
minute in all odd-numbered traps (six traps) and 500 ml/minute in all even-numbered traps (six traps) of 10th to 13th turns (18 June –
4 July, lower and upper graph line) by using liquid naphtha and CO2 cylinders as sources of CO2; (III) CO2 concentration, 500 ml/minute
in all traps (12 traps) of 14th turn (July 10, upper graph line, last turn) by using CO2 cylinder as source of CO2.
Animal Cells and Systems 285

Women’s University for species’ identification and count- 18 June), we used low proportion CO2 emission (35–100
ing the mosquito numbers under stereo microscope. ml/minute) and we found 3.98, 6.55, 5.2, 5.37, 7.42,
Identification of mosquito species was followed by the 15.92, 1.15, 29.93 and 52.5 mosquitoes day/trap. We
morphological identification keys (Casse et al. 1950; Ree observed steady increments of mosquito population along
2003; Varnado et al. 2012). each turn (Figure 4). Before we studied the second phase
treatment stage (II), from 10th to 13th turn (June 18 to
July 4), we found that many mosquitoes still existed
Statistical analysis
around the cows and we decided to increase amount of
The number of mosquitoes collected per day per trap was CO2 (500 ml/minute) emission in even-numbered traps.
calculated by dividing each turn of total mosquito The number of mosquitoes trapped in each turn was
numbers by numbers of traps used and the duration of 90.61, 275.06, 89.48 and 247.32 day/trap, respectively.
sampling days (Table 1). Shannon Wiener’s diversity However, the number of mosquitoes trapped in odd-
index (H), richness (S) and evenness (E) were determined numbered traps (no additional CO2 emission) at the
by using PC-Ord version 4.0 (McCune & Mefford 1999; same turns was 24.5, 34.43, 36.15 and 41.83 day/trap.
McCune & Grace 2002). Our result showed that 5.2 times more mosquitoes were
caught at the increased CO2 emission traps than at the low
proportion of CO2 traps (ANOVA, Pr >F = 0.0299). In the
Results third treatment phase stage (III), 14th turn (July 10), we
Abundance and diversity of mosquitoes used 12 traps with increased CO2 emission (500 ml/
We collected 31,715 mosquitoes from 161 mosquito minute) and the mosquito population was 125.23 day/trap.
samples collected during 54 days of study period. We When we used increased CO2 (500 ml/minute) emission
found six kinds of mosquito genus in the samples. The in the traps, we caught higher mosquito population at
genus composition consisted of Aedes (64.531%), Culex each turn.
(31.107%), Anopheles (3.241%), Armigeres (1.114%),
Tripteroides (0.004%) and Mansonia (0.003%). We iden-
tified 16 species of six genera. Sixteen species compro-
mised Aedes vexans nipponii (63.838%), Culex pipiens Controlling mosquito population by using CO2-baited
pallens (30.445%), Anopheles lesteri (1.609%), Anopheles Mos-hole trap in a cowshed is a relatively new techno-
sinensis (1.566%), Armigeres subalbatus (1.114%), Aedes logy. Knowing the biology, behavior and ecology of
albopictus (0.664%), Culex tritaeniorhynchus (0.550%), mosquito species is the most basic requirement for the
Culex orientalis (0.107%), Anopheles sineroides successfulness of the mosquito control program. Mosqui-
(0.043%), Aedes bekkui (0.012%), Anopheles yatsushir- toes have greater diversity, higher breeding capacity and
oensis (0.011%), Aedes hatorii (0.007%), Tripteroides greater efficiency to travel long distances, which poses
bambusa (0.004%), Mansonia ochracea (0.003%), Culex problems for their effective control. Kline (2006) states
pseudovishnui (0.003%), Culex vagans (0.003%), uniden- that if there is higher biotic potential and higher popula-
tified Anopheles (0.013%) and unidentified Aedes tion density of mosquitoes, they could not be reduced to a
(0.010%) (Figure 3). The number of species in each genus minimum level by using only traps. In our study, the use
was as follows: five of Culex, four of Aedes, four of of high proportion (500 ml/minute) of CO2 as attractant in
Anopheles, one of Armigeres, one of Tripteroides and one combination with H2O, humidity and heat-release mech-
of Mansonia. Some of the Anopheles and Aedes mosquito anism in the Mos-hole traps was found to be more
species could not be identified because of the develop- effective for attracting and catching a large number of
ment of fungus in samples contaminated with rainwater. mosquitoes rather than low proportion release (35–100 ml/
We found that only 3% mosquitoes had sucked blood and minute) of CO2 with similar mechanism. Among the
97% mosquito had not sucked blood, out of the total sampled mosquitoes, we identified six genus with 16
number of 31,715. The total species’ richness (S) was 18, species (2 species cannot be identified) during the period
evenness (E) was 0.317, the Shannon Wiener’s diversity of study (Figure 3). Among the 16 species, Aedes vexans
index (H) was 0.916, and Simpson’s diversity index (D) nipponii, which is active for seeking host specially in day
was 0.491 (Table 1). time, and Culex pipiens pallens, generally nocturnal in
behavior (Bockarie et al. 2009), have shown highly
dominant response (63.84% and 30.45%) towards CO2-
Additional CO2 emission baited Mos-hole trap. Trout et al. (2007) and Trout and
We found positive relationship and significant effect Brown (2009) also reported similar results that a majority
between the increased proportion of CO2 emission and of Aedes species were trapped under CO2-baited light
the number of mosquitoes trapped. In the first phase traps (without the light), and traps under tree canopy catch
treatment stage (I), from first turn to ninth turn (21 May to more Culex species in CO2-baited light traps (without the
Table 1. Taxa table of mosquito and average number of mosquitoes per day per trap at three phase stages (I, II, III).

Phase I II III

21 June 26 June 02 July 04 July 10 July

H. Yi et al.
No No No No All
21 25 28 02 05 08 14 16 18 CO2 Co2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Co2 CO2 Co2 CO2
Mosquito taxa May May May June June June June June June tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank tank Total

Duration of 3 4 3 5 3 3 6 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 2 2 6
sampling (days)
No. of mosquito traps 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 10 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 11
used (n)
No. of disturbed – 1 – 1 – – 1 – 2 – 1 1 – – – – – –
mosquito traps (n)
Aedes albopictus Skuse 0.31 0.05 0.31 0.62 0.19 0.39 0.21 0.13 0.25 0.11 0.22 0.12 0.2 0.56 0.42 1.33 1.33 0.58
Aedes bekkui Mogi 0.03 – – – – – – – 0.10 – – – – – – – – –
Aedes hatorii Yamada – – – – 0.08 – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Aedes vexans nipponii 2.64 3.73 2.36 1.22 1.61 3.69 1.68 7.38 27.5 8.94 51.67 11.28 219.00 14.42 73.64 10.58 171.75 91.38
Other Aedes – – 0.11 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Anopheles lesteri Baisas 0.08 0.02 0.06 – 0.03 0.31 0.24 0.38 – 0.22 1.50 1.20 8.23 1.03 1.81 0.42 1.58 0.65
and Hu
Anopheles sinensis 0.22 0.34 0.14 0.04 0.67 0.44 0.11 1.21 2.50 0.67 1.17 0.28 3.40 0.64 0.61 1.17 1.58 2.09
Anopheles sineroides – – – 0.02 – – – 0.04 – – – – 0.07 – 0.25 – – 0.09
Anopheles – – – 0.04 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 0.08
Other Anopheles – – 0.06 – – – – – – – – 0.08 – – – – – –
Armigeres subalbatus – 0.34 0.33 0.47 1.03 1.06 0.97 1.75 1.30 0.28 0.39 0.04 0.87 0.28 0.25 0.08 1.08 1.77
Culex orientalis Edwards – – – – – – 0.06 0.04 – – 0.22 0.12 0.27 – – 0.08 0.33 0.06
Culex pipiens pallens 0.03 2.07 1.00 3.22 1.89 7.72 7.26 19.00 20.80 14.28 35.44 21.28 43.97 19.22 12.42 28.17 69.67 28.53
Culex pseudovishnui 0.03 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Culex tritaeniorhynchus 0.64 – 0.83 0.24 1.92 2.31 – – 0.05 – – – – – 0.08 – – –
Culex vagans – – – – – – – – – – – – 0.03 – – – – –
Mansonia ochracea – – – – – – – – – – – – 0.03 – – – – –
Tripteroides bambusa – – – – – – – – – – – 0.04 – – – – – –
S 8 6 9 8 8 7 7 8 7 6 7 9 10 6 8 7 7 9 18
E 0.534 0.584 0.723 0.628 0.811 0.728 0.519 0.493 0.507 0.501 0.444 0.404 0.291 0.545 0.294 0.46 0.378 0.346 0.317
H 1.109 1.047 1.588 1.307 1.687 1.416 1.011 1.025 0.986 0.899 0.864 0.888 0.669 0.977 0.612 0.894 0.736 0.761 0.916
D 0.523 0.570 0.722 0.635 0.793 0.684 0.490 0.531 0.566 0.526 0.521 0.510 0.344 0.557 0.303 0.481 0.438 0.415 0.491

Note: Phase I, first nine turns, shows the number of mosquitoes per day/trap when CO2 was released at the rate of 35–100 ml/minute in all traps by combusting liquid naphtha (LN). Phase II, 10th to 13th
turns, shows the number of mosquitoes attracted per day/trap in two kinds of CO2 concentrations: no CO2 tank and CO2 tank; in odd-numbered traps CO2 was released at the rate of 35–100 ml/minute through
combustion of LN and in even numbered traps, CO2 was released at the rate of 500 ml/minute by using compressed gas cylinders. Phase III, 14th turn, shows the number of mosquitoes attracted per day/trap
when CO2 was released at the rate of 500 ml/minute in all traps by using compressed CO2 cylinders. This study has been conducted at Yeoju, and the study period was from 18 May to 10 July 2012. We
calculated the richness (S), evenness (E), Shannon Wiener’s diversity index (H) and Simpson’s diversity index (D).
Animal Cells and Systems 287

Figure 3. Species’ composition (%) of mosquitoes found in sampling in cowshed of Yeoju during the study period (18 May to 10
July 2012).

light) at ground level. Our study result showed similar vexans nipponii, Culex pipiens pallens, Anopheles lesteri,
trend as found by Trout et al. (2007). Likewise, Anopheles Anopheles sinensis and Armigeres subalbatus species
sinensis and Anopheles lesteri, which are active at dusk or, towards CO2-baited traps suggests us that CO2-baited
dawn or, night (Bockarie et al. 2009), and Armigeres Mos-hole trap is efficient for controlling these species of
subalbatus, active during both day and night (Das et al. mosquitoes. However, Aedes albopictus, Culex tritaenior-
1971; Rudra et al. 2013), have shown mildly dominant hynchus, Culex orientalis, Anopheles sineroides, uniden-
(1.57%, 1.61% and 1.11%, respectively) response towards tified Anopheles (other Anopheles), Aedes bekkui,
CO2-baited Mos-hole trap. The positive response of Aedes Anopheles yatsushiroensis, unidentified Aedes (other

Figure 4. Trapped mosquito population with different levels of CO2 released: The graph line is showing the number of mosquitoes
attracted per day/trap; phase I – In the first nine turns, release of CO2 at the rate of 35–100 ml/minute in all traps by combusting liquid
naphtha (LN); phase II – The lower graph line in 10th to 13th turns shows the number of mosquitoes attracted per day/trap in odd-
numbered traps, when CO2 was released at the rate of 35–100 ml/minute through combustion of LN; upper graph line from 10–13 turns
shows the number of mosquitoes attracted per day/trap in even-numbered traps, when CO2 was released at the rate of 500 ml/minute by
using compressed gas cylinders; phase III – The upper graph line in 14th turn shows the number of mosquitoes attracted per day/trap,
when CO2 was released at the rate of 500 ml/minute in all traps by using compressed CO2 cylinders. The schemes of phase I, phase II
and phase III are shown in Figure 2.
288 H. Yi et al.

Aedes), Aedes hatorii, Tripteroides bambusa, Mansonia grown parasites to other animals or human beings and vice
ochracea, Culex pseudovishnui and Culex vagans versa. A female mosquito can lay 200–300 eggs at a time
(0.664%, 0.550%, 0.107%, 0.043%, 0.013%, 0.012%, and 2–3 times in her life cycle after getting a blood meal.
0.011%, 0.010%, 0.007%, 0.004%, 0.003%, 0.003% and In a generation, a female mosquito can produce approxi-
0.003%, respectively) showed poor dominant response mately 500 mosquitoes. We collected 794 blood-sucked
(Figure 3). The actual cause of less attraction of these mosquitoes during our study. If they got to produce
species is unknown. Further investigation with different offspring, then approximately 397,000 mosquitoes would
levels of CO2 emission and study of other outside have been produced and these 397,000 mosquitoes would
circumstances regarding their habitat, biology and abund- have produced 19.85 billion mosquitoes within a three-
ance in the study site are essential to find out the actual month period of their life cycle. Therefore, capturing of
cause. blood-sucked population of mosquitoes in CO2-baited
We used three kinds of treatment to find out mosquito
Mos-hole traps is another additional advantage in the field
attraction towards the CO2-baited traps. In the first
of mosquito control and control of mosquito-borne dis-
treatment, the lower rate (35–100 ml/minute) emission of
eases in livestock as well as in human beings.
CO2 was applied in all 12 traps. Emission of this lower
The result found by testing new technology to control
amount of CO2 appears to be insufficient in catching
mature female mosquitoes, by using CO2-baited MOS-
higher number of mosquitoes. A steady increase of CO2
emission has seen an increase in trapped mosquito hole traps, in this study is found encouraging. We could
population (Figure 4) during the period. Even though the use this mosquito control method both in cowsheds and in
trend of increase in trapped mosquito population is home areas. This technology is more eco-friendly than
minimal, the result showed that the release of CO2 has that of many chemical control methods, because it causes
positive response towards trapping of adult female mos- less environment pollution and less health hazardous
quitoes. In the second treatment, comparative study was effects in human beings as well as in animals. Chemicals
done by applying low proportion of CO2 in six odd- have environment pollution effect, resurgence problem of
numbered traps and high proportion of CO2 (500ml/ pests and resistances developed against chemical in the
minute) in even-numbered traps to find out the mosquito pests while using it to control them. Moore et al. (1990)
catch efficiency of the traps. Increased emission rate also indicate that gravid Culex mosquitoes may not be
(500ml/minute) of CO2 was nearly equal to the breathing affected by the use of pesticides to control them. However,
of cows (emission of CO2 at 250 ml/min is similar to that the successfulness of the CO2-baited Mos-hole traps for
of an human-sized animal; Reeves 1953; Laporta & trapping mosquitoes depends on many other physical
Sallum 2011), which had a significant effect in capturing environment and geographical situations of the study
adult female mosquitoes. A positive relation was seen in place. In the context of this study, some of the unfavorable
increased proportion of CO2 and the captured number of situations like a small water stream in three sides of the
mosquito population. The number of mosquitoes captured shed, with stagnant water at various places near to it,
is 5.2 times more in additional CO2-emitted traps (83.8% greatly provide favorable condition for laying eggs and
mosquitoes) than in traps that did not emit additional CO2 larvae growth of mosquitoes. Likewise, storage of a big
(16.2% mosquitoes). In the third treatment, increased rate heap of waste tires and storage of agricultural by-products
of CO2 was applied (500ml/minute) in all traps; it was for cattle near the cowshed favors mosquitoes by provid-
found that trapped mosquito population increased signifi-
ing resting place. On the other hand, grown-up weeds in
cantly as compared to previous stages (Figure 4). Headlee
the periphery of the shed and thick forests in 40–200 m
(1934) found that the use of CO2 in combination with
distance in all sides provide harbour for good resting,
mechanical trap increased the number of mosquito
laying, and growing atmosphere for mosquitoes from
catches. Our study is also very close to that of Headlee
which a big number of adult mosquitoes come out on
(1934). Therefore, use of CO2 at 500 ml/minute might be
one of the good non-chemical options for controlling regular basis.
mosquitoes’ population in a cowshed. Therefore, it seems essential to manage all outside
Our study further reveals that the emission of higher circumstances that harbour mosquitoes for getting full
rate of CO2 also improves in catching blood-sucked effectiveness of the technology. Therefore, an integrated
population of mosquitoes. The captured mosquito speci- approach like destruction of mosquitoes’ resting places
men consisted of 3% blood-sucked population. Mosqui- like weeds, clearing stagnant water to avoid laying eggs,
toes that feed on blood have the potentiality for stall cleaning, safe storage of agricultural products and
transmitting diseases. Parasites use mosquitoes to com- cleaning the periphery of the yard may help in increasing
plete some part of their life cycle where they multiply or the effectiveness of the technique and can decrease
change their form. After a mosquito lays her eggs, she mosquito population. A single approach of control might
seeks a host for another blood meal and transmits the fully not be fully effective for controlling them.
Animal Cells and Systems 289

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