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Beneficial Effects of Online Education

to the Selected Grade 11

Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
of AMA Computer College-Biñan Campus
A.Y. 2018-2019

A Research Presented to the

Senior High School Department
AMA Computer College
City of Biñan, Laguna

In partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the academic strand of
Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Buensalida, Emmanuel
Cusi, Carl A.
Islan Niña Marie S.
Jerezano, Rodel Jr. A.
Macalinao, Rose Ann Pauline
Mancenon, Angelica S.
Santos, Crystel
Soriano, Desiree
Torres, Bryan Limuel
Villa-real, Angelica T.
Villegas, Eleazar
October 22, 2018


The researchers wish to express their utmost gratitude and appreciation to

the following:

Ms. Dalia Abuedo

Our thesis mates

Our parents

Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Acknowledgments 3

Biographical Data 4


1.1 Background of the Study 00

1.2 Statement of the Problem 00

1.3 Scope and Limitations 00

1.4 Significance of the Study 00

1.5 Definition of Terms 00

1.6 Theoretical or Conceptual Framework 00


2.1 Literature 00

A. foreign (indicate here the Title, author and year) 00

B. local (indicate here the Title, author and year) 00

2.2 Title of Second Topic 00

A. foreign (indicate here the Title, author and year) 00

B. local (indicate here the Title, author and year) 00


3.1 Procedure 1 00

3.2 Procedure 2 00

3.3 Procedure 3 00
3.4 Data Gathering and Statistical Analysis 00


4.1 Title of First Topic 00

4.2 Title of Second Topic 00

4.3 Title of Third Topic 00


5.1 Summary 00

5.2 Conclusions 00

5.3 Recommendations 00


Cited References

• Book 00

• Research Journal/Thesis Abstract 00

• Internet 00


• Map of Study Site (if applicable) 00

• Timetable of Activities 00

• Raw Data 00

• Photo Documentation 00




• Background of the Study

The concept of online education is nothing new. This concept is said to

begin over 170 years ago. A correspondence course in Great Britain First uses

this where the instructor send lessons and receives the students completed

assignments through mails. Distance learning and online courses were born as

the modern versions of its humble predecessors. It also had overcome the

biggest throwback in different aspects and allows students to interact with other

students and instructors virtually. As an innovative way to improve online

education’s convenience, some academic institutions have explored the used of

mobile phones, potentially, for educational purposes.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1. The demographic profile of the respondents

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Section

2. What are the beneficial effects of online education to the students?

3. Is here a significant effects of online education to the students ?

4. What are the implications of the benefits of online education to


1.3 Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the effects of online education to the students

together with the factors to consider when taking online courses. This also

focuses on the gender, age and section, where the respondents belong, to

answer the survey form.

Meanwhile, this is limited on the beneficial effects of online education to

the selected grade 11 STEM students at AMA Computer College-Biñan Campus.

1.4 Significance of the Study

To the teachers, please let this be a guide to your students for their

improvements online.

To the parents, we’ve done a lot to pass this study. We have been very

grateful for your support.

To the future researchers, this will be a source for your future reviews of

studies on the research you’re going to conduct.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Beneficial- favorable or advantageous; resulting in good.

Conferment- to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or


Correspondence- a close similarity, connection, or equivalence.

Dominant- most important, powerful, or influential.

Initiatives-the ability to assess and initiate things independently.

-the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.

Predecessors- something such as former owner

Prominent- is used as more likely to be more observable

Standardized- means to make standard

Tenement- a room or a set of rooms




3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN – In this study, the researchers used quantitative

design. According to Bhat (2018), quantitative research use mathematical

frameworks and theories. Results from this kind of design are logical, statistical

and unbiased. Before conducting survey, the researchers created questionnaire

with the guidance of their teachers. The questionnaire must be approved before

being distributed to their respondents. The questionnaire was given to the

chosen respondents. Their answer is based on their own knowledge and

experience. Last step is the collection of data, researchers collected the data

carefully to have a successful research.

RESEARCH RESPONDENTS – The respondents must already have

experienced the Online Education. There will be selected male and female

respondents to answer the questionnaire. The respondents should be in between

15-18 years of age.

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT – A survey questionnaire was used in this study. In

order to get the opinions of the respondents, it is consists of questions that will

rely on their experiences. They can pick if they strongly agree, agree, strongly

disagree or disagree.
DATA ANALYSIS – The main goal of this study is to know the opinion of the

students who’s currently experiencing the Online Education on AMA Binan Senior

High School. Hence, the data will be analyzed quantitatively. Furthermore, the

analysis made by the researchers’ will include the side-effects and the

advantages and disadvantages of having Online Education. The response of the


Conceptual Framework and Design




Related Literature (LOCAL)

Government data show that in the public education sector alone, there are

currently about 20 million schoolchildren enrolled in 39,000 public elementary

schools and 7,000 public high schools all over the country.

Each year, the Department of Education faces the perennial challenge of

shortages in classrooms, textbooks, and even of teachers. And with K to 12 on

the ground, the need to have an inexpensive, cost-efficient yet effective way of

teaching and learning has never been more urgent. It cannot afford to forever

have old-world solutions to new-world problems.

It can be strongly argued that utilizing electronic and online teaching and learning

resources are much more cost efficient in as much as digital content does away

with the expensive costs of paper, printing, warehousing and physical

distribution. And they can be very environment-friendly, too.

One viable solution that can answer the need for world-class 21st century

education is the use of interactive multimedia digital content and online delivery

systems such as the Genyo Online Learning Management System.

Genyo is the country’s first and only web-based learning management system for

basic education that contains curriculum-based learning objects, lesson plans,

tutorials, activities, and exercises for Science, Math, English, Filipino, and Araling


Entering a new and unserved territory

Realizing the vast potential and benefit to the country that such a system could

provide, DigiLearn Multimedia was organized to answer the unique needs and

requirements of the public education sector. Genyo is to be distributed and

managed in the public school system by DigiLearn.

An affiliate of Diwa Learning Systems Inc, DigiLearn builds its commitment on the

success of DIWA as the country’s leader in print and digital learning resources.

Now, DigiLearn is eager to share the digital learning experience with the more

than 20 million Filipino school kids enrolled in the public schools through state-of-

the-art learning resources.

DigiLearn President Jose Maria T. Policarpio, an acknowledged advocate of

integrating technology in education, strongly believes that every Filipino child

must be given equal access to basic education resources so they can develop

knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century

world. “DigiLearn is prepared to help DepED bridge the gap in educational

resources by helping provide K to 12 curriculum-based materials in the electronic

medium,” pointing out that electronic materials are more cost-efficient, effective,

and readily accessible. Adding to that, utilizing such state-of the art resources

give the students a more real-world approach to education.

Aspiring to evolve to be the leading provider of learning resources utilizing the

latest in educational technology, Policarpio says that DigiLearn is more than

ready to fulfil its mission of “education for everyone, anytime, anywhere.”


Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest district in the country,

works with Revolution Prep to provide its software to all 11th and 12th graders in
the district who have not passed the state exit exams. In this case, teachers are

providing oversight, but primarily it is students working with the program one-on-

one, akin to Vedoe's "guide on the side" model.

If teachers all across America (and the world) can be motivated to use

technologies such as those offered by K12, Apex and Revolution Prep, the entire

K-12 education problem will become tractable. The "guide on the side" model

takes off a lot of the pressure on teachers in terms of lesson plan design and
content delivery. If they act as classroom supervisors rather than domain experts,

allowing technology to play the latter role, the likelihood of children learning

better even from teachers who do not have the appropriate background is

considerably higher.

Maybe President Obama needs to mandate the use of a certified online

curriculum for all public schools to give America's K-12 kids a chance to become

competitive in the 21st century!

Related Study (FOREIGN )

K-12 education system

Unlike other countries’ end-of-school examination systems, such as the A Level

in the UK, the French Baccalauréat or the globally recognised International

Baccalaureate Diploma, US students leave school with a collection of

assessments that demonstrate their readiness for college or work.

K-12 stands for ‘from Kindergarten to 12th grade’. This equates roughly to a

school starting age of around five through to Grade 12 at around the age of 18.

The system is broken down into three stages: elementary school (Grades K–5),
middle school (Grades 6–8) and high school (Grades 9–12).

Testing takes place throughout the year, to ensure that pupils are on track.

However, with the layering of tests issued by mandates from Congress, the US

Department of Education, and state and local governments, the system is

becoming confusing and unwieldy and it is this that the Trump government is

currently seeking to address.

Although some schools issue a high-school diploma on satisfactory completion of

Grade 12, this is not a standardised qualification and the requirements are set by
individual states. At the end of high school, pupils are also provided with a Grade

Point Average (GPA) – an average of their results in all four high school Grades –

which can help to determine their next step into work or college.


Aspiring to evolve to be the leading provider of learning resources utilizing

the latest in educational technology, Policarpio says that DigiLearn is more than

ready to fulfil its mission of “education for everyone, anytime, anywhere.”

In May, President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines signed into law a

basic education curriculum that will see a mandatory kindergarten year and two

additional senior high school years added to what was a 10-year education

curriculum to make basic education 12 years.

“According to Aquino, the K-12 programme will pave the way for an ever brighter

future for young Filipinos by equipping them with basic education up to

international standards.”

The research literature confirms the argument that online approaches to

communicating, interacting, collaborating, marketing, and learning are finding

their place in the global context of educational delivery systems. New online

delivery models for teaching and learning are effectively increasing productivity;
providing anytime/anyplace opportunities; bridging geographic distances

between diverse societal groups; demonstrating new efficiencies affecting costs

and time.



This chapter discusses the presentations, analysis and interpretation of

the data gathered based on the problems in the beginning of this study. The data

presented are grouped according to their sequence in the statement of the


1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

Table 1.A Respondents’ Gender Distribution

SEX No. of Respondents Percentage

MALE 44 55%

FEMALE 36 45%

TOTAL 80 100%

Table 1.A presents the gender distribution of the respondents. It further shows

that there were 44 (55%) male students of the sample size and 36 (45%) female
students of the total number of respondents. The majority was male.


Figure 1.A Respondents’ Gender Distribution

1.2 Age

Table 1.B Respondents’ Age Distribution

15 1 1.25%

16 20 25%

17 52 65%

18 7 8.75%

TOTAL 80 100%

Table 1.B shows the age distribution of the respondents. It further presents that

there were 1 student (1.25%) who are 15 years of age. While, 20 students (25%)

were 16 years old, 52 students (65%) were 17 years old, and lastly, 7 students

(8.75%) were 18 years old. The majority of the respondents was the 52 students

which are 17 years of age.

17 years old 16 years old 18 years old 15 years old

Figure 1.B Respondents’ Age Distribution

1.3 Section

Table 1.C Respondents’ Section Distribution

STEM 1 20 25%

STEM 2 20 25%

STEM 3 20 25%

STEM 4 20 25%

TOTAL 80 100%

Table 1.C presents the section distribution of the respondents. It shows that there

were 4 sections of STEM. Stem 1 has 20 (25%) respondents, Stem 2 has 20

(25%) respondents, Stem 3 has 20 (25%) respondents and Stem 4 has 20 (25%)
respondents. Total of 80 students (25%)

Figure 1.C Respondents’ Section Distribution

2. What were the respondents opinion towards Online Education?

1. Online education is

1. Online education is convenient for students who 3.23 Agree

were afar from school.

2. Online education is more convenient for students 3.89 Strongly Agree

who have smartphones.

3. Online education can be access easily. 2.98 Agree

4. Downloadable modules can help us a lot. 3.13 Agree

5. Photographs can be used as learning materials. 3.25 Agree

6. . Students who have internet at home are more 3.26 Strongly Agree
competitive online.

7. . Traditional learning is easier to understand. 3.33 Strongly Agree

8. It is easy to understand the modules online. 2.68 Agree

9. Online education gives fun and commitment to 2.68 Agree


10. Without internet, online education is subtle. 3.09 Agree

11. Online courses are much easier to pass. 2.89 Agree

12. Virtual classmates are mysterious 3.03 Agree

13. Instructors Are More Active Online. 2.71 Agree

14. Internet Is A Big Factor In Taking Online Courses. 3.21 Agree

15. It is required for students taking online courses to 2.96 Agree

have pc at home

16. Online educations offer more links and sites to 3.03 Agree
learn from.

17. Social media can be used as learning sites. 3 Agree

18. Online degree is acceptable for future 3.21 Agre

employment of students

19. Face-to-face learning opens more doors for

students looking for jobs. 3.56 Strongly Agree

20. Downloadable modules can be easily understood 2.73 Agree

without the help of the instructors.

21. Modules can be created online without paying any 3.11 Agree
22. Students can answer quizzes and exams with 3.09 Agree
variety of sources to choose from.

23. Students can help each other answering online. 2.69 Agree

24. Students can answer exams whenever and 3.11 Agree

wherever they want to.

25. Everyone in the community can enroll to online 2.94 Agree


26. downloadable Materials Can Be Use By Anyone 3.1 Agree

Who Needs It.

3.35 Strongly
27. learning materials can be shared through sharing

28. Companies should accept online degree 3.2 Agree

29. online sources are more reliable. 2.94 Agree

30. Online education is more beneficial than face to 2.95 Agree

face learning.

2.98 Agree


It is found that Grade 11 selected students’ behaviour towards Online

Education are “Agree” with the weighted mean of 2.98. Among these 30

statements, item number 2 has the highest mean of 3.89 denoting “Strongly

Agree”. On the other hand, item number 8 & 9 got the lowest mean of 2.68

denoting “Agree”. Overall, the respondents had a positive behavior towards

Online Education with a general weighted average mean of 2.98 denoting




This chapter presents the results and overview taken by the researchers.

This chapter contains the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations. The findings of the study are presente according to the

sequence of the analyzed and interpreted data in Chapter IV.


From the careful analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, the

following were the findings of the study.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Findings revealed that the profile distribution of the respondents in

terms of “gender” that the majority of the respondents are male.

1.2 In terms of “age”, it was found that the majority of the respondents

were 17 years old.

1.3 In terms of “section”, it was found that they all have an equal


How do the Respondents perceive their perception towards Online


Findings revealed that the perceptions of the Respondents

towards Online Education are having an overall weighted average mean of

2.98 denoting “Agree”.


The following conclusions were drawn base on the aforementioned

findings of this study.

1. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers conclude that the

majority of the students that answered the survey was male rather than

female. Secondly, among the students who participated in this research, most

of them were 17 years old. Lastly, out of the 4 sections that were included to

be the respondents of this research, all of them have an equal respondents.

2. Statistics showed that the respondents’ perceptions towards Online

Education is denoting an “Agree”. Thus, that Online Education is more

convenient for students who have smartphones. But, It also showed that many

respondents disagree that it is easy to understand the modules online and that

Online Education gives fun and commitment to students.

In the light of the stated results, finding and conclusions, the researchers

would like to offer the following recommendations.

1. OED should work on how the modules because it will surely help the

students to understand the lessons clearly.

2. Make Online Education more reliable.

3. Improve the system because it can affect the person using the OED.

4.Put more videos, pictures, sites etc. that can help the students understand
the lessons easily.

B5L9Villapaz 2 Pacita 2 San Pedro Laguna


Date of Birth: April 25 2001 Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino Height: 5”1”

Religion: Catholic Weight: 45 Sex: Female

Elementary: Pacita Complex 1 Elementary School 2011-2012

Junior High School: Pacita Complex National High School 2013-2017

Senior High School: AMA Computer College- Binan Campus 2017- Present

Mr Alvin Mark Talabucon 0956-975-3900 Teacher AMA Computer College- Binan

Ms. Shikinah Raquel Chico 0920-583-9130 Teacher AMA Computer College- Binan

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correcy



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