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Lecture 2
Answer Clues
1. True.
2. Right.
3. There are mainly three formats of a resume. A) Chronological or reverse chronological resume
refers to a vertical career path starting with the most recent position you’ve held. If you’re a
fresh graduate, you start with your most recent degree.
B) Functional resume emphasizes on your experience and skills with no reference to dates. If
you’ve major gaps in your career, this is your resume.
C) Combination Resume talks about your work history and skill with a support of chronological
4. The main parts of a resume are heading, objective, education, experience, honours and awards ,
relevant courses, skills, activities and interests and reference.
In the heading, you should write your name, address, e mail id and phone number.
Your objective should be specific to the job and you should not use any personal pronoun.
In your education section, list the institutions you’ve attended and the degrees you’ve
A variety of your experience like any part time job, internship, any volunteer experience should
be included into your experience section.
Any scholarships or awards received by you should be included in the honours and awards
If you’ve taken any relevant courses that are suitable to the job, you must mention that.
The ‘Skills Section’ should include any computer skills, knowledge of any software programme or
of any foreign language.
Any involvement in any society, cultural activities must be included.
The section of reference is optional and it should say “available on request’.
5. Resumes and CVs differ in length----true. (1)
6. Your CV doesn’t need to be bulleted-----true. (1)
7. CV is written when you’ve enough experience.----true. (1)

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