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Study Guide for Mid-Term Exam

Date: 18th September, Wednesday

Time: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Duration: 2 hours


1. Plato, Apology
2. Plato, Republic [Portions from Book IV and Book VII]
3. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book VI

Structure of the Exam

The exam will consist of 3 sections

Section I: Objective

Sub-Section A: Multiple Choice Questions:

15 multiple-choice questions each carrying 1 mark

Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that comes closest to the
correct answer

Fill in the letter corresponding to the correct answer in the blank space
provided next to every statement.

Each question can be answered in only one way

Sample Questions:

1. ______ To be educated is to have grasped the Good is an idea

proposed by

a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Neither Plato nor Aristotle
d. Both Plato and Aristotle
2. ______ In the Allegory of the Cave the prisoners are meant to

a. human beings who have undergone a lot of suffering

b. exceptional human beings
c. the general condition of all human beings
d. human beings who have been made part of controlled experiment

3. ______ For Aristotle the two parts of the soul which possess reason

a. are concerned with eternal things and variable things respective

b. concerned with virtue and vice respectively
c. concerned with simple and the complex respectively
d. concerned with the material and the spiritual respectively.

Subsection B: Multiple Choice Questions with Justification:

10 questions each worth 1.5 marks [0.5 for the correct option, 1.0 for
the correct justification]

Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that comes closest to the
correct answer

Fill in the letter corresponding to the correct answer in the blank space
provided next to every statement.

Each question can be answered in only one way.

Fill in the justification in the line provided below the word


The justification must state why a, b, c or d is the right answer,

NOT why (a, b, c) or (b, c, d) or (a, b, d) or (c, d, a) are not the
right answers.

Justifications cannot exceed the space provided.

Sample Questions:

Practical wisdom, according to Aristotle, is concerned with

a. only universals
b. universals and particulars
c. only particulars
d. induction of the universal from the particulars.




2. In the Allegory of the Cave, when the prisoner returns down to the
cave from the outside

a. He finds he is much better than his fellow prisoners in day-to-day

activities like spotting shadows.
b. He finds his fellow prisoners extremely receptive to his efforts to
teach them
c. He finds his fellow prisoners eager escape the cave like he did.
d. He finds he is not as good as his fellow prisoners in day-to-day
activities like spotting shadows.




Section II: Comprehension

There are 2 unseen passages in this section, one from Plato and one
from Aristotle

Please read the passages carefully and answer the 5 questions that
follow in the space provided.

Each correct answer is worth 2 marks.

Sample Questions:
Subsection A: Multiple-choice Questions
1. a
2. c
3. a
Subsection B: Multiple-choice Questions with Justification
1. b.
Justification: because practical wisdom requires us to know what the good
life in general is and particular courses of actions that lead to that good life.
2. His eyes having been in the light have not adjusted immediately to the
marks 50 Total Value
marks 20 Section II
marks 15 Section I: Subsection B
marks 15 Section I: Subsection A
Total value of the exam:
See the reading and thinking examples on Moodle

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