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Science DIRECTION: —_ Choose the best answer and write the letter on the space provided. 1. Which of the following statements is true? a) Viruses are living organisms. ») Viruses can cause diseases in hosts by entering the host cells, reproducing in them, and damaging host tissue. ) Bacteria are always harmful. 4) When large amounts of sewage are dumped into a lake or stream, the organisms in the water may die because bacteria reproduce rapidly and use up the oxygen. 2. Some of the food-eating protists cause serious discases in humans and animals. One of the ‘most widespread diseases in the world is malaria. ‘The tiny protist Plasmodium causes this disease. Malaria is passed on to humans by a) eating bad food c) the bite of an infected mosquito, ») inhaling spores 3. Fungi are decomposers because they a) cause serious plant disease ©) perform photosynthesis +b) break down dead tisues 4) prevent the growth of bacteria 4. Photosynthetic protists are important in nature because they ) decompose dead plants ©) feed on heterotropic protists 'b) produce food and release oxygen __d) reproduce using spores Practice Test I 39 MSA Math Tutoring Center Science 5. Which of the following are produced in respiration? a) water and minerals ‘c) water and carbon dioxide 'b) water and sugar <4) water and chlorophyll ilar in that they ,. The three main groups of algae are sit a) all contain chlorophyll o)all produce seeds 'b) have vascular tissue d) have underground stems. |. Plant responses that involve growth movements are called a) tropisms ) auxins ©) hormones 6) stomata 8, An important difference between gymnosperm and angiosperms is that angiosperms a) produce seeds ©) have chlorophyll by have flowers 4) have vascular cells. 9, Which of the following is not an organ of asexual reproduction? a) bulb b) seed ) tuber 10, There are so many insects because a) they have short generations ©) females lay many eggs 'b) they have two body regions d)aandb, 11. One reason that centipedes and millipedes are different is that one a) builds webs )eats plants b) has a cephalothorax 4) does not have an exoskeleton 40 ‘MSA Math Tutoring C Practice Test I 12. Most amphibians live in or near water because a) they must reproduce in water. ) they have dry, sealy skin, ¢) they must keep the lateral line moist. 4) they have webbed feet. When you are cold, 4) blood vessels in your skin open wider. ») blood vessels in your skin become narrower. ©) your sweat glands become more active. 4) you perspire more... |. Which organ system receives, stores and reacts to information? a) circulatory system ©) skeletal system ») digestive system 4) nervous system . Secondary sex characteristics are controlled by hormones made by the 4) thyroid gland ©) pancreas b) Islets of Langerhan 4) ovaries and testes . A population is all the organisms of one kind that live together in a certain area. A group of populations that live together in the same area is a community. The place where an organism usually lives is its habitat. The role an organism plays in its habitat is its niche. Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are symbiotic relationships. Mutualism is a special living arrangement in which a) one organism is harmed. ) both organisms are helped. 'b) both organisms are harmed. ) none of the above. Practice Test I 41 ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center Science 17. Atime zone a) is measured in latitudes. b) has time one hour later than the time zone to the east. ) has time one hour earlier than the time zone to the east. . The force of gravity ___ as the distance between two objects increases. a) increases b) decreases c) remains the same . How many completely filled orbitals are indicated by the following electronic configuration? 1s* 2s*, 2p’, 3s%, 3p®, 4s, 3d® a)5 bil o) 15 4)26 . When the equation : MgO + HCl —> MgCl, + H,0 is balanced with the lowest possible whole-number coefficients, the sum of these coefficients is, a2 v4 os 6 . The compound expected when Br, reacts with aluminum is a) AIBr >) AL,Br ©) ALBr, 4) AIBr, .. The chemical symbol Sb stands for a) Antimony c) Mereury b) Tungsten 4) Lead |. Which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius? a)Ca o)Fe bs aN Practice Test I ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center Science Which of the following elements is the least electronegative? oFe ON a)Cs ws . What is the wavelength of light that has a frequency of 4.00 x 10's"? (The speed of light is 3.00 x 10m s".) a) 7.5 nm ) 1333 nm c) 750. nm 4) 1,33 om . A glass beaker has a mass of 400 grams. After some water is added to the beaker, the mass of the beaker and water is 1 400 grams, Calculate the volume of the water. (1 em? = 1 gram) a) 1 liter b) Lom? 4) 1000 em? c) 100 cm* 27, Density of a substance is mass per unit volume. It is a measure of how close the particles of matter are packed together. The density of a piece of brass is 8.4 g/m’ If its mass is i 84 grams, find its volume. a)2cm* b) Sem? ©) 0.2¢m? 4) 10 em? 28. A graduated cylinder is filled with water to a level of 66.4 ml. When a piece of copper is. lowered into the cylinder, the water level rises to 86.4 ml. If the density of Cu is 8.9 glem’, what is its mass? a 178g b) 132g o) 871g 4) 128g 29. Work is the product of the force applied to an object and the distance the object moves. The unit for work is joules. (Joules = Newton - meter). A force of 50 newtons is used to push a box. 1.4 meters across a room, Calculate the work done. a) 10 joules ©) 80 joules b) 70 joules 4) 160 joules Practice Test I MSA Math Tutoring Center ih Science 30. Energy isthe ability of an object to do work. Potential energy is the energy due to position. PE=mgh (m = mass ; g = 9.8 m/sec’ ; h = distance from the ground). A ball weighing 5 newtons is thrown from a height of 1 meter to a height of 25 meters. It then falls to the ‘ground, How much potential energy does the ball have, when itis 25 meters above the ground? a0 p)980 joules) 0.51 joules _d) 125 joules 31, Kinetic energy is the product of one- half of the mass of an object and the square of its velocity. What is the kinetic energy of a 20 gram bullet moving with a velocity of $0 meters per second? a) 5 joules +b) 25 joules 1c) 50.000 joules d) 25.000 joules 32. Power is the rate of doing work. ( 746 N - mi/sec = 1 Horsepower). How much power is ‘needed to push a box with a force of 100N a distance of 60 m in 8 sec.” a) 100 HP b)100N-m/sec c) 746 HP 4) 750 N-m/sec 33, Which of the following elements has the greatest number of p electrons? a) Si b)Fe cl a As 34, The fsublevel may contain a maximum of a)2electrons —b) 14electrons.—_¢) 6 electrons 4) 10 electrons 35. The valence electrons are 4) all electrons in an atom beyond the preceding noble gas })all outermost electrons in a sublevel )s and any p electrons in the highest energy level or shell 44) electrons in the last unfilled sublevel Practice Test I 44 MSA Math Tutoring Center . Chemical properties of elements are defined by the a) electrons ) ionization energy ©) protons @) neutrons 37. Most elements in the periodic table are a)nonmetals —_b) liquids ©) gases 4) metals 38. Inwhich of the following pairs isthe first element expected to have a higher electronegativity than the second? a)O,P b) Cs, Rb o)LBr ALP 39. An element has two valence electrons. That clement must be i a) anoble gas ) an alkali metal b) a transition element 4d) an alkaline earth metal ' 40. Which pair of elements is expected to have the most similar properties? a) potassium and lithium ) silicon and carbon ‘b) sulfur and phosphorus 4) strontium and barium 41. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a metalloid? a) As b) Hg ©) Ge Si 42, Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5 730 years. How old is a wooden object if 70% of the '"C has decayed? a) 2948 yr b) 1 280 yr ©) 9950.yr 4) 4321 yr 43. Two forces, one of 10 N and the other of 6 N, act on a body. The directions of the forces are not known. What is the minimum and maximum magnitude of the resultant of these forces? a) 0Nand6Nrespectively _c) Nand 434 N respectively 1b) 4 Nand 16N respectively 45, MSA Math Tutoring Center Practice Test I Science 44, 45. 41. 48. 49, 50, ‘An airplane whose airspeed is 400 kph hasa head wind of 120 kph. How long will it take the airplane to cover 840 kilometers relative to the ground? a) 3hours —b) 3.7 hours c)0.53hours ‘1.62 hours ‘Acar starts from rest and reaches a velocity of 40 m/sec. in 10 see. What will its velocity be after 15 seconds? a)4 m/sec. b)60m/sec. ¢) 150m/see. _-d) 20 m/sec. ‘A ball is thrown horizontally at 8 m / sec, How fast is it moving 2 sec. later? a) 19.2 m/sec. b)16m/sec, 6) 21.2m/sec. _ d)24m/ see. ‘A.60-kg woman is in an elevator cab whose upward acceleration is 2 m/ s*. What force does she exert on the floor of the cab? a) 588N )120N b) 708N 4)294N ‘A force of 200 N is just sufficient to start a 50-kg steel trunk moving across a wooden floor. Find the coefficient of static friction. 2) 0.35 04t ») 4.00 4) 0.80 In raising a 200-kg bronze statue 10 000 J of work is performed. How high is it raised? 2)45m ©) 50m b) 4) 0.02 m |A.5-kgrifle fires a 15-g bullet ata muzzle velocity of 600 m see, Find the recoil velocity of the rifle. a) 1.8 m/sec. ©) 40 m/sec. b) 12m/see. d)3 m/sec. Practice Test I 46 ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center Answer Key peers MATHEMATICS Ci. B 21 _p AB MAwosTeD™ ol: CO 71 BS al A B 101. ¢ Denice Andee Beeb) AB ard Dee A 62 Co T2I AD EERIE A 102. B C13, B 23. D 33.A 43. B 53. C 63. D 73. C 83, A c 103. D D 1a B24: A Web Er aeCe Si eG Te Das 8 B 104. B Be t5 C25 Ba $8 i Cosh Coca Sia OS Reed SoBe a Casl05 5.6. WME D 16 C36 A 46. BSc. C 66. D 16, Co 36 A B 106. C A Ap AC 27. Aphba Bandi ently D067. ATT (Coit C A 107. C Boe IB 28. D (a8 A Msp B) 68) D, 68. A 78/4 BEND. B 108. B D 19. D: 29. A 39, C 049, A 59C 69, C 79. B 89. D D 109. B 1 20D, 40. BtAQeBa 50: C _605,AN 704 8p. 8-20, JP D 110. D PERCEPTUAL ABILITY ABSTRACT REASONING E Fa 6 E if 1.905" en, 16.4 E F 10 E oes 2eeB = oN 17,0 E FOB ee FR 3. C 48ND 18. E F 2 EB F 6 4p; 79D, 19.6 E FOS E Fi SRD 710-6 20.D ENGLISH VOCABULARY ANALOGY IDENTIFYING- READING ERRORS. COMPREHENSION BOL A a 1670 1. BY NO € PASSAGE 1 D 32. D DNA Zoe (TE. C 336k Bl 18,CA 3 A MSC C 34. B C190 4c 197% . D 35. C C20. fA 5. D 920. ¢ ce Be. 2/C 6B PASSAGE 2 Seal B 2D. ee) iB De 23nC aD . B D 24. D oA .D Es «25. 10. A ee i Dy 26. 1A PASSAGE 3 dD AN 27 Uy 12. D ec Onn 28, DB: BA A ED, 2A A iG pecs AIT ND 45. D SCIENCE A Aly ¢ 7164 ai, 1/261 hs, 31. B36) AN, aie Beton A 12. Af 47. 2 A 27. D 32D 37.D 42. C 47.B A 1a Bi clBAB. ade Dhaba 133. Di ak Amada as ABC Dds, DMI RBR aa) SA 26-8w Lee aoe Dd A M08 Bis, D Weds Ge ASL \G. eseD4aAre:C] DADE ee Be ot A. Practice Test I 47 ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center Answer Key Number Patterns (Solutions) DIRECTION: Follow the pattern and analyze the given solution. HOSS bs bs bs ‘The number in the third triangle is always equal to the sum of the corresponding numbers in the first two triangles. * The numbers in the second circle correpond to the number in the first circle times 3. The number, in the third cirele is equal to the number in the second circle multiplied by %. 9999 & SY 32, 1024] Practice Test I MSA Math Tutoring Center ‘Answer Key VLEGOD a & (ixipet Qxip=s8 (1x 3)= 27 3 4 4 (15-8) x 3 = 21 (23-17) x 4 = 24 (21-17) x 4 = 16 In each circle the bigger number is equal to the product Kay Aan of the smaller two. Practice Test I 49 MSA Math Tutoring Center Answer Key 13. 14, nee i The sum of the outer numbers is 26. 6 | 26) 8 6 | 26] 8 5191? oo. 2 aa @+) 4255 I (+3) 43-3 f wit (+4 +6=2 2 a+) 45-3 Pi cme 1G) an 3| 6) 9 3 ae 4|2\6 4 z 5} ols 5 ~Sen iT q[> pel B= 64 (25> B= 8 sY = 125 Siaeen @ =216 18. Square of the Prime Numbers & a? =121 LN aX LN ee s? =25 VY / \e ey ch pad 50 ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center Practice Test I @-4) x5 (2-8) x3 ag- 7) x 4 [3] 714 |44 WV VC Opposite numbers always add up to 24 aN /\ \/ 2x3-2= 4 <> 4x3-2=10 10 x 3-2 =28 28 x 3-2 = 82 a2 x 3-2 = 244 7 2]9] (+26 o 2] 3 es| @ +3" = 25 3[4[2] G +4 = 49 2x2 3x2 5x2 8x2 x 18x 2 BPD. LIP 7) IPR), NN NR NG, bi 642 — 10-1 aloe? «aaah 2x2=4 44+1=5 5x2=10 10+1=11 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31 . 7, 6, 5, 10, 9, 8, 13, 12, 11, 16, 15, 14, 19 Practice Test I 51 ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center

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