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Sr. Core Areas Percent

1 Introduction 5%

Nature and Application of Psychology with special reference to Pakistan, Methods of Psychology, Biological Basis of
Behavior, Sensation, Perception and Attention ,Primary Motives, Secondary Motives, Emotions, Learning, Memory,
Thinking, Individual differences
2 Experimental Psychology 20%
Psychophysics, Perception, Learning, Memory, Thinking and Problem-Solving.
3 Social Psychology 20%
The Field of Social Psychology, Self- Presentation and Social Perception, Social Cognition, Behavior and Attitudes,
Aspects of Social Identity, Social Influence, Pro-social Behavior, Aggression /hurting others
Personality Theories 10%
Psychology of personality, The Psychoanalytic Legacy, Personality’s ancestral foundations, Overcoming inferiority
and striving for superiority, Dispositional theories, Humanistic and existentialist theories , Behaviorist theories
4 Mental Health and Psycho-pathology 10%
Introduction to Abnormal Psychology, Historical Background of Modern Abnormal Psychology, Models of
Psychopathology, Clinical Assessment of Abnormality
5 Developmental Psychology 10%
Relationship between heredity and environment cognitive, moral, and social development occurring in late
childhood, ages seven to twelve, crises and their effects on the individual in various developmental stages
throughout out the lifespan, Developmental challenges of adolescence, Cross-Sectional; Experimental Aspects of
Development: Physical, Psychological, Social, Linguistic & Cognitive, Phases of Development: Prenatal, Birth,
Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, Old-age
6 Educational Psychology 10%
Educational Psychology Nature and Scope, Introduction to development , Individual Differences, Intelligence, Cognitive
Learner's Characteristics, Abilities, Motivation, Interest, Aptitude
Learning theories and practical applications of behavioral, cognitive and constructivist approaches, Characteristics of a
Good Teacher, Counseling and Vocational Guidance, Behavior Modification, Designs of Evaluation, Psychology of
teaching , Special Education, Segregated education; integrated education; inclusive education, Class Room Management:
Managing the Class Room Methods of Control
7 Psychological Testing 5%
Psychological Assessment and tests, History of psychological testing, Test construction and adaptation, Item
writing, Item analysis, Reliability, Validity, Test norms
8 Neurological Bases of Behavior 10%
Origins of Neuropsychology, Physiology of Neural Cells, Physiology of Nervous System, Emotions and Regulations
of Internal Body States
Total 100%

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