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Lifebuoy soap
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Institute of Business Management --– Consumer Behavior Page 1


1) Brand Name 3

2) Colors 3

3) Segmenting 4

4) Targeting 5

5) Positioning 5

6) Marketing Mix 5

7) Association 7

8) Persuasion Route 7

9) Maslow Theory 8

10) Carl Jung’s Theory 9

11) The Archetype 10

12) Sigmund’s Freud’s Theory 11

13) Involvement Theory 11

14) Memory 11

15) Knowledge 11

16) Cognitive Learning 12

17) Consumer Motivation 12

18) Reinforcement 13

19) Culture 13

20) Appeal 13

21) Semantic Memory Network 14

21) Questionnaire 15

Institute of Business Management --– Consumer Behavior Page 2

1) Brand Name
The brand chosen by me is LIFEBUOY SOAP. Lifebuoy is the product of UNILEVER. Lifebuoy gives
you perfect washing hands with soap. Lifebuoy contains unique ingredients that cannot be
found in other soap, thus it is a worthy product to remove germs filled in hands better. In these
days Lifebuoy has become more than just a bar of soap for washing hands – the brand provides
hygiene and health solutions for families.

In all four varieties of soap, Lifebuoy’s logo is of Red color and Lifebuoy is written in white color
in its logo. Lifebuoy Total pack is of Red color in which soap bar color is Red. Lifebuoy Nature
pack is of green color in which soap bar color is also Green color. Lifebuoy Care pack is of Blue
color in which soap bar color is white, while in Lifebuoy Active fresh pack is of yellow color and
soap bar color is yellow. Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Green symbolizes secure,
natural relaxed, self-respect and well being. It also means learning, growth, balance and
harmony. Red is the warmest of all colors. Red is the color most chosen by extroverts. On the
negative side red can mean temper or anger. Yellow is the color of Caution, novelty, temporary,
warmth. White is the color of purity. White means kindness while Blue Commands respect
authority. Lifebuoy uses all these colors to give a correct impression of the product in the minds
of the consumers.

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Lifebuoy soap is segmented on the basis of Demographics, Geographic’s and Psychographics.


 Age: no specific age limit, all age group can buy this soap for hygiene purpose.

 Gender: Male and female both

 Income: 7000 and above

 Religion: all

 Nationality: all


 Climate: all 4 seasons

 Population: Rural mostly but cater urban as well


It means segmenting a market into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or
personality characteristics. Lifebuoy soap is being segmented on the basis of Social Class
(middle-lower, upper lowers, middle class and upper class). It caters to different classes with
different sizes of it. As people belonging to lower-lower class do not make a more profitable
segment so they are not being considered much.


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Children and Women are the target market of Lifebuoy soap. The Women are the main buyers
of the soap in Pakistan and they are the one usually do shopping for their families & their
decision is regarded as final in choosing a Soap.

Lifebuoy belief that children are the potential agent for hand washing with soap will make them
enable to adopt early habit in life.

Lifebuoy is well positioned as “Health & Hygiene” soap, which is used to keep the germs away
from human body, so people buy it to keep their families safe from germs.


Product involved some elements which are Variety, Quality, shape &Brand Name.


Lifebuoy soap Available in all 4 variants which are given as under.

 Lifebuoy Total,

 Lifebuoy Nature,

 Lifebuoy Care and

 Lifebuoy Active fresh


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Lifebuoy’s quality is very popular among the people. Lifebuoy has continued to change as per
consumer needs. Since the soap has undergone numerous product quality improvements to
offer best hygiene results.

Lifebuoy soap's classic hard red brick shape has been replaced with a new signature Lifebuoy
shape. The new shape makes the bar easier to grip and use.

Brand Name:
Lifebuoy soap is a very strong brand of UNILEVER. Due to this name people consider lifebuoy
soap as a valuable brand while buying it.


The prices of soap vary according to the size, which are given as under.

Size Price
50 grams Rs.10
75 grams Rs.16
115 grams Rs.24

Lifebuoy soap is available at almost every departmental and general store. Lifebuoy soap’s
distribution is very good and it occupies a prominent shelf space at stores.


UNILEVER is focusing on the indirect marketing channels where they sell Lifebuoy soap through
distributor to whole sellers, forward to retailers and than finally to the end users, distribution
channel can also be seen in following figure.

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UNILEVER promotes its products through media, and other trade incentives to distributors &
wholesalers. UNILEVER uses television, radio, newspapers and billboards for advertising

Recently Lifebuoy is sponsoring a new campaign in the battle against germs is its "School of 5"
Program which aims to educate and train school children regarding the importance of hand
washing with soap, which will also create awareness among the people regarding the product.

Lifebuoy is associated with:

 Hygiene (good against germs)

 Good for personal Care

The Lifebuoy advertisement in which child says “Paanch ka pahaara” which gives you protection
against five diseases then there is a voice over follows central route persuasion. It makes a
consumer think that would it make my hands cleaner and gives me protection against diseases.
Here there is no celebrity used in this advertisement. Consumers then can compare whether
their current soap is better than Lifebuoy or not.

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Lifebuoy advertisement featuring Waseem Akram uses peripheral route of persuasion. Lifebuoy
targets children & housewives, and Waseem Akram is very popular among them. Housewives
believe on the credibility of the communicator which is Waseem Akram and do believe what he
is saying. He says in the ad that Lifebuoy Soap cleans your hands in one wash so keep you safe
against five diseases where as other soaps can’t so that. Lifebuoy soap has used a celebrity
endorser in the ad to persuade the consumers to make them buy.


Lifebuoy’s Position in Maslow’s Pyramid

Lifebuoy satisfies the second level needs which are Safety needs and the third level needs which
are Social needs.

Safety needs are the second level needs in Maslow’s Hierarchy, which comes after fulfilling the basic
physiological needs. Lifebuoy satisfies this need as it removes germs from hands and saves us
from spreading the number of diseases.

Social needs are need for belonging to society and become a part of society. One wants to be
associated with the community and people among which he lives. As one cannot go to work
Institute of Business Management --– Consumer Behavior Page 8
having dirty hands (lack of overall personal hygiene), so one uses Soap to wash his hands and
clean them. Lifebuoy satisfies social needs in this way.


Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, & the founder of analytical psychology. He emphasized understanding
the psyche of customers through exploring the world of dreams, art, mythology, religion and

Jung divided psyche into three parts:

 Ego: This identifies with the conscious mind

 Personal unconscious: includes anything which is not presently conscious but can be.

 Collective unconscious: Jung believed this to be a storehouse of latent memory traces or

archetypes inherited from human ancestral past.

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Lifebuoy’s Position in Carl Jung’s Theory
As far as my opinion is concerned, Lifebuoy does fall into the ego part.

Ego consist of conscious mind so Lifebuoy soap is targeting the people with this frame of mind; i.e.
those people who can weighs cost benefit analysis of the product So Lifebuoy position in Carl Jung
Theory is in the first category that is Ego par.


Lifebuoy can be regarded as THE CAREGIVER (Mother). The motto of this archetype is Love
your neighbor as yourself and the Core desire is to protect and care for others with a goal to
help others. It can be regarded as caregiver due to………

Lifebuoy advertisements show mothers which are a symbol of love and care. Hence in
advertisements they are trying to portray their image as a caring brand and also at the same
time targeting their potential customers through this type of Ad

Lifebuoy can also try to change its archetype to be regarded as THE CHILD. As the child is the
symbol of innocence, Recently Lifebuoy is sponsoring a new campaign in the battle
against germs is its "School of 5" Program which aims to educate and train school children
regarding the importance of hand washing with soap, which will also create awareness among
the people regarding the product.


Sigmund Freud proposed the theory of the personality. He described Id, Ego and Superego. In
my opinion, Lifebuoy does fall into ego part but not much, it is more falling into the Superego

Since EGO is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. It
operates on the reality principle. This principle weighs the costs & benefits of an action before
deciding to act upon something. As Lifebuoy is a product that makes the consumer to think,

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analyse and then conclude what is the true reality .It provides the facts and figures about the
requirement of good heath that is the reason due to which lies in the EGO part of this theory.
Super Ego in a sense it represents traditional ideas & values of society. It attempts to compel
the ego to pursue goals.


Generally soaps are low involvement product and consumers do not take much of their time
while making a buying decision. But as Consumers are very much conscious about their health
so they do search which soap. Hence lifebuoy is a high involvement product it comes in left
hemisphere because it includes cognitive, reading about the product, asking people about it
and so on. Lifebuoy believes that by using it you can keep the germs away from body, so people
buy it to keep their families safe from germs.

Lifebuoy is stored in Long term memory. When people watch the advertisement of Lifebuoy
they store it in their long term memory.

For example, when women and children view the latest Lifebuoy ad featuring Waseem Akram;
who is popular among women, the ad is given due attention by women and they store it in their
long term memory. Women, particularly housewives, store the ad of Lifebuoy in mind will most
probably remember and recall the Lifebuoy ad when they buy it for personal hygiene.

It is the amount of experience with and information a person has about particular products or

Knowledge is of three types

 Objective knowledge is the correct information about a product class that a consumer
has stored in long-term memory

 Subjective knowledge is the consumer’s perception of what or how much he or she

knows about a product class.

 Knowledge of others is what information a consumer knows about another.

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Women have Subjective Knowledge about Lifebuoy when they only consider about the features
being advertised. They might overestimate Lifebuoy quality based on its promotion but as they
keep on using it they might find out that the quality is superior and this becomes Objective
Knowledge. Also, when women use other Soaps they have knowledge about other brands and
they can easily make a comparison that which soap is better.


Women engage in cognitive learning when they are viewing an advertisement of Lifebuoy in
which it is showed that it s usage can protect you from the germs which can spread diseases.
The Lifebuoy is daily advertised on television so that people gain knowledge about it. When
women use Lifebuoy, they know what the product is like and whether it really protects from the
germs or not.

The new Lifebuoy’s campaign in the battle against germs is its "School of 5" Program which aims
to educate and train school children regarding the importance of hand washing with soap.


It is basically the reason behind why we buy and what we buy. It is an inner drive that leads to
goal-directed behaviour. Motivation begins with the presence of a stimulus that arouses the
recognition of a need. Needs can be either innate or learned So when Unilever conducted the
research and planned to launch such a soap it came to knew that there was a need and they
have to give hype to this need by making people aware of using hygiene soap and also make
them aware of the hazards of not using hygiene soap. So they are trying to motivate their
target market by telling them fact and making them realize the importance of using the Lifebuoy

A positive or negative outcome that influences the likelihood that a specific behavior will be
repeated in the future in response to a particular cue or stimulus

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The Lifebuoy advertisement in which child says “Paanch ka pahaara”. This Ad showing dirty
Hands which results can be the victim of five diseases as Negative reinforcement to buy Lifebuoy soap.

Culture can be defined as all the knowledge and values shared by a society.

Using hygiene soap to wash the hands/Body is becoming more and more common in society.
Cultural values are satisfied by Lifebuoy soap as washing hands means you come from a
respectable and a good family. This way Lifebuoy soap is also shaping one’s behavior that in order
to acquire a prominent place in society; one should wash his hands with good quality soap like
Lifebuoy soap.

Creating advertising appeal for a good or service begins with identifying a reason for people
to buy it.

As far as my opinion is concerned, in Lifebuoy ads Fear Appeal are being used in which it is
showed that if you are not going to use Lifebuoy soap than your body can get infected with
number of germs. In this way the Target Market of Lifebuoy i.e. Women feel fear; if they don’t
use Lifebuoy soap then members in their families could face diseases.



Red color Hygiene Waseem Akram

Institute of Business Management --– Consumer Behavior Page 13

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