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Technological Institute of the Philippines

#1388 Arlegui st., Quiapo, Manila

College of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Waste and Waste Water Engineering

CE 503

Submitted By:

Magtuto, Andrea B.


Submitted To:

Engr. Porfirio Entice


Date Submitted:

August 20, 2019

I. Personal Reaction
Group 5
 The reporters have the right knowledge on what they were reporting.
 The answers to the questions that you have given to them, they actually
answered it. But they should have been answering it straight to the point.
 The report was still nice and I have learned so much from it.
 The reporters well explain about the water modeling

Group 6

 The report was well reported.

 The reporters knew what they were talking about. Well, some questions that
you asked weren’t answered but in what the PowerPoint that they made,
the contents the reporters knew it well.
 I have learned a lot. Some of the things that they have reported I didn’t really
know and that was nice because I know that, that would be useful in the
 They should have been given more agencies for the issues that could occur
from the topic that they have reported.

II. Significant of the Studies/ Issues and Concern:

Group 5

 The main topic of the study is all about Water Modeling

 They discussed the purpose of water modeling
 They also include the modeling fundamentals and conveyance structures
 They also discussed the computer modeling and its benefits
 They also include a computer modeling of water distribution system and its benefits
 They briefly explain the different use of computer modeling and the advantages
and its disadvantages.
Group 6

 In this study they introduced about the calibration and its importance
 They also included in this study the hydraulic network models
 They also briefly explained about the general process for calibration
 They also discussed how the application model used
 It was also explained in the study, about the water quality modeling and steps to
quality modeling

III. Problem:

For Group 5

 What is the purpose of water modeling?

 What are the modeling fundamentals?
 What are the computer modeling and its benefits?
 What is the computer modeling of water distribution systems and its
 What is the different use of computer modeling and the advantage and its

For Group 6
 What is the importance of calibration?
 What is the general process for calibration?
 What is the application model used?
 What are the factors considered when determining designated use and
associated water quality standards?
 What are the steps for quality modeling?
IV. Objective:

For Group 5
 To know the purpose of water modeling
 To determine the modeling fundamentals
 To have a broaden knowledge about the computer modeling and its benefits
 To have a better understanding on the different types of pumps and
pumping station
 To understand the computer modeling of water distribution systems and its
 To have a broaden knowledge about the use of computer modeling and the
advantage and its disadvantages

For Group 6

 To have significant knowledge in importance of calibration

 To have a better understanding about the general process for calibration
 To understand and have broader knowledge on application model used
 To understand about the factors considered when determining designated
use and associated water quality standards
 To know about the steps for quality modeling

V. Time Context:

 September 12, 2019 and September 19, 2019 – Thorough discussed topics

Group 5: Water Modeling

 Purpose of Water Modeling
 Modeling Fundamentals
 Conveyance Structures
 Computer Modeling and its benefits
 Computer Modeling of Water Distribution System and its benefits
 Different use of computer modeling
 Advantages and Disadvantages of computer modeling

Group 6: Calibration

 Hydraulic Network Models
 Importance of Calibration
 General process for Calibration
 Application Model Used
 Steps on Quality Modeling

VI. View Point:

 Department of Public Works and Highways
 Manila Water Company Inc.
 Maynilad Water Services Inc.
 Local Water and Utilities Administration
 Local Government and Barangays
 National Water Resource Board
 National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
VII. Courses of consideration:

Nowadays, in our country are lack in systems of water modeling. The water
modeling is the best and economic solutions when it comes to water problems
The NWRB and NAMRIA should cooperate with each other to improve the
water modeling in our country.

This issue might become a problem because:

 It can cause delay for other workers. People became less productive.
 It can damage the structures such dam, reservoir and etc.
 It can cause a disease/ illness to the residents

VIII. Alternative Courses of Action:

 Extensive research about the water modeling
 Having alternative plans about the water modeling
 Every step of the way always makes sure or double check everything.
 Research and study before everything and anything that you do so you
would know what the course of action that you need the most.
IX. Action Plan:

Time Frame Project Responsible


Regularly Public Advisories in cooperation with
The Local Government

Online Courses or NWRB

Lessons and/or in cooperation with
Weekly advisories of how to Different Municipalities
improve water modeling and Barangays

At Least Once a Year Seminars/Training in cooperation with
Different Municipalities
and Barangays

X. Recommendation
 Always be prepare to anything that could possibly go wrong and always try
to be one step ahead in everything that you do so that you can anticipate
any problems ahead.
 I can also recommend that as a citizen of the Philippines, we should always
obey and respect all the rules and regulations being implemented for the
sake of our safety convenience and economic growth.
 My recommendation would be that if you research everything about the and
learn the different ways in doing what you need to do first before actually
doing it so that when any problem occurs you will know what to do.
XI. Conclusion
 I therefore conclude that the water modeling plays very important role in our
life and it employs a major proportion in our work force.
 I conclude that in water modeling there are specific rules and regulations to
be observe and there are different government and organizations that
controls the rules and regulations of every structures that are being built.
 Also understanding these helps us regulate and manage the water
modeling properly for the benefit of the general public and the country as a

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