Bba 3 Sem Environment Management Winter 2018

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Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Semester—III Examination
Compulsory Paper—4
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Define Environment Management. What is the scope and importance of Environment
Management ? 8
(b) What is the need of public awareness of Environment Management ? Justify. 8
(c) What is your understanding about sustainable development ? Discuss. 8
(d) What is the role of individual in conservation of natural resources ? 8
2. (a) Define environmental pollution. Discuss various types of pollution. 8
(b) What is nuclear pollution ? Discuss its control measures. 8
(c) Discuss in detail the impact of Global Warming and its remedial measures. 8
(d) What are the causes and remedial measures of Ozone layer depletion ? 8
3. (a) What are the causes, impact and control measures of population growth ? 8
(b) What is your understanding about variations among nations with respect to population
growth ? 8
(c) What is your understanding about family welfare programs ? Discuss in detail. 8
(d) What are infectious diseases ? Discuss water borne diseases. 8
4. (a) Define Dams. What are social issues related with construction of dams ? 8
(b) Discuss Environmental Ethics issues and possible solutions. 8
(c) What is the need for equitable utilization ? Discuss with suitable examples. 8
(d) What is the concept of equity disparity in Western and Eastern countries ? Discuss with
examples. 8
5. Write short notes on :
(a) Renewable and Non-renewable Resources 4
(b) Green House Effect 4
(c) Cancer and Environment 4
(d) Resource Consumption Pattern. 4


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