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—LNCLASSIFIED US Deparment af Stale Ca UNCLASSIRED US Deparment ot State Case No F:2016-07743 Dac No. Co8A8088T Date: g2/20N8 . oe : = TT 86 ae Ale dis oy , a | arene soa oy oissenr cwnmer ol te ee er - gon? : “ea Powe nos suegecrs ‘he etelier/nofhite assassinations: Policy Towara chile io use the Dissent Channel to register ovr disagreement with the policy of the Bureau of Inter-Anericen Agfairs Concerning relations with Chile as they are affected by the prosecution of the Letelier/Nofeiee case, We ask that this Gocunene be distributes to, at a mininom, Assistant Secretary Vaky, ABA the Secretary; the Deputy Secretary: the Under Secedeary for Political Affaire; S/#; Li and Ambassador Landau in Santiago. We reconnens theta Copy be nade available to ASsistane U.S. Attorney E, Lawrence Barcelia, Department 5¢ Justice, who is in charge of the prosecution of the ease. our request to be heard rests upon our recent experience in geaiing with the case and vith chilesn policy, ae B6 Deputy Assistant Secretary in ARA from September 1977 to Decenber 1979." During that time he held principal supervisory esponsibility within AFA for dealing with the eager Served as a Political Officer in Santiago fron August T¥7F-o Apel i976, gna ae Counery Orticer for nile from /August 19/7 to april i979; [~~ war Assistant Legal Adviser for Inter- Anerican Affairs FEGR1976 until 1976 end hae continued to work ‘Gn'inaal aspects of the case folloving transfer to L/£B in 1978, ‘wae an attorney in L/M specializing in extradition, who “Worred on che ease in 1977, and has continued with this wrk folloving transfer eo L/EB' in 1978. exwr - B.0. 12065 = s1¥30T(@) = A Sevens trreen on RELATIONS WITH A PoRETGH covERNNT ‘Seen Soee cra No. F-2016 07749 Dec No. C08480861 Date 02/122010 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No.F-2016-07743 Dec No, CO5¢80661 Date: 02/12/2018 seen 2 Oriango Letelier, a Chilean Socialist in exile in the United States, wat killed on Septenber 21, 1978 by a bomb Placed in his'car. An Anerican citizen, Ronnie Moffite, died EXincigencly in the sane blasts Tnunctigation by the FAT and the'U.8. Attorney's office in Washington, D.c. prosuce’ avidenes sufficient co show that the asséssination vas ordered and carried out by the Chilean sesret. police and intelligence Srgan_known ae DINA. A Jury in this city convicted three antiscastro Cubans on the basis of this sane evidence, Ie As equally clear that this assassination was only one of a nunber of attacks on prominent Chilean exiles who had the potential to lead an effective opposition movenent. The Dina‘ launched a canpaign of international terrorism a5” a extension of the violent stage of repression within Chile from the coup in 1973 through 1976. It" is probeble that President Pinochet ordered the assassinations of Letelier and others There can be no question thet he knew such actions vere being taken by his security forces and sia nothing eo stop them, Intelligence reports indicate that Ceneral Contrerse, who was head of DINA and is now eubject of our request for extredition, has threatened to inplicate Pincehet in this and/or other Unsayory matters if he, Contreres, is extreaited or placed on pEiai'in Chiles ‘The Suprone Court of Chile had our request for extradition {Contreras and two of his subordinates in DINA under consider: sign Since Septenber 1978." Tr has now ruled againet extradition sings left the mateer £9 the discretion of the military courts chile, ‘The ARA position over the last year, accepted as the policy gi enis covernnent, haa been to entrust the metter to he Eeulean Suprene coire,” fe appears nov that having seen that Soirt bow to. governnent pressures and evade ies responsibilities, Selaze to place gur hope for Justice in the military courts of ceiley Goufte vnieh have ateadeaatiy refused for six yeare to punish military offenders clearly glsity of murder, torture su other atrocities, Our argumane 4s fot with the decision see if the chilean civil courts could act honestly and 2 sipendently, hovever unlikely ve knew that to Be: "We" partick- sla naking that decision and supported se. There de no ‘ioral Ropes however, that the Chilesn milstary courts will EIGE/ameahingfal, Livestation or trial of thie easer ve See" oniy delay and evasion. our only Hope for justice is us5. eo take firm action fo bring itvabovt. UNCLASSIFIED US. Depanment of State Case No, F-2010-07743 Lee No. CUB4BUEE1 Date: 02/1272018 ch 3 ‘The underlying ARA policy is that the Letelier pioffite case should be considered as only one of several allegedly important, UI. concerns in Chile. Cited at various tines have been = Chilean cooperation in the UN and other multi- iateral fore and concerns) -+ Potential adverse political developments in chile shovld the Pinochet regine be weakened or replaced; == Continued economic development in Chile along vhat, are seen as free-market Line: n+ Protection of U.S. private investment and trot + Tho need to msintain stability in the face of potential regional conflicts: n+ Danger of nationalistic: regression by the regine into renewed harshness coward internal Gissent if Pushed too far by Uss. sanctions Denger of “irreparable ganage" to our relations with "chile"; defined as the Chilean nation or pesple. if we placé high priority upon the Letelier Moftite, Case and Use strong sanctions, lie understand that ARA proposes to respond to the rejection of our extradition requests by continuing te place faith in fhe Chilean courts. APA would take the Supcene Covrt cecision as an acceptable expression of justice and urge, without the Pressure of effective sanctions, that the military courts Conduct a mesningful investigation and trial. ARA would not, Contenplate pressures upon the Pinochet regine which might. Provoke danege to any of our other perceives interests. in Chile. fie ‘believe this policy is based upon misunderstanding of the Chilean situation, and serves neither U.S, nor erve Chilean Sntereses, lie offer these points in explanation and in support of our Feconnendations! w+ Every wajor policy study (CAS, ete.) has concluded that the U.S; has no vital interests to protect in chile. sees ““«— No. CoB460961 Date 02/1372018 UNCLASSIFIED U'S. Department of State Case No. F:2016-07743 Doc No. C0648086% Date: 02/12/2018 eer 4 s+ Phe 1973 military coup was inevitable, and the Continued rule of the military institutions in Ente ehreugh a tore transition period to Interests'of the Uso: and ehe majority of the Chilean people. s+ The goverment of the military institutions is Giseinguishable from the personal position end power of Finochets +The intesiigence conmunity has concluded that the Fenovel of Pinochet would revolt in his replacement, by any one of several generals, and present policies vould be continued with the. probability Of a soneshat more rapie transition to civilian Government. His departure voule also remove the primary synbol of Chilean repression and permit much greater political flexibility in Bealing with Chile. w+ A majority of chiteans regard the military regine asa short term necessary evil and the U.S. a 2 vital source Of pressure upon the military’ te ake the transition perio’ as short as possible. Intelligence reports rake clear the belief of Pinocnee that Re can Gelay any genuine action on the case vatil U.8, interest vanes, and chee the present U.s. Administration is too weak £0 take 2 forcesui stand. Experience with this case has shown thet the Pinochet regime vill cooperate, and allow the courts to fulfill their role, only under severe pressures without that pressure, it will 0 Rothins. n+ The record of the miitary courts (and civilian, for that matter) since 1913 is one of farce and injustice, providing no reason to expect action fon this case unless forced. n+ Finally, fatture of the U.5. to react to this outrage and defiance of our law and power can only ‘bring us into eontenge in Chile and elsevhere. ‘Others would not be discouragal fron officially sponsored terrorist acts in our country by govern ments trying fo suppress opposition in exile ‘Sonmunitier: INCLASSIFIED US. Deparment of State Case No. F:2016.07743 Dec No. CO6480861 Date: 2/12/2018 US. Department of State Case No F-2016:07743 Doe No. CO6480861 Date: 02/12/2018 5 lie believe that ve have no interests in Chile which require lus to acconnadate the defiance of Pinochet ana Contreras. chile iil not and cannot turn to the Conmuniat world of to another Gonestic government of the fer Left, It will not ane cannot attack 0.8. investnent and trade interests, opon which it hes based ite économie recovery and fron which it arava resources to substitute for foreign aid. The possibility of conflice with Argentina + and possibly Peru ~ makes Chile desperately Gependent upon our gooswill and influence; Tf we sre skillful, a nejority of Chileans will understand end accept measures we Girect against # specifies target: Pinochet ane the security apparatus he created and misused, not the Chilean military as athole. Both our international standing and the interests of this Administration require priority be given the Letelser/Moftitt cate in our reletione with chile, our policy shoulé encompass: + Condemation of the handling of he case by the Chilean courts, which we had hoped might redeem thenselves to sone degree after yerre of passivity in the face of massive violation 3f Chilean law “+ Refusal to continue the gane of delay and defiance while Pinochet soaks to walt gut tie Carter Raniniseration, == Instruction to Anbastador Landau to inform the Government tnat we connot accept this ovtcone 1ot carry on normal Felatiors with @ regime Which harbors international terrorists, s+ Public declaration that ve hold Pinochet and nis security apparatus responsible for the Letelier/ Moffitt murders, based upon the full range of information (1.8, intelligence sources) available to + careful differentiation, public and private, between Our view of Pinochet and BINA, and our view of Fesponsible military governnent in Chile, w+ Institution of a series of steps to include indefi- nite withdrawal of the Asbassador, termination of 21a) Yeduetion of. ending of optional pesgrans suen ‘3 Peace’ Corps and the annual UNITAS naval exercise, eduction of Enbascy staff, presentation of the case to international fora, and’ coordination of sanctions: with other denocratic governnents so insiined. seems. oS — UNCLASSIFIED US Depetmentof State Cate No. 2016-07749 Dace. C06480861 Dats 02/12/2010 UNCLASSIFIED US. Deparment of State Case No, F-2016-07743 Dec Ne, CD6480661 Date: 02122018 = Holding out to the Chileans the prospect of repsir and definite inprovenent in our relations when and Af a "pore responsible" leadership is installed, and satisfactory measures aze taken to judge snd Bunigh Contreras, et, lie think it probable, if this policy is carefully thought fut and inplenented, that the pragnatic najority of the Chilean military, the Chilean Establishnent, and the still- Genoceatic majority of the Chilean people will accept the need. fang see the benefits of forcing Pinsenet to atep down, subeitting Contreras to a real trial (in chile), and noving ahead in closer cooperation with the U.S. undex a less controversial military leadership, Thus Chilean interests, end curs, will be (Gubsceibed in substance end diet ty[—] before departure for Manila as Inspector.) secaer aos we aan gies: mm iB UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of Site Case No. F-2016-07743 Dec No, CD5480861 Date 02/12/2018

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