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EXPERIMENT NO.: 4. To Study the Synchronization of an Alternator with an Infinite Bus by “Dark Lamp Methox!" . Theory Synchronizing is. the process of switching on of an alternator to another alternaw? or ou» bar, or conneeting two allcinators in parallel, without any interruption, The synchro-us; \W.ich is to be synchronized is called as an incoming machine. Certain conditions, which must be ful "led before synchronization can be carried out, are The terminal voltage of the incoming machine and the already running alternator 0: bus-bar= or infinite bus must be equal. 2. The frequency of the two voltage sources must be equal. 3. The slurce sequence must be same and there must be same phase to phase connection. Departure from the above conditions cause the appearance of current and power surges in the systeru, which are accompanied by undesirable electromechanical oscillations of the rotor Actually electricity supply of ‘a country or a state is fed by large number of alternators operating in parallel. The nuclear, thermal, hydro, gas and unconventional power plant are some ‘gevierating power stations. All these stations are far away from each other and are interconnected by Jong transwission lines, which is called as national grid. The reasons for interconnecting the alternators in parallel are: 1. Operating cost: With several units in parallel, the number of operating at a time can be disconnected or connected depending upon the electricity demand. In this manner, it is possible to operate the alternators near their full load with maximum efficiency, therefore reduced operating cost. A single unit will have to operate at a reduced load for certain periods of the day; consequently it has lower operating efficiency and therefore, increased operating costs. 2. Maintenance: For routine maintenance and inspection at the po-ver stations, a unit must be shut down for a certain period. Consequently, the cost of standby unit is much less when several units are installed, 3. Economy and Utility: The cost of generation is higher for suclear and lewer for hydro stations. The interconnection of all stations enables optimum: economy and utility depending on the shut down of the stations when electricity demand is less. 4. Continuity of Services: In case of a fault on any unit, it can be shut down for repairs and power supply can still be maintained continuous to the consumer with ike operation of other healthy stations. Infinite Bus: ‘A bus bar (national grid) which maintains constant voltage ari constant frequency irrespective of the load variations on it, is called as an infinite bus. A latge imam vor of alternators interconnected together to form a supply system, may be regarded as an infinite bs. An vufin‘te bus behaves like a voltage source having zero internal impedance and infinite rotsiones tnertia, The zero intemal impedance maintains the voltage constant and infinite inertio sre) di..s speed & frequency constant under load variations, The alternator switched on to or off, the .nti='t» bs, does not cause any change in the voltage and frequency of the system. Methods of Synchronization: There are three methods of synchronizing the alternators. 1. Dark Lamp Method 2. Bright Lamp Method 3. Synchroscope. 1. Dark Lamp Method: This is the simplest method synchronizing an incoming machine with another alternator or bus bars. Fig, 1. illustrates the connection scheme, where the lamps are connected across the synchronizing switch S). The incoming machine is run at synchronous speed and field current is adjusted in such a way that its terminal voltage becomes equal to infinite bus voltage. The frequency Prime Mover init Int Fig.1. Synchronizing by Dark Lamp Method 1 bus by adjusting the specd of prime mov If al of an incoming machine is made equal to infii ac conditions of synchronization are aitisfied, then all the lamps are dark, that’s vliy this rele an called as dark lamp method. Each time the voltages of R, Y, B of alternator and infinite bu: eoineide and the lamps are DARK. When the voltages are in ‘opposite, then the lamps are brightest, and the voltage across each lamp is 2xVpj- Therefore two lamps of 230volts may be connected in series. If the three lamps do not flicker in unison, the phase sequence will be improper. This can be ‘incoming machine or of infinite bus. rectified by interchanging any two leads either of 7 ips are in the middle of their dark The synchronizing switch S; is closed when the three lam riod. Pee" ye main advantage of this method is thatthe equipments are quite inexpensive and no phase -sequence indicator is required, Its disadvantages are: 1. ‘The lamps become dark at about one-third of their rated voltage. In view of this, there is @ possibilty of closing the switch S, even when there is a considerable voltage difference. This Soltage across the switch S; will give rise to flow of large current and power, due to which there may be undesirable rotor oscillations. 2, ‘This method does not indicate whether the incoming machine is running too fast or too slow However this ean be recified, With the increase of speed of the incoming machine, if ficken inereses te mens ht song mashine is cready rang fester an this 5 desirable. For synchronizing, decrease the speed of incoming machi : stay slowly and then close the switch S). a a ares ike With the increase of speed of the incoming machine, if flickering means that incoming machine is already running ae . ae then it synchronizing, inerease the speed of incoming machine ill there is no lame ficken sin, very slowly and then close the switch 8). 's no lamp flicker or flicker 2. Bright Lamp Method: In bright lamp method, terminals of two lamps on any side ie i bus side are interchanged. If all conditions of synchrorizafon ane seems machine or infini ¢ whose terminals ate interchanged, are BRIGHT and third lamp is dick Coyote" 0 lamps, of Switch S} is closed, Since the two lamps are bright, this method is cate et tS condition, tl Fig. 2. illustrates the connection scheme. The disadvantages of ¢ u the incoming machine is faster, then flickering sequence ofthe | machine is slower, then flickering sequence ofthe lamps is RYB. ny called as bright lamp method. a amp method are removed, If Ps is RBY and if the incoming Prime Mover Infinite Bus Fig2. Synchronizing by Bright Lamp Method 3. Synchroseope: Infinite Bus wo Fig. 3(a). Synchroscope oe Le B: Fig. 3(b). Synchror Synchroscope is an instrument, ited with a rotating pointer to indicate the correct instant of closing the switch 8}. If the pointer rotates anticlockwise, the incoming machine is running slow coe not desirable, Clockwise rotation of pointer indicates thatthe incoming machine is running sence Which is desirable. The pointer rotates at a speed proportional to the difference in the two frequencies. When the rotating pointer, with very stow speed, reaches the vertical position, in fast hon the switch must be closed. Ifthe difference in frequencies or speeds is large, then but oscillates. docs Tementary connection scheme by syachroscope is shown in Fig. 3(b).. Synchroscope 1a1 Bo (of infinite bus) should be connected to any pwo lines and is other termiicals: 8 Or ghine) are connected t0 the respective fines, Since synchroscope is @ » jcator is required to check phase sequence. phase-sequence indi ‘arried out if both the lamps and synchroscope are used together: ing by a synchroscope direction, pointer does not rotate terminals M2 (of incoming phase instrument, {synchronization is ' The best 7nejzation devies ae also available which perform the entire process, Automatic, 59! he help of shift engineer. automatically without coming machine squency of itl anc frequency oF machine is Practically, at the time of synchronization, the voli ane ton, Ne incoming ™ should be slightly more than that of infinite bus, Due 10°)" ato incoming machine may cy 1, the load of suddenly loaded. Due to suiden loading. the voltage a fo or sharin Jecrease and machine may operate as a motor, which is not Aes yperating as motor. infinite bus by operating as a gen: oad on infin 9, machine wets as 2. Cireuit Diagram LR, Main Switeh 3-Phase, 440V. SOHz Supply (Infinite Bus) 400,24 230 V DC Supply Fig. 4. Experimental set-up for Synchronizing of an Alternator r with it ee an Infinite Bus by 3. Apparatus Required ‘Synchronous Generator: Rating:......... DC shunt motor (Prime Mover): Rating. Lamp Bank and Synchronizing Switeh ‘AC Ammeter: One, 0-10 amps. AC Voltmeter: Two, 0-300 volts. Rheostat: Two, 400 2, 2 amps & 35 Q, Samps Tachometer or speedometer: One NOVA LR 4. Procedure + Make 2 Ser anes eomnection the field hen otas shown in Pig. 4 » point and armature 3 Of alternator to zero of minimum output voltags 3 ’aximum resistance point : Switches § i : Start DC mor Witches $), SR, SY and SB in open position and switch on DC supply 6. eS dina ie wnrt ured tl near to synchronous speed of the alternator Adjust the A Aupely tom infinite ns side and measure its voltage V1 Bees ie theostat af alternator such that it gives voltage V2 equal to VI, The error Fase the voltae can he removed i one volimeter used bank. All 7 SB_ and watch the changes in the GLOW pattern of the three lamp See eee the fully bright position at one instant and then slow!y £0 Ae repeats, If required, make small adjustment in excitation of the 4, {emnstor and speed of DC motr to et ong dark periods. ea a le of one such dark period, CLOSE switch $1, thus synchronizing the alternator ‘th the infinite bus. At the time of closing the switch Si, note the ammeter reading. It should be as small as possible. 5. Observations Note down the reading of ammeter. 6. Result and Conclusion vn alternator can be synchronized with the infinite bus. At the time of synchronization voltage and frequency of incoming altemator should be equal to that of infinite bus. The voltage of Ye incoming alternator should be in phase withthe infinite bus ‘voltage with respect to the extemal load. “The load on incoming altemator is ....-» AMPS.

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