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ओओ ओ ओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओ ओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ

ओओओओओओ ओ
ओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ
ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओ ओ ओ ओ

oṃ | brahmā devānāṃ prathamaḥ saṃbabhūva viśvasyakartā bhuvanasya goptā |

sa brahmavidyāṃ sarvavidyāpratiṣṭhāmatharvāya jyeṣṭhaputrāya prāha || 1 ||

1. Brahma was the first among the Devas, the creator of the universe, the protector of the world.
He taught the knowledge of Brahman, on which all knowledge rests, to his eldest son Atharva.

ओओओओओओओ ओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ

ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओ
ओ ओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओ ओ ओ

atharvaṇe yāṃ pravadeta brahmātharvā taṃ purovācāṅgire brahmavidyām |

sa bhāradvājāya satyavāhāya prāha bhāradvājo'ṅgirase parāvarām || 2 ||

2. That knowledge of Brahman which Brahma taught to Atharva, Atharva taught to Angira in
ancient days; and he taught it to one of the Bharadvaja family by name Satyavaha; and
Satyavaha taught to Angiras the knowledge so descended from the greater to the less.

ओओओओओ ओ ओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओ

ओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओ ओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओ ओ ओ ओ
śaunako ha vai mahāśālo'ṅgirasaṃ vidhivadupasannaḥ papraccha |
kasminnu bhagavo vijñāte sarvamidaṃ vijñātaṃ bhavatīti || 3 ||

3. Saunaka, a great grihasta, having duly approached Angiras, questioned him “What is that, O
Bhagavan which being known, all this becomes known.” bhagavo vijñāte sarvamidaṃ vijñātaṃ
bhavatīti || 3 ||

ओओओओओ ओ ओओओओओ ओ ओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओ ओओओ ओ ओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओ

ओओओओओओ ओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओ ओ ओ ओ

tasmai sa hovāca | dvevidye veditavye iti ha sma yadbrahmavido vadanti parā caivāparā ca || 4

4. To him he said “There are two sorts of knowledge to he acquired. So those who know the
Brahman say; namely, Para and Apara, i.e., the higher and the lower.
ओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओ ओओओओओ
ओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओ ओ
ओओ ओओओ ओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओ ओ ओ

tatrāparā ṛgvedo yajurvedaḥ sāmavedo'tharvavedaḥ śikṣā kalpo vyākaraṇaṃ niruktaṃ chando

jyotiṣamiti |
atha parā yayā tadakṣaramadhigamyate || 5 ||

5. Of these, the Apara is the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda, and the Atharva Veda,
the siksha, the code of rituals, grammar, nirukta, chhandas and astrology. Then the para is that
by which the immortal is known.

ओओओओओओओओओओओ ओ
ओओओओओओ ओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओ
ओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओ ओ ओ ओ

yattadadreśyamagrāhyamagotramavarṇamacakṣuḥśrotraṃ tadapāṇipādam |
nityaṃ vibhuṃ sarvagataṃ susūkṣmaṃ tadavyayaṃ yadbhūtayoniṃ paripaśyanti dhīrāḥ || 6 ||

6. That which cannot be perceived, which cannot be seized, which has no origin, which has no
properties, which has neither ear nor eye, which lias neither hands nor feet, which is eternal,
diversely manifested, all-pervading, extremely subtle, and undecaying, which the intelligent
cognized as the source of the Bhutas. (6)

ओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओ ओओा ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओ ओ

ओओओ ओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओओ ओओओओओओओ ओ ओ ओ
yathorṇanābhiḥ sṛjate gṛhṇate ca yathā pṛthivyāmoṣadhayaḥ saṃbhavanti |
yathā sataḥ puruṣātkeśalomāni tathā'kṣarātsaṃbhavatīha viśvam || 7 ||

7. As the spider creates and absorbs, as medicinal plants grow from the earth, as hairs grow
from the living person, so this universe proceeds from the immortal.

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