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Lecturer :

Desi Puspitasari, M.Pd.

Created by 2nd group :

Fanisa Rifda Saliimah (210917092)

Medika Ayu Agustin (210917101)
Otavia Damayanti (210917106)
Retnani Pupung M (210917090)
Satrio Al-Farizi (210917042)





1) Adistya (characteristics of a good sampling technique)

2) Ma’ruf
3) Radhea
4) Nafi


1.1.Background of paper

The field of inferential statistics enables you to make educated guesses about the
numerical characteristics of large groups. The logic of sampling gives you a way to test
conclusions about such groups using only a small portion of its members.
An important characteristic of inferential statistics is the process of going from the part to
the whole. For example, you might study a randomly selected group of 500 students
attending a university in order to make generalizations about the entire student body of that
university. The small group that is observed is called a sample, and the larger group about
which the generalization is made is called a population. A population is defined as all
members of any well-defined class of people, events, or objects. For example, in a study in
which students in American high schools constitute the population of interest, you could
define this population as all boys and girls
attending high school in the United States. A sample is a portion of a population. For
example, the students of Washington High School in Indianapolis constitute a sample of
American high school students.
Statistical inference is a procedure by means of which you estimate parameters
(characteristics of populations) from statistics (characteristics of samples). Such estimations
are based on the laws of probability and are best estimates rather than absolute facts. In
making any such inferences, a certain degree of error is involved. Inferential statistics can be
used to test hypotheses about populations on the basis of observations of a sample drawn
from the population.

1.2 Problem Formulation

A. What the definition of Population?

B. What the definition of Sample?
C. What are the sampling techniques?

1.3 Purpose of Paper

A. Knowing the definition of Population

B. Knowing the definition of Sample
C. Knowing the sampling techniques



population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people, events, or objects.
For example, in a study in which students in American high schools constitute the population of
interest, you could define this population as all boys and girls attending high school in the United


Sampling is a process of selecting samples from a group or population to become the

foundation for estimating and predicting the outcome of the population as well as to detect the
unknown piece of information. A sample is the sub-unit of the population involved in your
research work. For example, the students of Washington High School in Indianapolis constitute a
sample of American high school students.2



Probability sampling is defined as the kind of sampling in which every element in

the population has an equal chance of being selected. The possible inclusion of each
population element in this kind of sampling takes place by chance and is attained through
random selection. When probability sampling is used, inferential statistics enable
researchers to estimate the extent to which the findings based on the sample are likely to
differ from what they would have found by studying the whole population. The six types
of probability sampling most frequently used in educational research are simple random
sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, multi stage
sampling, and area Sampling.


Donald, Jacobs, Lucy Cheser., Sorensen, Christine K. Introduction to Research in Education. (Wadsworth: Cengage
Learning 2010), 148.

Easton, V. J. & McColl, J. H. Statistics Glossary: Sampling. (2007), 124.
The best known of the probability sampling procedures is simple random sampling.
The basic characteristic of simple random sampling is that all members of the population
have an equal and independent chance of being included in the random sample. The steps in
simple random sampling comprise the following:

1. Define the population.

2. List all members of the population.

3. Select the sample by employing a procedure where sheer chance determines which
members on the list are drawn for the sample.3

Example :
The owner of Company XYZ wants to know if his employs are satisfied with the quality
of food provided in the company.
 In this case, the target population is every person who works at the
company.Thus population is precisely defined, is specific and elements are
finite in number.
 The population is homogenousbecause people belonging to different
groups (age, sect, gender) are not very much likely to be different over the
 There are 1000 employs in the company.
 To draw a sample of 100 participants, the researcher uses an exhaustivelist
of the employs (it means the list contains the names of all the 1000
 He allots a number to each name.
 He now follows a computer generated table containing 100
numbersinbetween 1 to 1000.
 The participants whose names are corresponding to the selected numbers
are approached and investigated4

Still another form of probability sampling is called systematic sampling. This
procedure involves drawing a sample by taking every Kth case from a list of the

First, you decide how many subjects you want in the sample (n). Because you
know the total number of members in the population (N), you simply divide Nby n and
determine the sampling interval (K) to apply to the list. Select the first member randomly
from the first K members of the list and then select every Kth member of the population

Ibid, 150.
M.H. Alvi. A Manual for Selecting Sampling Techniques in Research. (2016), 17.
for the sample. For example, let us assume a total population of 500 subjects and a
desired sample size of 50: K= N/n= 500/50 = 10. Start near the top of the list so that the
first case can be randomly selected from the first 10 cases, and then select every tenth
case thereafter. Suppose the third name or number on the list was the first selected. You
would then add the sampling interval, or 10, to 3—and thus the 13th person falls in the
sample, as does the 23rd, and so on—and would continue adding the constant sampling
interval until you reached the end of the list.

Systematic sampling differs from simple random sampling in that the various choices are
not independent. Once the first case is chosen, all subsequent cases to be included in the
sample are automatically determined. If the original population list is in random order,
systematic sampling would yield a sample that could be statistically considered a
reasonable substitute for a random sample.
However, if the list is not random, it is possible that every Kth member of thepopulation
might have some unique characteristic that would affect the dependent variable of the
study and thus yield a biased sample. Systematic sampling from an alphabetical list, for
example, would probably not give a representative sample of various national groups
because certain national groups tend to cluster under certain letters, and the sampling
interval could omit them entirely or at least not include them to an adequate extent.
Note that the various types of probability sampling that have been discussed are not
mutually exclusive. Various combinations may be used. For example, you could use
cluster sampling if you were studying a very large and widely dispersed population. At
the same time, you might be interested in stratifying the sample to answer questions
regarding its different strata. In this case, you would stratify the population according to
the predetermined criteria and then randomly select the cluster of subjects from among
each stratum5

This procedure known as stratified random sampling is also a form of probability
sampling. To stratify means to classify or to separate people into groups according to
some characteristics, such as position, rank, income, education, sex, or ethnic background.
These separate groupings are referred to as subgroups. For a stratified random sample,
the population is divided into groups or strata.
A random sample is selected from each stratum based upon the percentage that
each subgroup represents in the population. Stratified random samples are generally more
accurate in representing the population than are simple random samples.
They also require more effort, and there is a practical limit to the number of strata used.
Because participants are to be chosen randomly from each stratum, a complete list of the
population within each stratum must be constructed. Stratified sampling is generally used
in two different ways. In one, primary interest is in the representativeness of the sample
for purposes of commenting on the population.
In the other, the focus of interest is comparison between and among the strata.

Ibid, 155.
Let’s look first at an example in which the population is of primary interest.
Suppose we are interested in the attitudes and opinions of university faculty in a certain
state toward faculty unionization. Historically, this issue has been a very controversial
one evoking strong emotions on both sides.Assume that there are eight universities in the
state, each with a different faculty size (faculty size = 500 + 800 + 900 + 1,000 + 1,400 +
1,600 + 1,800 + 2,000 = 10,000).
We could simply take a simple random sample of all 10,000 faculty and send
those in the sample a carefully constructed attitude survey concerning unionization. After
considering this strategy, we decide against it. Our thought is that universities of different
size may have marked differences in their attitudes, and we want to be sure that each
university will berepresented in the sample in proportion to its representation in the total
university population. We know that, on occasion, a simple random sample will not do


Cluster sampling (also known as one-stage cluster sampling) is a technique in which

clusters of participants that represent the population are identified and included in the
sample[1]. Cluster sampling involves identification of cluster of participants representing
the population and their inclusion in the sample group. This is a popular method in
conducting marketing researches.

The main aim of cluster sampling can be specified as cost reduction and increasing
the levels of efficiency of sampling. This specific technique can also be applied in
integration with multi-stage sampling.

A major difference between cluster and stratified sampling relates to the fact that in
cluster sampling a cluster is perceived as a sampling unit, whereas in stratified sampling
only specific elements of strata are accepted as sampling unit.

Accordingly, in cluster sampling a complete list of clusters represent the sampling

frame. Then, a few clusters are chosen randomly as the source of primary data.

Area or geographical sampling can be specified as the most popular version of cluster
sampling. Specifically, a specific area can be divided into clusters and primary data can
be collected from each cluster to represent the viewpoint of the whole area.

The pattern of cluster analysis depends on comparative size of separate clusters. If

there are no major differences between sizes of clusters, then analysis can be facilitated
by combining clusters. Alternatively, if there are vast differences in sizes of clusters
probability proportionate to sample size can be applied to conduct the analysis.\

Ibid, 19.

A method in which an area to be sampled is sub-divided into smaller blocks that are
then selected at random and then again sub-sampled or fully surveyed. This method is
typically used when a complete frame of reference is not available to be used.


Multistage sampling divides large populations into stages to make the sampling
process more practical. A combination of stratified sampling or cluster sampling and
simple random sampling is usually used.

Let’s say you wanted to find out which subjects U.S. school children preferred. A
population list — a list of all U.S. schoolchildren– would be near-impossible to come by,
so you cannot take a sample of the population. Instead, you divide the population into
states and take a simple random sample of states. For the next stage, you might take a
simple random sample of schools from within those states. Finally you could perform
simple random sampling on the students within the schools to get your sample. In order
to classify multistage sampling as probability sampling, each stage must involve a
probability sampling method.

In many research situations, the enumeration of the population elements—a basic
requirement in probability sampling—is difficult, if not impossible. Or a school principal
might not permit a researcher to draw a random sample of students for a study but would
permit use of certain classes. In these instances,
the researcher would use non probability sampling, which involves nonrandom
procedures for selecting the members of the sample. In non probability sampling, there is
no assurance that every element in the population has a chance of being included. Its
main advantages are convenience and economy. The major forms of non probability
sampling are convenience sampling, purposive sampling,quota sampling, panel sampling,
and snowball sampling.7


Convenience sampling, which is regarded as the weakest of all sampling

procedures, involves using available cases for a study. Interviewing the first individuals
you encounter on campus, using a large undergraduate class, using the students in your
own classroom as a sample, or taking volunteers to be interviewed in survey research are

Ibid. 155.
various examples of convenience sampling. There is no way (except by repeating the
study using probability sampling) of estimating the error introduced by the convenience
sampling procedures. Probability sampling is the ideal, but in practice, convenience
sampling may be all that is available to a researcher. In this case, a convenience sample is
perhaps better than nothing at all. If you do use convenience sampling, be extremely
cautious in interpreting the findings and know that you cannot generalize the findings.


In purposive sampling—also referred to as judgment sampling—sample elements

judged to be typical, or representative, are chosen from the population. The assumption is
that errors of judgment in the selection will counterbalance one another. Researchers
often use purposive sampling for forecasting national elections. In each state, they choose
a number of small districts whose returns in previous elections have been typical of the
entire state. They interview all the eligible voters in these districts and use the results to
predict the voting patterns of the state. Using similar procedures in all states, the pollsters
forecast the national results. The critical question in purposive sampling is the extent to
which judgment can be relied on to arrive at a typical sample. There is no reason to
assume that the units judged to be typical of the population will continue to be typical
over a period of time. Consequently, the results of a study using purposive sampling may
be misleading. Because of its low cost and convenience, purposive sampling has been
useful in attitude and opinion surveys. Be aware of the limitations, however, and use the
method with extreme caution.


Quota sampling involves selecting typical cases from diverse strata of a population.
The quotas are based on known characteristics of the population to which you wish to
generalize. Elements are drawn so that the resulting sample is a miniature approximation
of the population with respect to the selected characteristics.

Here are the steps in quota sampling:

1. Determine a number of variables, strongly related to the question under investigation,
to be used as bases for stratification. Variables such as gender, age, education, and social
class are frequently used.2. Using census or other available data, determine the size of
each segment of the population.
3. Compute quotas for each segment of the population that are proportional to the size of
each segment.
4. Select typical cases from each segment, or stratum, of the population to fill the quotas.

In snowball sampling researchers identify a small number of individuals who
have the characteristics in which they are interested. These people are then used as
informants to identify. This method is useful for sampling a population where access is
difficult, maybe because it is a sensitive topic, where communication networks are
undeveloped, or where an outside researcher has difficulty in gaining access to schools.
The task for the researcher is to establish who are the critical or key informants with
whom initial contact must be made.


Panel sampling is the method of first selecting a group of participants through a random
sampling method and then asking that group for (potentially the same) information several
times over a period of time. Therefore, each participant is interviewed at two or more time
points; each period of data collection is called a "wave". Panel sampling can also be used to
inform researchers about within-person health changes due to age or to help explain changes
in continuous dependent variables such as spousal interaction. There have been several
proposed methods of analyzing panel data, including MANOVA, growth curves,
and structural equation modeling with lagged effects.8

Louis Cohen dkk., Research Methods in Education. (London & New York: Routledge, 2007), 116.


A population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people, events,

or objects. Sampling is a process of selecting samples from a group or population to
become the foundation for estimating and predicting the outcome of the population as
well as to detect the unknown piece of information

The sampling techniques are Probability sampling non probability sampling. The
six types of probability sampling most frequently used in educational research are simple
random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, multi stage
sampling, and area Sampling.

the researcher would use non probability sampling, which involves nonrandom
procedures for selecting the members of the sample. In non probability sampling, there is
no assurance that every element in the population has a chance of being included. Its
main advantages are convenience and economy. The major forms of non probability
sampling are convenience sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling, panel sampling,
and snowball sampling.

Ary, Donald., Jacobs, Lucy Cheser., Sorensen, Christine K. Introduction to Research in

Education. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning. 2010.

Easton, V. J. & McColl, J. H. Statistics Glossary: Sampling. 2007. [Electronic

Version ]

M.H. Alvi. A Manual for Selecting Sampling Techniques in Research. 2016.

Louis Cohen dkk., Research Methods in Education. London & New York: Routledge,

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