Laboratory Experiment

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Ateneo de Davao University

Jacinto St., Davao City

Experiment Number 2 – Anemometer

A Laboratory Report
Submitted as a Requirement on Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

Submitted by:
Abogado, John William
Arila, Ruel Jr
Descalsota, John Paul
Masumpad, Mark Anthony
Sangcal, Rabbinald

Submitted to:
Engr. Eva Marie C. Mendoza

12 December 2018
Chemical Engineering Department

Unit Operations Laboratory 2

Name of Students:
Abogado, John William G.
Arila, Ruel Jr. J.
Descalsota, John Paul M.
Masumpad, Mark Anthony S.
Sangcal, Rabbinald A.



Evaluation Reports Ratings

1. Does the result section 0 2 4 6 8 10
contain the essence of the
2. Does the report show 0 2 4 6 8 10
understanding of technical
and calculation work?
3. Does the report show 0 2 4 6 8 10
understanding of relevant
theory especially in the
discussion section?
4. Is the report technically 0 2 4 6 8 10
correct and complete in its
5. What is the level of 0 2 4 6 8 10
presentation (clarity,
grammar, spelling, text,
tables, illustrations, exhibits
and charts?)
6. Is the report on time? 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

Total Points: _____________

GRADE: _____________

An anemometer is a device used to measure the speed of airflow in the atmosphere. In this
experiment, the velocity of the air coming from the electric fan was varied from one to three speed
reading and from an air compressor at different throttling levels. It was then recorded using an
anemometer. From the results, it showed that the electric fan released higher velocity and volumetric
despite of having lower power rating compared to the air compressor. This is attributed to the mechanism
of the air compressor and its exhaust.

I. Objectives

a.) To measure the velocity of air coming from an electric fan at different speed ratings.
b.) To measure the velocity of air coming from an air compressor at different throttling levels.
c.) To calculate the volumetric flow rate for both fan and compressor.

II. Theoretical Background

Determining the velocity of gaseous substances has become important part of a multitude of
processes in most industries that are known to be dealing with gaseous materials. An example of these
industries is the industrial gas manufacturing industry. In these industries, gas velocity, volumetric flow
rate, pressure, temperature are extremely significant factors in the overall operation. The device used to
measure gas velocity and volumetric flow rate is called an anemometer. One of the initial applications of
anemometers in the industry is weather prediction. This is due to the fact that weather patterns are
greatly related to the wind velocity. With the anemometer, the wind velocity can be readily taken and
compared to the established weather patterns. In industries where the use of natural processes such as
natural sun drying or air drying is involved, being aware of the change of weather such as if there is a
storm coming, will surely help in optimizing operations in the plant and avoiding additional costs. As a
chemical engineer, it is important to know how to measure and understand the effect of high velocity or
low velocity on whatever gasses are present in industries.

Anemometers are instruments that are used for the measurement of the velocity of gas. Although
originally used in measuring wind speed, the anemometer has been developed to be used in industrial
applications. This equipment is highly used in the field of engineering in determining mass and volumetric
flow rates of gases, specifically those that are ejected through smokestacks and flues.
In this experiment, the objectives are to determine the velocity of air from an electric fan and air
compressors at different speed/throttling levels and calculate the volumetric flow rate for both
equipment. The important parameters that are recorded in this experiment include the velocity reading
taken from the anemometer, air temperature, vane diameter of the electric fan, power rating of the air
compressor, and the speed/level rating of the two equipment. In this experiment, it is expected that at
the levels of measurement, the air velocity from the electric fan would be greater than that of the air
compressor. With this, it is also expected that the volumetric flow rate of air from the electric fan would
be greater than that of the air compressor.
III. Materials and Objectives

Figure 2.1 Thermo Anemometer Figure 2.2 Electric Wall Fan

Figure 2.3 Air Compressor Figure 2.4 Ruler

IV. Procedure

The anemometer was turned on by pressing the power button and adjust the units of
measurement to m/s using the unit button. Afterwards, the fan was turned on at its first speed
rating. The anemometer was placed in front of the fan and wait for approximately 4 seconds until
a stable reading was obtained. This data was recorded, and the process was repeated for four
trials. The fan was then placed at its second and third speed reading and the entire process was
repeated. To ensure the most accurate results, the anemometer was placed within 20° of the
wind direction.

This process was repeated on the air compressor. The compressor was turned on and the throttle
was opened by ¼ of a turn. The anemometer was placed in front of the exhaust of the air
compressor and was adjusted until the maximum reading was obtained. This was repeated for
four trials. This process was also repeated at the throttle ½ and ¾ open.
V. Results and Discussion

Table 2.1 Electric Wall Fan

Vane Diameter 16 inches (0.4064 m)
Air Temperature 28.7 °C
Wind Velocity (m/s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
Speed 1 4.1 4.4 4.3 4.3
Speed 2 4.7 4.9 4.7 4.9
Speed 3 5.4 5.5 5.7 5.8

Table 2.2 Air Compressor

Power Rating 0.75 kW
Exhaust Pipe Diameter 19 cm
Air Temperature 28.7 °C
Wind Velocity (m/s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
¼ Turn 1.8 2.3 1.8 1.9
½ Turn 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.2
¾ Turn 3.3 3.1 2.5 2.7

Table 2.3 Summary of Data

ELECTRIC Average Volumetric AIR Average Volumetric
WALL FAN Speed Flow Rate COMPRESSOR Speed Flow Rate
(m/s) (cu. m/s) (m/s) (cu. m/s)
Speed 1 4.275 2.218 ¼ open 1.95 0.221
Speed 2 4.8 2.491 ½ open 2.325 0.264
Speed 3 5.6 2.91 ¾ open 2.9 0.329

In this experiment, we have compared the data of the volumetric output of the electric wall fan
and the air compressor. Our results show that the electric fan emits both a higher wind speed and
volumetric flow rate, despite the air compressor having a higher power rating.

This is because most of the pressure and air released by the compressor is not released at the
exhaust but on the drain port, as seen on the mechanism below. The flow rate of air that we are measuring
is in fact the exhaust for the air cleaner, which expels the possible dust and contaminants that have been
vacuumed into the compressor tank. As the throttle valve is opened, more air is sucked into the tank,
which means that more air must be expelled at the air cleaner. The exhaust of the air compressor is also
significantly smaller than the electric fan (nearly half as big in diameter), which meant that our expected
value for volumetric flow rate is lower than the fan.
Figure 2.5 Mechanism of Air Compressor

VI. Conclusion

a.) The velocity of air coming from the electric wall fan at speeds one, two, and three are 4.275,
4.800, and 5.600 m/s, respectively.
b.) The velocity of air coming from air compressor at the throttle valve being ¼, ½, and ¾ open are
1.950, 2.325, and 2.900 m/s, respectively.
c.) The volumetric flow rate of the electric wall fan at speed one, two, and three are 2.218, 2.491,
and 2.910 m3/s, while that of the air compressor at the throttle valve being ¼, ½, and ¾ open are
0.221, 0.264, and 0.239 m3/s, respectively.

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