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The 3 Idiots Reflection

This movie is amazing! There are lot of moral values that you'll

get in the story. It teaches people to never lose passion and

pursue their dreams whatever it takes. It also shows how learning

environment affect to the learners negatively and positively.

In the movie, Mr. Viru Shahrabuddhe sticks in doctrinal method

of teaching and later on changed it. He exhibit that teacher do

fail. Even though, he has high intellectual capabilities and

still doesn't know everything. As a teacher, we should stay

humble at all times. We tend to make mistakes and we should

accept it even though it would hurt our pride.

Teachers are a role model to the learners. We should promote

openness for them to be comfortable to participate in class,

share their ideas and become creative. There are teachers that

is bookish they only depend the answers on the book, they are

not considering the ideas of their learners which is for me, it

is a wrong practice. Each of us is unique. We have different

point of views. There are people who is direct to the point.

There are some uses flowering words which is sometimes we

misinterpret them. For us to understand, we need to ask questions

to proved. Also we should not pressure our learners to deliver

their requirements on time, we must give them more time on

their complicated projects so that they can relax and enjoy

their assignments. And will be more creative because the most

important thing is they'll learned from it. Learning should not

be complicated and difficult.

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