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Lesson Plan

Song Lyrics

Identity of School: SMAS Cendana Mandau

School Subject : English

Class/Semester : XII/1

Lesson Material : Song Lyrics

Time : 4 x 45 minutes

A. Core Competency
 KI-1 and KI-2: Comprehend and apply religion knowledge. Comprehend and apply the
behaviors of honest, discipline, polite, caring (group-work, tolerance, peaceful), responsible,
responsive, and pro-active in interacting , responsive, and pro-active in interacting effectively
according to children development in the environment of family, school, society and nature, race,
nation, regional and international area.
 KI 3: Comprehend, apply, and analyze factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive
knowledge based on the curiosity about knowledge, technology, art, culture, and human with
humane, nationality, citizenship, and civilization related to the cause of phenomenon and events,
also apply procedural knowledge in specific fields according to their talent and interests to solve
the problems.
 KI4: To process, imply, and present in the concrete and abstract field related to the learned
development at school independently, act effectively and creatively, also are able to use the
methods based on the knowledge rules.
B. Basic Competency and Achievement Indicator

Basic Competency Achievement Indicator

3.7 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur To develop students’ ability to listen for gist and
kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan detail in a song, through the context of childhood
4.7 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual To develop students’ speaking skills in relation to
terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan memories of childhood
lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

C. Learning Outcomes
By completing this activities and stating information about personal data, educational background/
working experience, according to its contextual using, having the behaviors of honest, discipline,
polite, caring (group-work, tolerance, peaceful), responsible, responsive, and pro-active in
interacting, responsive, and pro-active in interacting effectively, students will be able to:
 Listen for gist and detail in a song, through the context of childhood.
 Develop speaking skills in relation to memories of childhood.

D. Materials of subject
This lesson plan is based on the song “We’re Going to Be Friends” by the White Stripes. Here
are the lyrics:

Fall is here, hear the yell

Back to school, ring the bell
Brand new shoes, walking blues
Climb the fence, book and pens
I can tell that we are gonna be friends
I can tell that we are gonna be friends

Walk with me, Suzy Lee

Through the park, by the tree
We will rest upon the ground
And look at all the bugs we’ve found
Safely walk to school without a sound
Safely walk to school without a sound

Well here we are, no one else

We walked to school all by ourselves
There’s dirt on our uniforms
From chasing all the ants and worms
We clean up and now it’s time to learn
We clean up and now it’s time to learn

Numbers, letters, learn to spell

Nouns and books, and show and tell
At playtime we will throw the ball
Back to class, through the hall
Teacher marks our height against the wall
Teacher marks our height against the wall

And we don’t notice any time pass

We don’t notice anything
We sit side by side in every class
Teacher thinks that I sound funny
But she likes the way you sing

Tonight I’ll dream while I’m in bed

When silly thoughts go through my head
About the bugs and alphabet
And when I wake tomorrow I’ll bet
That you and I will walk together again
I can tell that we are gonna be friends
Yes, I can tell that we are gonna be friends
E. Learning Methods:
1) Approach : Scientific
2) Model Pembelajaran : Model of Think-Pair-Share Model, Group Investigation Model
3) Methods : Q & A, interview, discussion
F. Learning Media
1. Media
 Worksheet)
 Score sheets
 Board markers, squares of white paper, tape
2. Instruments:
 Whiteboard, board markers
 Laptop & infocus
G. Sumber Belajar
 Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Kemendikbud, Revisi
Tahun 2017
 English dictionary

H. Steps of teaching-learning process

1st meeting (Think-Pair-Share Model)
Pre-activities (10 minutes):
 Observe and lead the students behavior to focus on and be ready to study.
 Begin the teaching-learning process by greeting, praying, checking the attendance list.
 Tell shortly the purpose of the teaching-learning process which will be achieved
Whilst-activities (70 minutes):
a. Lead-in to Set the Context of Childhood (8 minutes)
 Tell students what you liked doing as a child.
 Students talk to a partner about what they liked doing, then gather feedback as a class.
 Students write down three things they can remember doing as a child and stick the
paper on the back of their chair.

b. Practice Listening for Gist (First Listening)
Time: 6 minutes
 Set the gist task by writing the following on the board: “Do the boy and girl like each
other? Why?”
 Tell the students they do not need to write anything, only listen and think about the
questions as they listen to the song.
 Solicit feedback as a group and write ideas on the board.
c. Practice Scan Listening (Second Listening)
Time: 8 minutes
 Give students a worksheet with a set of words (alternatively you can use pictures). As
students listen to the song they need to put the words in chronological order, by
numbering them.

o Numbers and letters
o Singing
o Climb the fence
o Tree
o Bell
o Sleep
 Students check their answers with a partner before going over answers as a group.
d. Detailed Comprehension Task
Time: 10 minutes
 Give students a worksheet with a set of true or false statements. Allow them time to read
through the statements first before listening.

o The children are at home. T / F

o We know the friend’s name. T / F

o The children play with insects in the park.
T / F

o Their clothes are clean when they get to school.
T / F

o The boy and girl sit next to each other in the classroom.
T / F

o The boy thinks they will go to school together again the next day.
T / F
 Afterwards, collect feedback as a group, asking students why they’ve chosen true or
e. Free Speaking Activity
Time: 8 minutes
 Refer students back to the three memories on the back of their chairs.
 Explain that they are going to find people in the class who have the same or similar
memories, and people whose memories are very different. Students get up and mingle,
telling people about their memories.
 Collect feedback in a discussion.
Gist, scan and detailed tasks are a logical step-by-step way to enable students to understand the
lyrics and meaning of a song.
Post-activities (10 minutes)

 Conclude the materials as the confirmation about the social function, text structure, and language
features of song lyrics..
 Give homework to students.
 Give advice and tips to motivate students.

2nd meeting (Group Investigation Model)

Pre-activities (10 minutes):

 Observe and lead the students behavior to focus on and be ready to study.
 Begin the teaching-learning process by greeting, praying, checking the attendance list.
 Tell shortly the purpose of the teaching-learning process which will be achieved.
Whilst-activities (70 minutes):
 Students are split up to some small group consisting of 4 members.
 Teacher stimulates students to search some musicians whose songs they adore.
 The groups choose a musician they want to learn more about and feature in a presentation
to the class.
 Teacher leads students to a library or computer lab. Use whatever technology is available.
 Once groups choose the musician they want to focus on, give them enough time to compile the
needed resources outside class.
 Teacher sets parameters. For example, specify that students should find two biographies,
two music reviews, and three live performance videos by the musician.
 Groups present about their chosen musician in front of class.

 Teacher gives other students in the class something to do by providing a small feedback slip
and collect them at the end of each of the presentations.
 Teacher gives them to the presenter, who appreciates receiving feedback from peers.
Post-activities (10 minutes)

 Conclude the materials as the confirmation about the two biographies, two music reviews, and
three live performance videos by the musician.
 Give homework to students.
 Give advice and tips to motivate students.
I. Evaluation
1. Attitude
 Observation scoring
Based on the daily observation of the students’ attitude and behavior, either related to the
learning or general process by the teacher.
 Self-evaluation
Students are given an opportunity to evaluate their own ability. In order to keep the objective
evaluation, teacher is supposed to explain the aim of this evaluation, define which competency
will be evaluated, the evaluation criteria, and formulate the scoring. In short, teacher provide
the format itself.
 Peer-evaluation
It is done by asking other students to evaluate their friends. In order to keep the objective
evaluation, teacher is supposed to explain the aim of this evaluation, define which competency
will be evaluated, the evaluation criteria, and formulate the scoring. In short, teacher provide
the format itself.
 Journal evaluation
2. Cognitive evaluation
3. Psychomotor evaluation
 Presentation
 production
 portofolio.
4. Enrichment
For those who have completed the target of the lesson before the allocated time, they will be given the
Duri, July 2019
Approved by
Headmaster of SMAS Cendana Mandau Teacher,


NOPEG: 91663 NOPEG : 97714

Headmaster’s Notes:

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