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Sand and gravel are widely used in construction industry. It is known to be the third most

used natural resource after air and water. Also, sand is considered as non-renewable resource which

are renewed slowly but the rate at which they are consumed is too fast. According to Greenfacts,

the world’s use of aggregates for concrete can be estimated as 25.9 billion to 29.6 billion tons a

year for 2012 alone. Today, the extraction of sand and gravel increases up to 40 billion metric tons

every year for construction industry, glass manufacturing, and other uses such as land reclamation

or oil exploration. Sand extraction gives negative effects in our environment and it is happening

worldwide. It has great impacts on biodiversity, land losses, infrastructures, climate, landscape and

hydrological function. There are options to reduce such problem, one of it is the reduction of

consumption of sand by optimizing existing infrastructure with the use of alternative construction

materials like wood.

According to Country STAT Philippines, as of 2016 rice grain (palay) production in Bicol

region was recorded at 1,275,492 metric tons. Which turns out that rice grain (palay) to be leading

crop with share of 26.43 percent, placing the region in the fifth rank. Due to this, it provides as a

great source of rice husk. Rice husk is a particle which is separated from rice grain during milling

process, it is described as light in weight, yellowish in color and having convex in shape. Also,

rice husk have distinctive characteristics such as a good insulation material because it does not

burn and decompose easily since it is rich in silica content. It is also known for its beneficial uses,

like its efficiency as insulation material. In construction, it is ideal to use as an additive in

composites like particle boards, because of its silica content it helps to strengthen materials which

is the reason that rice husk has a great demand in the production of cement and concrete mixes.

In regards to this, concrete hollow blocks play a significant role in construction industry.

And sand is its main component. It is widely used for walls in the Philippines because of its

durability, fire resistance, partial resistance to sound, thermal insulation and high speed of

construction. Concrete hollow block is a precast concrete which is formed and hardened before it

will brought to the construction site. The raw materials used in making concrete hollow blocks are

powdered Portland cement, water, sand, and stone chips. The demand for this building material is

always high in all cities and other urban centers due to construction of residential apartments,

commercial buildings and industrial buildings.

In relation, the researchers come up with the idea of making rice husk wastes as an

aggregate replacing sand in making concrete hollow blocks. The researchers aim to determine the

effects of rice husk as partial replacement for fine aggregate in the compressive strength of

concrete hollow block which can give a comparable result.

Background of the Study

The Filipinos are among the world’s biggest rice consumers. The average Filipino

consumes about 100 kilograms per year of rice. Bicol Region consumes 8% of the country’s rice

consumption according to the Asia Rice Foundation (ARF). Consumption of rice is increasing at

an average of two percent per year. With the population of the Philippines already exceeding the

80 million-mark, rice will resume to be grown and should meet production with corresponding

hike in population.

Additionally, rice husk is a proceeding by-product of rice milling and deposits for about

20% of the rice production. The country also has more than 12,000 rice mills throughout the

country. These processing centers are the point sources of rice husk each year. Therefore, in recent

years, engineers and researchers can observe a growing interest in the use of rice husk in

engineering applications (Baconguis, S.)

On the other hand, the challenge of the scarcity of our natural resource, sand is extremely

notable. According to the studies, sand and gravel are the two most extracted materials in the

world, even beyond fossil fuels and biomass. Primarily, sand is used as constituents for roads,

concrete, and land reclamation, beach re-nourishment and shale gas extraction. For this reason we

are experiencing the shortage of our natural resource which is now a major problem that gives

great impact in our environment.

In order to solve this problem there are options to be considered one of them is the use of

alternatives in building construction such as wood. Furthermore, the demand for eco-friendly and

durable innovations are highly at stake. Researchers are searching for alternative uses of

agricultural wastes such as rice husk which has global warming potential.

The main reason of the conduct of this study is the availability of excessive agricultural

wastes such as rice husk in Camarines Norte. The use of rice husk as partial replacements in

making construction materials has been popular nowadays in engineering industry. In order to

make a concrete hollow block, this study will examine its mechanical property such as the

compressive strength of the concrete by the use of rice husk as partial replacement for fine

aggregate. The determination of the test for compressive strength of concrete is required in

investigating its maximum capacity. With this concept, the efficiency of concrete hollow block

using rice husk as partial replacement to sand can be the best option.


Generally, this study aims to determine the effects of rice husk as partial replacement for

fine aggregate in the compressive strength of concrete hollow block.

Specifically, this study seeks:

1. To determine the physical properties of rice husk in terms of:

a. Specific gravity

b. Water absorption

c. Bulk density

2. To determine the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks at different percentages

of rice husk.

3. To determine the significant difference in compressive strength at different percentages of

rice husk.

4. To determine what percentage of rice husk that will yield the highest compressive strength.

Statement of the Problem

In general, the purpose of this study is to determine the compressive strength of concrete

hollow blocks using rice husk as partial replacement for fine aggregates.

Particularly, the paper aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the physical properties of rice husk in terms of:

a. Specific gravity

b. Water absorption

c. Bulk density

2. What will be the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks at different percentages

of rice husk?

a. 0%

b. 5%

c. 10%

d. 15%

e. 30%

3. Is there a significant difference in compressive strength at different percentages of rice


4. What is the optimum percentage of rice husk that can generate the highest compressive


Statement of the Hypothesis

In relation to this study, the following hypotheses are being raised:

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the compressive strength of concrete

hollow blocks at different percentages of rice husk.


Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant difference between the compressive strength of concrete

hollow blocks at different percentages of rice husk.

Significance of the Study

The study will focus in the investigation of the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks using rice husk as partial replacement for fine aggregate. Moreover, the result of the study

will be beneficial to the following:

Province of Camarines Norte. This study may yield opportunity for the province to

cultivate income generating projects from the concept of using rice husk as alternative component

in production of hollow blocks.

Engineers and Construction Industry. The result of the study may provide an efficient

concrete hollow blocks that may serve as an alternative building construction material.

Environment. This study also serves as a tool to have environmentally benign surroundings.

This will also serve as a guide to make something useful out of discarded waste.

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as guide for future researchers

who want to conduct experiments which are or related to this study.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on the determination of the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks using rice husk as partial replacement for fine aggregate. The study will be conducted at

Camarines Norte State College during the 1st semester of the academic year 2018-2019.

The researchers will limit their experiment to four treatments only applied on the sample

which are (0%-100%, 5%-95%, 10%-90% and 15%-85%, Rice Husk and Sand). The researchers

will use 5% solution of sodium hydroxide for the treatment of the rice husks. Also, they limit with

the use of fine aggregates only. For the curing process, concrete hollow blocks will go through 7

days of curing. The study also will focus only on the compressive strength of non-load bearing

concrete hollow blocks.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally for better apprehension of the study.

Compressive Strength. Ability of a material to withstand from breaking due to compression.

Concrete Hollow Block (CHB). A masonry block, rectangular in shape usually used for

walling purposes. It can be a load bearing or non-load bearing building material. It is used in the

study as the experimental object.

Curing. A process used for preserving the ingredient for stronger and long life of the material.

Rice Husk. A component used in the study as partial replacement for fine aggregate.

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Also called as caustic soda which is used for the treatment of

the rice husk.

Workability. The compressive strength of the specimen based on the test method used. It

signifies that rice husk can be a partial replacement for fine aggregate.

Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The machine used to test the compressive strength of

concrete hollow block.



Project Profile on Cement Concrete Hollow Blocks. (N.D.). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from

Humanitarian Shelter Working Group. (2014, October). Retrieved from

Concrete Block. (2007). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from


Priya (2016, June 18). Top Advantages of using Hollow Blocks in Construction [Blog post].
Retrieved from

Country STAT Philippines. (2018). Retrieved from

Myanmar Insider. (2016, February). Retrieved from


Green Facts. (2014). Retrieved from


Greentumble. (2018, January). Retrieved from




This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth

search done by the researchers.

In pursuance to obtain the superlative concrete hollow blocks, the elements that compose

the concrete hollow blocks must be evaluated. Rice husk, sand, cement, water and their

corresponding relationships with each other are tackled.

Review of Related Literature

The following related literatures will be used as reference in conducting this research


Concrete Hollow Blocks

One of the most broadly used walling materials in the Philippines are the concrete hollow

blocks (CHB). It is because of their relative low cost when compared to other materials and speed

of installation by semi-skilled workers. CHB walls are very weak against lateral loads such as the

pushing or pulling forces from typhoon or earthquake. Addition of steel bar reinforcement

vertically and horizontally inside the CHBs can increase their resistance to lateral loads

(Humanitarian Shelter Working Group, 2014).


The standard size of hollow blocks used in the Philippines are the following: 40cm (length)

x 20 cm (width) x 4 in (thickness) and 40cm (length) x 20 cm (width) x 6 in (thickness). This is

normally utilize for building small house floor plans or small bungalow in the Philippines.

The concrete commonly used to make concrete blocks is a mixture of powdered Portland

cement, water, sand, and gravel. This produces a light gray block with a fine surface texture and a

high compressive strength. A typical concrete block weighs 17.2-19.5 kg. In general, the concrete

mixture used for blocks has a higher percentage of sand and a lower percentage of gravel and water

than the concrete mixtures used for general construction purposes. This produces a very dry, stiff

mixture that holds its shape when it is removed from the block mold.

Rice Husk

Rice husk is the covering layer that is enclosing a rice grain. It is formed from hard. It is

formed from hard materials, including silica and lignin, to protect the seed during the growing

season. It is a yellowish color and has a convex shape. It is slightly larger than a grain of rice, thus

lengths up to 7mm are possible. Typical dimensions are 4mm by 6mm. It is lightweight, having a

ground bulk density of 340kg/m3 to 400kg/ m3 ( Pte Ltd, 2013).

Utilization of the Rice Husk

Rice husk is long viewed an agricultural waste from the rice milling process and is often

dumped or burned. But because it can be easily collected and is cheap, some amount of rice husk

has always been used as an energy source for small applications, such as for brick production, for

steam engines and gasifiers used to power rice mills, and for generating heat for rice dryers. The

high silica content of rice husk ash makes it a good additive for the steel and concrete industries.

To a lesser degree, rice husk ash is used as soil conditioner, activated carbon, insulator, and others.

RH an important material for a wide range of manufacturing and application oriented

processes. Easy availability and low price of rice husk in rice producing countries is an extra

benefit towards the use of this material. Despite having high potential and suitability in so many

well established uses, use of rice husk has been limited. In the competitive market, proper

utilization of rice husk and its ash will benefit industrial sectors (Kumar, et al., 2012)


Sand is any material composed of loose, stony grains between 1/16 mm and 2 mm in

diameter. Larger particles are categorized as gravel, smaller particles are categorized as silt or clay.

Sands are usually created by the breakdown of rocks, and are transported by wind and water, before

depositing to form soils, beaches, dunes, and underwater fans or deltas. Deposits of sand are often

cemented together over time to form sandstones.

Sand is used to fill the voids between coarse aggregate. Also, it helps to increase

workability of concrete. It indirectly helps to increase strength of concrete. Hence, sand provides

bulk to the concrete.

Sand as Fine Aggregate

Sand is considered as a fine aggregate. Fine aggregates are those particles passing 3/8 in

sieve, almost entirely passing the no. 4 sieve and is frequently retained in the no. 200 sieve. It acts

as a workability agent (Jamal, 2017).

Alkaline Treatment

According to the Fiber Technology for Fiber-Reinforced Composites, alkaline treatment

of cellulosic fibers in polymer matrices is a common method to modify the fibers in order to

remove the lignin, waxes, and, more importantly the hemicelluloses. By the use of alkaline

treatment the adhesion between the fibers and the polymer matrix is enhanced. It is also simple

and a cheap technique. It also said that not only it enhanced the fiber-matrix adhesion but also the

texture of fibers which results to rougher fiber topography. Also, some studies used alkali-treated

fibers resulted to have better reinforcement properties than untreated ones. They also state that as

adhesion was improved some property of the composite such as the tensile and flexural

characteristics will improve also.

Review of Related Studies

According to the study of Obilade, I.O. (2014), “Experimental Study on Rice Husk as Fine

Aggregates in Concrete”, they used rice husk as a replacement for sand by weight and by volume.

The percentage replacement was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% and they adopted a mix ratio

of 1:2:4 by weight and volume respectively. Compressive strength was obtained on hardened

150mm concrete cubes after 7, 14 and 28 days of curing and the Compacting Factor test was carried

out on fresh concrete. The bulk densities and compressive strengths of the volume-batched

concrete produced by the volume replacement of sand by rice husk are higher than that produced

by weight replacement. In their study, it showed that there is high potential of use of rice husk as

fine aggregate in the production of lightweight concrete.

Rice husk has been used directly or in the form of ash either as a value added material for

manufacturing and synthesizing new materials or as a low cost substitute material for modifying

the properties of existing products. Presence of silica is an additional advantage in comparison to

other byproduct materials which makes RH an important material for a wide range of

manufacturing and application oriented processes. Easy availability and low price of rice husk in

rice producing countries is an extra benefit towards the use of this material. Despite having high

potential and suitability in so many well established uses, use of rice husk has been limited.

(Mistry, 2016).

In the study of Sisman, C.B., (2011), they investigated the effects of rice husk on the

concrete properties for farm buildings. Concrete with a dosage of 300 was produced by adding

various amounts of rice husk into the normal aggregate (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30%). According to

the experimental results, the compressive strengths and unit weights of the concrete ranged

between 17.6 and 37.5 MPa and between 1797 and 2268kg/m3, respectively. The concrete water

absorption rates were below 5.5%. In conclusion, rice husk had potential as a material to produce

lightweight concrete when considering its strength, resistance and insulation properties, and to be

used in agricultural buildings.

The study of Dela Cruz, Golechong and Murillo (2014), they determine the effects of

Bambusa blumeana fibers in the Load Bearing Capacity of Concrete Hollow Blocks which was

focused to increase the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks by having a Bambusa

blumeana fiber as an admixture. The study was carried out by testing a series of concrete hollow

blocks with and without bamboo fibers and difference in each specimen tested was showed by the

analysis. The suitability and applicability of curing of specimens were not necessary for concrete

hollow blocks. The initial conclusions described the strength of the 14th day specimen and the

28th day specimen. It has been observed that the compressive strength of the Concrete Hollow

blocks reached its maximum at the time where there is a 5% Bambusa blumeana fiber added in it.

The compressive strength dripped down at Bambusa blumeana fiber content >5%. Also, there was

a 17% average increase in the compressive strength of the Concrete Hollow Blocks after 14 days

and an average of 7% increase after 28 days. A gradual increase (7%) occurred after the 28th day

since the CHB commonly attains its maximum strength at this period. Generally, additions to

Bambusa blumeana fiber increases the compressive strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks by 12%.

In a similar study of Chabannes, M., “Use of Raw Rice Husk as Natural Aggregate in a

Lightweight Insulating Concrete: An Innovative Application” established that for a same binder

on aggregates mass ratio, the target dry density of rice husk concrete is necessarily higher than

those of hemp concrete due to the different physical and morphological properties of rice husks.

The crop residue has been valorized without any burning or grinding. Moreover, using rice husk

in a lightweight insulating material like hemp concrete one is totally innovative.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

Uses of waste materials as a replacement for aggregate were accepted in the field of

building construction today. All the review studies like the present study dealt on the recycling of

rice husk by using it to the construction materials. Rice husk used as partial replacement for fine

aggregates is the difference from the present study to the reviewed studies.

A study conducted by Sisman, C.B. (2011), shows that the rice husk has potential in

producing a lightweight concrete as to considering its strength, resistance and insulation properties.

In the study conducted by Obilade, I.O., they used rice husk to replace sand by weight and

by volume. The percentage replacement used was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% and they

adopted a mix ratio of 1:2:4 by weight and by volume respectively. The bulk density and

compressive strength of the volume-batched concrete produced by volume replacement of sand by

rice husk are higher than that produced by weight replacement.


According to the study of Dela Cruz, P. (2014), the percentage replacement used to

replace sand by Bambusa Blumeana fibers was 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%. It was added to the concrete

hollow blocks mixtures and shows that 0% to 5% of bamboo fiber as an additive increases

compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks in 14 and 28 days.

The review literatures are similar to this present study because this study primarily focuses

on the determination of compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with the use of rice husk

as partial replacement for fine aggregate.

Conceptual Framework

This study used a systematic conceptual framework, which includes the input, process and

output presented in figure 1.

The input in this research are the properties of fine aggregates and rice husk to be used in

the experiment in terms of specific gravity, water absorption, moisture content, grading and bulk

density. Tests that will apply to obtain the physical properties of the aggregates and the rice husk

it will be based on the ASTM Standards. Also, experimented samples and interpretation of results

will be done.

The process that will be applied to the input are the experimentation of the samples using

different percentages of rice husk and sand then, it will be tested using Universal Testing Machine

(UTM) to determine its compressive strength. After the completion of test results, researchers will

analyzed the results and formulate conclusions.


The expected outcome after applying the process to the input will be having a significant

difference in compressive strength between the different percentages of rice husk in concrete

hollow block.

Furthermore, assessment of the output is necessary in checking if it adheres to the

objectives of the study or will be needed a feedback.



Properties of sand in terms of:

1) Specific Gravity OUTPUT
2) Water content
3) Grading PROCESS - Design mix proportion of
4) Bulk density rice husk
- Testing Phase
Properties of rice husk: - Significant relationship
- Analysis and
among varying amount of
1. Specific Gravity Interpretation of Data
rice husk to its
2. Density compressive strength
3. Water absorption


Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm


Theoretical Framework

This study uses theories that contributes facts and ideas that helps the researcher to conduct

and analyze the study. Different percentages of rice husk will be used as partial replacement for

fine aggregate.

Principle of Concrete Mix Design. Selecting of concrete mix proportion provides

workability, consistency, density, strength and durability of concrete. Workability determines the

capacity of the concrete to produce in hardened state which compressive strength and durability

gives importance. It also determines the proper mix of the components such as cement, water, and

fine aggregates to attain the proper proportioning of the materials that produces the desired

compressive strength.

Hooke’s Law. Theory of Robert Hooke that shows the linear relationship between stress

and strain when a material is subjected to compressive force. Deformation of the materials occurs

when it was subjected to compressive force. Thus, testing the specimen subjected to a compressive

force causes it to deflect its own shape. The higher the deformation a material can provide without

breaking or failure the higher the compressive force it can withstand.



Rashad, A. (2016, June). A Comprehensive Overview about Recycling Rubber as Fine Aggregate
Replacement in Traditional Cementitious Materials. International Journal of Sustainable
Built Environment, 5, 46-82.

Dela Cruz, P., Golechong, G.G., & Murillo, K.E. (2014, September). Effects of Bambusa
blumeana Fibers in the Load Bearing Capacity of Concrete Hollow Blocks. Retrieved

Choi, N.W., Mori, I., & Ohama, Y. (2006). Development of Rice Husks–Plastics Composites for
Building Materials. Waste Management, 26, 189-194.

Mistry, B. (2016). Properties and Industrial Applications of Rice Husk. International Journal of
Engineering Science and Computing, 6, 2677-2679.

Cadalin, L. (2015, December 1). Concrete Hollow Blocks, Pre-cast Concrete and Cast in Place
[Blog post]. Retrieved from

Concrete Block. (2007). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from


Humanitarian Shelter Working Group. (2014, October). Retrieved from

Rice Husk. (2016). Retrieved from


(2003). World of Earth Science. Retrieved March 1, 2018, from

Kumar, D., Mohanta, K., & Parkash, O. (2012, October). Properties and Industrial Applications
of Rice husk: A review. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced
Engineering, 2, 2250-2459.

Sisman, C.B., Gezer, E. and Kocaman, I. (2011). Effects of Rice Husk on the Concrete Properties
for Farm Buildings. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17, 40-48. Retrieved from

Chabannes, M., Bénézet, J.C., Clerc, L. and Diaz, E. (2014). Use of Raw Rice Husk as Natural
Aggregate in a Lightweight Insulating Concrete: An Innovative Application. Construction
and Building Materials, 70, 428-438. Retrieved from

Jamal, H. (2017, March). Types of Aggregates, Its Uses and Applications. Retrieved from

Obilade, I.O. (2017). Experimental Study on Rice Husk as Fine Aggregates in Concrete. The
International Journal of Engineering and Science, 3, 9-14. Retrieved from



This chapter presents the research design, materials and equipment, experimental

procedures, data sheets and statistical tools that will be used in this study.

Research Design

This study will use experimental method and will conduct laboratory test to determine the

compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with rice husk as partial replacement for fine

aggregates. The researchers will use 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 30% percentages of rice husk treated

with 5% sodium hydroxide to partially replaced sand. . In this study, rice husk at different

percentages is considered as the independent variable or treatment of factor whose effects are to

be measured on the response variable which is the compressive strength. The results will be tested

and analyzed using the ASTM standard.

Figure 2 shows how the researchers came up with the number of experimental units to be

used in the study. Also, the proportions of rice husk and sand to be used.

















Figure 2. Research Design


Research Parameters and Variables

In this study, the researchers will use materials that will serve as the experimental sample

to gather the needed data based on the formulated research design. The independent variables are

the rice husk and sand, while the response variable is the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks at different percentages of rice husks. The controlled variables are the water, Portland

cement, sodium hydroxide and the dimension of the CHB mold (10cmx40cmx20cm).

In Table 1, it shows the following treatments that will be used by the researchers in order

to determine the properties of concrete hollow blocks using rice husk as partial replacement for

fine aggregate.

Table 1. Different treatments of rice husk with respect to the sand.


T 1 R1
T1 0% 100% T 1 R2
T 1 R3
T 2 R1
T2 5% 95% T 2 R2
T 2 R3
T 3 R1
T3 10% 90% T 3 R2
T 3 R3
T 4 R1
T4 15% 85% T 4 R2
T 4 R3
T 5 R1
T5 30% 70% T 5 R2
T 5 R3

There will be four treatments considered in the study which varied with rice husk and sand.

There will be four amounts of rice husk; 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 30% of the total volume of sand.

Four specimens of sand represent each of the rice husk which will be assign to be 100%, 95%,

90%, 85% and 70%. In order to determine the optimum result, the researchers will make three (3)

specimens for each treatment to be tested for its compressive strength at 7 days of curing.

Research Procedure
The proper conduct of the procedures in investigating the compressive strength of concrete

hollow blocks with rice husk as partial replacement for fine aggregates will be taken in

consideration in order to attain accurate results.

To come up with the gathering, the needed materials and laboratory apparatus/equipment

listed below will be used and the following procedures will be implemented.

List of Materials

This study will use the following materials:

Rice Husk. Rice husk will be gather at rice mill located at Basud, Camarines Norte.

Cement. Type 1 ordinary Portland cement will be used in the experiment. It will serves as a

binder of the concrete hollow block.

Sand (Fine Aggregates). The source of the sand to be used is at quarrying site located at

Dagotdotan, San Lorenzo Ruiz, Daet, Camarines Norte.

Water. Any source of potable water supply is needed.


Sodium Hydroxide. 5% solution of sodium hydroxide will be used for the treatment of rice


List of Apparatus and Equipment

This study will use the following apparatus:

CHB mold. The researchers will use the Philippine standard size of concrete hollow blocks

which is 10cmx40cmx20cm.

Mixing pan. A pan made of aluminum, rectangular in shape to be used for mixing the


Measuring cube. Improvised cubes made of wood will be used for measuring the volume

of rice husks.

Weighing scale. A device used to determine accurate and clear mass of a sample.

Sieves. Sieve sizes conforming to the specification ASTM E11 will be used.

Shovel or Trowel. A suitable size of shovel or trowel for mixing the concrete.

Pycnometer. A laboratory device to be used to determine the specific gravity, density of

rice husk


1. Gathering and Pre-treatment of Materials. Fine aggregate gathered will be air dried for at

least 24 hours to remove the moisture present, then stored in a covered site safe from

contact of any liquid particle. Collected rice husk granules should be free from dirt that

may affect the desired outcome, Rice husk will be treated to sodium hydroxide (NAOH) to

avoid cellulose dissolution in water. To increase the service life of rice husk it is submerge

to sodium hydroxide for 24 hours, after 24 hours of treatment it is necessary to cleanse the

rice husk in water then heated by exposing to direct sunlight for 24 hours. The treated and

dried rice husk will be placed at site where interaction from water is avoided. Some of the

collected rice husk will be tested, the researcher will determine the oven dry mass (OD)

and saturated surface dry mass (SSD) of the sample as required of ASTM C128 for the

determination of specific density, water absorption and bulk density.

2. Determining the properties of rice husks. The researchers will determine the properties of

rice husks using the ASTM C128 a standard test method for density, relative density and

absorption of fine aggregates.

3. Batching. The concrete mix design will vary to the rice husk-fine aggregate proportion.

0%-100%, 5%-95%, 10%-90%, 15%-85% and 30%-70% of rice husk to fine aggregate

ratio are controlled to determine the concrete hollow blocks compressive strength.

4. Mixing of Materials. Four design mix will be conducted with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 30%

of rice husk granules from the total volume of fine aggregate used. The weight of fine

aggregates depends upon the result from batching of ingredient for concrete hollow blocks.

The mixture shall be mixed several time for the uniform distribution of rice husk to

concrete hollow blocks. Water to be used for mixing should be clean. Type 1 ordinary

Portland cement will be used as concrete binder. After mixing for several times, mixture

will be poured to a mold to form a 40x20x10 cm concrete hollow blocks. It is necessary to

compact the hollow blocks removing air voids present in the material.

5. Curing of Concrete Hollow Blocks. After casting the concrete hollow from the mold it will

be cured for 7 days. After removing from the mold concrete hollow blocks should be

covered by plastic sheets to prevent contact to contrasting wind pressure. It is subjected to

direct sunlight covered with plastic sheets and sprayed with water every after 2 hours to

attain its stronger, durable and harden state. Curing also avoid cracking due to shrinkage

6. Determining the compressive strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks. ASTM C140 Standard

Test Method for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units will be

used to determine the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks.

7. Analysis and Evaluation of data. The researchers will analyze and interpret the data they

gathered through statistical analysis by means of arithmetic mean and One-Way Analysis

of Variance.







Figure 3. Flow Chart

In figure 3, shows the summary of the step-by-step procedure of the experimental study.

Statistical and Data Analysis

After gathering the data needed the researchers will now evaluate and tabulate the


Arithmetic Mean. The researchers will analyze the response variable which is the compressive

strength by computing the arithmetic mean of the different mixture proportion. It will determine the

average value of the total measurements on compressive strength. The formula is written below:

𝑥̅ =


𝑥̅ = Arithmetic mean

∑ 𝑥 = Summation of the value of x

𝑛 = Number of samples

One-Way Analysis of Variance. The researchers will determine if there is a significant

relationship between the varying amounts of rice husk in the compressive strength of concrete

hollow blocks with the use of One-Way Analysis of Variance or ANOVA. The researchers will

use the SSB software for statistical analysis.

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