Class 10 Science Chapter 1 by Aakash

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Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemical equations, Balanced chemical equation, Implications | of a balanced chemical equation, Types of chemical reactions: Double displacement, Precipitation, Neutralization, Oxidation and Combination, Decomposition, Displacement, Reduction, Sun. you might have seen that as time passes by, ur surroundings undergo different types of changes or transformation of substances. You will find that things around us look older and dirty with the passage of time. For example silver_and jewellery corrode, milk undergoes curdiing, ng) oils lose their properties. These changes mig due to a variety of factors and lead to tr substances through change in nature, form or pu chemical change. A chemical change is also c: reaction, In this chapter, we will study about phy: changes, different types of chemical rea symbolic representations. TYPES OF CHANGE IN MATTER The two types of changes in matter are joing a change in cherie: change brings change in phy ‘of matter and we do not get a new ‘substance with new chemical nature, H,0() —— 1,000) H,00) —*" H,0(8) For example, ice, water and water vapour all look different and show different physical properties, but ‘they are chemically the same. INCLUDES ‘Types of Change in Matter Chemical Equation » Essentials of Ghernical Equation > Steps for Writing of Chemical Equation > Balancing of Chemical Equation > Information Conveyed by a Chemical Equation action pesition Reaction eSispomen Reaction owe Decomposition Reaction/Double Displacement Reaction » Polymerisation Reaction > Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions > Precipitation Reaction > Neutralization Reaction > Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Effect of Oxidation in Everyday Life » Corrosion > Rancidity Additional Information Important Definitions Quick Recap Assignment Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Rogd. Office : Aaknsh Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-710005 Ph.011-47623456 Equations ‘Chemistry 2. Chemical change : During this one substance reacts with another to undergo change in chemical composition. Chemical change brings change in physical as well as chemical properties of matter and we get new substances with new chemical properties. Chemical reactions represent the chemical changes undergone by different elements and compounds. Only rearrangement of atoms take place in a chemical reaction. = 60 Q H, molecule ©, molecule H,0 molecule (H-H) {o=0} eS vd mea ote = _. e @o- OOD cmon ee aa Reactant ‘A few observations that determing a chemiéal reaction af (Change in state : For example, hydrogen and.exygen bol fixed proportions by weight, fornfwater whichis a liquid: Jegsand when they combine in a x 2H2(g) 1 O2(g) ——> 2H,01I) 5 2alo) + Sato) 0K KO (i) Formation of precipliate : For exstipie? i fodide reacts wth load nitrate, yellow precipltate of lead lodide ls obtained us ase Pot, | Fete etata) Similarly, mixing sodium chloride ‘and ‘iver nitrate solution results in the formation of sodium nitrate solution in which white love is precipitated as NaCi(aq)_ + AgNO3(aq) NaNO,(aq) + AgcI L Sodium ehioide " ” Siverntesta Sodium Say cide 2Ki(aq) + Pb(NO, Jaa) > Polagsam Load nate Silver omaments when exposed to air for a long time, develops a black coating over them (Change in colour) (il) Evolution of gas : For example, the chemical reaction between zine and dilute sulphuric acid results in the evolution of hydrogen gas as Zn(s) + HySO,4(aq) ——> ZnSO, (aq) + Hy? no, dt Supe eld ano subhate Hydiogen (v) Change in temperature : For example, calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to produce slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) releasing a large amount of heat. CaO(s) + H_0tl) ——> CatOH1),(aa)+ Heat () Change in colour : When iron reacts with copper sulphate solution, the colour change observed is blue to green. Fe(s) + CuSO, (aq) ——» FeSO, (aq) + Cu(s) (ene) (Gresn) Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Some more examples () Burning of wood : When we burn wood, we obtain ash as a residue, (i) Rusting of iron : A flaky mass originates over iron metal when exposed to air and water over a period of time. (ill) Curailing of milk : When milk is left for 1 to 2 days at room temperature, it undergoes curdling and converts into curd-cheese. (iv) Digestion of food : Any food we eat, undergoes several chemical reactions to produce required amount of energy and essential contents of body needs. CHEMICAL EQUATION A schematic representation of any chemical reaction with the help of symbols and formulae of various species is called chemical equation. ‘The reactants are written on the left-hand side (LHS) with a plus sign (+) between them. Similarly, the products are written on the right-hand side (RHS) with a plus sign (+) between them. The arrowhead points towards the products, and shows the direction of,the-reaction. Reactant —» Product Essentials of Chemical Equation > a sis Sas int in lg li Uae wi (It should represent a true chemicaljéhange /. represented by the equation. melts shnould be posuble in camy out, ae (ii) it should be balanced i.c., the number! be equal. < for each element on both sides of the equation should x Soe" Carag (ary substances like hydrogen, oxygen etc. should be (iil) It should be molecular /0., represented as H,, 0, te. (iv) It should represent the change in temperature : Change in temperature before and after the reaction should be represented by a chemical equation. Steps for Writing a Chemical Equation Generally there are three steps to write a chemical equation : Step 1: Writing basic si jotal equation : A skolotal equation is an equation that Identifies the reactants and the products in a chemical reaction by their chemical formula. It may or may not be balanced. e.g., Calcium carbonate —> Calcium oxide + Carbon dioxide Caco, —> Cad + CO, Step 2: Step 3: Writing proper chemical equation : It shows all the essential properties of a chemical equation ‘The physical states of the reactants and the products are represented as (s) for solid, (1) for liquid, (g) for gas and (aq) for aqueous. The specific conditions necessary for the chemical reaction. + The representation of precipitate formation and the evolution of gas as (L) and (7) respectively, ‘The physical state of the substances is written in the brackets, as CalO,(s) ——+ Ca0(s) + CO,(a) Sometimes reaction conditions like temperature, pressure, darkness, light or catalyst, ete. are represented above and/or below the arrow as CaCO, (s) > CaO(s) + CO,(g) (A means heat) The gas evolution is shown as 7 and precipitate formation is shown as | CaCO,(s) 2+ Caos) + CO, (9) 7 AQNO,(aa) + NaClag) > Age! | + NaNO,(aa) ‘The change in the energy content before and after the reaction can also be represented in a chemical equation as : A+B ——> C — Energy/(Ehdothermic Le., the energy of reactants). A+B —> C + Energy(Exothermi reactants). Writing balanced chemic: prdduct is more than that of the we equation = It includes the equalisation of the»number the “law of conservation of mass", be destroyed”. cac0,(s) —-+ cao(s) * COs“ Sabin iss ot ns suo asso sathat the “matter can neither be created nor Balancing of Chemical Equation Balancing of chemical equation is important to show the proper chemical change. Balancing of Simple Chemical Equations : The simple equations can be balanced by hit and trial method, ‘The steps followed while balancing @ chemical equations are given below = Step 1 ‘Step 2 Step 3 Write the correct skeletal equation containing the formulae of only one molecule of each reactant and product. ‘Start with the compound that has the maximum atoms or the maximum kinds of atoms and the atoms present in it are balanced first. It may be a reactant or a product. Balance the elements that appear only ance on each side of the arrow first. Then balance the ‘elements that appear more than once. Now, let us compare the atoms with the help of table (from equation 2) Grin) are For balancing oxygen on both the sides, we have to multiply O, with 15 on LHS, so the equation will be 20H, + 150, ——> 1200, + 6H,0 Here the number of C, H and O atoms are similar on both the sides. 2 Ale Ht —— AB eH T (@ Multiply H® by 2 in order to balance hydrogen atoms. Al+ 2H? ——> Al + H,7 ) (i) The equation (1) is balanced w.rt, atoms but there is +2 charge on the reactant side and +3 charge on product side. In order to balance charges, multiply 2H" by 3 and AI by 2, so on both the sides charge will be +6. AL+ GHY ——> 2a + Hh 242) (iii) Now, again for balancing atoms, tiply Al by 2 and, 2Al+ 6HY ——» DAP + (8) itis a balanced equation. The balanced chemical equation is called the ‘The quantitative relationship bet variou: on either the weight of the substances or the, ymple 2 Fs enero, earn Wi mas amsnutaccnmal é Conroe seer Mo ty Now, let us compare the atoms with the help of table [from equation (ii)} ars err Breton) ay side For balancing oxygen on both the sides, we have to multiply @, with 3 on LHS, so the equation will be C,H,OH + 30, —> 2C0, + 3H,O Itis a balanced equation. Stop 4: Elementary substances are balanced at the end. ‘Stop 5 : If required, the whole equation is multiplied by some suitable number in order to make all the coefficients whole number but formula can not be changed for balancing. Example: Reaction of calcium with water. Stop 1: Skeletal equation : Calcium + Water ———> Calcium hydroxide + Hydrogen. Step 2: Proper equation : Ca(s) + H,0(l) ——> Ca(OH),(aq) + Hat Step. 3: Balanced equation (By hit and trial method). (a) Count each kind of atom on both sides (OH),. The equation Is balanced ‘with respect to Ca, 80 “O' by before H0. s Ca+2H,0 Now, hydrogen Is bal (©) Each kind of atom is col the equation is balanced. A balanced chemical equation coi 4. The names of the various 2. The formulae of the reactants and 3. The relative amounts (in mol) of on Ind the products. 4. The physical state of the reactants aiid the products. 5. Heat change during the reaction. 6. The specific conditions necessary for the reaction. [fee Balance the following chemical equations = 1. Git, +O, ——> CO, + 1,0 2. A+HY >) AP eH, Solution : 1. GH, +0, —— Co, +H,0 oot) Balance the carbon and hydrogen atoms 20,Hy +O, ——? 1260, + 6H,0 2) Chemistry « Clase Chemical Reactions and Equations Example 3 Balance the chemical equation : Al,0, + NaOH ——> NaAlO, + H,0 Solution Al,0, + NaOH ——> NaAlO, + H,0 “ Balance the aluminium and sodium atoms ALO, + 2NaQH ——> 2NaAIO, + HO — (ii) Now, let us compare the atoms with the help of table [from equation (Ii) ed prey So, the reaction Is already balanced gs iNtaas,serhe numbersot ates. one 8. An Easy Way of Balancing a Chemical Equat Let us take an example MnO, + HCl —> MnCl, + H,O + Cl, In the given skeletal equation, let us assign each components of compound MnO, as ‘a’, components of HI as ‘b’, components of MnGly as “c’, components of HzO and component af Gl, ai Pe eee aneeteaeeneerans halite selfs ittenat caterers tate Since the component O in ‘a’ is two and in ‘d" is one, therefore, 2a = d. See ge cee Er er ena ee tes ereeeer ea ee eee ete ten in ‘c! Is two and in ‘e' Is two, therefore, b = 2c + 2e Ifa! Is assumed as 1 Then,c=1,d=2,b=4,0 On substituting the values of a, b, ©, d and e in the skeletal equation, we get a balanced chemical equation. MnO, + 4HCI—> MnCl, + 2H,0 + Cly Note: Those equations which cannot be batanced by this method, can be balanced by other method: Uke fan-electron method, oxidation number method ete. which will be discussed in higher classes, Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office = Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47629456 Which of the following is a physical change? (1) Crystallisation of sodium chloride from its aqueous solution (2) Combustion of hydrogen (@) Rusting of iron (4) Alll of these The number of moles of CO, molecule formed during combustion reaction of 2 mol of benzene (C.H,) in sufficiont oxygen supply is a6 @ 8 @) 10 @) 12 The information that is not conveyed by a balanced chemical equations is the (1) Physical states of the reactants and the products (2) Relative amounts of the reactants and the products (@) Mechanism of the reaction (4) None of these Which one of the following is not a balanced chemical equation? (1) Zn + 2HCI— Zn, + 4,7 @) Fe+H,0 > Fe,0, + H,7 (8) 2A) + 3H,S0, — AL(SO,)s + 3H,7 (4) 2PRINGs}p —\ 2PO + 4NOgT + Ost What is the value of x in given equation? YAL+ xH* 5 yABY + 2H, m2 @4 @ 6 @ 6 Select the Incorrect one. (1) Ina balanced chemical equation the number of atoms of any element in reactant and product are equal (2) The elementary substances should be in molecular form in any balanced chemical equation () The number of moles ef the products and the reactants are always equal to each other in any balanced chemical equation (4) Mixing of aq. NaGi and aq. AgNO, Is a chemical change Which of the following is a chemical change? (1) Mixing of sugar with water @) Bolling of water @) Burning of candle (@) Heating of iron rod [ez (eo (Es (r (e “Wz ‘WL “suv ‘TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS A chemical reaction involves the breaking of old bonds and formation of new bonds between atoms to produce new substances. On the basis of the nature of bond breakage or bond formation, chemical reactions can be mainly classified into four types as : 1 Combination Reaction 2. Decomposition Reaction 3. Displacement Reaction/Single displacement reaction. 4. Double Decomposition Reaction or Double Displacement Reaction ‘Some other types of chemical reactions are : Polymerisation Reaction Exothermic and Endothermic Reaction Precipitation Reaction Neutralization Reaction Oxidation and Reduction Reaction eoeee Combination Reaction ‘The reaction in which two or more reactants combine/to fom a combination reaction. gle product Is known as a Example (Burning of magnesium in air Magnesium ribbon burns witht @dazzling Nien changes into a white powder (MgO), Ne 2Ma(s) + ©, (9) —> 2MgO(s)i Ri Magnesium Onygen agrestin Burning of coal The burning of magnesium in air (il) Quicklime 4e., calcium oxide when reacts vigorously with water, produces slaked lime /.., calcium hydroxide and a large amount of heat Is also released. This is also known as slaking of lime. E90(s) + HOW) ——> CalOH), (ag) + heat ‘Slaked lime is used to white wash the walls. Slaked lime when applied to the walls, reacts stowly with GO, present in air to form a shiny thin layer of CaCO, on the walls. Ca(OH), (aq)+ CO,(g)——» CaCO, (5) H,0(1) Ealctumnycionide Garber “Steam, Water ‘The chemical formula of marble Is alsa CaCO, Decomposition Reaction In such reactions, a single reactant breaks down to give @9 — €®:0 AB A 8 _ (a) When calcium carbonate (limestone) is heated, it calcium carbonate decomposes to calcium oxide (quick lime) and carbon (Caco, dioxide Caco, (s)—N**'—» Cad(s) + CO, (9) (Cimastona) (Quick ima) (earn dows) (b) Lead nitrate powder on heating decomposes to give brown ‘eacOrsCon) fumes of nitrogen dioxide with cracking sound. 2Pb(NO, ), (8) a> 2PbO(S) + ANO, (0) + O,(0) ‘od ton rgngae | Mee Sn Various forms of decomposition : Sometimes the decomposition of reactants need specific conditions as jectricity and we have..28 a result, variousitypes of decomposition (a) Thermal decomposition : When & décompoaition reaction, is Carried” CRgpeating, itis called a thermal decomposition reaction, Example 1 : Decomposition of limdstone by Aeatingll@an en decomposition. eh Brown colour (b) Photochemical decomposition : If the energy of sunlight (in the form of photons) is used to carry out the decomposition reaction, it Is called photochemical decomposition. 2H,02() “5 2H,0()) + On(9) cheat Water” Oxon Es Certain photochemical decomposition reactions are used in black and white photography. Example : 2Ager(e) "8+ 2ng(s) + Be(9) as ecteh ‘mae ‘Sivor ehlorido aoe an 2a +See Silver chloride tuens grey (Wille) (orey) in sunlight to form silver metal [[Ghomistry = Ciaas x ‘Chemical Reacilons and Equations (©) Electrolytic decomposition : if the electric current is used to carry out decomposition reaction, It is called electrolytic decomposition Example : Electrolysis of water : It is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas when an electric current is passed through water containing few drops of dilute sulphuric acid tere 2 2H,0(1) —Enamtte 5 DH (9) + 0260) The apparatus used for the electrolysis Is known as electrolytic tank. Apparatus = ‘Take a plastic mug. Drill two holes at its base and fit rubber stoppers in these holes. Insert carbon electrodes in these rubber stoppers. Connect these electrodes to a 6 volt battery, now fill the mug with water such that the electrodes are immersed, Add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid to the water. Take two test tubes filled with water and invert them over the two carbon electrodes. Switch on the current and leave the apparatus undisturbed for some time, you will observe the formation of bubbles at both electrode, You will find that the volume of the gas collected in both test tube is not same. Plastic mug ‘As shown in the figure, H, aa it {edihode and ©, gas liberates at anode in the ratio of 2: 4 by volume. Thi the reason, the ime of the gas collected in both test tubes is not same. (Role of electrolytic decomposition reaction in metal industries. On passing electric current through molten sodium chloride sodium metal and chlorine gas are formed. 2NaCIl) —gESHeNE—> 2Na(s) + | Chia) ‘ecomposiion i ae, weer (ii) On passing electric: current through molten aluminium oxide, aluminium metal and oxygen gas are formes 2A, () gece» AAI) + 302(9) at ‘aa (arSatvode) (at Side) Aakash Educational Services Pvt, Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Displacement Reaction Indisplacementreaction, a more reactive clement displacesa loss reactive element from its compound (generally salt solutions). Salt solution — Reactive ‘ofiess.” element tanctive clement When an iron nail is placed in the blue coloured aqueous solution of copper sulphate, after some time it is found that tho intensity of the blue ‘colour of the solution slowly decreases and iron nail becomes brownish in colour due to deposition of capper. Iron displaces copper from @ copper sulphate solution Fa(s) + CuSO, (aq) ——> FeS04 aq) + Cu(s) In this reaction, iron being more reactive, has displaced copper, from copper sulphate solution. This reaction is known as displacement reaction. Similarly, in the refining of silver, the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involve displacement of silver by copper metal 2AgNO, (aq) | Cu(s) ——» CUNO 9,(aq) 1 2Ag(s) ste ‘iver nate Cogpern K BF e(s) + 4H,0(g) ——> Fe, 0, (5) 44 (9), we ron Stam ron onde Hywrogeh "@s BS In these reactions, two compounds reaet/by wa ions to form two new compounds. In these Feactions, generally precipitation occuRBy “ BaSO, | + 2NaCKag) Ex. 2: On mixing silver nitrate solution with sodium chloride solution, a white precipitate of AgCI is formed. AQNO,(aq) + NaCkag) ——> Agel + NaNO. (aa) ‘Stor itate” | Sodum she siyaraharde ' Sodum hate eh Ex. 3 : When lead nitrate solution is added to potassium iodide solution, then a yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed along with potassium nitrate solution. 2KK(aq) + PL(NO,),(aq)——> Phi, 1_ + 2KNO, (aq) ones and nates kpgBeige, Poiana Chemistry - Class X ‘Chemical Reactions and Equations Example 4 Identily the type of reactions given below 1. NHQ(g) + HC) ——> NH,CI (s) 2. 2H,0() "=" 2H14g) +O, (a) 3, 2HCI + Na,SO, ——> H,SO, + 2NaCl Solution : 4. Since two molecules are combining to form a single new compound, therefore it is a combination reaction, 2. Since one reactant is. getting split into two products, therefore it is a decomposition reaction. 3. Since there is an exchange of ions, it is a dauble-displacement or metathesis reaction. 2HCI ——> 2H" + 2cr Na,SO, ——> 2Na* + So? After exchange of ions, 2H + SOF > H,S0, 2Nat + 2c ——» 2Nacl Polymerisation Reaction ‘The process in which a large number of simple. small molecules, (monomers) are combined together to form very large molecule (polymer) is termed. as polymerisation: oa, Pomateaions. (ay, Ex.: nC, = CH, Pevmestaation, cH. CFL3, Ethene Tihreceure™ — Pobvathen 8. Which of the following elements displaces aluminium from its salt? (1) Ni @) Fe (a) Ca 9. Select the combination reaction. (1) 2H, +0, + 2H,0 Q) Cad + H,0 + Ca(OH), @) C+0, C0, (@) All of these 10. Which of the following is not a thermal decomposition reaction? (#) Caco, + cad + Co, Q) 2FeS0, + Fe,0, + $0, + SO, (8) NaCl(aq) —> Nat(aq) + Cr-(aq) (4) 2PBINO,), —» 2PbO + 4NO, + 0, 41. In the electrolysis of water, H, gas is collected (1) At the cathode Q) Atthe anode (3) At the bottom of the solution (4) Between the two electrodes 42. Select the double displacement reaction. (1) 2n + H,80, — ZnSO, + H, @) AgNO, + NaBr—> AgBr + NaNO, (@) NH, + HCI > NH,CI (4) 2KCIO, -» 2KCI + 30, Ize WEL “or ‘(ws “We “suw) Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 waar —.. Example 4 Identity the type of reactions given below : 1. NHg(g) + HCI(g) ——> NH,CI (8) 2. 2H,0() Sea" 2H, (g)+O,(a) 3. 2HCI + Na,SO, ——> H,SO, + 2NaCl Solution 1. Since two molecules are combining to form a single new compound, therefore it is a combination reaction. 2, Since one reactant is. getting split into twe products, therefore it is a decomposition reaction, 3. Since there is an exchange of ions, it is a dauble-displacement or metathesis reaction, 2HCl —> 2H" + 2cr Na,SO, ——> 2Na’ + SO} Alter exchange of ions, 2H" + SOY ——) H,80, 2Nat * 2Cr ——» 2NaCl Polymerisation Reaction ‘The process in which a large number of simple small molecules, (monomers) are combined together to form very large molecule (polymer) is termed. as polymerisation. nA Peaimeretony (4), mmonom polymor GH, Peymerteation, CH, —CH,9, arte Pobre Ex: GH, Ethene Which of the following elements displaces aluminium from its salt? Oy am @ Ni @) Fe (@) ca 9. Select the combination reaction. (1) 2H, +0, > 2H,0 2) Cad + H,0 > Ca(OH), @) C+0, > CO, (4) All of these 10. Which of the following is not a thermal decomposition reaction? (1) aco, > Cao + Co, Q) 2FoSO, — Fo,0, + 80, + SO, (8) Nact(aq) — Na"(aq) + er(aq) (4) 2Pb(NOs)2 > 2PbO + 4NO, + 0, 11. In the electrolysis of water, H, gas is collected (1) At the cathode @) Atthe anode 8) At the bottom of the solution (4) Between the two electrodes 12. Select the double displacement reaction. (l) Zn + H,80, — ZnSO, + Hy (2) AgNO, + NaBr—> AgBr + NaNO, @) NH, + HCI > NH,CI (4) 2KCI0, —> 2kcI + 30, Uzizb CEE (e)0r “(6 “(rie “suy) Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office = Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47629456 I screens Reactions and Equations (Chemistry - Glass x Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions The reactions in which energy content (generally in the form of heat) before and after the reaction changes, give exothermic or endothermic reactions (a) Exothermic Reaction : The reactions in which heat is released along with the formation of products are called exothermic reactions. In these reactions, the energy of the reactants is more than that of the products, Energy of reactant(s) > Energy of product(s) Example : Complete oxidation of methane (combustion of methane) CH,(g) + 20,49) ——» CO, 7 + 2H,0() + Heat + Light ‘The production of heat and light are essential products of combustion while, the presence of oxygen and combustible substance are essential conditions for combustion Some other examples of Exothermic Reaction (i) Respiration : During digestion, the food is broken down to form glucose. Glucose then combines: with’ oxygen in the cells of our body and provides energy. This reaction or process is called "Respiration’ G,H,,0, (aq) + 60,(g) ——> 6CO, (aq) + 6H,0(1) + Energy (i) The decomposition of vegetable mattor into compost is an example of an exothermic reaction. (©) Endothermic reaction : The reactions in which eneray is absorbed by the reactants to complete the reaction are known a endothermic reactions. In endothermig feactions, the energy of the reactants is usually tess than the energy of the products Energy of reactant(s) < Energy of produet(s) Example : Decomposition reactions require energy for breaking a Therefore, these are endothermic reactions. () Reaction of barium hydroxide with ammonidim chlorid Ss. Ba(OH)-(aq) + 2NH,CKaq) —— Balad) Rox ot Oy (i) Decomposition of silver bromide, 2AgBr(s) SM, rags)» BET Siver bromide sivertrer) gepueaaas Se Pe Ger isan or Susser a aac coco aearesa econ substance Is called precipitate NaCi(aq) + AgNO, (aq) ——>NaNo,(aq) +_ Age! 1 Neutralization Reaction ‘The reactions in which, acids react with bases to form salt and water essentially in dilute aqueous solution are known as neutralization reactions. Acid + Base ———> Salt + Water + Heat Example 1 : HE\aq) +NaH(aa) —> NaCi(aq) + H,0() Acid(aq) + Base(aq) > Salt(aq) + Water | | H OH ‘Aakash Educational Services Pvt, Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 [[ehemiatry ~ Giass x ‘Ghemical Reacilone end Equations] HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) > NaCi(aq) + H,0¢l) L L Example 2 @ cr Ne iS) ENACT + HO Neutralisation reaction is an exothermic reaction as well as double displacement reaction. Acid + Base — Salt + Water + Energy Neutralisation reaction is also a type of double decomposition reaction. In these reactions, acids and bases, neutralise the properties of each other. ‘Spontaneous and Non-spontaneous Processes ‘The spontaneity means the inherent tendency of a process to occur on its own in a particular direction under a given set of conditions. It simply predicts that the process has natural potential to occur. Ex. : A. gas expands to fill the space available to it The spontaneous processes proceed till an equilibrium is achieved. Non-spontaneous processes : The processes which are forbidden and are made to take place only by supplying energy continuously from outside the system. Ex. : Process of mixing of two gases. Gases mix spontaneously and separation of gases from the mixture is @ non-spontaneous proce: n and Reduction Reactions KO od Old concept Oxidation : Addition of oxygen ontmtectEdagmivealomcnts® a substance or removal of hydrogen or electropositive element from a substances call tion. Reduction : Addition of hydrogen oF elecliSpemitive,#loment to a substance or removal of oxygen or electronegative element from a substances, retiuction. Ex. On passing hydrogen reverse reaction takes place. Raicion Ex: cuorH, 2+ du+Ho Son nave oar Mociorn concept {electronic concept) Oxidation : Loss of electron(s) from an element or increase in positive electrovalency of an element is called oxidation. @g., Na—>Na* +e (Oxidation) Fe > Fe +e- Addition of an electronegative element (like Cl, Br, N etc.) or removal of an electropositive element. Aakash Educational Services Pvt, Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 eee zien Gain of electron(s) by an element or increase in negative electrovalency of an element is called reduction. or Addition of an electropositive element (like Na, K, Mg ete.) or removal of an electronegative element. @g., Cl + e- — Cr (Reduction) O +e 0% Oxidising Agent Any substance which adds oxygen, removes hydrogen or removes electron(s) from other substance is known oxidising agent. Oxidising agents get reduced in a chemical reaction. Reducing Agent Any substance which removes oxygen, adds hydrogen or adds electron(s) fram other substance is known fas reducing agent. Reducing agents get oxidised in-a reaction. Example Reoduction Oxidation 2H,S oo — & 2H,0 Reducing Oxidising agent agent erty ‘Chemistry - Class X ‘Chemical Reactions and Equations | Redox Reactions Red ———+ Reduction } Redox Ox = ——> _ oxidation ‘The reactions in which reduction and oxidation processes take place simultaneously are known as redox reactions. ‘Any redox reaction have two half reactions. 4. Oxidation half reaction 2, Reduction half reaction. Example 4. zn 42H" zn? +H Oxidation half reaction —» Zn ——> Zn#* + 20 Reduction half reaction —» 2H + 2e” ——» Hp 2. 2A + 3Cu* ——» 2a + 3Cu Oxidation half reaction —» 2Al ——» 2AM" +e Reduction half reaction —» 3Cu”* +6e- ———> 3Cu errr ee errr ee] Cee eau ceed 3. _| Addition of electronegative element | Addition of electropositive element 4. | Loss of electropositive element —_| Loss of electronegative element 5. _ | Loss of electron Gain of electron Oxidation Number : Oxidation nuffbePiot theiel Neaidual charge which tte atom has or appear to have when all other atoms from the. i wumied to be removed as ions by counting the shared electrons with more electronegative atom, <6” Some common oxidation states shown by (nélomehis in combined slate are Ns oo Na, K ” Ca, Ma 42 ° —2 generally “4 i (with metals. —ve and with non-metals +ve) F Any molecule 5 won, Cl, H, etc.) Any atom ° Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemistry - Class ¥ For Ex. 1 : Caleulate the oxidation number of Al in ALO, Oxidation number of O = -2 Suppose oxidation number of Al = x in Al,0, => total charge = 0 So, 2*x+a%2)=0 = 2x-6=0 = 2x =+6 =xs+3 Ex. 2 : Calculate oxidation number of S in H,S. Oxidation number of H = +1 Oxidation number of H,S molecule So, 2* (#1) +x=0 =x=-2 In the compounds having peroxide linkage, oxygen—oxygen single bond (-O-O-), the oxidation number of oxygen (O) is — 1. HO, (ysrogen parosi) wot H—o—O-H —s Peroxde inkage Ex. 3: Calculate oxidation number of Ryd 2x W+2™ = 2x-2=0 axe Ex. 4 : Calculate the oxidation number of H in NaH. Oxidation number of Na = +1 Henee, (+1) +x = 0 axe ‘The oxidation number of hydrogen is ~1 in metal hydrides. Note @ Oxidation number of an atom may be @ variable quantity. It depends upen the elements with which it combines. @ Oxidation number may be positive, negative or zero. Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Chemistry - Class % Chemical Reactions and Equations al Example 5 Balance and complete the following reactions * @ NaOH +H,S0, ——> 7+? (i) FeO+ 0, ——> ? (ii) Cu0 +H, ——> Cus? (i) Fo+H,0 ——» Fe,04 +H, T Solution : () 2NaOH + H,S0, ——>Na,5O, + 2H, ( 4F00 +0, —> 2Fe,0, (ii) CuO +H, ——> Cu + HO WW) 3Fe 1 4H,0-——sFeg0, + 4H Most of the chemical reactions are redox in nature. . Types of redox reaction Intermolecular Disproportionation Intramolecular redox reaction redox reaction @ Intermolecular redox reaction : Two substances react, one of them is oxidant and second is reductant Mg{(s) + O2(g) ——> MgO(s) (ii) Disproportionation : The same element gets oxidised and gets reduced. 2+,02(1) —"—> 2H,0(1) + On(9) {lll Intramolecular redox reaction : One element of same compound gets oxidised and other element gets reduced. 2KC1O,(s) —M_, 2KCKs) + 302(9) 13, Which of the following is a redox reaction? (1) NaCl + KNO, > NaNo, + KCI @) Caco, —*-» Cao + CO, (8) Mg(OH), + 2NH,Cl > MgCl, + 2NH,OH (a) Zn + 2AGCN > 2Ag + Zn(CN), 14, Select the non-spontaneous process. (1) Sugar dissolves in water @) Decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen (8) Neutralisation of acidic solution by basic solution (4) Evaporation of water Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 Chemical Reactions and Equations ‘Chemistry - Class X 15. Select the Incorrect statement (1) Neutralisation is an endothermic reaction (2) The decomposition of vegetable matter into compost is an exothermic reaction (@) Decomposition of CaCO, is an endothermic reaction (4) Oxidation Is loss of electrons 16. 2Pb(NO,),(s) —4_, 2PbO(s) + 4NO,(g) + 0,(g). It is @ (1) Decomposition reaction (@) Combination reaction {8) Double decomposition reaction (4) Both (1) & (3) [or Ws (er “(er “suv EFFECT OF OXIDATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE Corrosion ‘The degradation of metals by the action of air, moisture or a chemical on their surface is called corrosion. ‘The chemical process involved in corrosion is oxidation. Example © tron articies get coated with a regiy, brow powder whale Ps (st ar for a tong time. This process ls commonly known ae feting@Plrgn Rust is actually hydrated ferric oxide (Fe,0y#xH,0)8 Ss 8 a 2Fo(s) + 30,(9) + xH,OU) ——» Fe, pxH,0 ; wher yee nbAF of water molecules a Ke Prevention of Rusting of Iron : Winénirdn 16 covers oi gd With some material which prevents its direct contact with almosphere, thus prevantiaghnuating “<<. (1) By painting : The most popular and cor nore x of rust prevention is painting which prevents the direct contact of moist air and iro! ve 2) By Groasing or Olling : Groase Prevents the direct contact of iron material with moist ale and henee prevent rusting (8) By Galvanisation : Galvanisation is a process of depositing a thin layer of zinc metal on iron objects. The more reactive zinc metal when reacts with atmospheric oxygen forms zinc oxide in the form of a layer over iron metal. This oxide layer protects iron metal from corrosion due to the tendency to get oxidised prior to iron. (4) By Tin-plating and Chromium-plating : Tin and chromium metals are resistant to corrosion. When a thin layer of tin metal (or chromium metal) is deposited on iron objects by electroplating, then these objects are protected from rusting. (5) By Alloying : When iron is mixed with chromium and nickel, then stainless steel is obtained. This alloy does not get rusted at all. Therefore, all cooking utensils, knives, scissors etc. are generally made up of stainless steel (i) Silver (Ag) and copper (Cu) lose their lustre by gaining black and green coatings of silver sulphide and basic copper carbonate respectively. 2Ag(s) + H,8(9) —> Ag,S(s) +H, T ‘Aakash Educational Services Pvt, Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 (Chemistry - Class X ‘Chemical Reactions and Equations | 2Culs) + CO, (g) + 0,4g) + H,0() ——> Cuco, - CuO), (8) Corrosion is actually, the slow conversion of metals into oxides, carbonates, sulphates, sulphides ete. by the action of atmospheric gases and moisture. More reactive metals corrode easily. In corrosion, metals get oxidised and other atmospheric gases like GO,, O,, HS get reduced. Rancidity Food material containing fat or oil when laft for a long time become rancid ie., smell and taste changes. This is because they get oxidised when they come in contact with the atmospheric oxygen. In order to prevent oxidation, some antioxidants (substances that prevent oxidation) like BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene), sodium benzoate etc., are added to oily and fatty food stuffs, Also, keeping food in air tight container slows down the process of oxidation. To prevent oxidation, chips manufacturers usually flush the bags of chips with nitrogen gas. Rancidity can also be prevented by keeping foad in as refrigerator or by keeping food away from sunlight. 17. Copper surface loses lusture due to the (1) Formation of basic copper carbonate (2) Formation of neutral copper sulphide (3) Formation of acidic copper oxide (4) Formation of copper hydroxide 18. Formation of polyethene from ethene is an example of (1) Neutralisation reaction (2) Polymerisation reaction (8) Displacement reaction (4) Decomposition reaction 19. Generally reducing agents are those substances or elements which (1) Lose electrons (2) Gain electrons @) Adds oxygen @) Removes hydrogen 20. Which of the following elements undergoes corrosion? (1) Gold (2) Silver @) Platinum (A) All of these 21, ‘The function of antioxidants is to (1) Prevent oxidation (2) Prevent reduction (3) Increase the rate of oxidation (4) All of these [ez (woz Yer (er “zt “suv ‘Aakash Educational Services Pvt, Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ‘Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemistry - Claws x ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 4. Reaction Kinetics (Rate of reaction) : The change in concentration of reactants or products with time, shows the rate of the reaction or reaction kinetics. Change in concentration of a substance (reactant or product) aa Timo taken Generally, the concentration of substances is measured in mol/L or mol L~! and represented in square brackets []. 2. Some more types of Reaction : The rate of reaction decides the type of some reactions as (a) Slow reaction : Reaction which takes time to complete. Example ; Rusting of iron, weathering of rocks, metabolism, (b) Fast reaction : Reaction which takes less time for its completion. Example : Burning of alkali metals in air, neutralization of acid and base. (c) Instantaneous reaction : The reaction in which products are formed Immediately after mixing of reactants, Example : Burning of paper. 3. (a) Catalytic reactions ; The reactions which are initiated or proceeded by catalysts are called catalytic reactions, Catalysts may be biological or chemical {b) Oxidation : When a substance reacts with ©,, it is called oxidation, (On the basis of amount of a ible ©,, oxidation may be of two types (Complete oxidatian or combustion (excess ©, Is present), ‘CH,(a) + 20,(9) ——» CO, (@) + 2H,0(9) + heat + light CO, and water vapour are produced necessary. ‘The production of heat and light combustible substance and ©, are (i) Incomplete oxidation ; (Limited or very less amount of O,). 2CH,(g) +30, 2601 + 4H,0U) (9) + 30,(9) —» ty ry products of combustion while presence of a ssential conditions of combustion. CHa) + 0, (9) ——» G(s) + 2H,0(1) = = Various products are formed. Aakash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 9. Combination reactions / addition reactions : The chemical reactions in which two or more than two molecules react to form a single product. ‘Substitution reactions / displacement reactions ; The reactions in which an atom or group of atoms in a molecule Is replaced or substituted by different atoms or group of atoms. Decomposition reactions : Tho reactions in which molecules break down into simple products. Neutralisation reactior completely ‘The reaction in which acids and bases neutralise the properties of each other Reversible reaction : Bidirectional chemical reaction means that the reaction is possible in both the directions i.e., forward direction as well as backward direction. Irreversible reaction : Unidirectional chemical reaction means that the reactants change into products only. Redox reaction : The chemical reaction in which oxidation as well as reduction takes place simultaneously. Gomme The shes ily nt ents yt: mc of i ence en's ahs oes Sake erie Is called corrosion. The proces dye new substances with new properlies are known as chemical reactions: Se” A chemical equation is a short a Fepscaitatlon fa chamical reaction using symbols and formulae Of the substances involved in the reactions Reactions are broadly diterenate Pala colegories (2) Combination reaction (6) Decomposition reaction (c) Oxidation & reduction / redox reactions (4) Displacement reaction (e) Double displacement reaction (Neutralization reaction (@) Precipitation reaction (h) Endothermic and exothermic reactions (Reversible and irreversible reactions G) Spontaneous and non-spontaneous reactions: (kK) Polymerisation reaction 4. The slow eating up of metals by the action of air, moisture or a chemical on their surface is called corrosion. 5. Fat or oil containing food material when left for a long time become rancid and their smell and taste changes due to atmospheric oxidation. This process Is called rancidity. gaa (SET - 1) Sthopl/Boatd? Examinations Very Short Answer Type Questions : ‘What do you mean by exothermic reaction? ‘Wiite the reaction that take place in black and white photography. White the chemical reaction which takes place during respiration. Is it a correct statement “Decomposition is an endothermic process"? Comment. ‘What is double displacement reaction? What are antioxidants? ‘What happens when quick lime is added to water? Write the reaction involved What is neutralization reaction? Give one example. oe Ne HEN Balance the following chemical equation : HNO, + Ca(OH), ——> Ca(NO,), + H,O 10. What do we mean when we say that a substance has gone rancid? 4. What is a redox reaction? Give one example of redox reaction. 2. Identity the substance that is oxidised ae waduced inthe feuicwin Guo + Hy —> cu+H,0 Q». 3. When Kl-solution is added to a solution of lesh(ID nitrate () What is the colour of this procipiléite2 Zz, )) Name the compound precipitated _ (iil) Write the balanced chemi (6) What type of reaction is this? “ol 4. Explain the following terms () Ranciaity (i) Precipitation (ii). Corrosion 5. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in it? 6. When zinc granules are added to dil:sulphuric acid, a gas is evolved. Write the name of the gas and reaction taking place, 7. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following (Zinc granules kept in CuSO, solution !) Zinc granules kept in HCI solution (rR 10. Magnesium is more reactive than copper oF iron but iron is more reactive than copper. Which of the following pots will get damaged and why? () A.solution of magnesium sulphate is kept in copper pot. (i) A solution of copper sulphate is kept in iron pot, Gi) A solution of magnesium sulphate is kept in iron pot. Classify the following as combination, decomposition, displacement or double displacement reaction (WNH,NO, ——> N,O + 2H,0 di) He + Cl, (ii) Na,SO, + BaCl, ——> BaSO, + 2Nact mut, BHC (&) Mats) + 2HCKaq) ——> MaCi,(aa) + Hala) Why is respiration considered an exothermic process? Long Answer Type Questions : 1 When a zine rod is placed in an aqueous solution of CuSO, the following reaction takes place : Zn(s) + CuSO,(aq) > ZnSO,(aq) + Cus Identity se (@) Type of reaction Kt (b) The component oxidised aS ~ (©) The reducing agent (d) Oxidising agent Balance the following equations (@-Mn0, +HCI——>MnCl, +H.0-+ PS Se il) HeS 1 O3——H,0 + SO, S (ill) “Al CuGh ——rAICh +Gu (W) Coty +O» CO, + HO ™) NHy +0,———NO+H,0 What happens when {)_Silvor article is kept in the open for fow days. (i) Copper nitrate undergoes heating (ii) Aluminium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid (®) Molton NaCl! Ia electrolysed (¥) tron sulphate reaets with zinc metal _ TE 4. Select the redox reaction (with Explanation) @ ‘caco,—*+cao+co, (i) KCI, —2-sieC1 + Og (ili) Rusting of iron () Barium chloride solution mixed with sodium sulphate solution. 5. Write the reaction of burning of carbon disulphide (GS,) in air and formation of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. 6 What is rancidity? Which substances are added to prevent rancidity? Why are chips packets flushed with nitrogen gas’? oaa WO reece SECTION-A Cross-word Type Question : Across 4. A substance that participates in a chemical reaction. [6] A reaction in which both oxidation-and reduction take place together. [5] = 6. Chemistry - Clase X Which of the following reactions takes place in respiration? (A) CO(g) + 2H,(g) > CH,OH(!) (@) CoH,O¢(aa) + 60,(aq) > 6GO,(aa) + 6H,O()) + eneray @) 6CO,faq) + 6H,0()) "=H, Pat zO9(@a) + 60,24) (4) CH(9) + 20,49) + CO,(a) + H0(1) Find the Incorrect match. (1) Decomposition of vegetable matter Respiration Decomposition of calcium carbonate Burning of natural gas ‘The reaction in which exchange of ions between the reactants takes place is ion Exothermic reaction @) ® Exothermic reaction Exother reaction @ Exothermic reaction A 1 tic ire st 7 , 7. A chemical reaction that requires heal EF" 6 sit Tencton 8 A combination of chemical symbols and ei) .. numbers. (7] — eras action 9. A substance that is formed in a wore f a), isBlacement reaction reaction. [7] “9 TP The Theoréet statement is Down ; Goa ‘oxkletlon, hydrogen le removed from a 4. Rate of reaction increases with thle 2Y substance. concentration. {8} ~~ 2) During reduction, oxygen is removed from a 2. The iron rod covered with bro ¥ substance. exposure to air. [4] (3) During oxidation, oxygen is removed from a 2. In neutralization reaction, an acid substance a to form salt and water. [4 (4) During reduction, hydrogen is added to a 5. A chemical reaction that releases heat with ‘substance. products. [10] 6. Antioxidants are substances which (1) Help in oxidation: SE N-B (2) Prevent oxidation @) Combine with oxygen Objective Type Questions : Ga), Conine dili:tichogen 4. Which of the following chemical equations is not 7, ting ine imecmoct maten. balanced? (1) 3Fe + 4H,0 —» Fe,0, + 4H,0 (2) 4NH, + 80, —> 4NO + 6H,0 (@) 4Na + 0, ——» 2Na,O (4) 2FeCl, + SO, + 2H,0 —> 2FeCl, + 2HCI + H,S0, Reaction Gas evolved () Fe+ Hcl Hy (2) Caco, + Her co, @) Age! mm, cl, (4) PRINO,), se, No Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011.47623456 40, " 12, 13, 14, 15. A substance which takes part in reaction is, 16. (1) Product 2) Reactant @) Mixture: (4) Compound A short hand representation of chemical reaction is, (Symbol (2) Chemical equation (8) Formulae (4) State An equation which contains equal number of atoms of each element on both sides is called 17. (1) Balanced equation (2) Unbalanced equation (8) Word equation (4) Skeletal equation In the given equation, *’ stands for a! 2 Al + xH,SO, -+ AL,(SO,), + 3H, 2 23 @) 1 «5 19. A precipitate formed in a reaction is shown by (1) Downward arrow @) @ Upward arrow Sideways arrow ‘A reaction in which an atom or group of atoms present in a molecule is displaced by another atom is called (1) Displacement reaction (2) Double decomposition (8) Decomposition reaction (4) Synthesis reaction ‘The reaction in which an insoluble solid gets settled from the solution is called (1) Neutralisation reaction (2) Precipitation reaction ® @ Addition of oxygen to a substance is (1) Reduction Q) Oxidation @)_Netiaigation @)ePrecipitation <> ‘The Faction HEF EI, — 2HOI Is a Redox reaction Oxidation reaction 2 A). B Displacement reaction (4) Any arrow NYS Which of the following equations is balat x ” ies ree which reduces a compound is (1) Caco, + cao + co, 8°”) Oxidising agent (2) NaNO, ~» NaNo, + 0, @) 1,0, > H,0 + 0, (4) Al,(CO,), > Al,O, + CO, ‘Substance formed during a resection is called 2 (1) Product (2) Reactant (@) Mixture (4) Compound Decomposing a substance by using electricity is 29 called (1) Electrolysis. (2) Hydrolysis @ (4) ‘Thermal decomposition Displacement (@) Reducing agent (8) Both (1) & (2) (4) Limiting reagent ‘The chemical reaction which produces heat is (1) Endothermic reaction (@) Photochemical reaction (8) Displacement reaction (4) Exothermic reaction Which of the following metals can prevent the corrosion of iron? 4) 2m @) Cu @) Pb «Aa 23. Which of the following is a combustion reaction? —_30. (4) Bailing of water (2) Metting of wax (8) Buming of petro! (4) Mixing of glucose to water 24, 2Pb(NO,), > 2PDO + nA +O, ‘What is nA in the given reaction? a (1) 4NO, (2) 2NO, (3) 2PbNO, (4) NO, 28. The reaction in which a compound is broken down 32. into two or more substances is (1) Displacement (2) Combination (3) Decomposition (4) Polymerisation 26, Addition of hydrogen to a substance i (1) Reduction (2) Neutralization (8) Precipitation (4) Oxidation 27. Which of the following statements for the re is comect? x KS an poe 2) 8 (3) ZnO + GO Zn + CO, (1) Zn0 ts oxidised (2) Zn0 Is reduced (8) CO is reduced (4) CO, is oxidised 28. ‘The decomposition of silver chloride is carried out in the presence of (1) Milk 35. (2) Sunlight (3) Nickel (4) Water 29. Which of the following statements is correct about the given reaction? 36. AB+C > CB+A (1) Bis more reactive than C (2) C Is more reactive than A (3) Band Aare inert gases (4) Aisa metallic ion ‘Substances that are capable of adding oxygen to others. are called (1) Base ) Reducing agents @) Antacids (4) Oxidising agents Calclum carbonate on heating gives: 4) C20 (2) CO, @) 0, 44) Both (1) & 2) Identity the balanced equation (1) Cuz + 30, + 4H, —— ‘SCO, + GH,O + energy 2) CyHyz05 + 6O, + BHO ——> 1260, + 6H,0 + energy (8) GgHy,0, + 6O, + BHO —> ‘SCO, + 6H,O + energy @, &6H,0 ——> oflime ‘6CO, + 12H,0 + eneray is. a slow chemical reaction? H and HCI n lead nitrate is heated, there is appearance ES Mie reses tes soca oon 3 (1) Lead oxide 2) Nitrous oxide (Q) Nitric oxide (@) Nitrogen dioxide Which is true about respiration? Iti (1) Exothermic reaction 2) Endothermic reaction (@) Photochemical reaction @) Both (1) & (3) aN, + bH, > CNH, Identity a, b and c in the above chemical equation? await @ 1.4.2 @ 1.23 @) 1.3.2 a/an [Chemistry - Class x oT. 40. a. 42. Which of the following displacement reactions is not possible? (1) Pb + Cucl, — Pbcl, + Cu @) Fe + cusa, > Feso, + cu (8) Gu+ znsa, > cuso, + zn (4) Zn + AgNO, — ZnNO, + Ag In the reaction, S0,(g) + 2H,S(g) > 2H,0(@) + 35(s) Identity reducing agent ) so, @ HS @ 10 @s Which is true about corrosion? (1) Corrosion of iron is called rusting 2) More reactive metals corrode easily (8) Corrosion occurs on exposure to Oz, COsH.O ete. @) All of these: During decomposition reaction, energy can be supplied in the form of (1) Heat @) Light @) Electricity (4) All of these Which of the following is not observed wh magnesium ribbon bums with a dazzling air? (1) It forms magnesium oxide @) White substance is formed (8) Magnesium is reduced () tis a redox reaction ‘Compound formed by the corrosion of silver is (1) Sliver oxide: @) Silver sulphide ©) Silver chloride @) Sliver do not corrode Oxidation of food stuff containing fat or oil is (4) Rusting () Rancidity Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Read, New Deihi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ——n 44. Which of the following is observed on mixing ‘sodium sulphate with barium chloride solution? (1) Barium undergoes reduetion (2) Formation of white ppt occurs because of NaCl formation (@) Itis a double displacement reaction @) All of these 45. Which of the following is not conveyed by balanced chemical reaction? (1) Formulae of reactants and products (2) Rate of reaction (3) Number of moles of respective species (@) Physical state of respective species Comprefiehisio® TireQuestions : 1 e ric current is used to carry out fence ls an electrolytic (@lectrolvsis of water, the reaction involved is Sv 24,0) + 2H, (9) + 0.10) Diiring electrolysis, the charges carried by Sr“ p Ghode and cathode is respectively (1) + each @) —each @) + @ at ‘The gases released respectively at anode and cathode during electrolysis of water is (1) HO, @) Oz Hy @) ©,, no gas at cathode (4) Ha, no gas at cathode 3. Volume of the gas collected at cathode during the electrolysis of water is (1) Same as the volume of gas collected at anode @) Half of the volume of gas collected at anode (@) Double of the volume of gas collected at anode (4) One fourth of the volume of gas collected at anode I. In a redox reaction, both oxidation as well as reduction takes place together, oxidation involves loss of electrons while reduction involves gain of electrons. The redox reaction may involve combination of atoms or molecules, displacement ‘of motals of non-motals. Cuso, + Zn ———> ZnSO, + Cu displacement of Cu metal from its compound. 4. In above equation which of the following gets reduced? (1) cuso, @ a @) zZnso, (a) None of these Oxidising agent generally (1) Loses the electron (2) Gain the electron 3) Is in gaseous state (4) Both (2) & (3) Which of the following is not a redex raaation? (1) Neutralisation reaction of an acid and base. (2) Corrosion of metal (3) Addition reaction (4) Displacement reaction > % % SECTION-D Assertion and Reason Type Questions : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). (1) If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (1). (2) Ifboth Assertion & Reason are true but the reason Is not the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (2). (8) If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, then mark (3), (4) If both Assertion and Reason are false statements, then mark (4), > AG R 2 A R A: R 408 R 5. a a) @) @ “hydrogen, in te latpsX Match Type Questions 42 Match the following : In the reaction ZnO + ¢ + Zn + GO, ZnO Is being reduced. Carbon acts here as reducing agent. Gold plating over sil electrodeposition er is an example of : Silver is placed at upper position to gold in electrochemical series. NaCl is formed by the reaction of NaQH with HeL : NaCl is soluble in water. An alloy of copper and zinc reacts with dilute HCI to produce copper chloride (CuCl,) and zinc chloride (ZnC1,). Both zinc and copper are placed below to giectrochemical series, SECTION-E Columnt Column 2Mg(s) + 0,9) (i) Strong electrolyte 2MgO(s) Biological catalyst (ii) Rust Nact Gil) Endothermic reaction Fe,0,xH,0 (Ww) Combination reaction cacoys) 2+ (Enzyme a{s) + CO,T atv), BO, etiv), di ai), (iv), ev), a liv), btw). eli), Ati, ef) liv), b(w), eli), di), eC) Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Read, New Deihi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 0 ii) i, d 2AgCKs) ~» 2Ag(s) (wv) + O1,0) ©. Electrolysi “ (1) afiv), bow), efi), ACiti), (ti) (2) afiv), BU), efv), dCi), (3) afiv), b(w), efi), ACii), (4) a{iv), BOW), efi, Atv) Match the following : Column-t a. Fe — Fe wo b. Mg’ +2e7-—> Mg (li) ©. 2AgBr(s) —» 2Ag(s) (tip + Brg) dN, + 3H,» 2NH, — ) C)HjCl+ KOH > C,H,OH + KOI (1) liv), A), ev). Ail), e¢iti) (2) (i), BU), ov). Ail), (it) (8) (ii), B{), Fv), AY), CH) (4) ally), b(), 64), dv), cit) Match the followin: Column-1 a A—-+Atve 0 Are >a Wi) c. A+B-»C+Energy (ili) d. A+B-»C—Energy (iv) (1) alii), (iv), e(i), actly (2) ativ), b(ili), ei), adi) () aii), B(D, ei), avy (4) (i), BAY) (0 Column Corrosion of copper. Aakash Challenger Type Questions : Photolytic. « eccmecekicn 1 dhp* AN(Or) SB, A Water Decomposition of water (NO, Foieps 2. Which of the following is a balanced chemical Combination someon? remction O) Ale 2H AR eH 2) AGH? ZAP +H (3) 201+ GHT > 2A + 3H, (4) AL + 3H* > AI + 3H, 3. A.ahiny brown coloured element (B), on hesting in air becomes black, bacause of formation of cotumn-t Hence @) and () can respectively be Reductior 4 cu, cuo Combit » e Se reactio a) A, A1,0, Double ong Theifollowing is « polymerisation decomposition ae x, reaction NO" NH,CONH, Oxidation re ett, + 60, —» 6CO, + 6H,0 + Energy De ~: } Nac! + AgNO, —» AgCI + NaNO, rn * a) NCH, = CH, MOE» 4CH,-CHy » "8° Identity which among the following is/are oF mismatched regarding the product formed during Wg corrosion of the metal surface and choose the correct option. (a) Fe ~ Fe,0,: xH,0 Column-it (>) Cu-Cud Exothermic reaction 0) Aa fat (1) Onyy (a) (2) Onty () on @) Only (e) (4) Both (b) and (©) ‘Which of th processes is endothermic in Oxidation reaction Whichrof te lowing is endl Reduction reaction (2) Mixing barium hydroxide in ammonium chloride (2) Dilution of concentrated sulphuric acid Q) Addition of water to quicklime @) Addition of hydrochloric acid to sodium hydroxide: es A green coloured crystalline solid "’ when heated first becomes colourless and then on further heating, it becomes brown. During this process two. gases with the smell of burning sulphur are also evolved. The brown coloured compound is (1) Feso, (2) FeO () Fo,(80,), (4) Fe,0, The change in the oxidation state of iron in the given redox reaction is a FeO + CO Fe + CO, @) 0 to 43 2) +300 @) +2100 @) Oto +2 ‘The colour of the precipitate obtained during the reaction of potassium iodide and lead nitrate is 1) White, @) Blue (@) Yellow @) Grey

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