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Assignment 3 (Nuclear and particle physics)

1. Ra226 which decays by α emission into Rn222 , has an atomic mass 226.025432 u. The α-
disintegration energy is Q = 4.863 MeV. Assuming the mass of the He4 atom to be 4.002603u,
calculate the atomic mass of Rn222 . Also calculate the kinetic energy of the α-particles.

2. Calculate the recoil energy of the proton produced in the decay of a free neutron when the β
particle is emitted with the maximum kinetic energy. Consider mp = 938.28 MeV, mn = 939.57
MeV, me = 0.511 MeV.

3. The atomic masses of the following atoms are given as

(a) 3 Li7 7.01600344 u

4 Be 7.01692872 u

(b) 6 Li13 13.00335484 u

7N 13.00573861 u

(c) 9 F19 18.99840316 u

10 Ne 19.00188090 u
(d) 15 P 33.9736459 u
16 S 33.96786701 u
(e) 16 S 34.96903232 u
17 Cl 34.96885269 u

Indicate which nuclide of each pair is unstable, its mode(s) of decay and disintegration energy
in each process.

4. Explain the reason of N/Z > 1 for stable larger nuclei while N/Z = 1 for lighter nuclei.

5. The half-life of Pu239 has been determined by immersing a sphere of Pu239 of mass 120.1gm
in liquid of nitrogen of a volume enough to stop all α-particles and measuring the rate of
evaporation of the liquid. The evaporation rate corresponded to a power of 0.231 W. Calculate
the half-life of Pu239 . The energy of its decay α-particles is 5.144 MeV.

6. Write down some points of resemblance between a nucleus of an atom and a liquid drop.

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