Sales Aptitude Test

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 Make sure you have both the Questionnaire and the Answer Sheet.

 Please write down your name and other details asked in your
Answer sheet, now.

 The Questionnaire contains two parts. Part A & B.

 Try to answer all questions.

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 All the questions in PART A are based in the information provided in the INFORMATION

 The questions have four options, mark your answer by putting a tick mark ( ) against the
appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.

(Refer for Question No. 1- 10)


Name of the Retail Journey Time

Outlets (in mins)
1. VISHAL STORE A 10min Distribution
2.SHOE MARKET C 20min pt.
3.MEGA MART B 10min

6. T-SHIRT B 15min
8. PAN CORNER C 15min
9. SPORTS B 10min
10.RAJA & CO. C 20min
 ‘Journey Time’ is time taken to move from one outlet to another. Daily journey
commences from ‘Vishal Store’ continuing in the serial sequence above.
 Category of Outlets:
- Cat. A : Key Account (Does maximum business)
- Cat. B : Does business less than category ‘A’
- Cat. C : New outlets. Does least business.

The Salesperson spends 15 minutes at category A & C outlets and 10 minutes at

category B outlets.
 Time for Breaks: The salesperson has a planned break of 10 minutes after the call at
‘FASHION HOUSE’ and for 30 minutes after the call at ‘SPORTS MARKET’.

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1. A salesperson starts at 0900hrs from the Distribution Point to reach retail outlet
no. 1. He decides to cover all category ‘A’ outlet prior visiting any other outlet.
Approximately what time would he complete visiting all category ‘A’ outlets?
a) 1100 hrs
b) 1110hrs
c) 1045 hrs
d) 1010 hrs

2. If the salesperson spends 40 minutes to explain a promotional scheme at each

category ‘B’ outlet then how many outlets he/she would be able to cover prior
1300hrs. (Assume he started his call at 0900hrs from ‘Vishal Store’).
a) 4 outlets
b) 6 outlets
c) 5 outlets
d) 7 outlets

3. Suppose the salesperson decides against taking a break after the call at ‘Sports
Market’ and instead wants to spend additional 10 minutes at each category ‘B’
outlet. When would he complete his calls? (Assume he started the call from
‘Vishal Store’ at 0910 hrs)
a) 1445 hrs
b) 1400 hrs
c) 1500 hrs
d) 1545 hrs

4. Suppose the retailers in category ‘C’ outlets do not allow more than 4 minutes to
the salesperson on a busy selling day. How should he utilize the available time
a) Increase time by 5 minutes in each category ‘A’ outlet.
b) Increase time by 5 minutes in each category ‘B’ outlet.
c) Argue and ask for more time with Category ‘C’ outlets.
d) Use the time to make a new relationship.

5. The Distributor asks the Salesperson to commence his call from ‘Raja & Co’ at
0930 hrs and spend not more than 5 minutes at each category ‘A’ outlet. By
what time the salesperson will be able to finish all his calls (including breaks)?

a) By1500hrs
b) By 1600 hrs.
c) By 1355 hrs
d) By 1545 hrs

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6. Suppose a sales person starts at 1000hrs from the distribution point to the 1st
retail outlet and covers all category ‘C’ outlets before starting of with category
‘A’. Approximately at what time would he complete the visit of all category ‘C’
a) 1216hrs
b) 1210hrs
c) 1230hrs
d) 0130hrs

7. The distributor asks the sales person to commence his calls from category ‘B’
outlets at 0900hrs and spend 5 minutes more than usual at each outlet by what
time will the salesperson be able to finish all his calls (assuming he takes no
a) 1000hrs
b) 1010hrs
c) 1020hrs
d) 1030hrs

8. Salesperson starts his call at 1100 hrs at category ‘A’ and takes a break of 30
minutes after every 2 outlets approximately how much time would he take to
finish visiting all calls?
a) 1250hrs
b) 1300hrs
c) 1310hrs
d) 1320hrs

9. If a salespersons spends 25minutes explaining the promotional scheme for all

category B outlets how many outlets will he be able to cover by 1200 hrs
assuming he starts his day at 1030 hrs (assume no breaks taken)?
a) Not even a single outlet
b) 2 complete outlets
c) 3 complete outlets
d) Just about complete the 2nd outlet

10. The salesperson covers 3 star outlets Mega Mart, Dollar Store and Fashion house
and spends 15minutes more than usual time at each outlet assuming no breaks
have been taken but consistent travel time of 35 minutes is taken between each
outlet how much total time would he take to finish the three calls?
a) 3 hours 10 mins
b) 3 hours 20 mins
c) 3 hours 30 mins
d) 3 hours 40 mins

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(Refer for Question No. 11- 20)

Cost to
Week Week Week Week
Stock Held Unit Size Retailer(Per
1 2 3 4
Toffee Pack of 10
Rs. 10 50 60 55 50

Hard Candy Pack of 5

Rs. 64 55 50 45 45

Gum Pack of 10
Rs. 44 45 40 50 55

11. If the stock value for all products is increased by 10% then what would be the
quantity (in packs) of Product ‘Hard Candy’ in the fourth week with the retailer?
a) 495 packs
b) 470 packs
c) 450 packs
d) 400 packs

12. The salesperson wants the retailer to increase his stock by selling 14% more of
product ‘Hard Candy’ in the fourth week. How much additional money would
the retailer have to invest?
a) Rs.2100
b) Rs.2016
c) Rs.403.20
d) Rs. 2000

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13. The salesperson reviewed that the target for product ‘Toffee’ is 5% less than
what was targeted for week one. How many packs of product ‘Toffee’ the
retailer sell last month?
a) 2100 packs
b) 1900 packs
c) 2125 packs
d) 1925 packs

14. The salesperson wants to increase the stock held by 20% across products. How
many pieces of product ‘Gum’ would have to place?
a) 55units
b) 230units
c) 228 units
d) 250 units

15. Product ‘Toffee’ has profit margin of 10% per pack sold, product ‘Hard Candy’ has
a profit margin of 15% per pack and product ‘Gum’ has a profit margin of 11% per
pack. If, in 3 days of sale, product ‘Toffee’ sells 100 packs, product ‘Hard Candy’
sells 75 packs and product ‘Gum’ sells 90 packs. On which product did the retailer
make maximum profit?

a) Product ‘Gum’
b) Product ‘Toffee’
c) Product ‘Hard Candy’
d) Equal for Product ‘Toffee’, ‘Hard Candy’ & ‘Gum’.

16. If the stock unit of gum has been increased by 20% in week 3 & 4 what is the total
stock after week 4?

a) 211 Units
b) 213 Units
c) 215 Units
d) 200 Units

17. If the price of hard candy has been increased by Rs.2 what would be the total cost
to the retailer for week 1?

a) Rs. 18000
b) Rs. 18050
c) Rs. 18150
d) Rs. 18200
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18. If the price of hard candy is increased by Rs. 3 in week 3
what would be the total investment by the retailer for
week 3 & 4?
a) Rs. 30450
b) Rs. 30350
c) Rs. 30250
d) Rs. 30150
19. If the stock units of each product is increased by 10% Week 3
onwards what would be the total stock units in his store
after week 4?
a) 600 Units
b) 615 Units
c) 630 Units
d) 645 Units

20. What would be his total investment in week1 for all products by the
a) Rs. 42100
b) Rs. 42400
c) Rs. 42700
d) Rs. 42900

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 Part B contains some questions that attempt to understand your preferences or interests
you have. There are no right or wrong answers because everyone has the right to his / her
own choice.

 There are 3 possible answer choices to each question. Tick () the choice you have chosen
viz. a, b or c in the Answer Sheet.

 Do not think much on any of the question. Pick up the one, which comes naturally to your

 Try not to pick “uncertain”, “can’t say” answers except when the answer at either end is
impossible for you.

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QUESTIONS Tick( ) the right choice in the Answer Sheet only
(a) (b) (c)
1. Better to chase a target you can reach rather then aim
True Can’t Say False
2. In a discussion the manner of speaking is more
True Can’t Say False
important than the content.
3. “Think before you leap” – is an adage that makes
Agree Disagree Can’t Say
perfect sense in workplace.
4. Which of the following words does not belong with
Circular Straight Diagonal
the others
5. I believe that a good relationship simply happens and
Disagree Agree Can’t say
one has hardly got to push it.
6. Competitor’s activities should be of little interest as
True Can't Say False
long as your product is selling well.
7. I feel an individual’s capacity to work is badly affected
False True Can’t Say
if he is in an unfamiliar team.
8. Even a mere appreciation for a job well done is good
True Can't Say False
enough for me. But atleast it should be there.
9. Finishing a job in time is more important than getting
True False Can’t Say
it right.
10. Listening to others point of view does not always help
Agree Can’t Say Disagree
in better understanding

11. I believe in “Better late than never” True Sometimes False

12. “Can” is to “Could” as “Shall” is to Would Should May

13. It is never too smart to develop a personal

True Can't Sa y False
relationship with your external customer.
14. Even if our team reaches its goals, there is no
True Can't Say False
certainty that each of us would benefit individually.

15. Better work is always done alone Agree Disagree Can’t Say

16. To me success is important. No matter how one gets

Yes Can't Say No
17. It is more important to do quality work rather than
Agree Disagree Can’t Say
worry about meeting deadlines.
18. It is difficult dealing with people who must have a
Agree Disagree Can’t Say
different viewpoint on every possible issue.
19. I like to see everything in order, even if it delays the
True Can’t Say False
completion of task at times.

20. “Pen” is to “Write” as “Spade” is to Dig Cut Point

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QUESTIONS Tick( ) the right choice in the Answer Sheet only
(a) (b) (c)
21. You cannot maintain great relationships if you do not
True Can’t Say False
appreciate the customers’ personal problems
22. I am irritated when people do not give me due credit
True Can't Say False
for my work.
23. It is wiser to be cautious of the friends you keep,
especially at workplace, since there is always a chance Mostly True Mostly False Can’t Say
of getting into bad company.
24. Most problems occur when a company does not
True Can't Say False
provide timely and adequate support
25. I do not think it is unprofessional to help a needy
colleague at work by taking time off from one’s True False Can't Say
assigned job.
26. You should listen to other point of view, even if it
True Can’t Say False
involves delaying your decision.
27. You should not give ideas without first providing facts
True Can’t Say False
and figures to support them.
28. “Proud” is to “Success” as “Tired” is to Work Fatigue Happy
29. I am not unduly affected if I lose a customer as I know
True Can’t Say False
he would come back because of our product strength.
30. I would correct an error immediately, even if it is not
True Can't Say False
my responsibility, to keep up the team's name.
31. You see that your colleague lacks the skills to perform, Tell your
Try to help him Can't Say
you would superior to help
32. It is least important that you should be the first one to
Agree Can’t Say Disagree
initiate an action.
33. There is no lesson in a failure True False Can't Say

34. Listening to everyone's point of view is not practical. True Can’t Say False

35. I hardly ever manage to find time for a hobby. True Can’t Say False
36. Which of the following item is different in kind from
Candle Sun Bulb
37. To me customer is a god – every plan should be made
True Can’t Say False
to meet his expectations.
38. I get angry at people who criticize my country, even if
True Can’t Say False
they are right
39. Joint family is usually not a happy family. Agree Can’t Say Disagree
40. To seize an opportunity you have always got to be the
True Sometimes False
first one.

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QUESTIONS Tick( ) the right choice in the Answer Sheet only
(a) (b) (c)
41. It is better to approach work in a step to step manner
Agree Can't Say Disagree
by first attempting the easier task

42. Being brief effects the quality of communications. True Can’t Say False

43. There is no shame in copying a good idea. True Can’t Say False

44. AB is to ZY as CD is to YX WX XW
45. It is not important to maintain a relationship with each
True Can’t Say False
46. Most problems occur when a company does not
provide timely and adequate support True Can’t Say False

47. People who look behind their shoulders for support in

True False Can’t Say
times of crisis are weak individuals.

48. For an action to be effective, speed is essential. True Can’t Say False

49. It is always better to attempt easier targets first prior

True Can’t Say False
attempting anything challenging.
50. I dislike people who are loud, even though they may be
True Can’t Say False
speaking a lot of sense.
51. Systems and processes are important and if following
Agree Disagree Can’t Say
them delays things a bit – it should be tolerated.

52. “Flame” is to “heat” as “Flower” is to Thorn Petal Scent

53. Customer is our God. We should listen to him / her
True Can’t Say False
even if they have a different opinion.
54. When you listen to your heart, you are usually better
True Can’t Say False
off than if you go by your head !
55. Today it is always better to source good talent rather Agree Disagree Can’t Say
than spend time and effort in developing one.
56. It is wiser to wait and watch since opportunities would
Yes Can’t Say No
invariably come your way.
57. Parents unduly stress their children by setting
True Can’t Say False
unrealistic academic targets.
58. Rigidity is not such a bad trait. After all you have to be
True Can’t Say False
firm when pushing your ideas.
59. Too much of discipline kills independence at work. Agree Disagree Can’t Say

60. “Size” is to “length” as “Dishonest” is to Prison Sin Stealing

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QUESTIONS Tick( ) the right choice in the Answer Sheet only
(a) (b) (c)
61. The seller is always in better control of a deal than a
True Can't Say False
62. A company’s reputation is a critical factor in my
decision to join it. True Can't Say False

63. There would always be different views on any subject –

it is best to discourage energy-sapping debates and get Agree Disagree Can’t Say
on with the action.
64. I do not fear leaping from any height, as long as there
would be someone to catch me ! Agree Can’t Say Disagree

65. Which are the Three words which best describes you (Indicate your choice viz ‘a’
or ‘d’ or ‘f’ etc in the space provided in the Answer Sheet)
(a) Gentle (b) Communicator (c) Assertive (d) Friendly (e) Alert (f) Cooperative
(g) Forceful (h) Calm (i) Completer (j) Thinker


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