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Lesson 6: The Truth about Happiness Blessed are the merciful,

for they shall obtain mercy.

Temporary Happiness: Earthly Happiness
Blessed are the pure of heart,
Eternal Happiness: It is the Happiness that will last for they shall see God.
forever. It is the only achieved when we are with
God in His eternal Kingdom. Blessed are the peacemakers,
- It cannot be achieved while on earth. for they shall be called children of God.

 There is nothing wrong in trying to achieve Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake
temporary happiness; however, we must of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of
never compromise eternal happiness. heaven."

 If we are to choose one between temporary

and eternal happiness, we must be able to Lesson 7: The Truth about our
choose eternal happiness.
Relationship with God

 Always prioritize Eternal Happiness. Matthew 6:24

No one can serve two masters. He will
either, hate one and love the other. You cannot
Jesus made a guide so that we may achieve eternal serve God and Mammon.
- He gave during the Sermon on the Mount. Mammon – devil or money in Hebrew

The Beatitudes: The gospel deals with worldly materials and that as
- They are not a series of commandments a disciple, we can only serve one master. It states
unlike the decalogue (10 commandments) that one can choose only between God and
- These focuses on what values we should
have rather than simply avoiding sin. There is nothing wrong in trying to acquire wealth,
but we are reminded that too much love for wordly
- They do not focus on specific action, rather possesion will lead us to sin. This means that we
on what we should become. should always prioritize God above all else.

- The beatitudes opposes materialism, lust The first 3 Commandments:

for power and wealth, and ruthless
competition. 1. The First Commandment:
- I am the Lord your God, You shall not have
Blessed are the poor in spirit, other gods besides me.
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Virtues of Religion:
Blessed are they who mourn, o Adoration:
for they shall be comforted. - To adore God is to acknowledge, in respect
and absolute submission, the nothingness
Blessed are the meek, of the creature who would not exist but for
for they shall inherit the earth. God. (We are nothing without God)

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for

righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
o Prayer:  Sacrilege
- Adoration (praise), contrition (sorry), - Profaning or disrespecting sacred person,
Thanksgiving (giving thanks) and things, or places; especially against the
supplication. The Virtues we all Eucharist.
acccomplished in prayer by lifting
ourselves to God.  Simony
- The buying or selling of spiritual things or
o Sacrifice: religious items.
- Sacrifice, to the genuine, must be the
expression of spiritual sacrifice.  Atheism and Agnotiscism
- Rejects or denies Go, False Humanism and
o Religiuos Vow: declares the impossibility of proving God’s
- Our faith entauks us to make promises to existence.
God, such as in baptism, confirmation,
matrimony and holy order. 2. The Second Commandment:
- You shall not take the name of the Lord
When we say “God”, we confess a constant and your God in vain.
unchangeable being – a being who is always same,
faithful and without evil. - Prescribes respect for the Lord’s Name.
Like, the 1st commandment, but more
Prohibitions of the First Commandment: particular on our use of speech in sacred
 Superstition
- Attributing the officacy of prayers or of
sacramental signs to their mere external Prohibitions of the Second Commandment:
performance object.
 Abuse of God’s name
 Idoltary - Improper use of the names of God, Jesus
- This is divinizing what is not God. It is Chirst as well as Mary and the other saints.
honoring, revering or worshipping idols og
gods or demons, power, pleasure, race,  Unfaithfulness to Promises
ancestors, the state and the money. - Promises made with God’s name

 Polytheism  Blasphemy
- Believing or venerating other divinities - Uttering words of hatred to God.
then the one true God in three persons.
 False Oath
 Divination and Magic - Using God’s name to affirm something not
- Falsely unveiling the future, horoscope, truthful.
astrology, palm reading, and interpretation
of omen, chairvoyance, recourse to  Perjury
medium, invocation or occult powers. - Makes a promise without any intention of
keeping it.
 Irreligion
- Tempting God to proove His existence or  Foreign Baptismal Name
testing His Almighty power. - Using names that are against Christian

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