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FULL LAB REPORT Summary Grade Sheet

CHEM 457: Experimental Physical Chemistry

Student Name ______________________ Date ________ Section ______
Experiment Title _______________________ Experiment Number ______

Pre-Lab Possible Points Earned Points

Pre-Lab Quiz 10

In-Lab Possible Points Earned Points

In-Lab Questions/Notebook Pages 10

Formal Laboratory Report Possible Points Earned Points

Title and Abstract 8 (10%)

Introduction 12 (15%)

Experimental 8 (10%)

Results and Discussion 32 (40%)

Report Questions
Conclusion 8 (10%)
Acknowledgements, Literature cited
Sample calculations 12 (15%)
Uncertainty analysis/error propagation
Total 80 (100%)

Pre-Lab In-Lab Report Summary Score

(10%) (10%) (80%) (100%)

TA Comments:

(Additional comments on reverse side)

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