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Arranged by: Muhammad Naveed Akhtar (English Language Teacher) Ct- 1, U-3

Ex. 1:

Fill the blank spaces in the following sentences with a, an or the:

1. ________ king of that country is visiting us this year.

2. I met ______ interesting person the other day.

3. I wanted to use my money, so I bought _________ pair of shoes.

4. What is _______ name of your cousin's friend?

5. People are very careless. I found _________ watch in school yesterday.

6. I did ________ homework that my teacher had given me.

7. ________ empty bag is worth nothing. If you see one, don't pick it up.

8. He will take us home because he has _______ car.

9. She ate ______ apple before lunch and another one after lunch.

10. _________ lesson for today is not very difficult.

11. What is ________ matter with you?

12. ________ person must always drive carefully.

13. Can you remember ______ beginning of ________ interesting story he told us last


14. He is _________ awful story-teller!

15. I can think of ________ hundred suitable names to give my dog.

16. Why did __________ teacher ask us such a question?

17. _______ egg would be ideal for breakfast. Let's have one each.

18. He arrived _________hour ago from _______ Bangkok.

19. _________ weather is pleasant today.

20. She bought __________ largest car in town.

21. He is _____ centimetre taller than I am.

The Knowledge Inn
(A project of MA ST T )
A Definite Recipe for Success
Arranged by: Muhammad Naveed Akhtar (English Language Teacher) Ct- 1, U-3

22. He was ______ year old and could not climb ________steps.

23. _________ length of the road is ten kilometres.

24. Suddenly I had _______ idea. "Let's go by bus," I suggested.

25. She is ______ very clever student.

26. They arrived at _______ early hour.

27. When he gives us _________ order, he expects us to obey it, whatever it is.

28. What can you do with ______ money I gave you?

29. When _________ person becomes old he must not work very hard.

30. He is _______ actor but he is not ________ very successful one.

31. _________ ugliest man I’ve ever seen was also ______ finest singer I've ever heard.

32. In _______ hundred years from now, _______ English that people speak may be very

different from _________ English that you are now learning.

33. While _______ tiger is ________ beast of prey that lives on flesh, _______ rabbit is

_______ animal that eats grass and vegetables.

34. _______ more you practise, _______ better you will do. After _______ time, what

seems _________ difficulty will become easy.

The Knowledge Inn
(A project of MA ST T )
A Definite Recipe for Success

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