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1. Research on the various form of gene therapy. How are they done?

It has two types of gene therapy these are Somatic gene therapy and Germline gene therapy.

Somatic gene therapy

Transfer of a section of DNA to any cell of the body that doesn't produce sperm or eggs. Effect of gene
therapy will not be passed onto the patient's children.

Germline gene therapy

Transfer to a section of DNA to cells that produce eggs or sperm. Effects of gene therapy will be passed
onto the patient's children and subsequent generations.

2. What are the recent developments in the gene therapy?

Recent progress concerns new vectors, such as oncolytic viruses, and the synergy between viral gene
therapy chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As evidence of these basic developments, recently
published phase I and II chemical trials, using both single agents and combination strategies in adjuvant
or advance disease settings, have shown encouraging results and safety records.

3. Stem cell treatment has been a subject of debates since the early 21st century. What do you think
about the current developments in the stem cell treatment?

According to the Medical reserachers believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to change the
face of human disease and alleviate suffering. So stem cell treatment has a good effect and impact to the
humans disease. There's the study ghat I read ofbstem cell's offers a great promises for better
understanding basic mechanism of human development, as well as the hope of harnessing these to treat
a wide range of disease and conditions.

4. What health condition do you think urgently needs to be treated by gene therapy? Justify your answer.

Health condition that I think needs urgently to be treated by the gene therapy are ADA-SCID and
Hemophilia. ADA-SCID is also known as the bubble boy disease. Affected children are born without an
effective immune system and will succumb to infections outside of the bubble without bone marrow
transplantation from match donors. Hemophilia are patient's born with hemophilia are not able to
induce blood clots and suffer from external and internal bleeding that can be life threatening.

5. Do yiu think the average human lifespan will change 20 years from now? Why or why not?

Yes of course, the average ofbhuman lifespan will change. Wether better or worse remains to be seen.
Many people are saying for the better with medical and technological advancements. Drugs and
Interventions developed over the past century have almost doubled human lifespan. Like antibiotics,
which have added anywhere between two or ten years to human lifespan expetancy.


1. Why does the average temperature of the atmosphere rise? What might have caused the
unprecedented increase in its level?

Greenhaouse gases are trapping more heat in the Earst's atmosphere. Which is causing average
temperatures to rise all over the world. Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has
changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in orbit, as the atmosphere
or surface changed or when the sun's energy varied.

2. Aside from the rise in mean temperature and CO² levels, what are some other pieces of evidence for
global warming?

Other side states that the cause of global warming are about of human beings and their actions. Human
have been artificially raising the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at an ever-
increasing rate, mostly by burning fossil fuels, but also from cutting down carbon-absorbing forest.

3. How does climate change affect biodiversity?

As climate change alters temperature and weather patterns, it will also impact plant and animal life.
Plants are needs enough level of heat and also not too much cooled in order tonsurvive and so as the
animals. Changes in temperature will also cause shifts in mating cycles especially for migratory animals
that rely on changing seasons to indicate their migration and reproductive timing. Too much hot in our
ecosystem can lead to die our animals and plants. In addition, Increased carbon dioxide causes
aciditation of the ocean, affecting creatures and plants that are sensitive to pH imbalances.

4. What can people and nations do to fix global warming? Give five contributions you can personally
achieve and three potential contributions in a national or international scale.

We as people we can do or we can help to fix global warming by doing such actions,

Instead of commuting ride a bike or switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Reduce water waste

Pull the plugs if we didn't use the appliances

Discourage meat and dairy consumption, encourage plant based diets.

Work together for a change


Divest from fossil fuels

Invest in energy-effecient appliances

Power our home with renewable energy

5. If climate change denial persists, what could possibly happen to the Earth and humanity after 20, 50,
and 100 years considering the current trend?

The consequences of climate change are already here. Global warming is already having significant and
costly effects on our communities, our health and our climate. Unlesswe take immediate action to
reduce global warming emissions, these impacts will continue to intensify, grow ecer more costly and
damaging, abd our family . According to Ted Danson " If we don't do something about global warming.
Now, there will be no fish left in the ocean in 10 years."

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