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Ateneo de Davao University

College of Law
Criminal Law I

ARTICLE 11. JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES.- 4. Any person who, in order to avoid an

THE FOLLOWING DO NOT INCUR ANY evil or injury, does an act which
CRIMINAL LIABILITY: causes damage to another, provided
that the following requisites are
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his present:
person or rights , provided that the
following circumstances concur First: That the evil sought to be
avoided actually exists;
FIRST: Unlawful aggression
Second. That the injury feared be
SECOND: Reasonable necessity of greater than that done to avoid it;
the means employed to prevent or
repel it; Third. That there be no other
practical and less harmful means of
THIRD: Lack of sufficient provocation preventing it.
on the part of the person defending
himself 5. Any person who acts in the
fulfilment of a duty or in the lawful
2. Anyone who acts in defense of the exercise of a right or office.
person or rights of his spouse,
ascendants, descendants, or 6. Any person who acts on obedience
legitimate, natural or adopted to an order issued by a superior for
brothers or sisters or of his relatives some lawful purpose.
by affinity in the same degrees, and
those by consanguinity within the A. SELF-DEFENSE
fourth civil degree, provided that the
first and second requisites PEOPLE V ABRAZALDO
prescribed in the next preceding
circumstance are present, and the FACTS: On July 15, 1995, at about 10:00
further requisite, in case the o’clock in the evening, at Barangay Pogo,
provocation was given by the person Mangaldan, Pangasinan, accused-appellant,
attacked, that the one making then intoxicated,4 attempted to hack his
defense had no part therein. uncle, Bernabe Quinto, but instead, hit the
post of the latter’s house.5 The incident was
3. Anyone who acts in defense of the reported to the barangay authorities,
person or rights of a stranger, prompting Delfin Guban, Rosendo Fajardo,
provided that the first and second Sr., Alejandro Loceste (all are members of
requisites mentioned in the first the barangay tanod), and Cesar Manaois to
circumstance of this article are rush to the scene. Upon reaching the place,
present that the person defending Fajardo heard accused-appellant shouting at
be not induced by revenge, his uncle, "I will kill you!" Thereafter, he saw
resentment or other evil motive. accused-appellant coming out of Quinto’s
house with blood oozing from his
1 Cherry Ann C. Namoc
Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
forehead.6 At that time, the place was well ISSUE: W/N THE CLAIM OF SELF-DEFENSE
lighted by a flourescent lamp. Guban tried OF THE ACCUSED SHOULD BE APPRECIATED
to assist accused-appellant. However, for
unknown reason, accused-apellant and HELD: NO Consistent is the jurisprudence that
Guban shouted at each other and grappled where self-defense is invoked, it is incumbent
"face to face." Accused-appellant pulled out upon the accused to prove by clear and
his knife, stabbed Guban at the convincing evidence that (1) he is not the
abdomen7 and ran away. When Fajardo got unlawful aggressor; (2) there was lack of
sufficient provocation on his part; and (3) he
hold of Guban, the latter said, "I was
employed reasonable means to prevent and
stabbed by Feding Abrazaldo."8 Fajardo, repel an aggression. On appeal, the burden
together with the other barangay tanod, becomes even more difficult as the accused
rushed Guban to the Gov. Teofilo Sison must show that the court below committed
Memorial Hospital where he was operated reversible error in appreciating the evidence. 26
by Dr. Alberto Gonzales, a Medical Officer
III. But after a few hours, Guban died. Dr. Accused-appellant miserably failed to discharge
Gonzales issued a Medico-Legal Certificate the burden. To show that he was not the
stating that the cause of death was "stab unlawful aggressor, he testified that it was
wound, epigastrium, massive hemothorax Guban who went to his house, threatened to kill
right." him,27 hit him with an iron pipe,28 and attacked
him with a knife.29 We quote accused-
appellant’s testimony, thus the Accused-
Invoking self-defense, accused-appellant
appellant Federico Abrazaldo is declared guilty
presented a different version. On July 15,
beyond reasonable doubt of homicide.
1995 at about 10:00 in the evening, he was
making fans inside his house at Barangay
Pogo, Mangaldan, Pangasinan.15 His wife
Lydia and children Mary Jane, Melvin and
Christelle were with him. Suddenly, Delfin
Guban, who was then drunk, went to his
house and shouted at him, saying, "Get out
Feding I will kill you!"16 When accused-
appellant went out, Guban hit him with an
iron pipe. Accused-appellant ran towards
his house and got his two children. Guban,
now armed with a knife, followed him and
they grappled for its possession. In the
course thereof, both fell down.17 It was then
that the knife held by Guban accidentally hit
him. Accused-appellant did not know which
part of Guban’s body was hit. Thereafter, he
got the knife in order to surrender it to the

2 Cherry Ann C. Namoc

Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
such, there could be no self[-] defense to speak
of. The other two requisites need not be

On the part of the prosecution, it clearly proved

the presence of intent to kill on the part of the
accused. The fact that the shots fired by the
accused were directed to the vital body parts of
PEOPLE V DURAN the victim, namely on the head and the chest,
shows intent to kill.
FACTS: That on or about the 9th day of January,
2009, in the Municipality of Rosario, Cavite, In addition thereto, the testimony of eye
Philippines, a place within the jurisdiction of witness Quilana is very credible. Witness saw
this Honorable Court, the above-named vividly how the shooting incident happened,
accused, with intent to kill, using an unlicensed who the victim was - Gilbert Grimaldo and the
firearm, employing treachery and nocturnity, perpetrator of the crime - herein accused Paul
did, then and there, wilfully, unlawfully and Duran. the Court DECLARES accused-appellant
feloniously shoot GILBERT GRIMALDO Y NERA Paul M. Duran, Jr. GUILTY of HOMICIDE
on the back of his head and thereafter as the
victim lay helpless and wounded on the ground
with abuse of superior strength shot him
another three times, inflicting upon the latter Unlawful aggression is of two kinds:
multiple gunshot wounds which cause (sic) his
instantaneous death, to the damage and (a) actual or material unlawful aggression; and
prejudice of the latter's heirs. (b) imminent unlawful aggression.


QUALIFIED BY TREACHERY AGGRESSION means an attack with physical
force or with a weapon, an offensive act
HELD: This Court is convinced that there was no that positively determines the intent of the
unlawful aggression. Assuming that Grimaldo aggressor to cause the injury. Imminent
and his unidentified companion really tried to unlawful aggression means an attack that is
hold-up Duran, the latter's testimony shows that impending or at the point of happening; it
the aggression had already ceased when he must not consist in a mere threatening
(Duran) was able to successfully take the gun attitude, nor must it be merely imaginary,
from the possession of Grimaldo. but must be offensive and positively strong
(like aiming a revolver at another with
Having now the possession of the gun, there intent to shoot or opening a knife and
was obviously no reason for him to shoot the making a motion as if to attack).
victim successively because the unlawful
aggression from the victim has stopped. Duran IMMINENT UNLAWFUL AGGRESSION must
by his own admission stated that he shot not be a mere threatening attitude of the
Grimaldo four times. Hence, no unlawful victim, such as pressing his right hand to his
aggression by the victim was shown. Be it hip where a revolver was holstered,
remembered that the presence of said primary accompanied by an angry countenance, or
requisite is a condition sine qua non of the like aiming to throw a pot.26
justifying circumstance of self-defense. Absent
3 Cherry Ann C. Namoc
Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
The burden of proof then shifts on him to prove, petitioner underwent the regular security
with clear and convincing evidence, the check-up/procedures. He was frisked by the
confluence of the essential requisites for such a guards-on-duty manning the main entrance of
defense, namely: a.) UNLAWFUL AGGRESSION said building and no firearm was found in his
ON THE PART OF THE VICTIM; b.) REASONABLE possession. He registered his name at the
NECESSITY OF THE MEANS EMPLOYED AND TO security logbook and surrendered a valid I.D.
SUFFICIENT PROVOCATION ON THE PART OF Upon reaching the 25th Floor of the same
THE PERSON DEFENDING HIMSELF building, a security guard manning the entrance
once again frisked petitioner and, likewise,
B. DOCTRINE OF RATIONAL EQUIVALENCE found no gun in his possession; hence, he was
allowed to enter the premises of Sykes Asia. The
DELA CRUZ V PEOPLE security guard also pointed to him the direction
towards his wife’s table.
FACTS: on January 1, 2005, at around 2:30 in the
afternoon, petitioner went to the office of Sykes However, as Darlene was then not on her table,
Asia Inc. located at the 25th Floor of Robinson’s petitioner approached a certain man and asked
Summit Center,Ayala Avenue, Makati City. When the latter as to the possible whereabouts of
petitioner was already inside the building, he Darlene. The person whom petitioner had
went to the work station of the deceased victim, talked towas the deceased-victim, Jeffrey. After
Jeffrey Wernher L. Gonzales (Jeffrey), who, by casually introducing himself as the husband of
the configuration of the eye witness Antonette Darlene, Jeffrey curtly told him, "Bakit mo
Managbanag’s sketch, was seated fronting his hinahanap si Darlene?"to which he answered,
computer terminal, with his back towards the "Nagpapasundo kasi sa akin."The response
aisle. As petitioner approached Jeffrey from the given by Jeffrey shocked and appalled
back, petitioner was already holding a gun petitioner: "Ayaw na nga ng asawa mo sayo
pointed at the back of Jeffrey’s head. At the last sinusundo mo pa!"
second, Jeffrey managed to deflect the hand of
petitioner holding the gun, and a short struggle Shocked by the words and reaction of Jeffrey,
for the possession of the gun ensued thereafter. petitioner tried to inquire from Jeffrey who he
Petitioner won the struggle and remained in was. But Jeffrey suddenly cursed petitioner.
possession of the said gun. Petitioner then Then, Jeffrey suddenly picked up something in
pointed the gun at Jeffrey’s face, pulled the his chair which happened to be a gun and
trigger four (4) times, the fourth shot finally pointed the same at petitioner’s face followed
discharging the bullet that hit Jeffrey in the by a clicking sound. The gun, however, did not
forehead, eventually killing him. Finally, after fire.
shooting Jeffrey, petitioner fled the office.
Seeing imminent danger to his life,petitioner
Petitioner claimed that on January1, 2005, at grappled with Jeffrey for the possession of the
around 2:30 in the afternoon, more or less, gun.While grappling, the gunclicked for two (2)
petitioner, together with his children, went to to three (3) more times. Again, the gun did not
Sykes Asia, the workplace of his wife, Darlene fire.
Dela Cruz (Darlene), located at the 25th Floor of
Robinson’s Summit Building in Makati City, to Petitioner was able to wrest away the gun from
fetch the latter so that their family could spend Jeffrey and tried to run away to avoid any
time and celebrate together the New Year’s Day. further confrontation with the latter.However,
Before entering the Robinson’s Summit Building, Jeffrey immediately blocked petitioner’s path
4 Cherry Ann C. Namoc
Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
and shouted, "Guard! Guard!" Immediately employed by the person invoking self-defense
then, Jeffrey took hold ofa big fire extinguisher, contemplates a rational equivalence between
aimed and was about to smash the same on the means of attack and the defense (Peo vs.
petitioner’s head.
Obordo, 382 SCRA 98).
Acting instinctively, petitioner parried the attack
while still holding the gun. While in the act of It was the accused who was in a vantage
parrying, the gun accidentally fired due to the position as he was armed with a gun, as
reasonable force and contact that his parrying against the victim who was armed, so to
hand had made with the fire extinguisher and speak, with a fire extinguisher, which is not a
the single bullet discharged hit the forehead of deadly weapon. Under the circumstances,
Jeffrey, which caused the latter to fall on the
accused's alleged fear was unfounded. The
floor and die.
Supreme Court has ruled that neither an
Petitioner left the gun and went out ofthe imagined impending attack nor an impending or
premises of Sykes Asia and proceeded towards threatening attitude is sufficient to constitute
the elevator. On his way to the elevator, he unlawful aggression (Catalina Security Agency
heard Darlene shout, "Sherwin anong Vs. Gonzales-Decano, 429 SCRA 628). It is a
nangyari?", but he was not able to answer. settled rule that to constitute aggression, the
person attacked must be confronted by a real
After said incident, Darlene abandoned
threat on his life and limb; and the peril sought
petitioner and brought with her their two (2)
young children. Petitioner later learned that to be avoided is imminent and actual, not
Darlene and Jeffrey had an illicit relationship merely imaginary (Senoja v. Peo., 440 SCRA
when he received a copy of the blog of Darlene, 695).[26]
dated January 30, 2005, sent by his friend.

If petitioner had honestly believed that Jeffrey

was trying to kill him, he should have just run,
ISSUE: despite any obstruction, considering that he
WHETER THE FIRING OF THE GUN WHEREIN was already in possession of the gun. He could
ONLY A SINGLE BULLET WAS DISCHARGED have also immediately sought help from the
THEREFROM WAS MERELY ACCIDENTAL WHICH people around him, specifically the guard
OCCURRED DURING THE TIME THAT THE stationed at the floor where the shooting
PETITIONER-APPELLANT WAS STILL IN THE ACT incident happened. In fact, he could have
OF DEFENDING HIMSELF FROM THE reported the incident to the authorities as soon
CONTINUOUS UNLAWFUL AGGRESSION OF THE as he had opportunity to do so, if it was indeed
DECEASED VICTIM. an accident or a cry of self-preservation. Yet,
petitioner never did any of that.

HELD: The victim was holding the fire

extinguisher while the second was holding the
gun. The gun and the discharge thereof was
unnecessary and disproportionate to repel the
alleged aggression with the use of fire
extinguisher. The rule is that the means PEOPLE V APOLINAR
5 Cherry Ann C. Namoc
Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
FACTS: Defense of propertyPeople vs. Apolinar FACTS:
Mamerto Narvaez has been convicted of
Midnight of December 22, 1936, the defendant murder(qualified by treachery) of David
andappellant Anastacio Apolinar alias Atong Fleischer and FlavianoRubia. On August 22,
was at thattime the occupant of a parcel of land 1968, Narvaez shot Fleischer andRubia
owned by JoaquinGonzales in Papallasen, La duringthe time the two were constructing a
Paz, Umingan, Pangasinan.Armed with a fence that wouldprevent Narvaez from getting
shotgun, Atong was looking over said landwhen into his house and ricemill. The defendant was
he observed that there was a man carrying taking a nap when he heardsounds of
abundle on his shoulder.Believing that he was a construction andfound fence being made. He
thief (of palay), the defendantcalled his addressed the group andasked them to stop
attention but he ignored him.The defendant destroying his house and asking if they could
fired in the air and then at the person.The man, talk things over. Fleischer responded with"No,
identified as Domingo Petras, was able to gadamit, proceed, goahead." Defendant lost his
getback to his house and consequently narrated "equilibrium," and shotFleisher with his
to AngelNatividad, the barrio chief, that he had shotgun. He also shot Rubia who wasrunning
been woundedin the back by a shotgun.He then towards the jeep where the deceased's gun
showed the two wounds - one in each side wasplaced. Prior to theshooting, Fleischer and
of the spinal column - which wounds were Co. (the company of Fleischer'sfamily) was
circular in formand a little bigger than a quarter involved in a legal battle with the defendantand
of an inch, according tothe medical report of Dr. other land settlers of Cotabato over certain
Mananquil.Petras died of the wounds he piecesof property. At the timeof the shooting,
sustained.The defendant surrendered to the the civil case was still pending forannulment
authoritiesimmediately after the incident and (settlers wanted granting of property toFleisher
gave a swornstatement (Exhibit F) before the and Co. to be annulled). At time of theshooting,
Justice of Peace of Umingan on December 23, defendant had leased hisproperty from Fleisher
1936. (though case pending andownership uncertain)
Issue to avoid trouble. On June 25,defendant received
: WON the killing of Petras was justified by letter terminating contract becausehe allegedly
defenseof property didn't pay rent.He was given 6 months to
Held: remove his house from theland. Shooting was
No; the right to property is not of barely 2 months after letter.Defendant claims he
suchimportance as right to life, and defense of killed in defense of his person andproperty. CFI
property canbe invoked as a justifying ruled thatNarvaez was guilty. Aggravating
circumstance only when it iscoupled with an circumstances of evident premeditation offset
attack on the person of one entrustedwith said by the mitigatingcircumstance of voluntary
property surrender. For both murders,CFI sentenced him
to reclusion perpetua, to indemnifythe heirs,
and to pay for moral damages.

1. Whether or not CFI erred in convicting

defendant-appellant despite the fact that he
acted in defense of his person.
No. The courts concurred that the fencing and
chisellingof the walls of the house of the
PEOPLE V NARVAEZ defendant was indeed aform of aggression on
6 Cherry Ann C. Namoc
Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
the part of the victim. However,thisaggression not murder because treachery is notapplicable
was not done on the person of the victimbut on account of provocation by the
rather on his rights to property. On the first deceased.Also, assault was not deliberately
issue,the courts did not err. However, in
chosen with view tokill since slayer acted
consideration of theviolation of property rights,
the courts referred to Art.30 of the civil code instantaneously. There was alsono direct
recognizing the right of owners toclose and evidence of planning or preparation to
fence their land.Although is not in dispute, the kill. Art.249 RPC: Penalty for homicide is
victim was not in theposition to subscribe to the reclusion temporal.However, due to mitigating
article because hisownership of the land being circumstances andincomplete defense, it can be
awarded by thegovernment was still pending, lowered three degrees(Art. 64) to arrestomayor.
therefore puttingownership into question. It is
accepted that the victimwas the original 3. WON he should be liable for
aggressor. subsidiaryimprisonment since he is unable to pay the
2. WON the court erred in convicting civilindemnity due to the offended party.
defendant-appellant although he acted in No. He is not liable to be subsidiarily
defence of his rights. imprisoned fornonpayment of civil indemnity.
Yes. However, the argument of the RA 5465 made theprovisions of Art. 39
justifyingcircumstance of self-defense is applicable to fines only and not toreparation of
applicable only if the 3 requirements are damage caused, indemnification
fulfilled. Art. 11(1) RPC enumeratesthese of consequential damages and costs of
requisites:Unlawful aggression. In the case at proceedings.Although it was enacted only after
its conviction,considering that RA 5465 is
bar, there wasunlawful aggression towards
favorable to the accusedwho is not a habitual
appellant's property rights.Fleisher had given delinquent, it may be givenretroactive effect
Narvaez 6 months and he shouldhave left him in pursuant to Art. 22 of the RPC.Judgment:
peace before time was up, instead of chiseling Defendant guilty of homicide but w/mitigating
Narvaez's house and putting up fence. Art. circumstances and extenuating circumstanceof
536of the Civil Code also provides that incomplete self defense. Penalty is 4 months
arrestomayor and to indemnifyeach group of
possession may notbe acquired through force or
heirs 4,000 w/o subsidiary imprisonmentand
intimidation; while Art.539 provides that every
w/o award for moral damages. Appellant
possessor has the right to berespected in his hasalready been detained 14 years so his
possessionReasonable necessity of means immediaterelease is ordered.Gutierrez,
employed to prevent orrepel attack. In the case, dissenting. Defense of property can only
killing was disproportionate tothe attack.Lack of beinvoked when coupled with form of attack on
sufficient provocation on part of persondefending property. In the case at bar,
this was not so.Appellant should then be
persondefending himself. Here, there was no
sentenced to prision mayor.However, since he
provocation at allsince he was asleepSince not has served more than that, he shouldbe
all requisites present, defendant is creditedwith Released
the special mitigating circumstance of
incompletedefense, pursuant to Art. 13(6) RPC.
These mitigatingcircumstances are: voluntary PEOPLE V MARIVIC GENOSA
surrender and passion andobfuscation (read p. Facts:
405 explanation) Crime is homicide(2 counts)

7 Cherry Ann C. Namoc

Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
Marivic Genosa, the appellant, on November and actual – grave harm to the accused based
15, 1995, attacked and wounded his husband on the history of violence perpetuated by the
which ultimately led to his death. According to former against the latter.
the appellant, she did not provoke her husband
when she got home that night and it was her For the second issue, the SC ruled out treachery
husband who began the provocation. The as an aggravating circumstance because the
appellant said she was frightened that her quarrel or argument that preceded the killing
husband would hurt her and she wanted to must have forewarned the victim of the
make sure she would deliver her baby safely. assailant’s aggression.

The appellant testified that during her marriage

she had tried to leave her husband at least five PEOPLE V GENOSA (DIFF VERSION)
times, but that Ben would always follow her and
they would reconcile. The appellant said that The wife had suffered maltreatment from her husband
the reason why Ben was violent and abusive for over eight years. She was 8 months pregnant when,
towards her that night was because he was one evening, her husband came home drunk and
crazy about his recent girlfriend, Lulu Rubillos. started to batter her. Shouting that his wife "might as
The appellant, after being interviewed by well be killed so there will be nobody to nag" him, he
dragged her towards a drawer where he kept a gun,
specialist, has been shown to be suffering from but was not able to open the drawer because it was
Battered Woman Syndrome. The appellant with locked. So he got out a cutter from his wallet, but
a plea of self-defense admitted the killing of her dropped it. She was able to hit his arm with a pipe and
husband. She was found guilty of the crime of escape into another room. The wife, thinking of all the
parricide, with the aggravating circumstance of suffering that her husband had been inflicting on her,
and thinking that he might really kill her and her
treachery, for the husband was attacked while
unborn child, distorted the drawer and got the gun.
asleep. She shot her husband, who was by then asleep on the
bed. She was tried and convicted for parricide, which is
Issues: punishable by reclusion perpetua (20 years and 1 day to
(1) Whether or not appellant acted in self-defense. 40 years) to death. On appeal, she alleged "battered
woman syndrome" as a form of self-defense. (For Full
(2) Whether or not treachery attended the killing.
Case, just click here.


For the first issue, the SC held that the defense FACTS:

failed to establish all the elements of self- That Marivic Genosa, the Appellant on the
defense arising from battered woman 15November1995, attacked and wounded his husband,
syndrome, to wit: (a) Each of the phases of the which ultimately led to his death. According to the
cycle of violence must be proven to have appellant she did not provoke her husband when she got
home that night it was her husband who began the
characterized at least two battering episodes
provocation. The Appellant said she was frightened that
between the appellant and her intimated her husband would hurt her and she wanted to make
partner; (b) The final acute battering episode sure she would deliver her baby safely. In fact, The
preceding the killing of the batterer must have Appelant had to be admitted later at the Rizal Medical
produced in the battered person’s mind an Centre as she was suffering from eclampsia and
actual fear of an imminent harm from her hypertension, and the baby was born prematurely on
December 1, 1995.
batterer and an honest belief that she needed
to use force in order to save her life, and; (c) At The Appellant testified that during her marriage she
the time of the killing, the batterer must have had tried to leave her husband at least five (5) times,
posed probable – not necessarily immediate but that Ben would always follow her and they would

8 Cherry Ann C. Namoc

Ateneo de Davao University
College of Law
Criminal Law I
reconcile. The Apellant said that the reason why Ben
was violent and abusive towards her that night was In the present case, however it was not conclusively
because 'he was crazy about his recent girlfriend, Lulu shown, that the appellant intentionally chose a specific
Rubillos. means of successfully attacking her husband without
any risk to herself from any retaliatory act that he
The Appellant after being interviewed by specialists, might make. To the contrary, it appears that the
has been shown to be suffering from Battered Woman thought of using the gun occurred to her only at about
Syndrome. the same moment when she decided to kill her spouse.
The appellant with a plea of self defense admitted the In the absence of any convincing proof that she
killing of her husband, she was then found guilty of consciously and deliberately employed the method by
Parricide, with the aggravating circumstance of which she committed the crime in order to ensure its
treachery, for the husband was attacked while asleep. execution, the doubt should be resolved in her favor.


Can Marivic Genosa be granted the Justifying The conviction of Appellant Marivic Genosa for parricide
circumstance of Self-defense, and can she be held is hereby AFFIRMED. However, there being two (2)
liable for the aggravating circumstance of mitigating circumstances and no aggravating
treachery? circumstance attending her commission of the offense,
her penalty is REDUCED to six (6) years and one (1) day
No, Since self- defense since the existence of Battered of prision mayor as minimum; to 14 years, 8 months and
woman syndrome, which the appellant has been shown 1 day of reclusion temporal as maximum.
to be suffering in the relationship does not in itself
establish the legal right of the woman to kill her ADDENDUM:
abusive partner. Evidence must still be considered in
the context of self-defense. When can BWS (Battered Woman Syndrome) as self
In the present case, however, according to the defense be appreciated?
testimony of the appellant there was a sufficient time
interval between the unlawful aggression of the Where the brutalized person is already suffering from
husband and her fatal attack upon him. She had already BWS, further evidence of actual physical assault at the
been able to withdraw from his violent behavior and time of the killing is not required. Incidents of
escape to their children's bedroom. During that time, he domestic battery usually have a predictable pattern. To
apparently ceased his attack and went to bed. The require the battered person to await an obvious, deadly
reality or even the imminence of the danger he posed attack before she can defend her life "would amount to
had ended altogether. He was no longer in a position sentencing her to 'murder by installment.' Still,
that presented an actual threat on her life or safety. impending danger (based on the conduct of the victim
in previous battering episodes) prior to the defendant's
Without continuous aggression there can be no self- use of deadly force must be shown. Threatening
defense. And absence of aggression does not warrant behavior or communication can satisfy the required
complete or incomplete self-defense. imminence of danger. Considering such circumstances
and the existence of BWS, self-defense may be
No, There is treachery when one commits any of the appreciated.
crimes against persons by employing means, methods or
forms in the execution thereof without risk to oneself You might also like:
arising from the defense that the offended party might

The circumstances must be shown as indubitably as the

killing itself; they cannot be deduced from mere
inferences, or conjectures, which have no place in the
appreciation of evidence. Besides, equally axiomatic
is the rule that when a killing is preceded by an
argument or a quarrel, treachery cannot be
appreciated as a qualifying circumstance, because the
deceased may be said to have been forewarned and to
have anticipated aggression from the assailant.

9 Cherry Ann C. Namoc


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