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2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study


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Table of Contents
About the Study 03
More Impact Than Marketers Realize 06
Opportunity and Risk 15
The Thought Leadership Flywheel 19
Contact Information 27

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Thought Leadership Earns Attention.
But Does It Drive Demand?
Key findings from the 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study include:

Thought leadership Done right, thought Most B2B marketers

has more influence leadership has miss the opportunity
on sales than tangible business to capitalize on the
marketers realize – impact. Done poorly, full-funnel potential of
and it’s growing. it creates risk. thought leadership.

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About the Study
For the purpose of this study, thought leadership refers to:

Free deliverables
that organizations
Thought leadership, in Example formats include:
or individuals this context, does not
produce on a topic • Research Reports
include content primarily
in their area of • Videos
focused on describing an
expertise, when • Thought Pieces
organization’s products
they feel others • Essays
or services.
can benefit from • Webinars
their perspective. • Presentations

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About the Study
To help B2B companies understand the impact of thought leadership, Edelman and
LinkedIn surveyed 1,201 U.S. business decision makers and purchase influencers
across a wide range of industries and company sizes.

Seniority Level Company Size (Employees) Data collection Online, using the LinkedIn platform to
survey LinkedIn members
Manager 23% 1-200 43%
Fielding dates November 2018
Director 26% 201-1000 13% Survey length 10-15 Minutes
Vice President 11% 1001-10,000 15% Margin of Error Total Sample +/- 2.3%
CXO, Partner, Owner 14% 10,001+ 20%

Vetting Role Additional Segment

Give input 32% Works in high-tech 17%

Manage the process 17%
Final decision maker 28%

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Thought Leadership:

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Consumption of Thought Leadership Is Growing
There was an 8-point increase in the amount of weekly reading by decision makers over last year.

Percent of decision makers who spend an hour or more

reading thought leadership

1-3 Hours 4+ Hours

Decision makers
are deeply engaged

37% 21% 58%

4 hrs+

The most significant

+8 point YoY increase
increase was among those
who spend 4 hours or
more per week reading
2017 38% 12% 50% thought leadership.

7 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Screening Q1. On average, how much time per week do you spend reading and viewing thought leadership? Select one response. US
decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Powered by
Decision Makers Use Thought Leadership to
Evaluate Potential Vendors and Partners

use thought leadership as an
important way to vet organizations
they’re considering working with

agree it is one of the best ways to get a sense of agree it is particularly important to build the
69% the caliber of thinking an organization can deliver 63% reputation of new and small businesses

8 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q11. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements? Please select one response for each statement. Columns: strongly disagree,
disagree, neither agree or disagree, agree and strongly agree. Total Agree among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Powered by
Thought Leadership
Creates Access to High-Value Decision Makers

Sellers are not

recognizing the full

of C-suite executives shared

said that they believe
their contact information after thought leadership “helps
with lead generation and
reading thought leadership getting new contacts that
we can call on.”

9 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q12. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements? Please select one response for each statement. Columns: never, rarely,
sometimes, often and almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US C-Suite consuming thought leadership. Powered by
Thought Leadership
Generates RFP Opportunities

Sellers are not

recognizing the full

invited the organization

said they believe thought
to bid on a project when not leadership is effective in
generating more RFPs.
previously considering them

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q13. How frequently has the following occurred after you have engaged with a piece of thought leadership? Please select one response for each
10 statement. Columns: never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Q18. In your opinion, when it comes to
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business development activities, where do you think your organization’s thought leadership is the most effective? Select all that apply. US sellers (managers+) leveraging thought leadership.
Thought Leadership
Wins Business Opportunities
Thought leadership directly led decision makers to award business to an organization

Sellers are not

recognizing the full

58% Business
said they believe thought
leadership is directly
decision makers responsible for helping
them close business.

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q13. How frequently has the following occurred after you have engaged with a piece of thought leadership? Please select one response for each statement.
11 Columns: never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Q17. Within your organization, is thought leadership
effective in generating new business opportunities? Select all that apply. US sellers (managers+) leveraging thought leadership. Powered by
Thought Leadership
Helps Command Premium
High-value decision makers are more willing to pay a premium to work with an organization
that has articulated a clear vision versus one that does not publish thought leadership.

Sellers are not

recognizing the full

61% C-Suite
said they believe their
thought leadership allows
executives them to charge more than
their competitors who
produce lower quality
pieces or none at all.

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q11. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements? Please select one response for each statement. Columns: strongly disagree,
12 disagree, neither agree or disagree, agree and strongly agree. Total agree among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Q18. In your opinion, when it comes to business development activities, where do you
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think your organization’s thought leadership is the most effective? Select all that apply. US sellers (managers+) leveraging thought leadership.
Thought Leadership
Drives Growth With Existing Customers

Decision makers Decision makers

increased the bought a new
amount of business product/service they
done with an
55% 60% were not previously
organization considering

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q13. How frequently has the following occurred after you have engaged with a piece of thought leadership? Please select one response for each
13 statement. Columns: never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership.
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The Opportunity Gap: Producers and Sellers Undervalue Sales Impact
Decision maker actions attributed to thought leadership versus seller and producer perceptions

Makers 89%

59% 59%
58% 58%

51% 45%

Sellers 26% 29%

Producers 14%

14% 13%

Awareness Consideration Purchase Pricing Cross-Sell

Increased perception of Generated RFP invitations Led to awarding Led to commanding Led to purchase of new
brand capabilities business a premium product or service

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q11. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements? Please select one response for each statement. Columns: strongly disagree, disagree,
neither agree or disagree, agree and strongly agree. US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Q13. How frequently has the following occurred after you have engaged with a piece of thought leadership? Please select
14 one response for each statement. Columns: never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Q16. Within your
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organization, is thought leadership effective as a marketing tool? Select all that apply. US sellers and producers (managers+) leveraging thought leadership. Q17. Within your organization, is thought leadership effective in
generating new business opportunities? Select all that apply. US sellers (mangers+) leveraging thought leadership.
Thought Leadership:


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Quality Thought Leadership Pieces Are Scarce
Only 18% of pieces get high marks from decision makers

Excellent or
Producers of
Very Good 18% thought leadership

Good 53% 25%

rated the thought
leadership they
encountered as Very
Good or Excellent.
Mediocre to
Very Poor 30%

16 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q7. What would you say is the overall quality of most of the thought leadership you read? Please select one response. US decision-makers leveraging
thought leadership. Q14. What would you say is the overall quality of most of the thought leadership your organization produces? Select one response. US sellers (managers+) leveraging thought leadership. Powered by
Brands Underestimate Impact on Trust and Reputation

Thought leadership increases Thought leadership enhances

trust in an organization a brand’s reputation

87% 89%
Business Decision Suppliers of
Makers Thought Leadership



Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q13. How frequently has the following occurred after you have engaged with a piece of thought leadership? Please select one response for each
17 statement. Columns: never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US decision-makers and suppliers (managers+) leveraging thought leadership. Q17. Within
your organization, is thought leadership effective in generating new business opportunities? Select all that apply. US sellers (mangers+) leveraging thought leadership Powered by
Thought Leadership Is a Double-Edged Sword
Done poorly, it can harm business

Actions taken by decision makers after reading thought leadership:

75% 92% 58%

will start following a said thought leadership decided to give business
writer or organization has increased their to a company based on
based on their thought respect for an their thought leadership
leadership organization

60% 46% 29%

will stop following a writer said thought leadership decided not to award a
or organization after has decreased their piece of business to a
reading their thought respect for an company based on their
leadership pieces organization thought leadership

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q12. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements? Please select one response for each statement. Columns: never, rarely,
sometimes, often and almost every time. US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Q13. How frequently has the following occurred after you have engaged with a piece of thought leadership? Please
18 select one response for each statement. Columns: never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost every time. Net of sometimes, often and almost every time among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership.
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The Thought Leadership Flywheel:


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The Thought Leadership Flywheel
Turn Thought Leadership into Market Leadership
for Your B2B Brand

Thought leadership has more influence on sales

than marketers realize – and it’s growing. ATTRIBUTION

Done right, thought leadership has tangible

business impact. Done poorly, it creates risk.

Edelman developed the Thought Leadership BREVITY VISION

Flywheel to help B2B Marketers capitalize on the
full-funnel potential of thought leadership, while
building brand and business momentum. TRUST

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Capitalize on White Space
Audiences want brands to inspire creativity and foster innovation


The majority of decision
makers say half or more of
the thought leadership
they encounter does not
provide valuable insights

Analyze the market. Find opportunities where

your brand can own and lead timely conversations.

21 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q8. What percentage of the time do you gain insights from the thought leadership you are exposed to that helps you do your job better or move your business
forward? Please select one response. US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Powered by
Be Relevant
Thought leadership only engages when it is mapped to customer needs

The majority of decision makers
said the topic being related to RELEVANCE
what they are currently
working on is one of the most
critical factor in getting them to

Put customers first. Stay close to customer needs

through listening programs; use data to inform
insights on relevant topics and trends.

22 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q5. Now thinking about the content itself, what are the two (2) most important things in getting you to engage with a piece of
thought leadership? Please select up to two below. US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Powered by
Set a Vision
Decision makers want to know where their industry is going

Almost 9 in 10 decision makers
believe it is important for
companies to lay out a clear
vision for the future.


Define the future. Inspire confidence by capturing the

imagination of what’s possible today…and tomorrow.

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q6: How important do you think it is that organizations produce thought leadership which lays out a vision or point-of-view
23 on important topics? Columns: Waste of time, Not very important, important, very important, mission critical. Top 3 Box Important. US decision-makers consuming thought leadership.
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Build Trust
Being a trusted source is key to driving thought leadership engagement

A large majority of decision makers
said that thought leadership being
shared by someone they
know and respect is a critical
factor in getting them to engage

Establish credibility. Harness the power of executives,
subject matter experts and employees to validate your brand.

24 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q4. How important are each of the following in getting you to engage with a piece of thought leadership? Rate each attribute
on a 5-point scale where 1 is not at all important and 5 is critically important. Top Two Box Important among US decision-makers consuming thought leadership. Powered by
Be Concise
Short formats are overwhelmingly preferred by busy professionals

Over half of decision makers said
their preferred format for
thought leadership is
“snackable” media that can be
digested in a few minutes


Think smart but small. Create bite-sized content that can

be quickly consumed and easily shared on mobile devices.

25 Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q2. What are your preferred formats for thought leadership? Select all that apply. US decision-makers consuming thought leadership.
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Measure Progress
Thought leadership cannot be appropriately valued without attribution

Only a small fraction of sellers
have a way to link business
wins back to specific pieces
of thought leadership

Architect for impact. Align goals across teams, data

and technology to measure success and drive outcomes.

Source: 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study. Q19. How do you measure or determine the effectiveness of your thought leadership? Select all that apply. US sellers (managers+)
26 leveraging thought leadership. Powered by
Joe Kingsbury
U.S. Managing Director, B2B

David Bersoff, Ph.D.

Head of Global Thought Leadership Research
Edelman Intelligence

Turn thought leadership into market leadership.

Stay informed on the latest strategies, insights and trends driving thought
leadership content creation and B2B marketing impact.

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