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The book Christine written by Stephen King surrounds us into a particular horror and
love history based on a friendship between two stereotypical characters: Arnie the
nerd that plays chess and Dennis the respected football player who in spite of being
natural opposites in a school environment, they have been friends since they were
kids at elementary school and have shared good times with the passing of time.

The problems begin in the summer of 1978 when Arnie became obsessed with a
Plymouth Fury of 1958 totally consumed, and nearly destroyed with a ¨For sale¨
banner. At the moment that Arnie saw that car was love at first sight, therefore he
decided to buy it to an old man who was a grumpy war veteran called Roland D.
LeBay, who sold him Christine for 250 dollars but how Arnie get paid until the
following day he just could give 10 per cent of the money to LeBay with the condition
that he didn't sell the car to anybody else, but when Arnie come back home and tell
to his parents Michael and Regina Cunningham that he has bought a new car they
immediately were opposed to the idea that their son had a car. Then Arnie, who
always had been a submissive boy was revealed against his parents thus creating
the first argument in Cunningham family, Is in this way that opposite to the desire of
his parents Arnie gets up the next day with all the intentions to buy Christine and
talked with Dennis about how he interpreted his parents behaviour the previous day
and also he tells Dennis that he is willing to achieve Christine no matter if their
parents or Dennis don't want to or if he has to change undergraduate courses for
vocational training because he saw on Christine the opportunity to transform a scrap
into a decent car. Basically, he explains to Dennis that he just sees himself in this
car and that he just wants to believe that something ugly can transforms in something
beautiful and lovely, not just for the car, also for himself.

After picking up their checks and cash them, Dennis and Arnie went to LeBay's place
to claim Christine and while Arnie and LeBay were making the legal papers to obtain
the car, Dennis went to the garage to take a look at Christine and when he laid his
hands on the steering wheel he listened to a voice and instantly had a vision of 1957
when Christine was new and didn't seem to the current piece of junk that nowadays
nobody wanted, except for Arnie. Following to that vision, Arnie decided that he didn't
like this car at all not just because of the fact that almost didn't turn on or for the
reason that repair Christine will cost more than 600 dollars but because it was
something paranormal on it.

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