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Mobile Radio Propagation: Small-Scale Fading and Multipath

1. Describe all the physical circumstances that relate to a stationary

transmitter and a moving receiver such that the Doppler shift at the receiver
is equal to:
(a) 0Hz; (b) 𝑓𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 .; (c)- 𝑓𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 ; (d) 𝑓𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥/2
2. If a baseband binary message with a bit rate Rb 100 kbps is modulated by
an RF carrier using BPSK, answer the following:
(a) Find the range Of values required for the rms delay spread Of the
channel such that the received signal is a flat-fading signal.
(b) If the modulation carrier frequency is 5.8 GHz, what is the
coherence time of the channel, assuming a vehicle speed of 30 miles per
(c) For your answer in (b), is the channel 'fast" or "slow" fading?
(d) Given your answer in (b), how many bits are Sent while the channel
appears "static"?
(e) A CDMA Rake receiver is able to exploit multipath when the
channel is (circle all that apply)
(a) flat; (b) slow; (c) fast; (d) frequency selective

3. Given that the probability density function of a Rayleigh distributed

𝑟 −𝑟 2
envelope is given by 𝑝(𝑟)=
𝜎 2
exp (
2𝜎 2
) ,where 𝜎 2 is the variance, show
that the cumulative distribution function is given as
−𝑅 2
𝑝(𝑟 < 𝑅) = 1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 ( ).
2𝜎 2
Find the percentage of time that a signal is 10 dB or more below the rms
value for a Rayleigh fading signal.

4. A vehicle receives a 900 MHz transmission while traveling at a constant

velocity for 10 s.The average fade duration for a signal level 10 dB below
the rms level is 1 ms. How far does the vehicle travel during the 10 s
interval? How many fades does the signal undergo at the rms threshold
level during a 10 s interval? Assume that the local mean remains constant
during travel.
5. In the Clarke and Gans model for small-scale fading, the E-field of the
vertically polarized signal is given by

𝐸𝑧 (𝑡) = 𝐸0 ∑ 𝐶𝑛 cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡 + 𝜃𝑛 )
where 𝜏𝑛 = 2𝜋𝑓𝑛 𝑡 + ∅𝑛 and ∑𝑁 ̅̅̅2̅
𝑛=1 𝐶𝑛 = 1

and 𝑓𝑛 is the Doppler shift of the 𝑛th plane wave, given by

𝑓𝑛 = 𝑣⁄𝜆 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼𝑛

(a) Write 𝐸𝑧 in terms of narrowband in-phase and quadrature

components𝑇𝑐 (𝑡) and 𝑇𝑠 (𝑡) such that 𝐸𝑧 (𝑡) = 𝑇𝑐 (𝑡)𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡 −
𝑇𝑠 (𝑡)𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡. Note that 𝑇𝑐 (𝑡) and 𝑇𝑠 (𝑡) are uncorrelated zero-
mean Gaussian random variables at any instant of time.
(b) What is the distribution of ∅𝑛 ?
(c) Are each of the 𝐶𝑢 ′𝑠 a random variable or a random process?
(d) Prove that |𝐸𝑧 (𝑡)|2 = (𝐸02 )/2 .
(e) Let 𝐸𝑧 (𝑡) = 𝑟. Write probability distribution of r. What is the name
of this distribution?
(f) If the term A𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜋𝑓𝑐 𝑡 is added to 𝐸𝑧 (𝑡) ,where A is a constant,
what type of fading will r undergo ?
(g) Using your result in (f), find the K-factor, where K =𝐴2 ⁄2𝜎 2 , for the
where A =5E0.

6. Derive the RF Doppler spectrum for a 5/8λ vertical monopole receiving a

CW signal using the models by Clarke and Gans. Plot the RF Doppler
spectrum and the corresponding baseband spectrum Out of an envelope
detector. Assume isotropic scattering and unit average received power.

7. Show that the magnitude (envelope) of the sum of two independent

identically distributed complex(quadrature) Gaussian sources is Rayleigh
distributed. Assume that the Gaussian sources are zero mean and have unit
8. The local average power delay profile in a particular environment is found
to be

𝑃(𝜏) = ∑ 2 𝛿(𝜏 − 𝑛10−6 )
𝑛 +2
(a) Sketch the Power Delay Profile of the channel in dBm.
(b) What is the local average power in dBm?
(c) What is the rms delay spread of the channel?
(d) If 256QAM modulation having a bit rate of 2 Megabits per second
is applied to the channel, will the modulation under go flat or
frequency selective fading? Explain your answer.
(e) Over that bandwidth will the channel appear to have constant gain?

9. For each of the three scenarios given below, decide if the received signal
is best described as undergoing fast fading, frequency selective fading, or
flat fading.
(a) A binary modulation has a data rate of 500 kbps, fc=1 GHz and a
typical urban radio channel is used in dense market area.
(b) A binary modulation has a data rate of 5 kbps, fc=1 GHz and a
typical urban radio channel is used to provide communications to a man
who is a pedestrian.
(c) A binary modulation has a data rate of 10 bps, fc=1 GHz and a typical
urban radio channel is used to provide communications to cars moving
on a highway.
Modulation techniques for mobile radio
10.(a)Given that binary DPSK modulation has a bit error probability of
1 2𝑁
𝑃𝑒 = 𝑒 0
in AWGN ,find the probability of error for DPSK in a Rayleigh flat-fading
(b)If the average SNR for a Rayleigh faded DPSK signal is 30dB,what is
the probability of error at the receiver?
11.Binary FSK (noncoherent) has a probability of error in AWGN given by
1 𝐸
𝑃𝑒 = exp( 𝑏 )
2 𝑁 0
(a) Derive the probability of error over a local area for binary FSK in a
Rayleigh flat-fading channel.
(b) To achieve a BER of 10-3,how much additional signal power is
required in a Rayleigh fading environment as compared to the
AWGN channel?Give your amswer in dB.
12.Using the expression for probability of error in a flat fading channel, find
the average probability of error for DPSK if a channel has an exponential
SNR probability density of 𝑝(𝑥) = 𝑒 −𝑥 for 𝑥 > 0.
13.Determine the necessary 𝐸𝑏 ⁄𝑁0 in order to detect BPSK with an average
BER of 10-5 for a
(a) Rayleigh fading channel,
(b) Ricean fading channel,with K=6dB ,7dB.
14.Show that the equation (6.155) is correct. That is,prove that if α is Rayleigh
1 2 ̅̅̅̅
distributed,then the pdf of 𝛼 2 is given by 𝑝(𝛼 2 ) = ̅̅̅̅2 𝑒 −𝛼 ⁄𝛼 .This is the
Chi-square pdf with two degrees of freedom.
15.Prove that a Rayleigh fading signal has an exponential pdf for the power
of the signal.
Path Loss and Shadowing :-
16.Find the median path loss under the Hata model assuming fc = 900 MHz,
ht = 20m, hr = 5 m and d = 100m for a large urban city, a small urban city,
a suburb, and a rural area. Explain qualitatively the path loss differences
for these 4 environments.
17.In this problem we will explore the impact of different log-normal
shadowing parameters on outage probability. Consider a a cellular system
where the received signal power is distributed according to a log-normal
distribution with mean µ dBm and standard deviation σψ dBm. Assume the
received signal power must be above 10 dBm for acceptable performance.
a) What is the outage probability when the log-normal distribution has
µψ = 15 dBm and σψ = 8dBm?
b) For σψ = 4dBm, what value of µψ is required such that the outage
probability is less than 1%, a typical value for high-quality PCS
c) Repeat (b) for σψ = 12dBm.
d) One proposed technique to reduce outage probability is to use macro
diversity, where a mobile unit’s signal is received by multiple base
stations and then combined. This can only be done if multiple base
stations are able to receive a given mobile’s signal, which is typically
the case for CDMA systems. Explain why this might reduce outage
18.Find the coverage area for a microcellular system where path loss follows
the simplied model with γ = 3, d0 = 1, and K = 0 dB and there is also log
normal shadowing with σ = 4 dB. Assume a cell radius of 100 m, a transmit
power of 80 mW, and a minimum received power requirement of P min =
−100 dBm.
Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communications:-
19. The GSM TDMA system uses a 270.833kbps data rate to support
eight users per frame.
a) What is the raw data rate provided for each user?
b) If guard time, ramp-up time and synchronization bits occupy
10.1kbps, determine the traffic efficiency for each user.
20.The US digital cellular TDMA System uses a 48.6kbps data rate to support
three users per frame. Each user occupies two of the six time slots per
frame. What is the raw data rate provided for each user?
21.For Problem 2, assume each reverse channel frame contains six time slots
with 324 bits per time slot, and within each time slot, assume there are six
guard bits, six bits reserved for ramp-up,28 synchronization bits,12 control
channel bits, 12 bits for supervisory control signals and 260 data bits.
a) Determine the frame efficiency for the US Digital Cellular standard.
b) If half-rate speech coding is used, then six users may be supported
within a frame. Determine the raw data rate and frame efficiency for
users with half rate speech coding.
22.Assume that a nonlinear amplifier is used to broadcast FDMA
transmissions for the US AMPS standard. If control channel 352 and voice
channel 360 are simultaneously transmitted by a base station, determine all
cellular channels on the forward link that might carry interference due to
23.In a unslotted ALOHA system the packet arrival times form a Poisson
process having a rate of 10^3 packets/sec. If the bit rate is 10 Mbps and
there are 1000bits/packet.Find
a) the normalized throughput of the system
b) the number of bits per packet that will maximize the throughout.
24.Consider a Rayleigh fading-channel based wireless system such that
E{|ℎ^2|}=1, where h is the flat fading channel coefficient. If the transmit
power 𝑃𝑡 (dB)=25dB, what is the probability that the receive power is
greater than 20dB? Compute the same for a receive power of 10 dB.
25.What is the difference between clutter factor and shadowing in large-scale
fading model?

26.Compute the exact BERs for BPSK modulation-based communication over

a Rayleigh fading wireless channel for SNRs 15dB ,40dB and compare
these values with the corresponding BER values for the AWGN channel.
27.For the estimation of a single antenna Rayleigh fading channel,L(p)=4 pilot
symbols 𝑥 (𝑝) (1)=(-1+2j), 𝑥 (𝑝) (2)=(-2-j), 𝑥 (𝑝) (3)=(2+j), 𝑥 (𝑝) (4)=(1-2j).Let
the corresponding received symbols 𝑦 (𝑝) (k), 1≤k≤4 be given as
𝑦 (𝑝) (1)=(0.4154-1.3305j), 𝑦 (𝑝) (2)=(1.1974+0.5276j), 𝑦 (𝑝) (3)=(-1.2766-
0.5172j), and 𝑦 (𝑝) (4)=(-0.3929+1.3551j). Compare the estimate of the flat
fading channel coefficient h.
28.Consider an L=3 receiver= antenna wireless channel with complex fading
channel coefficient ℎ1 =1+2j, ℎ2 =1+j, ℎ3 =2-j. Describe the system model
for the multi antenna channel and derive the SNR with MRC.
29.Consider an L=2 multi antenna Rayleigh fading channel based wireless
system. If the transmit power 𝑃𝑡 (dB)=25dB, what is the probability that the
receive power is greater than 20dB. Compute the same for a receive power
of 10 dB. Repeat this for an L=3 multi antenna Rayleigh fading channel.
30.Consider a multiple input single output (MISO) wireless system. Similar
to SIMO system, formulate the system model for the received signal at the
receiver of an L antenna MISO system, i.e one which has L transmit
antennas and a single receive antenna. Finally demonstrate hat transmitting
the same symbol x(k) from all the transmit antennas yields no diversity
31.Consider an OFDM system with total passband bandwidth B= 5 MHz with
N =512 subcarriers The channel has a maximum delay spread of 𝑇𝑑 =
4 𝜇𝑠. What is the symbol time of a corresponding single-carrier system?
What is the sample time of the OFDM system and the raw symbol time
without the cyclic prefix? What is the effective bit rate of the above OFDM
system, if the modulation employed is 16- QAM? What is the minimum
number of samples required in the cyclic prefix? What is the loss in
efficiency due to the overhead of the cyclic prefix?
32. Derive transmission and reception expression for OFDM system. What is
importance with CP in OFDM? How ISI is mitigated in OFDM
multicarrier system?

33.Explain the basic working mechanism of CDMA with example and

advantages. And also state some impotrant properties of Psuedo-Noise
(PN) sequences.
34.Derive expression for Signal -to-Interference –Noise Power Ratio (SINR)
in multi-user CDMA.
35.Explain working principle of RAKE receiver in CDMA.
36. What is near far problem in CDMA

37.For each of the three scenarios given below, decide if the received signal
is best described as undergoing fast fading, frequency selective fading, or
flat fading.
(a) A binary modulation has a data rate of 500 kbps, fc=1 GHz and a
typical urban radio channel is used in the dense market area.
(b) A binary modulation has a data rate of 5 kbps, fc=1 GHz and a
typical urban radio channel is used to provide communications to a man
who is a pedestrian.
c) A binary modulation has a data rate of 10 bps, fc=1 GHz and a typical
urban radio channel is used to provide communications to cars moving
on a highway

38. Consider the power delay profile shown in Figure. Calculate the following:
i. (a) Mean delay, (b) RMS delay spread
ii. If the modulated symbol duration is 40μs, is the channel frequency
selective or flat fading? Justify your answer

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