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oo pb eS 20 pds ghee 4S go “3 Proverbs with English Equivalent If you want any thing done well, do it yourself. itis no use crying over spelt milk. Lesser things make room for greater ones. What help can any penurious person render the ea needy Bhi Ise Neon, 8m i bse sos) oy “Sle Those who live in glass ede be Sis rosperity. iP Perity. ~o houses should not throw AG stones at others. Charity begins at home. “<2 We ete? ob Ja! ea Adversity is followed by Ga(CON) 1 gan ge -6 It takes two to make a quarrel Cut your Coat according to You clothes OR The escpes mouse ever feels taste of the bait. LL -———__ A burnt child dreads the fire. SSeS algo Jat oy tm 3 Ld > - $2 IK DAP Sp > lyr le ~x8 ——————— eee Patience hath a reward “20s? oot mes] Prevention is better than ep 8 a3 Seeds ly cure L_ | Achieve the object without | o> eS st fe 4 se IP sustaining any loss. sale (ASE 4 53-3! EB sr) Munificence apart, account | HL> - 595% bor S299] Im must be clear ese) PS Intruders are always 5 2b sa bes S uy “ unwelcome $3 He The more the wealth, the [es ws be sae am greater the worry. ~$3 Barking dogs seldom bite. RD wk ws 23 ZF le G54 Jee (S238 $9523) | talk of the chalk and you of ort gle 73 2s alsg| =! the cheese -gt ard [He who digs a well for others, often falls himself into it Necessity is the mother of invention. 4 ahd aS de oS ib ges “GaN yg age ay ecole It is not lost that comes at last lag coat Jost 2 oe oe BI 53 5 To a jaundiced eye] oJ Gb Jo a ded ou everything is yellow u GIN | GK sydbsoal iui dad Fonce bitter twice shy. He who has need must take the initiative. One who tries to emulate es ow Sy x 43, oh ie aed Jee “Simos WS 35 Safe ES] We 293 See gi soa] or] Gas ans others blindly. eh Qe gabe One's own burden feels “67 3% sey S| 1 light. Why resort to harsh words re BoP sp Sa wl] "4 where sweet words succeed. -eiteb is Deny not the little if much is | 95> 63 dy) A ge weal -rA | not forthcoming FP Sods ag Time past is gone for ever. ns Bde i ps cle 55 rg (OR) It is no use crying over spelt milk An open door tempts the saint. (OR) A free offer is welcomed by everybody. Non-cooperation by one can Not upset the whole show. A wise foe is better than a foolish friend. Flys! SS 2 > tal. Fate can ‘not be changed. Union is strength pF ED) LST 45 yb Lusl gpa a gas yo Ae gore $39 9 G2 Ae 053 59S pp AS HG el A friend in need is a friend Ary 6% CP LARD 95 JU indeed. “tl Blood is thicker than water. | 4S) asc Sly er SS: Something is better than nothing Like priest like parish Money makes the mare go Out of the frying pan into the fire. : Spi) nee apt tS heads Diamond cuts diamond. Agues come on horse back but go away on fiit Malicious endeavours of adversaries hardly affect a sincere person's lot. Out of sight, out of might. As you sow, so shail you reap. & (b) ies oF 2 A Arges 2( UL) -paaibe ab a wei ) penis a ha oe is ib ke “4 awe “SyF x eb ul a Sk > gaa Ob A 99d SILI gb ge rr kin I it com ae : profit do not comes without | Ly gist GE 20555 3] Jal] ory toils.(or) No sweat, no sweet ysis Wha Sree Good mind good find./ De wea 09S keg on good, have good. Self done is well done. a ASaals | ora He must suffer pain who has ee ‘ wee sige a "4 stood to gain Bi y9b Sa sy96 As the donkey so the load. “pe perse _Oe Too many cooks spoil the | oy!o,01,£ god shes apa| 4! broth. “59 Rome was not built in a day. eee -or | Death keeps no calendar. | eyes) barseS ys >| or | Pride hath a fall. -erdlsja pS] -97 | No smoke without fire. & 9 GH ge bi ysl we} -% | ct Between the devil and deep | b sl co WUI3 & Gb gw} 04 sea. oS nob [loz His bread is buttered on both | s)5& 4 ws aylg aay] - sides. we Self praise is no recommen- splay abe! ke [25a dation Give him an inch and he will | ¢2 ° y35 > gl abel ad ol] -09 take an ell. Bells call others to church but go not themselves. gS 00g ght pa] 1 To kill two birds with one stone. Silence is gold DP SFHNP Ae BESTS or Two of a trade seldom | 43 (5 )5/ 099 ee Ae ny I> agree “Sols Death is better than | duuS oa 095» IE gd > dishonour “$3 Every bean hath _— its | (L)-¢3 yall 20 dane a | ap black Sb gun go Ad Ma Coals pr Nyot Doing nothing is doint ill. ete JG ol gS ay (OR) An empty mind is a devil's workshop. A clear conscience fears no oe D tag) 4g desl Cal] nz accusation dng] Col First deserve, then desire. le qoit O% 2 05> Gl ry 7 sist IS: 2093] Do not cry before you are} _» yo de ra i So | hurt Every cloudy morning brings a clear evening. What greater crime than loss of time. Death's day is dooms day More coin more care. The deeper the well, the Sweeter the water. Ally Ligases 20) (L) g3 Sols omy AIS] “3 (ol) ee ee S95 at oS Jae 5 etl oP Ole 95 gu Ht Jeo Angadh Sale oF AY Faany men. many words Like father, like son The nearer the chu farther from God A guilty concience needs to accuser Small wit, great boast apr are al oo3 When the old cock crows, the young cock learns WG sae e Love begets love. = Hope sustains life. No living man, all things can. Distant drums sound well. A friend in need is a friend indeed. He that eats good meat shall have good meat. Patience bears good fruits. He is teaching an old Loman to dance words butter no Sweet pacnips. Those who are used to the rod are not set right by mere advice (OR) An oak is not felled with one stroke All is fair in love and war. Sxrn9> “Serre ge A 95 of ~4m | “6 phy A closed mouth catches no| jyys 55 Sl5s pple we} flies. “$999 Every sore has its solve. 4 Oso pat] ag Cast not dust into the well that gives you water Death defines the doctor. A man is known by the company he keeps. However the water may rise, it flows under the bridge. Health is wealth. ES WOE GS a as $9095 9 os) aS (b) 5p 2 A Hom Aald 2995 oyyF |S Bim | -wsle ale | pile; fo ee > eo 395 23 gl oa ow PDF r eee -4 74 Ive After me the deluge, A well filled belly does not believe in hunger. 2 re! poh) Nature never be changed. Boole > se Ju ad she ~S yop Bole (l) syd ae al ab a5 dpa A) Le} a 78 ref i cht —_— —_ Anod is enough to the wise. 03 giF ols! a slow ya Speech is silver but silence 'S gold. of his honour. a Allow born man feels proud | Saris sie yoo de Joel <0 ged Al go oy Sent ~190 [a wolt in sheep's clothing «&) hes soy ja Wal 5 Pa nm (8) 298 295 4 gh Wd -b dye dec te et, [a burnt rope does not lose | Jy .> (ssw!) ci pmsl epas| Hie its twists. S995 28 (lL) sil iss pA Glale 5 Nothing is useless in the Red Sag dogg ae] =A world ph > wt bse (W) -e2 septlager (Ip) ae Avarice (greed) increases 2 5S Gt oF aS > uleq with wealth “SS A black hen lays a white “G75 lag 4p 0 (9H) 5 4) lle egg. de stad syidals soa) (dy) “SRD All is grist that comes to nis) oda Sega it mill. (OR) All his greese are swans. A blind man is no judge of | &> Jl y5> A de o> ur Colour. Sohn alt whiter by washing itself with never grow white. A gift horse should not be checked in the mouth. Better wear out than rust out Every bird likes its own nest. Every beginning is cheerful. Young is young but friend old is the best. De nat teach an eagle how to fly. You seak wool from an ass. When another opens. one door = shuts When God will, no wind but brings rain. When at Rome do as the Romans do. sleep is nothing but a short Seath. Some are wise and some are otherviee: (OR) Some are born with silver spoon and some with wooden ladel. A crow cannot becomes | (U) 5 4 OL, seap (OR) Black stonee will 4 gpl a 5 2 (y ge babes 0S yg he sob) 30 sls * ey) 96 4556 yo dE G19 be 2 25 pid be exile ole ry PLE He lB AR ol webagye anata ao fou friend and old wine are pest virtue serves as an anchor One does the harm another gets the blame. One beats about the bush and the other catches the hare. “oul

edsast or Bo Sar Ps Dye a3 ye | Ili got, ill spent. | have a good cloak, but it is -gar al gl pal 93 Sle gil yaa of IP 2S 39> eet sth ye 2(U) _| S 395 9 099995 4a coe Ub a] -IF al | A hut is a palace to a poor man Ask about it and you will learn. Come not to the counsel uncalled in France Be content with friend's | oj d> «sage IPPs ob} -irr sincerity 7 ae i os? hs Borrowed garments never fit Sd qsise Seon Ir well No rose without thorn Ie (L bj “1 orn. al wb (U) 59 bil om IS] I L -$? oie 3399 Sole we Bese b> be 6 pole EW gx Els Abb yo Sb slh Tall trees catch more wind. | & silane y se oles! wa] sim cL Ns The wisest of the wise may | (L.o») oN pe A 99 sal) srr] err. Saas! The fruit of haste is Red (gab & gas) gob] Lire repentance 5S itself. The folly of one man is the | 2 (UL) -aSS be 20k)» > | ura] fortune of another. AGS So sol st Small wit great boast. “b> ys Alsdong] ly Poor man's reason is not | J5> wl a Me > a] etre heard. “sl gad Old foxes need no tutors. 09 Gp a ge pS ely] =i | One scabbard cannot hold] 4 (151i 052 wd 9 | 179 two sword. rs 2 4 (b) “be ws - Sel Big 9092 ‘ Better cut the shoe than 95 208% > dye 0900540 -l0" pinch the foot. eeetta 285 4 9 AS 3a ah Beware of a silent dog and still water. Birds are entangled by their -10r Seno feet and men by their tongue. He seaks water in the mist PGi TF ea ia | oF of river. | J (Q) AR ew GE 24S of OE ls ee ke “Slay He that speaks ill of his wife gighonours himself. iris easy to be generous | & mys dill Jo 9ST ay foo] -100 with other people's property. “45 Leave tomorrow till tomorrow.

Love and cough cannot be Sere AG 954g po hid. Middle not with that which L bende GA SE SE AS Bae a Sb) oS so gh al ost CIS got pt concerns you (not). Modest dogs miss much Duy meat. wr No man is born wise or learned. No rose without a thorn. = oo dS (W) 52 etd oe SF ~!10 One devil is like the other gS 20129 82 AS FF se alee ol syslee GS cia, soy ton gat abel as stelie |! pp oe Ls 2 Gb SE 4 grt shal hd 2 or allot BW Ate oysles aly, dy S EIS Gate ANN gt Jl GS ae PSE is Flee JAS sl ssl by 5" agi ay Jihe s ~ Sellen) jabs a a LIS gl si eo aL a IU gs Jus Sod me DH slp W257 a9 SB py lanel sl pine ca yge a opsloee oe Io og oo ol Susu 9 pty US Sa ogy lie ws ‘aS gly Ja Sle tals JAS grt grtii JAS sel jo cde JreeBeering ISS IS Jeslgsing JS aos) sis clben Misrdesl siS ome 0 Jade nS Wlpai Wale S oly JS geil dy oS 7 Jose sty JSrrispieyst + JSF HB Ia SS Isa Selen 4 Jeg97 le gS il 2 JSS xh ee J Semi le 2 yr peiseles Javed Jephd Joey Sha pS 53 gals Jae getline Sakis bs ylax We JAS lay tals JH dal posal Jax Hel SS IF ay JAS rere sl lS na coe yey Chea 5 JF sy JS AAS J 959245 go 2 all 95 JS hie og 2 JAS lager b IAS» Ja bool 45 IS lS JS dees rty a! betel le 4 Jake peal Hoe JS Coy J gS 0 Sm JsSao Bb oe JAS avi jay JaS gb! > ais JsS ng JS) Ji 459295 JS Arent lap gst MSS Coma’ adalolls IIS Sn 4 sles ya wt sre ay) 4 -dsity oda p> Jabole i$ 092 J say tre gl yb crete Lad 2 IS sxx alae s eS ot gts akg al gts JS eis SS op Snes PLS gist be gs 52295 SS Awa, J)4 6S am po Jape al Se Jp JA ee a Jesh sale Ja! wy dsr Se Jee SA Ji Josost Jab mw 3235S alle, S98 4S pre agd Jadypl 0 oheg pF his Jay iS 5S agcrhys Ja Sigs 4595 S95 2g sd pb gute 225 gePlio pm plo 2 JBL et Jae 95 ll ~10 ro my re

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