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Pablo Emilio Bravo Sinning

I am an applicant for the international forum about global issues in Washington DC that is
being held this year and is organized by this entity. I am really interested in attending this
forum because I think it can contribute a lot to my learning and, in addition, I feel qualified
to participate in it from my experience with various criticisms situations that affect the
current population.
I am a student of biological engineering at the National University of Colombia. I consider
myself a good candidate because I am a very responsible, collaborative person, respectful
with other people and always willing to learn.
I also feel that I can help in many other problems in the world through my career, especially
in the relationship with the environment and creating awareness about to take care of it
Two years ago I was part of the civil defense in my town, it was a social work that I liked a
lot because we managed to create a positive impact on the population through learning
workshops where the community was participatory.
This is a great opportunity for me, because I am passionate about social causes and it is very
rewarding contribute to the improvement of the many problems of today, so that everyone
can live with a better world.
I think
What do you think o and you

What do you think about global warming?

I think It is a global problem caused by us and we must become aware to mitigate its impact.
Cosd- awueir-mitigeid

What can you add from your personality to this event?

I can add that I´m a very responsible, collaborative person and respectful with other
Colaborativ- Rispectful-
Why do you want to take part of this international forum about Global Issues?

I think it can contribute a lot to my learning and I also feel that I can help in many
problems through my career.}}}
Ishuss- contribiut- truu- kowiar
How would you like to contribute in the solution of global issues?

I would like contribute through my career, especially in the relationship with the
environment and creating awareness about to take care of it more.
Envairoment- cruiring- releshionshep

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